• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data Processing Time

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Comparative analysis of the digital circuit designing ability of ChatGPT (ChatGPT을 활용한 디지털회로 설계 능력에 대한 비교 분석)

  • Kihun Nam
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.967-971
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    • 2023
  • Recently, a variety of AI-based platform services are available, and one of them is ChatGPT that processes a large quantity of data in the natural language and generates an answer after self-learning. ChatGPT can perform various tasks including software programming in the IT sector. Particularly, it may help generate a simple program and correct errors using C Language, which is a major programming language. Accordingly, it is expected that ChatGPT is capable of effectively using Verilog HDL, which is a hardware language created in C Language. Verilog HDL synthesis, however, is to generate imperative sentences in a logical circuit form and thus it needs to be verified whether the products are executed properly. In this paper, we aim to select small-scale logical circuits for ease of experimentation and to verify the results of circuits generated by ChatGPT and human-designed circuits. As to experimental environments, Xilinx ISE 14.7 was used for module modeling, and the xc3s1000 FPGA chip was used for module embodiment. Comparative analysis was performed on the use area and processing time of FPGA to compare the performance of ChatGPT products and Verilog HDL products.

Proposal for Research Model of High-Function Patrol Robot using Integrated Sensor System (통합 센서 시스템을 이용한 고기능 순찰 로봇의 연구모델 제안)

  • Byeong-Cheon Yoo;Seung-Jung Shin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2024
  • In this dissertation, a we designed and implemented a patrol robot that integrates a thermal imaging camera, speed dome camera, PTZ camera, radar, lidar sensor, and smartphone. This robot has the ability to monitor and respond efficiently even in complex environments, and is especially designed to demonstrate high performance even at night or in low visibility conditions. An orbital movement system was selected for the robot's mobility, and a smartphone-based control system was developed for real-time data processing and decision-making. The combination of various sensors allows the robot to comprehensively perceive the environment and quickly detect hazards. Thermal imaging cameras are used for night surveillance, speed domes and PTZ cameras are used for wide-area monitoring, and radar and LIDAR are used for obstacle detection and avoidance. The smartphone-based control system provides a user-friendly interface. The proposed robot system can be used in various fields such as security, surveillance, and disaster response. Future research should include improving the robot's autonomous patrol algorithm, developing a multi-robot collaboration system, and long-term testing in a real environment. This study is expected to contribute to the development of the field of intelligent surveillance robots.

An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Global Sourcing Intention in Korean Clothing Sewing Industry: Focusing on Women's Knit Wear Production (국내 의류봉제 산업의 글로벌소싱 의향 고려요인 연구: 여성니트복종(women's knit wear) 생산을 중심으로)

  • Dabin Yoo;Sunwook Chung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - This study seeks to investigate the determinants of global sourcing intention in clothing sewing industry, in particular with its focus on women's knit wear production. Design/methodology/approach - This study collected a unique set of qualitative data through 31 in-depth interviews with fashion brands, promotion agencies, and sewing factories between July 2023 and October 2023. In addition, it analyzed the dataset using the MAXQDA to complement the research findings. Findings - We have two findings. First, the interviewees commonly mentioned the following factors as reasons for considering global sourcing: the human factors(aging of skilled technicians and labor shortages), the financial factors(gap in production unit prices at home and abroad), the relational factors(lack of novelty), and the physical factors(loss of production infrastructure and network), while the human factors(skilled workforce), the production factors(delivery date and product quality), and the relational factors(timely communication and mutual trust) as reasons for continuing domestic sourcing. Additional code analysis of interview also supports this finding. On the other hand, there was also a subtle difference between buyers(brands) and suppliers(promotion agencies and processing plants), and buyers consider the exact delivery date critical so that they could see trend-sensitive women's knit wear on time, and suppliers took production costs, labor costs, and labor shortages, which are financial factors, more seriously. Research implications or Originality - This study provides a richer and more balanced view of existing literature, which has generally tended to introduce global sourcing across the clothing industry despite the existence of various diversity within the industry. In addition, through qualitative research, we introduce that the sewing industry is carried out according to complex factors, and by revealing and categorizing the determinants of global sourcing, we supplement the existing research on the clothing sewing industry centered on survey. On a practical note, this study introduces that there is a difference in view of domestic sourcing and global sourcing between buyers(brands) and suppliers(promotion agencies and sewing factories), suggesting practical implications for revitalizing networks and deriving win-win cooperation network models among members in the future.

