• Title/Summary/Keyword: Decision support systems

검색결과 902건 처리시간 0.026초

자치적 방어 시스템을 위한 모델베이스기반 설계 (Model-based Design for Autonomous Defense Systmes)

  • 이종근
    • 한국시뮬레이션학회논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1999
  • The major objective of this research is to propose a design architecture for autonomous defense systems for supporting highly intelligent behavior by combining decision, perception, and action components. Systems with such high levels of autonomy are critical for advanced battlefield missions. By integrating a plenty of advanced modeling concepts such as system entity structure, endomorphic modeling, engine-based modeling, and hierarchical encapsulation & abstraction principle, we have proposed four layered design methodology for autonomous defense systems that can support an intelligent behavior under the complicated and unstable warfare. Proposed methodology has been successfully applied to a design of autonomous tank systems capable of supporting the autonomous planning, sensing, control, and diagnosis.

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ERP 시스템 구현성과에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Affecting Implementation Performance in the Organizations Adopting ERP Systems)

  • 정철호;정영수
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.135-165
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    • 2009
  • The major purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the implementation performance of ERP Systems from an integrated viewpoint. For this purpose, a research model is developed based on the literature reviews of ERP systems, contingency theory, and change management theory. The research model proposed fifteen variables as the factors influencing the implementation performance in the ERP systems. The data have been collected from the 164 enterprises which implemented ERP systems at least one year ago. The respondents were person in charge of ERP system of each corporation. The results of hypothesis testing through multiple regression analysis are summarized as follows. Firstly, standardization of work, concentration of decision making, top management concern and support, real user participation, project support goodness, ease of use, and system usefulness have positive influence upon non-financial performance. Secondly, market uncertainty, industrial competition, project support goodness, and customization minimization have positive influence upon financial performance. From the analysis, this research have identified important characteristics for the successful implementation of ERP systems. Consequently, this research ends with managerial and theoretical implications of the study results, as well as limitations and future research directions.

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거래가격 결정을 위한 에이전트의 의사결정규칙에 대한 연구 (Decision Rules of Intelligent Agents for Purchase Pricing Decision)

  • 주석진
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.55-74
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    • 2005
  • In order to purchase a product cheaper, a lot of customers have been trying to search one or more marketplaces. Ever since the commercial use of the Internet, several types of marketplaces have been operating successfully on the Internet. Some of them are online shopping malls, auction markets, and group-buying markets. They have the price settlement mechanisms of their own. Online shopping malls where many stores are located support a customer to purchase the product that matches his/her requests such as price, function, design, and so forth. In online auction market, a customer can buy the product by making bids sequentially and competitively until a final price is reached. In online group-buying market, a customer can purchase the product by aggregating the orders from several buyers so that cheaper prices can be negotiated. The cheaper customers could purchase the same product item, the more satisfied they would be. However, it is very difficult for the customer to determine the marketplace to purchase, considering different kinds of marketplaces at the same time. Even though the purchasing price is cheapest in one marketplace, it is very difficult for customers to convince it the cheapest for all marketplaces. Therefore, rules and methods have been developed for purchase decision making in multiple marketplaces to reach the optimal purchase decision as a whole. They can maximize customer's utility and resolve the conflicts with other marketplaces through multi-agent negotiation.

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A Group Decision Model for Selecting Facility Layout Alternatives

