• Title/Summary/Keyword: Delivery Method

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Expression of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-$1{\alpha}$ in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Relationship to Prognosis and Tumor Biomarkers (비소세포 폐암에서 HIF-$1{\alpha}$의 발현: 예후 및 종양표지자와의 관련성)

  • Cho, Sung-Rae;Byun, Joung-Hun;Kim, Jong-In;Lee, Bong-Geun;Chun, Bong-Kwon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.11 s.268
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    • pp.828-837
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    • 2006
  • Background: Tissue hypoxia is characteristic of many human malignant neoplasm, and hypoxia inducible factor-1(HIF-1) plays a pivotal role in essential adaptive response to hypoxia, and activates a signal pathway for the expression of the hypoxia-regulated genes, resulting in increasing $O_2$ delivery or facilitating metabolic adaptation to hypoxia. Increased level of HIF-$1{\alpha}$ has been reported in many human malignancies, but in non-small cell lung carcinoma the influence of HIF-$1{\alpha}$ on tumor biology, including neovascularization, is not still defined. In present study the relationship of HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression on angiogenetic factors, relationship between the tumor proliferation and HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression, interaction of HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression and p53, and relationship between HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression and clinico-pathological prognostic parameters were investigated. Material and Method: Archival tissue blocks recruited in this study were retrieved from fifty-nine patients with primary non-small cell lung carcinoma, who underwent pneumonectomy or lobectomy from 1997 to 1999. HIF-$1{\alpha}$, VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor), and p53 protein expression and Ki-67 labeling index in tumor tissues were evaluated, using a standard avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex(ABC) immunohistochemistry. Relationship between the HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression and VEGF, p53 overexpression and correlation between the HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expresseion and Ki-67 index were analyzed. Clinico-pathologic prognostic parameters were also analyzed. Result: HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression in cancer cells was found in 24 of 59 cases of non-small cell lung carcinoma(40.7%). High HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression was significantly associated with several pathological parameters, such as pathological TMN stage(p=0.004), pT stage(p=0.020), pN stage (p=0.029), and lymphovascular invasion(p=0.019). High HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression was also significantly associated with VEGF immunoreactivity(p<0.001), and aberrant p53 expression(p=0.040). but was marginally associated with Ki-67 labeling index(p=0.092). The overall 5-year survival rate was 42.3%. The survival curve of patients with a high HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression was worse than that of patients with low-expression(p=0.002). High HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression was independent unfavorable factors with a marginal significance in multivariate analysis performed by Cox regression. Conclusion: It is suggested that high HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression may be associated with intratumoral neovascularization possibly through HIF-VEGF pathway, and high HIF-$1{\alpha}$ expression could be associated with lymph node metastasis and post operative poor prognosis in patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma.

