• 제목/요약/키워드: Deep-sea fisheries

검색결과 174건 처리시간 0.032초

강원도 연안의 도루묵(Arctoscopus japonicus) 자치어 분포와 회유 (Distribution and Migration of Larval and Juvenile Sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus in the Coastal Waters off Gangwondo, Korea)

  • 양재형;윤상철;박정호;최영민;이재봉;윤병선
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제46권5호
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    • pp.649-652
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    • 2013
  • Distribution and migration of larval and juvenile sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus in the coastal waters off Gangwondo were determined monthly from samples collected by a rectangular bottom net in the coastal waters off Gangwondo from March to July, 2011. Fish were collected in abundance from the northern waters from March to June. The average total length (${\pm}SD$) was $11.5{\pm}1.6$ mm in March increased up to $53.5{\pm}3.3$ mm in June. The size distribution of sandfish by depth suggested that the fish grew waters less than 50 m deep until June, before moving deeper waters of around 100 m.

동해구 심해 미이용 자원의 어획 시험 연구 (Fishing Experiment for Development of Unused Fishery Resources on the Deep Sea Bed of Korean East Sea)

  • 이병기;이주희;신형일
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 1986
  • In accordance with a rapid growth of demani on aquatic animals, researches of the unused fishery resources On the deep sea b~d in the Korean Waters has been and will be required. The authors carried out a series of fishing experiments to investigate the available resources and to find the effective fishing method on the deep sea bed of the Korean East Sea. In the experiments, 19 kinds of traps which are different from each other in shape, mesh size and entrance diameter were used. The fishing experiments w~r;; carried out in four areas of 20Dm, 600.'11, 800m and 1000.'11 deep respectively, by the Pusan 402 (30:) GT) and the Pusan 403 (279GT), the training ships of National Fisheries University of Pusan, during August, 1986. The catc~ were analyzed with the size, the depth and the construction of traps. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Main species of the catch w~re pink shrimp, Pandalus bolelis, a kind of welks, Buccimum striatissimum and a kind of larg~ crabs. Chiono8cetes japonicus and the another species were few. 2. The CPUE value (expressed by the number of catch per trap in this paper) of pink shrimp was the highest in the depth of 20J-n around, and the value in the depth of 600.'11 or more decreased gradually with an increase of the depth. But, the value of Buccimum straitissimum was much higher in the depth of 6:J:)!1I or more than that in the depth of 200m around. On the other hand, the value of Chion:Jecetes japonjcus was very low in general. 3. The iniividual body size of the catch differed with the depth. Pink shrimps caught in the depth of 200m around were smaller than those in the depth of 600.'11 or more. In contrast with this, Baccimum striatissim:t.m caught in the depth of 200m around were larger than those in the depth of 600.'11 or more. 4. Depending on the selection curve in Ishida's method for the mesh size of trap webbing, the carapace length of pink shrimp and the shell length of Buccimum striatissimum which are equivalent to 100% relative catching efficiency can be estimated about 3.5cm and 6.5cm or so respectively. 5. The number of catch of pink shrimp and Buccimum striatissimum by the 60.'1'1.'11 entrance diameter of trap were less than that by the 90mm, 120mm and 150mm, even thogh the diffierence am~r, g 9:Jmm, 120.'11.'11 and 150:1'.'11 are not so large.

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제주도 근해 참조기 유자망 어장의 폐어구 분포현황 (Characteristics of lost fishing gear distribution on the sea bed around gillnet fishing ground for yellow croaker in the near sea of Jeju, Korea)

  • 김병엽;서두옥;최찬문;이창헌;장대수;오택윤;김영혜;김정년
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제46권4호
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2010
  • This paper was concentrated on the distribution and the composition of lost fishing gear on the sea bed around yellow croaker fishing ground in the near sea of Jeju, Korea from April to October 2009 in order to improve the fishery environment. Recovering lost fishing gears was carried out total 10 times with a trawlnet along the isobath. As the result, it seems reasonable to conclude that the amount of lost fishing gear has a deep connection with the dip of the sea bed as well as the fishing gear scale, fishing ground and so on. The amount of recovered lost fishing gears were in order of gillnets, dragged gears, traps and ropes. In particular, traps were recovered almost every time within the survey area.

