• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dam process

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Development of the Inflow Temperature Regression Model for the Thermal Stratification Analysis in Yongdam Reservoir (용담호 수온성층해석을 위한 유입수온 회귀분석 모형 개발)

  • Ahn, Ki Hong;Kim, Seon Joo;Seo, Dong Il
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a regression model was developed for prediction of inflow temperature to support an effective thermal stratification simulation of Yongdam Reservoir, using the relationship between gaged inflow temperature and air temperature. The effect of reproductability for thermal stratification was evaluated using EFDC model by gaged vertical profile data of water temperature(from June to December in 2005) and ex-developed regression models. Therefore, in the development process, the coefficient of correlation and determination are 0.96 and 0.922, respectively. Moreover, the developed model showed good performance in reproducing the reservoir thermal stratification. Results of this research can be a role to provide a base for building of prediction model for water quality management in near future.

A Study of the Seepage through Sand-Constructed Model Dams. (모래로 축조된 댐 모형의 침투에 관한 연구(I))

  • 신방웅
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.64-82
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    • 1980
  • The aim of this thesis, when water permeates dam, is to study the shape of seepage line and seepage quantity. As for the process, various sand model dams of same capacity were constructed in the water tank : they are a central, middle, inclined, up and down stream point of which is paralled, and filter-installed types. And the slope of seepage line and seepage quantity in these various models for experiment were measured, observed data were analyzed, and several formulas which already published were compared and examined. As for the shape of seepage line, the relation between upstream water level and exit: slope of seepage line, near the entrance and exit point, geometrically similar model, and the shape of seepage line filter-installed were examined. As regards to the seepage quantity, several formulas which already published and testing result values were compared and examined, and relation with the slope of seepage line, the seepage quantity, the slope of upstream point, and the upstream water level were mutually studied. Particulary, when horizontal filter was installed, propriety of the existing formulas for effective filter length w as examined, and the relative position of exit point in various. conditions was also studied.

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파지면의 마찰을 고려한 개폐식 파지공구 메카니즘의 기구학적 최적 설계합성

  • 김희국;박주영;윤성식;박진석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.04a
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 1995
  • The main objective of this study is to develop a gripper mechanism that can be employed for assembly and removal tasks of a nozzle-dam of steam gererator which is one of the nuclear reactor maintenance process. Brief description of the open-close type gripper mechanism, its postion analysis, and its kinematic amalysis are given. The optimal design of the gripper mechanism with slipping on its two gripping surfaces is considered. As an optimaldesign index, the ratio of the actuator force of prismatic cylinder to gripping load is proposed. Then, based on this index the optimal design synthesis is careied out to identify values of optimal design parameters for the gripper mechanism.

Local-Based Iterative Histogram Matching for Relative Radiometric Normalization

  • Seo, Dae Kyo;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2019
  • Radiometric normalization with multi-temporal satellite images is essential for time series analysis and change detection. Generally, relative radiometric normalization, which is an image-based method, is performed, and histogram matching is a representative method for normalizing the non-linear properties. However, since it utilizes global statistical information only, local information is not considered at all. Thus, this paper proposes a histogram matching method considering local information. The proposed method divides histograms based on density, mean, and standard deviation of image intensities, and performs histogram matching locally on the sub-histogram. The matched histogram is then further partitioned and this process is performed again, iteratively, controlled with the wasserstein distance. Finally, the proposed method is compared to global histogram matching. The experimental results show that the proposed method is visually and quantitatively superior to the conventional method, which indicates the applicability of the proposed method to the radiometric normalization of multi-temporal images with non-linear properties.

Prediction of reservoir sedimentation: A case study of Pleikrong Reservoir

  • Thu Hien Nguyen;XuanKhanh Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.36-36
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    • 2023
  • Sedimentation is a natural process that occurs in all reservoirs. Sedimentation problem reduces the storage capacity of the reservoir and limits its ability to provide water for various uses, such as irrigation, hydropower generation, and flood control. Therefore, predicting reservoir sedimentation is important for ensuring the efficient operation and sedimentation management of a reservoir and . In this study, the HECRAS model was applied to predict longitudinal distribution of deposited sediment in the Pleikrong reservoir to 2050. Different scenarios was considered: (i) no climate change, (ii) climate change (under two emissions scenarios, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), and (iii) climate change and land use change (followed land use planning of the watershed). The computation results with different scenarios were analyses and compared. The results show that the reservoir reduced storage volume's rate and sedimentation proceed toward to the dam in the case of climate change is faster than in the case of no climate change. Analyses also indicates that following the land used planning could also improve the long-term problem of the reservoir sedimentation. The outcomes of this study will be helpful for a sustainable plan of sediment management for the Pleikrong reservoir.