Needs on Management Development Program for Head Nurse (간호 관리 능력 개발을 위한 교육 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Sun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.5
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    • pp.84-99
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study are to identify the actual educational contents of management for head nurse and to propose the educational subjects according to identity the needs of head, charge, and staff nurses. The subjects were investigated the actual Management Development Programs and educational needs of head nurses and prospective nurse manager(charge nurse, staff nurse with a lot of clinical experiences) in general hospitals. The tools were composed of two questionnaires: One was developed from the literature review for making items to measure actual situation. The other was revised Katz's model for measurement of educational needs. The first respondents of actual situation were 27 general hospitals with over 400 beds in Seoul and the second respondents were 89 head nurses, 67 charge nurses and 136 nurses at 3 hospitals by convenient sampling out of 27 general hospitals. Data were collected by telephone interview, mail questionnaire and visiting from 7th of October through 30th of November in 1997. In data analysis, general characteristics of the respondents and actual status of Management Development Programs were analyzed by frequency and percentage. Educational needs according to general characteristics were analyzed by ANOVA The results were as follows: 1. Actual situation of Management Development Program 1) Seven hospitals(26%) had Management Development Program for prospective managers and 14 hospitals (52%) for head nurses. 2) Education Department existed in 14 hospitals (52%). 3) One hospital(4%) had top level managers took part in the Management Development. 4) Two hospitals selected head nurse, who had finished courses of Management Development. Eight hospitals(30%) assessed educational needs. The assessment tools consisted of making a question via questionnaire(75%), determining at department meeting(12%) and interview(13%). 5) Educational programs had 3 types: 10 lecture type, 7 discussion type and 4 role play type programs. 6) One hospital evaluated the change of learner's attitude. 7) Four hospitals scored educational point, but that was measured only by attending. 8) Actual Management Development Programs were as follows. parenthesis indicates the number of hospitals. (1) Management Development Programs for Prospective manager. Role perception of Middle level Manager (1) . Role reconstruction of Nurse Manager (1). Workshop for Charge Nurse (1). Nursing Delivery System and Nursing Process (1). Communication (1). Motivation (1) (2) Management Development Programs for Head nurse.. Head nurse's Role (5). Administrative Work (7). Service Education (4). Prevention and Countermeasure of Nursing Incidence (3). Appraisal (3) 2. The results of needs on Management Development subject 1) The educational needs of all respondents on 3 skill domains showed positive agreement to strongly positive agreement. 2) High priority(more than 4.5) items were 12 of 24 Human skill items(50%), 1 of 6 Technical skill items(16%), and 2 of 13 Conceptual skill items (15%). 3) Out of high priority items, 8 items were instituted. 4) All respondents showed high needs on 3 skill domains regardless of 3 positions (head nurse, charge nurse, and nurse). Educational needs of Human skill domain, according to position were 108. S, 108.7, 106.8 (mean score = 72) , needs of Technical skill domain were 26.5, 26.6, 26.I(mean score=18), and needs of Conceptual skill domains were 56.9,56.7, 55.1(mean score=39). 5) Needs of 3 skill domains according to clinical career showed significant difference. Out of respondents, nurses with career of over 16years showed lowest degree of needs in Human skill domains(F=4.47, P=.004) and Conceptual skill domain(F=2.93, P=.034). 6) Educational needs according to educational background were not significant difference. But out of respondents, nurses educated at 3-year junior college relatively showed lowest needs in all of the 3 skill domains. With the above-mentioned findings, further study is necessary for generalization of this study at hospitals with different bed size and location. Also it is needed to study about management skill of nurse and charge nurse, and effective educational method.

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Clinical Investigation of Women with Asthma Worsened During Pregnancy (임신 중 천식의 악화로 내원한 환자의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kwon, Young-Hwan;Kim, Kyung-Kyu;Jung, Hye-Cheol;Lee, Sung-Yong;Kim, Je-Hyeong;Lee, So-Ra;Lee, Sang-Yeub;Lee, Sin-Hyeong;Cho, Jae-Yun;Shim, Jae-Jeong;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Yoo, Se-Hwa;In, Kwang-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.548-554
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    • 1999
  • Background : Asthma is the most common respiratory crisis encountered in clinical practice, occurring in up to 4% of all pregnancies. Pregnancy often appears to alter the course of asthma. But the mechanisms responsible for variable changes in the asthma course during pregnancy remain unknown. Poor control and exacerbations of asthma during pregnancy may result in serious maternal and fetal complications. To investigate the course of asthma during pregnancy in korean women, we did a retrograde study of 27 pregnant women who had been admitted to Korea University Hospital for asthma worsened. Method: Twenty seven pregnant women who had been visited to Korea University Hospital for asthma worsened were enrolled in our retrospective study. We reviewed medical recordings and interviewed patients with asthma. Results: Twenty seven pregnant women with asthma were evaluated, and 25 patients were enrolled to our study. Two patients experienced abortions at 6 weeks and 25 weeks gestation, respectively. The period of asthma worsened was commonly during weeks 20 to 28 of gestation. And all patients wosened were improved during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. Twenty(80%) of 25 women whose asthma worsened during pregnancy reverted toward their prepregnancy status after delivery(p<0.002). The causes of asthma worsened during pregnancy are reduction or even complete cessaton of medication due to fears about its safety(40%), worsening after upper respiratory infection (28%), and unknown(32%). There were no adverse perinatal outcomes in 25 pregnant asthma subjects. Conclusions: A major problem of therapy for asthma during pregnancy is reduction or even complete cessation of medication due to fears of fetal effects. Therefore, maternal education and optimal clinical and pharmacologic management is necessary to mitigate maternal and fetal complications.