심해 무인잠수정 해미래와 실해역 탐사 (Development of a Deep-sea ROV, Hemire and its sea trial)

  • 최현택;이판묵;이종무;전봉환;이계홍;김기훈;류승철
    • 전자공학회논문지SC
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2007
  • 해미래는 한국해양연구원 해양시스템안전연구소에서 해양수산부의 지원으로 2001년부터 6년에 걸쳐 순수 국내 기술로 개발한 6, 000m급 과학탐사용 섬해 무인잠수정이다. 해미래는 2006년 4월에 동해 1차 시도에서 1, 065m까지, 10월 동해 2차 시도에서 2, 026m 해저변까지, 11월에 필리핀 앞 태평양에서 5, 775m 해저변까지 시험 탐사를 성공적으로 수행하였다. 이로서 우리나라는 세계에서 4번째로 독자적인 섬해 무인 잠수정 설계 및 개발 기술을 확보하였으며, 앞으로 국가 전략 기술로서의 섬해 연구를 위한 기초를 마련하였다. 본 논문에서는 섬해 무인잠수정의 구성과 기능에 대하여 설명하고 해미래의 개발 및 시험 과정에 대하여 간단히 설명한다. 또한 첫 탐사를 위한 준비 과정과 3차례에 결친 시험 탐사 결과를 요약한다.

동해심층수의 자원성 해석 및 활용 방향 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Deep Ocean Water Resource of the East Sea and Its Utilization)

  • 김현주;정동호;문덕수;신필권
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2004년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2004
  • Recently, deep ocean water (DOW), which is plentiful in the East sea, has been recognized a global resources for 21st century. To clarify the characteristics of DOW of the East Sea, the quality of DOW has been investigated and analyzed for 5 years in situ and laboratory in the viewpoints of stability of low-temperature, mineral balance, rich nutrition and cleanness. And it characteristics were compared with foreign DOW used for commercial applications. This study do finally suggest the various utilization methods of DOW based on each characteristics and suitable examples for fisheries and industrial purpose.

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북한 수산업의 변화와 특징: 생산량 통계 분석을 중심으로 (Changes and Characteristics of North Korea's Fishing Industry: Focusing on the Analysis of Production Statistics)

  • 진희권
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2024
  • The production of the North Korea fisheries industry has been steadily falling since it reached its peak in the 1980s. The production of thefisheries industry is an important indicator of the current status and changes in the North Korea fisheries industry as a whole. This study reviewed the production volume of the North Korea fishery and derived changes and characteristics of the North Korea fisheries from the standpoint of production changes. Changes in North Korea's fisheries industry in the situation of falling production are as follows. First, the production of capture fisheries has fallen sharply. Second, the production of seaweed farming increased. In particular, the production of kelp farming has increased rapidly since the 1970s. Third, North Korea is trying to diversify its production means to cope with the decline in production. The characteristics of the North Korea fisheries from the viewpoint of falling production are as follows. First, the proportion of seaweed aquaculture in the fishery output is excessively high. In particular, the proportion of kelp is high. Second, production facilities are concentrated in the East Sea. Third, there is little production of fish farming using deep-sea fishing and sea sponges. Fourth, the production of the fisheries industry is falling continuously in the long term.