  • Lin, Shui-Shun;Chiou, Wen-Chih;Lee, Ron-Hua;Perng, Chyung;Tsai, Jen-Teng
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.82-93
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    • 2005
  • Facility layout problems (FLP) are usually treated as design problems. Lack of systematic and objective tools to compare design alternatives results in decision-making to be dominated by the experiences or preferences of designers or managers. To increase objectivity and effectiveness of decision-making in facility layout selections, a decision support model is necessary. We proposed a decision model, which regards the FLP as a multi-attribute decision making (MADM) problem. We identify sets of attributes crucial to layout selections, quantitative indices for attributes, and methods of ranking alternatives. For a requested facility layout design, many alternatives could be developed. The enormous alternatives, various attributes, and comparison of assigned qualitative values to each attribute, form a complicated decision problem. To treat facility layout selection problems as a MADM problem, we used the linear assignment method to rank before selecting those high ranks as candidates. We modelled the application of the Nemawashi process to simulate the group decision-making procedure and help efficiently achieve agreement. The electronics manufacturing service (EMS) industry has frequent and costly facility layout modifications. Our models are helpful to them. We use an electronics manufacturing service company to illustrate the decision-making process of our models.

Vague Set를 이용한 다속성.다수전문가 의사결정 (Multi-Attribute and Multi-Expert Decision Making by Vague Set)

  • 안동규;이상용
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제20권43호
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 1997
  • Measurement of attributes is often highly subjective and imprecise, yet most MADM methods lack provisions for handling imprecise data. Frequently, decision makers must establish a ranking within a finite set of alternatives with respect to multiple attributes which have varying degrees of importance. The problem is more complex if the evaluations of alternatives according to each attribute are not expressed in precise numbers, but rather in fuzzy numbers. Analysis must allow for lack of precision and partial truth. The advantages of a fuzzy approach for MADM are that a decision maker can obtain efficient solutions all at once without trial and error, and that this approach provides better support for judging the interactive improvement of solutions in comparison with o decision making method. The algorithm used in this study is based on the concepts of vague set theory. Linguistic variables and vague values are used to facilitate a decision maker's subjective assessment about attribute weightings and the appropriateness of alternative versus selection attributes in order to obtain final scores which are called vague appropriateness indices. A numerical example is presented to show the practical applicability of this approach.

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지능밀도를 이용한 정보시스템의 평가 (Evaluation of Information Systems Using Intelligence Density)

  • 김국;송기원
    • 한국품질경영학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국품질경영학회 2006년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2006
  • Companies had to be more intelligent in order to survive in the rapidly changing environments. We need to make a decision to build the Information System to support their decision making. But, how can we know the new system would be better than the old system in making us intelligent? The answer is we can do it with the concept of Intelligence Density. In this study, Intelligence Density concept will be introduced, and the way how it can be applied to the information system will be presented. I think Intelligence Density should be studiedmoretohelpmanagersmakerightdecisions.

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A Simplified Procedure for Performance-Based Design

  • Zareian, Farzin;Krawinkler, Helmut
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2007
  • This paper focuses on providing a practical approach for decision making in Performance-Based Design (PBD). Satisfactory performance is defined by several performance objectives that place limits on direct (monetary) loss and on a tolerable probability of collapse. No specific limits are placed on conventional engineering parameters such as forces or deformations, although it is assumed that sound capacity design principles are followed in the design process. The proposed design procedure incorporates different performance objectives up front, before the structural system is created, and assists engineers in making informed decisions on the choice of an effective structural system and its stiffness (period), base shear strength, and other important global structural parameters. The tools needed to implement this design process are (1) hazard curves for a specific ground motion intensity measure, (2) mean loss curves for structural and nonstructural subsystems, (3) structural response curves that relate, for different structural systems, a ground motion intensity measure to the engineering demand parameter (e.g., interstory drift or floor acceleration) on which the subsystem loss depends, and (4) collapse fragility curves. Since the proposed procedure facilitates decision making in the conceptual design process, it is referred to as a Design Decision Support System, DDSS. Implementation of the DDSS is illustrated in an example to demonstrate its practicality.