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In vivo Radiosensitization Effect of H DAC Inhibitor, SK-7041 on RIF-1 Cell Line (히스톤 탈아세틸효소 억제제 SK-7041의 RIF-1 세포주에 대한 생체내 방사선 감수성 증진 효과)

  • Chie, Eui-Kyu;Shin, Jin-Hee;Kim, In-Ah;Kim, Il-Han
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.219-223
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To test the radiosensitizing effect of the newly synthesized novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, SK-7041 in vivo. Materials and Method: The RIF-l cell line was implanted into the back of a 6-week-old female C3H mouse, intradermally, The mice were grouped into control, drug, radiation (RT), and RT+drug group. SK-7041, 4 mg/kg was administered intraperitoneally for six cycles every 12 hours for mice in the drug and RT+drug group, An identical volume of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was administered at the same frequency to mice in the control and RT groups. A single 5 Gy fraction was delivered to mice in RT and RT+drug group 6 hours after the fourth delivery. The volume of the implanted tumor was measured every 2~3 days to formulate the growth delay curve. Results: For the control, drug, RT, and RT +drug groups, the average duration for implanted tumor to reach a volume of $1,500mm^3$ was 10 days, 10 days, 9 days, and 12 days, respectively. Moreover, the tumor volume on D14 was $276.7mm^3$, $279.9mm^3$, $292.5mm^3$, and $185.5mm^3$, respectively (p=0.0004). The difference for the change in slope for the control and drug versus the RT and RT+drug groups were borderline significant (p=0.0650). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that SK-7041 has a radiosensitizing effect for the RIF-1 cell line in vivo at a low concentration and this effect may be synergistic. Implementing this result to clinical trial is warranted.

A Characteristics of Visual Narrative Expression in Garden Design - Focused on the Taehwagang Garden Show 2018 - (정원디자인에 나타난 시각적 서술의 표현특성 - 2018 태화강 정원박람회 작품을 대상으로 -)

  • Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2019
  • Appreciating gardens in garden show has its meaning in appreciating concepts and ideas of artists, hidden inside of garden, as formative arts, as well as the beauty of the nature. This study is aimed to understand the intension of artists in visual expression through formative media in the gardens by assessing structure of visual narrative in the space with 20 artworks among the ones presented in 2018 Taehwagang Garden Show. The formative structure is delivered as contents and forms through formative media and formative language. Thus, for analysis on the artworks, the researcher assessed expressive characteristics of the media, through visual and space language, that forms the formative structure in the contest of narrative structure expressed in the gardens and findings of the analysis are as follows. First, for intertextuality obtained through media image, most of the artworks delivered message through 'figure image.' This means, the concept is delivered as 'affinity of actual objects' through the media and associated 'meaning and meaning action' are expected. Second, the characteristics of signs to show symbolism in the gardens were categorized into 'icon'. 'index' and 'symbol'. The results showed that most of the artworks expressed common characteristics between image and meaning, using 'icon' and 'symbol'. Third, as space formation components, based on formative principles, the components of 'dominant' and 'subordinate' roles were defined as the key components for meaning delivery. Also, it was understood that 'space configuration with overlapped image' and 'space configuration with transparency' were adopted to strengthen conceptional layers. Forth, for space occupation types, there were mostly central hall type, corridor type and passage space type and for open space type, the entire space area was conceptualized, instead of certain object. The circulation line was defined in the frequency order of circular type, pass type and return type. The study on the expressive characteristics of visual narrative in garden design is meaningful as it could build base data for the method of spatial design for visual development of concepts in the future.