한국산 양볼락과(Scorpaenidae) 어류 1 미기록종, Hozukius emblemarinus (First Record of Hozukius emblemarinus (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from the East Sea, Korea)

  • 박정호;윤병선;손명호;최영민;김진구
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.239-242
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    • 2014
  • 쏨뱅이목 양볼락과에 속하는 Hozukius emblemarinus 1개체(표준체장 196.4 mm)가 울산 연안에서 저층 트롤로 채집되었다. 본 개체는 체고가 높은 난형이고 눈 하단에 3개의 가시가 있으며, 등지느러미 극조가 12개, 두부 대부분이 다양한 크기의 비늘로 덮여 있으며 꼬리지느러미 후단부가 직선형인 것이 특징이다. 우리나라에서 처음 보고되는 본 종의 국명으로 "동해큰눈볼락"을 제안한다.

한국수산금융정책의 방향 (A Study on the Direction of Fisheries Finance Policy in Korea)

  • 김경호
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.27-63
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    • 1998
  • This paper focuses on the history of fisheries finance in Korea, especially the role of fisheries finance after the establishments of korean fisheries cooperative. We can say that our fisheries was influenced greatly by the fisheries finance. It may be preyed by the facts that our fisheries experienced a great growth right after the input of big fisheries finance. The products of fisheries has increased from 1962 to now And the structure of the fisheries has improved. But there were unequal development in the each sectors of fisheries. Though the deep sea fishery and farming has developed faster, coastal fishing that are absorbing nearly 90% of fisheries population has stagnated. Of course it was because of unequal financial assistance by Authority. So to improve fisheries evenly, it is very important to overcome various problems that have encountered including the new circumstances like the WTO. For this, lots of steps should be taken. They can be summarized as follows. 1) It may be inevitable to see a rising costs in the deep sea fishery because of the declaration of EEZ by almost every nation. 2) So coastal fishing should be getting more important. It is necessary to improve the structure of coastal fishing and we should be ready to prepare various alternatives far self-sustained growth in coastal fishing. 3) Especially fisheries finance should play more active role. 4) Self-sustainable growth means a fishery with full compatability. For full compatability it is necessary to give financial supports far making fishing ground and equipping anti-pollution system and labour saving apparatus etc. 5) Also to raise the ratio of self-support in fisheries products it is necessary to give financial support to traditional financial system. 6) Moreover it is necessary to guide utilization of finance supplied. For this the committee that is consists of professional people in that field is strongly asked. This committee should be entitled to decide and coordinate the selection of projects, allocation of finance, method of utilization and evaluation of projects etc.

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한국산 양쥐돔과 어류 1 미기록종, Acanthurus nigricauda (One Unrecorded Species of Acanthurus nigricauda (Acanthuridae, Perciformes) from Korea)

  • 김진구;박정호;황강석
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.164-167
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    • 2007
  • 농어목 양쥐돔과(Acanthuridae)에 속하는 Acanthurus nigricauda 1개체(체장 213.5 mm)가 부산시 기장군 동암 앞바다에서 정치망으로 처음 채집되었다. 본종은 가슴지느러미 상부와 미병부의 측면 중앙에 1개씩의 선명한 검은 반문이 있는 것이 특징이며, "양쥐돔"이라 명명하였다.

베링해와 알라스카만 명태의 비늘과 이석에 의한 연령사정 비교 (Comparative Study on Age Determination Using Scales and Otoliths of Walleye Pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska)

  • 이장욱;허영희
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 1993
  • 베링해 공해 및 알라스카만에서 표본된 명태의 동일 개체로부터 비늘과 이석을 사용하여 연령사정한 결과를 비교, 고찰하였다. 베링해 공해 명태 44~54cm 범위의 개체에 대한 연령사정 결과, 비늘연령은 4~9세, 이석연령은 4~18세로 나타났다. 동일개체의 두 연령형질간에 1~11세까지의 큰 차이를 보였으며, 특히 이식의 연령이 증가할수록 그 차이가 더욱 크게 나타났다. 알라스카만 명태 22~59cm 범위의 개체로부터 비늘 연령은 2~9세, 이석연령은 2~11세로 나타났다. 두 연령형질간의 연령사정 결과는 6세까지는 잘 일치하였고, 7세 이상에서는 이석에 의한 연령이 1~7세까지 높게 나타났다.

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