Immersive Smart Balance Board with Multiple Feedback (다중 피드백을 지원하는 몰입형 스마트 밸런스 보드)

  • Seung-Yong Lee;Seonho Lee;Junesung Park;Min-Chul Shin;Seung-Hyun Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2024
  • Exercises using a Balance Board (BB) are effective in developing balance, strengthening core muscles, and improving physical fitness and concentration. In particular, the Smart Balance Board (SBB), which integrates with various digital content, provides appropriate feedback compared to traditional balance boards, maximizing the effectiveness of the exercise. However, most systems only offer visual and auditory feedback, failing to evaluate the impact on user engagement, interest, and the accuracy of exercise postures. This study proposes an Immersive Smart Balance Board (I-SBB) that utilizes multiple sensors to enable training with various feedback mechanisms and precise postures. The proposed system, based on Arduino, consists of a gyro sensor for measuring the board's posture, a communication module for wired/wireless communication, an infrared sensor to guide the user's foot placement, and a vibration motor for tactile feedback. The board's posture measurements are smoothly corrected using a Kalman Filter, and the multi-sensor data is processed in real-time using FreeRTOS. The proposed I-SBB is shown to be effective in enhancing user concentration and engagement, as well as generating interest, by integrating with diverse content.

Fast Join Mechanism that considers the switching of the tree in Overlay Multicast (오버레이 멀티캐스팅에서 트리의 스위칭을 고려한 빠른 멤버 가입 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Sung-Yean;Rho, Kyung-Taeg;Park, Myong-Soon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.5
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    • pp.625-634
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    • 2003
  • More than a decade after its initial proposal, deployment of IP Multicast has been limited due to the problem of traffic control in multicast routing, multicast address allocation in global internet, reliable multicast transport techniques etc. Lately, according to increase of multicast application service such as internet broadcast, real time security information service etc., overlay multicast is developed as a new internet multicast technology. In this paper, we describe an overlay multicast protocol and propose fast join mechanism that considers switching of the tree. To find a potential parent, an existing search algorithm descends the tree from the root by one level at a time, and it causes long joining latency. Also, it is try to select the nearest node as a potential parent. However, it can't select the nearest node by the degree limit of the node. As a result, the generated tree has low efficiency. To reduce long joining latency and improve the efficiency of the tree, we propose searching two levels of the tree at a time. This method forwards joining request message to own children node. So, at ordinary times, there is no overhead to keep the tree. But the joining request came, the increasing number of searching messages will reduce a long joining latency. Also searching more nodes will be helpful to construct more efficient trees. In order to evaluate the performance of our fast join mechanism, we measure the metrics such as the search latency and the number of searched node and the number of switching by the number of members and degree limit. The simulation results show that the performance of our mechanism is superior to that of the existing mechanism.

Effect of Processing Additives on Vulcanization and Properties of EPDM Rubber (EPDM 고무의 첨가제에 따른 가류 및 물성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Soo;Bae, Joung Su
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.173-185
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    • 2018
  • Effects of three different types of dispersions and flow improving additives composed with fatty acid esters, fatty acid metal salts and amide compound on the vulcanization and the mechanical properties properties of rubber compounds of EPDM and carbon black as fillers. were investigated using Mooney viscometer, moving die rheometer, hardness tester, and universal test machine. The aging characteristics of vulcanized EPDM compounds were also investigated. The Mooney viscosity measured at 125C showed a tendency to decrease in the order of amide type> metal salt type > ester type additive. Scorch time showed little or no difference with the addition of ester or metal salt type additives, but the amide type additive shortened a scorch time more than one minute. Rheological measurement data obtained at 160C showed that the vulcanization time was faster for metal salt type and amide type additive systems. Delta torque values of EPDM compound increased with metal salt type and amide type additives, but slightly decreased with ester type additive. The tensile strength of the EPDM compound was greatly improved when an ester type additive was added, but the amide type or metal salt type additive had no significant effect. The elongation was significantly improved for metal salt type additive, while the rest were not significantly affected. The tear strength of the EPDM compounds increased with the addition of all kinds of additives, and it increased remarkably in the case of metal salt type additive. Hardness of the EPDM compounds was nearly same value regardless of additive types. The thermal aging of the EPDM blend at 100C for 24 h showed little change in the case of metal salt type or amide type additive, but the elongation tends to decrease by 10-20% for all EPDM compounds containing additives.

Test-Retest Reliability of Attention Network Test Scores in Schizophrenia (조현병 환자가 시행한 주의력 네트워크 검사 점수의 검사-재검사 신뢰도)