An Exploratory Study about the Importance of Selected Nursing Activities during the Puerperal Period, as Viewed by Women in the Puerperal Period and by Nurses Caring for Them (산모와 간호원이 본 선택된 산욕기 간호활동의 중요도에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • 박주봉
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.152-162
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    • 1978
  • The desire to maintain health is increasing, consequently the role of nursing which has as one chief aim the solving of man′s basic problems is more and more important. Today, in spite of a growing concern about the nursing activities which nurses provide for individual human having specific needs, clinically in fact, it is questionable that individual′s expectation of nursing activities agrees with nurse′s performance of nursing activities. In this study the importance and agreement of the importance of the nursing activities during the hospitalized puerperal period as viewed by women in the puerperal period and by nurses caring for them, were assessed. The present study was undertaken in an attempt to furnish the basic data for expediting the progress of research activities in this area and further to be helpful in planning maternity nursing practice. The study population defined and selected was nurses (13) caring for women in the puerperal period and doing duty on obstetric & gynecologic ward at Y. hospital, and the women in puerperal period (39) as sum of 3 women selected by each nurse during the period of May 13th-June 4th 1976. The study data was collected by the direct interview method based on the questionnaire which the investigator made out. The study result was analyzed by percentage, t - test. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1. General characteristics of nurses doing duty on puerperal ward: a. Nurses′average age was 24.8 years old. b. 84.6% had educational background of 4 years of college. c. 69.2% had a religion. d. 53.8% were married. e. 53.8% had clinical experience of 1 year -3 years. f, 61.5% did duty on puerperal ward during 1 year -3 years. g. 46.2% desired to do duty on obstetric ? gynecologic ward. 2. General characteristics of the women who were studied during their puerperal period: a. Women′s average age was 26.4 years old. b. 79.5% had educational background above high school. c. 56.4% had a religion. d. 84.6% had living standard above medium. e. 89.7% had no occupation. f, 53,8% had previous hospitalization experience. g. 56.4% had previous delivery experience. 3. Examining the importance of 39 nursing activities during puerperal period selected by investigator, studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity was "Record precisely about condition, medical treatment and nursing activity results etc". Nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Notice whether having pain and care for that". Both groups considered that the least important nursing activity was "Talk with her about topics such as news, hobbies, other interests". 4. Examining the importance of nursing activities in 4 specific categories, studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in physical nursing category was "Be sure of safety measure to prevent accidents, injuries", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Make her sleep and rest sufficiently". Studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in psychological category was "Explain about medical treatment and nursing activity ahead of time so she knows what to expect" , and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Explain about puerperal period so she understands". Studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in relation to medical care was "Record precisely about condition, medical treatment and nursing activity results etc.", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Observing, cleaning and protecting the perineum" Studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in nursing category in preparation for discharge was "Instruct about personnel hygiene during puerperal period", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Instruct self-care to protect the perineum". 5. The analysis of this study showed a significant amount of disagreement computed by subtracting the nurse′s score from the patient′s score. Studied group of women put greater importance on physical nursing category, psychological nursing category, nursing in relation to medical care, than the nurses. These results were statistically significant at 0.01 level.

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Effect of Inhaled Steroids on the Cortisol Concentration by Different Dosage or Delivery Method (흡입성 스테로이드 제제의 투여용량 및 방법이 기저 코르티솔농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Chul;Rhee, Yang-Keun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.888-899
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    • 1995
  • Background: Topical inhaled steroids, budesonide(Bu) and beclomethasone dipropionate (BOP), are now established as effective drugs in the management of chronic asthma. These drugs have high topical anti-inflammatory effect with low systemic activity. This study was performed to determine the effects of two inhaled corticosteroids, Bu and BOP, on the adrenocortical supression in 44 patients with bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: The adrenocortical function was assessed by measurement of serum cortisol concentration at 8 o'clock in morning and free cortisol in 24-hour urine collection at interval in 44 patients. No steroid was administered during the pretreatment period of 10 days and the final 6 days of the study. Each subject inhaled BOP or Bu, in daily doses of 800 or 1,600 micrograms for 12 days. The dose was delivered by metered dose inhaler (MDI) or diskhaler or large spacing device attached to MDI. Results: The levels of serum cortisol and 24-hour urinary free cortisol were decreased during the treatment period in patients inhaled Bu delivered by MDI in daily doses of 800 and 1,600 micrograms. In contrast, serum cortisol level was decreased on 6 and 12th day of treatment period in patients with BDP diskhaler in daily doses of 800 micrograms. In daily doses of 1,600 micrograms, the serum cortisol and 24hour urine free cortisol levels were decreased on 6, 9 and 12th day of treatment period in patients with BDP disk haler. The serum cortisol and 24-hour urinary free cortisol levels were not significantly decreased during the treatment period in patients inhaled Bu delivered by large spacing device attached to a MDI. Conclusion: These results showed that 1) the endogenous cortisol secretion was suppressed after inhalation of BDP and Bu in daily doses of 800 and 1,600micrograms, 2) Bu with MDI suppressed the adrenocortical function more than BDP with diskhaler, in daily doses of 1600 micrograms. and 3)large spacing device attached to a MDI might decrease the risk of suppression in the hypothalamic -pituitary- adrenal axis.