환경생태요소를 고려한 계획지원시스템 구축 (Development of Planning Support System Incorporating Ecological Factors in Urban Planning)

  • 정승현;김현수;김연미
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2013
  • 도시계획 및 관리에 있어서 계획지원시스템의 활용은 의사결정단계에서 고려할 수 있는 객관적 정보 제공 측면에서 가치가 있다. 그러나 기존 계획지원시스템들은 환경생태적인 측면에 대한 고려가 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 도시계획 수립과정에서 환경생태적 요소에 대한 고려가 가능한 시스템 개발을 목적으로 설정하였다. 구축된 시스템은 계획 대상지에 대한 환경생태적 잠재성에 대한 분석에서부터 구체적인 계획안 수립과 평가에 이르는 계획 수립 전 과정에 대한 기능 지원이 가능하다. 주요 기능으로 계획 대상지의 토양, 물, 기후, 비오톱, 생태네트워크 및 여가공간 측면에서의 생태적 평가와 분석이 가능하다. 그리고 분석결과를 참조하여 생태적 특성이 고려된 토지이용계획수립이 가능하며, 수립된 토지이용계획안을 바탕으로 시각화와 생태적 측면에서의 시뮬레이션 평가가 가능하다. 본 연구를 통해 개발한 계획지원시스템은 기존 시스템에서 고려가 미흡했던 생태적 특성에 대한 분석을 중심으로 계획 수립과 관련한 의사결정과정을 지원하는 도구로 활용될 수 있는데 의의가 있다.

Scoring systems for the management of oncological hepato-pancreato-biliary patients

  • Alexander W. Coombs;Chloe Jordan;Sabba A. Hussain;Omar Ghandour
    • 한국간담췌외과학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2022
  • Oncological scoring systems in surgery are used as evidence-based decision aids to best support management through assessing prognosis, effectiveness and recurrence. Currently, the use of scoring systems in the hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) field is limited as concerns over precision and applicability prevent their widespread clinical implementation. The aim of this review was to discuss clinically useful oncological scoring systems for surgical management of HPB patients. A narrative review was conducted to appraise oncological HPB scoring systems. Original research articles of established and novel scoring systems were searched using Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane, and Ovid Medline. Selected models were determined by authors. This review discusses nine scoring systems in cancers of the liver (CLIP, BCLC, ALBI Grade, RETREAT, Fong's score), pancreas (Genç's score, mGPS), and biliary tract (TMHSS, MEGNA). Eight models used exclusively objective measurements to compute their scores while one used a mixture of both subjective and objective inputs. Seven models evaluated their scoring performance in external populations, with reported discriminatory c-statistic ranging from 0.58 to 0.82. Selection of model variables was most frequently determined using a combination of univariate and multivariate analysis. Calibration, another determinant of model accuracy, was poorly reported amongst nine scoring systems. A diverse range of HPB surgical scoring systems may facilitate evidence-based decisions on patient management and treatment. Future scoring systems need to be developed using heterogenous patient cohorts with improved stratification, with future trends integrating machine learning and genetics to improve outcome prediction.

Education System to Learn the Skills of Management Decision-Making by Using Business Simulator with Speech Recognition Technology

  • Sakata, Daiki;Akiyama, Yusuke;Kaneko, Masaaki;Kumagai, Satoshi
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose an educational system that involves a business game simulator and related curriculum. To develop these two elements, we examined the decision-making process related to business management and identified some significant skills thereby. In addition, we created an original simulator, named BizLator (http://bizlator.com), to help students develop these skills efficiently. Next, we developed a curriculum suitable for the simulator. We confirmed the effectiveness of the simulator and curriculum in a business-game-based class at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. On the basis of this, we compared our education system with a conventional system. This allowed us to identify advantages of and issues with our proposed system. Furthermore, we proposed a speech recognition support system named BizVoice in order to provide the teachers with more meaningful feedback, such as level of students' understanding. Concretely, BizVocie fetches students' speech of discussion during the game and converts the voice data to text data with speech recognition technology. Finally, teachers can grasp students' parameters of understanding, and thereby, the students also can take more effective class using BizLator. We also confirmed the effectiveness of the system in the class of Aoyama Gakuin Universiry.