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Development of Software Interpolators for PC-based NC Machine Tools (PC-based NC 공작기계의 소프트웨어 보간기 개발)

  • Yang, Min-Yang;Hong, Won-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 1996
  • Increasing demands on precision machining of free-form surfaces have necessitated the tool to move not only with position error as small as possible, but also with smoothly varying feedrates. In this paper, linear, circular and spline interpolators were developed in reference-pulse type using PC. M-SAM and M-DAM were designed by the comparison and analysis of previous interpolation methods. Spline interpolator was designed to follow the free-form curves. To apply to the real cutting process, constant feedrate compensation and acceleration-deceleration compensation were conceived. Finally, its performance was tested using retrofitted milling machine. As a result, new interpolation algorithm is favorable in precision machining of free-form curves.

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Case Study for the Improvement of Tunnel Advance Rate & the Time Reduction of Working Process in Long Hole Blasting About Tunnel Excavation (터널 장공발파에서 굴진율 개선 및 작업공정 시간 단축 사례)

  • Kim, Hee-Do;Lee, Jun-Won;Lee, Ha-Young
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2013
  • Generally, The way of long hole blasting is carried out in coal-face, basic excavation for dam, mine etc. Recently, this long hole blasting has been implemented in civil engineering for efficiency & economic feasibility. National express no.600 of Pusan outer high-express ${\bigcirc}$ construction site with four lanes of the length of 8km was also a site applied by long hole blasting. But After blasting, tunnel advance rate is less than 75%. As a result of that, Follow-up working time is influenced. Thereby, The total of working process is significantly so increased that planned excavation cannot be implemented many times. For not only improve excavation rate but reduce working process time in job site, we introduce blasting case which apply the ${\phi}36mm$ explosive suited for high desity of charging among long hole blasting in order to overcome mentioned problem.

Formation Process of the Second Mujechi Moor (무제치 제2늪의 형성과정)

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.206-214
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the formation process of the Second Mujechi Moor at Mt. Jeongjok. For doing so, 1 analysed the formation process of valley which moor is located in, and the formation process of block field damming the valley: First, it is not a valley but a hollow which the Second Mujechi Moor located in. Hollow was formed as weathering bedrock weathered deeply along joints under warm and wet climatic conditions was denudated by rain wash. Second, the Second Mujechi Moor had been a marginal lake. Block stream developed during the last glacial period of Pleistocene, and it dammed the mouth of hollow. Afterwards sediments transported from slope filled the marginal lake, thus the lake changed to the moor where aquatic plants could grown. Third, the Second Mujechi Moor is drained and dried out by removal of matrix material from the block stream dam of the mouth of moor. For keeping moor's present conditions, we must control moor's drainage by filling open space in block stream with fine material.

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Real-time Hand Region Detection and Tracking using Depth Information (깊이정보를 이용한 실시간 손 영역 검출 및 추적)

  • Joo, SungIl;Weon, SunHee;Choi, HyungIl
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a real-time approach for detecting and tracking a hand region by analyzing depth images. We build a hand model in advance. The model has the shape information of a hand. The detecting process extracts out moving areas in an image, which are possibly caused by moving a hand in front of a camera. The moving areas can be identified by analyzing accumulated difference images and applying the region growing technique. The extracted moving areas are compared against a hand model to get justified as a hand region. The tracking process keeps the track of center points of hand regions of successive frames. For this purpose, it involves three steps. The first step is to determine a seed point that is the closest point to the center point of a previous frame. The second step is to perform region growing to form a candidate region of a hand. The third step is to determine the center point of a hand to be tracked. This point is searched by the mean-shift algorithm within a confined area whose size varies adaptively according to the depth information. To verify the effectiveness of our approach, we have evaluated the performance of our approach while changing the shape and position of a hand as well as the velocity of hand movement.

Application of Flood Discharge for Gumgang Watershed Using GIS-based K-DRUM (GIS기반 K-DRUM을 이용한 금강권 대유역 홍수유출 적용)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hur, Young-Teck
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2010
  • The distributed rainfall-runoff model which is developed in the country requires a lot of time and effort to generate input data. Also, it takes a lot of time to calculate discharge by numerical analysis based on kinematic wave theory in runoff process. Therefore, most river basins using the distributed model are of limited scale, such as small river basins. However, recently, the necessity of integrated watershed management has been increasing due to change of watershed management concept and discharge calculation of whole river basin, including upstream and downstream of dam. Thus, in this study, the feasibility of the GIS based physical distributed rainfall-runoff model, K-DRUM(K-water hydrologic & hydraulic Distributed RUnoff Model) which has been developed by own technology was reviewed in the flood discharge process for the Geum River basin, including Yongdam and Daecheong Dam Watersheds. GIS hydrological parameters were extracted from basic GIS data such as DEM, land cover and soil map, and used as input data of the model. Problems in running time and inaccuracy setting using the existing trial and error method were solved by applying an auto calibration method in setting initial soil moisture conditions. The accuracy of discharge analysis for application of the method was evaluated using VER, QER and Total Error in case of the typhoon 'Ewiniar' event. and the calculation results shows a good agreement with observed data.