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A Study on the Intelligent Quick Response System for Fast Fashion(IQRS-FF) (패스트 패션을 위한 지능형 신속대응시스템(IQRS-FF)에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Sung;Park, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.163-179
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    • 2010
  • Recentlythe concept of fast fashion is drawing attention as customer needs are diversified and supply lead time is getting shorter in fashion industry. It is emphasized as one of the critical success factors in the fashion industry how quickly and efficiently to satisfy the customer needs as the competition has intensified. Because the fast fashion is inherently susceptible to trend, it is very important for fashion retailers to make quick decisions regarding items to launch, quantity based on demand prediction, and the time to respond. Also the planning decisions must be executed through the business processes of procurement, production, and logistics in real time. In order to adapt to this trend, the fashion industry urgently needs supports from intelligent quick response(QR) system. However, the traditional functions of QR systems have not been able to completely satisfy such demands of the fast fashion industry. This paper proposes an intelligent quick response system for the fast fashion(IQRS-FF). Presented are models for QR process, QR principles and execution, and QR quantity and timing computation. IQRS-FF models support the decision makers by providing useful information with automated and rule-based algorithms. If the predefined conditions of a rule are satisfied, the actions defined in the rule are automatically taken or informed to the decision makers. In IQRS-FF, QRdecisions are made in two stages: pre-season and in-season. In pre-season, firstly master demand prediction is performed based on the macro level analysis such as local and global economy, fashion trends and competitors. The prediction proceeds to the master production and procurement planning. Checking availability and delivery of materials for production, decision makers must make reservations or request procurements. For the outsourcing materials, they must check the availability and capacity of partners. By the master plans, the performance of the QR during the in-season is greatly enhanced and the decision to select the QR items is made fully considering the availability of materials in warehouse as well as partners' capacity. During in-season, the decision makers must find the right time to QR as the actual sales occur in stores. Then they are to decide items to QRbased not only on the qualitative criteria such as opinions from sales persons but also on the quantitative criteria such as sales volume, the recent sales trend, inventory level, the remaining period, the forecast for the remaining period, and competitors' performance. To calculate QR quantity in IQRS-FF, two calculation methods are designed: QR Index based calculation and attribute similarity based calculation using demographic cluster. In the early period of a new season, the attribute similarity based QR amount calculation is better used because there are not enough historical sales data. By analyzing sales trends of the categories or items that have similar attributes, QR quantity can be computed. On the other hand, in case of having enough information to analyze the sales trends or forecasting, the QR Index based calculation method can be used. Having defined the models for decision making for QR, we design KPIs(Key Performance Indicators) to test the reliability of the models in critical decision makings: the difference of sales volumebetween QR items and non-QR items; the accuracy rate of QR the lead-time spent on QR decision-making. To verify the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed models, a case study has been performed for a representative fashion company which recently developed and launched the IQRS-FF. The case study shows that the average sales rateof QR items increased by 15%, the differences in sales rate between QR items and non-QR items increased by 10%, the QR accuracy was 70%, the lead time for QR dramatically decreased from 120 hours to 8 hours.