  • Lee, Jae-Chang;Kim, Ji-Eun;Kim, Min-Young;Yang, Jisun;Han, Myung-Hun;Kwon, Hyukchan;Kim, Kiwoong;Lim, Sanghyun;Jung, Eun-eui;Kim, Ji-Woong;Im, Woo-Young;Lee, Sang-Min;Kim, Seung Jun
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.210-217
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Although the Attention Network Test(ANT) has been widely used to assess selective attention including alerting, orienting, and conflict processing, data on its test-retest reliability are lacking for clinical population. The objective of the current study was to investigate test-retest reliability of the ANT in healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia. Methods : Fourteen patients with schizophrenia and 23 healthy controls participated in the study. They are tested with ANT twice with 1 week interval. Test-retest reliability was analyzed with Pearson and Intra-class correlations. Results : Patients with schizophrenia showed high test-retest correlations for mean reaction time, orienting effect, and conflict effect. Also, they showed moderate to high test-retest correlations for mean accuracy and moderate test-retest correlations for alerting effect and conflict error rate. On the other hand, healthy controls revealed high test-retest correlations for mean reaction time and moderate to high test-retest correlations for conflict error rate. In addition, they revealed moderate test-retest correlations for alert effect, orienting effect, and conflict effect. Conclusions : The mean reaction time, alerting effect, orienting effect, conflict effect, and conflict error rate of ANT showed acceptable test-retest reliabilities in healthy controls as well as patient with schizophrenia. Therefore, the analyses of these reliable measures of ANT are recommended for case-control studies in patients with schizophrenia.

Liver Splitting Using 2 Points for Liver Graft Volumetry (간 이식편의 체적 예측을 위한 2점 이용 간 분리)

  • Seo, Jeong-Joo;Park, Jong-Won
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.19B no.2
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    • pp.123-126
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposed a method to separate a liver into left and right liver lobes for simple and exact volumetry of the river graft at abdominal MDCT(Multi-Detector Computed Tomography) image before the living donor liver transplantation. A medical team can evaluate an accurate river graft with minimized interaction between the team and a system using this algorithm for ensuring donor's and recipient's safe. On the image of segmented liver, 2 points(PMHV: a point in Middle Hepatic Vein and PPV: a point at the beginning of right branch of Portal Vein) are selected to separate a liver into left and right liver lobes. Middle hepatic vein is automatically segmented using PMHV, and the cutting line is decided on the basis of segmented Middle Hepatic Vein. A liver is separated on connecting the cutting line and PPV. The volume and ratio of the river graft are estimated. The volume estimated using 2 points are compared with a manual volume that diagnostic radiologist processed and estimated and the weight measured during surgery to support proof of exact volume. The mean ± standard deviation of the differences between the actual weights and the estimated volumes was 162.38cm3±124.39 in the case of manual segmentation and 107.69cm3±97.24 in the case of 2 points method. The correlation coefficient between the actual weight and the manually estimated volume is 0.79, and the correlation coefficient between the actual weight and the volume estimated using 2 points is 0.87. After selection the 2 points, the time involved in separation a liver into left and right river lobe and volumetry of them is measured for confirmation that the algorithm can be used on real time during surgery. The mean ± standard deviation of the process time is 57.28sec±32.81 per 1 data set (149.17pages±55.92).

Effect of supercooling on the storage stability of rapidly frozen-thawed pork loins (과냉각 온도가 급속냉동-해동 처리된 돈육 등심의 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Eun Ji;Park, Hae Woong;Chung, Young Bae;Kim, Jin Se;Park, Seok Ho;Chun, Ho Hyun
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.168-180
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed to determine the rapid thawing method for reducing the thawing time of frozen pork loins and to examine the effects of supercooling on the microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory qualities of fresh and frozen-thawed pork during storage at -1.5, 4, and 15C. Forced-air thawing at 4C was the most time-consuming process, whereas radio frequency thawing time was the shortest by dielectric heating. The supercooling storage temperature was chosen to be 1.5C because microstructural damages were not observed in the pork sample after cooling at 1.5C for 24 h. Fresh or frozen-thawed pork loins stored at 1.5C had lower drip loss and total volatile base nitrogen, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance, and Hunter b* levels than loins stored at 4 and 15C. In addition, the least degree of increase in preexisting microorganisms counts of the fresh or frozen-thawed pork loin samples was obtained during supercooled storage at 1.5C. Sensory quality results of fresh and frozen-thawed pork loin samples stored at 1.5C showed higher scores than the samples stored at 4 and 15C. These data indicate that supercooling at 1.5C in the meat processing industry would be effective for maintaining the quality of pork meats without ice crystal nucleation and formation.

Study of Heating Methods for Optimal Taste and Swelling of Sea-cucumber (가열방법에 따른 해삼의 최대 팽윤 및 기호성 향상 연구)

  • Jung, Yeon-Hun;Yoo, Seung-Seok
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.670-678
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to find the optimal swelling method and condition for seacucumber to improve its taste and texture to accomodate the rapid increase of consumption. Another purpose was to try to determine an easy way to soak dried sea-cucumber under different conditions, and identify the influence of swelling time on the texture of sea-cucumber, in order to reduce preparation time and provide basic data for easy handling. After boiling or steaming for six different periods including 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes the texture of the sea-cucumbers were compared, For the additive test, the sea-cucumbers were boiling for 30 minutes period with 4 different additives and the textures were compared, Since the texture is an important characteristic of sea-cucumber, there are many variables that affect this property including the, drying and preservation methods. This study provides basic understanding of the influence of the heating method, time and temperature on the swelling of sea-cucumber for handy use at processing sites.