Comparison of Weekly and Batch Management System for Sows (모돈의 주간관리와 그룹관리 비교)

  • Jang, Young-Dal;Ju, Won-Seok;Long, Hong-Feng;Piao, Long-Guo;Jang, Sung-Kwon;Chung, Chung-Soo;Kim, Yoo-Yong
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2009
  • Conventionally, many pig producers have utilized a continual sow managements system that the matings, farrowings and weanings are done weekly basis. But this transitional method is not able to cut the cycle of diseases and fully apply all-in/all-out system because of the continuous flow of sows and pigs. Conventional weekly management system is currently limiting in small farm to work efficiently both for workers and pigs. Therefore, pig producers have found novel management methods for applying all-in/all-out system, improving pig health, leading to better growth, lowering mortality and reducing medication costs nowadays. Moreover, all-in/all-out pig management system has known as a strategy for improving productivity in swine farm. The batch system is one of the best management methods to adopt all-in/all-out pig management system that prevent spreading diseases in pig and remove cycle of diseases. Batch farrowing system is a concept for providing a group of sows that delivery within a specific farrowing interval and inducing a large enough scale of piglets to fill the weaner facilities. There are different types of batch farrowing system with batch size and interval of farrowing when several factors at the swine farm are considered such as total number of sows, available facilities in the farm, and the efficiency of workforce. Sow managements such as farrowing, weaning and breeding, every 3 weeks rather than weekly, 2 or 5-week interval have advantages for workers and reproductive cycle of sows as well as pig flow. Because there are several pros and cons both in weekly and batch management system, various factors should be considered to apply the most suitable management system in each individual farm. To improve poor swine productivity in Korea compared to ED, batch system for sows will be an alternative choice which is able to prevent high incidence of diseases in swine farm such as PMWS, PRRS, PRDC and PED because all-in/all-out pig management can be also applied automatically by using this management system.

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Microbiological Hazard Analysis for HACCP System Application to Non Heat-Frozen Carrot Juice (비가열냉동 당근주스의 HACCP 시스템 적용을 위한 미생물학적 위해 분석)

  • Lee, Ung-Soo;Kwon, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2014
  • This study has been performed for about 270 days at analyzing biologically hazardous factors in order to develop HACCP system for the non heat-frozen carrot juice. A process chart was prepared by manufacturing process of raw agricultural products of non heat-frozen carrot juice, which was contained water and packing material, storage, washing, cutting, extraction of the juice, internal packing, metal detection, external packing, storage and consignment (delivery). As a result of measuring Coliform group, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus, Listeria Monocytogenes, Enterohemorrhagic E. coli before and after washing raw carrot, Standard plate count was $4.7{\times}10^4CFU/g$ before washing but it was $1.2{\times}10^2CFU/g$ detected after washing. As a result of testing airborne bacteria (Standard plate count, Coliform group, Yeast and Fungal) depending on each workplace, number of microorganism of in packaging room, shower room and juice extraction room was detected to be 10 CFU/Plate, 60 CFU/Plate, 20 CFU/Plate, respectively. As a result of testing palm condition of workers, as number of Standard plate count, Coliform group and Staphylococcus aureus was represented to be high as $6{\times}10^4CFU/cm^2$, $0CFU/cm^2$ and $0CFU/cm^2$, respectively, an education and training for individual sanitation control was considered to be required. As a result of inspecting surface pollution level of manufacturing facility and devices, Coliform group was not detected in all the specimen but Standard plate count was most dominantly detected in scouring kier, scouring kier tray, cooling tank, grinding extractor, storage tank and packaging machine-nozzle as $8.00{\times}10CFU/cm^2$, $3.0{\times}10CFU/cm^2$, $4.3{\times}10^2CFU/cm^2$, $7.5{\times}10^2CFU/cm^2$, $6.0{\times}10CFU/cm^2$, $8.5{\times}10^2CFU/cm^2$ respectively. As a result of analyzing above hazardous factors, processing process of ultraviolet ray sterilizing where pathogenic bacteria may be prevented, reduced or removed is required to be controlled by CCP-B (Biological) and critical level (critical control point) was set at flow speed is 4L/min. Therefore, it is considered that thorough HACCP control plan including control criteria (point) of seasoning fluid processing process, countermeasures in case of its deviation, its verification method, education/training and record control would be required.