• Title/Summary/Keyword: DP value

검색결과 113건 처리시간 0.021초

고강도 DP강과 TRIP강의 표면 수소 주입량에 따른 수소취성평가 (The Change of Microstructures According to the Charging Amounts of Hydrogen in High Strength DP Steels and TRIP Steel)

  • 이철치;박재우;강계명
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 2012
  • Hydrogen charging was electrochemically conducted at high strength DP steels and TRIP steel with varying charging time. The penetration depths and the mechanical properties with charging conditions were investigated through the distribution of micro-hardness and the microstructural observation of the subsurface zone. The micro-Vickers hardness was measured to evaluate the hydrogen embrittlement of subsurface zone in addition to the microscope investigation. It was shown that the hydrogen amounts decreased in DP steels and TRIP steel with increasing hydrogen charging time. As shown by micro-Vickers hardness test and small punch test results, micro-Vickers hardness and SP energy for DP steels and TRIP steel decreased with increasing hydrogen charging time, for constant value of charging current density. SEM investigation results for the hydrogen contained samples showed that the major fracture behavior was brittle fracture which results in dimples on fractured surface and the size of dimples were decreased with increasing hydrogen charging time. These results indicate that hydrogen embrittlement is the major cause for the fracture of high strength steels and also micro-Vickers hardness test and small punch test is a valuable test method for hydrogen embrittlement of high strength sheet steels.

이상조직강판의 성형특성에 미치는 Mo와 Cr첨가의 영향 (The Effect of Mo and Cr addition on the Deep Drawability of Dual Phase Steel Sheets)

  • 한성호;안연상;진광근;김인배
    • 대한금속재료학회지
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    • 제46권11호
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    • pp.713-724
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    • 2008
  • The need to lower the weights of automotive vehicle and to improve the safety of cars has resulted in the development of high strength steels such as TRIP(Transformation Induced Plasticity) and DP (Dual Phase) steel. It is well known that the higher strength of steel shows the poorer press formability. Among the high strength steels, DP steel shows several good characteristics such as low yield ratio, high initial n value, high elongation, high bake hardenability and anti-aging property. However, there's a certain limit in application of DP steels to the automotive panel parts because their poor deep drawbility caused by martensite. In this study, the effect of alloying elements on the deep drawability and recrystallization texture in TS 440MPa grade DP steel with 0.015~0.02% carbon has been investigated on the base of SEM, TEM, XRD and EBSD analysis.

The effect of the digital manufacturing technique of cantilevered implant-supported frameworks on abutment screw preload

  • Altuwaijri, Shahad Mohammmed;Alotaibi, Hanan Nejer;Alnassar, Talal Mughaileth
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2022
  • PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to investigate the misfit and screw preload at the implant abutment connection of implant supported fixed dental prosthesis with cantilever (ICFDP) manufactured using different digital manufacturing techniques and to compare the screw preload before and after cyclic loading. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Mandibular jaw model with four intra-foraminal implants was scanned using digital scanner. Stereolithography file was used to design a framework with nonengaging (NE) abutments and 10 mm cantilever distal to one terminal implant. Five frameworks were constructed using combined digital-conventional techniques (CAD-cast), and five frameworks were constructed using three-dimensional printing (3DP). Additional CAD-cast framework was constructed in a way that ensures passive fit (PF) to use as control. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) measured the implant abutment connection misfit. Sixty screws were used on the corresponding frameworks. Screws were torqued and pre-cyclic loading reverse torque value (RTV) was recorded. Frameworks were subjected to 200,000 loading cycles with a loading point 9 mm from the center of terminal implants adjacent to the cantilever and post-cyclic loading RTVs were recorded. RESULTS. Microscopic readings showed significant differences between frameworks. PF demonstrated the lowest measurements of 16.04 (2.6) ㎛ while CAD-cast demonstrated the highest measurements of 29.2 (3.1) ㎛. In all groups, RTVs were significantly lower than the applied torque. Post-cyclic loading RTV was significantly lower than pre-cyclic loading RTV in PF and 3DP frameworks. Differences in RTVs between the three manufacturing techniques were insignificant. CONCLUSION. Although CAD-cast and three-dimensionally printed (3DP) both produce frameworks with clinically acceptable misfit, 3DP might not be the technique of choice for maintaining screw's preload stability under an aggressive loading situation.

다중 관측열을 토대로한 HMM에 의한 음성 인식에 관한 연구 (A study on the speech recognition by HMM based on multi-observation sequence)

  • 정의봉
    • 전자공학회논문지S
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    • 제34S권4호
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this paper is to propose the HMM (hidden markov model) based on multi-observation sequence for the isolated word recognition. The proosed model generates the codebook of MSVQ by dividing each word into several sections followed by dividing training data into several sections. Then, we are to obtain the sequential value of multi-observation per each section by weighting the vectors of distance form lower values to higher ones. Thereafter, this the sequential with high probability value while in recognition. 146 DDD area names are selected as the vocabularies for the target recognition, and 10LPC cepstrum coefficients are used as the feature parameters. Besides the speech recognition experiments by way of the proposed model, for the comparison with it, the experiments by DP, MSVQ, and genral HMM are made with the same data under the same condition. The experiment results have shown that HMM based on multi-observation sequence proposed in this paper is proved superior to any other methods such as the ones using DP, MSVQ and general HMM models in recognition rate and time.

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다수의 도전장비 존재시 설비의 경제적 수명과 최적 대체결정을 위한 동적 계획모형 (Dynamic Programming Model for Optimal Replacement Policy with Multiple Challengers)

  • 김태현;김승권
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.466-475
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    • 1999
  • A backward Dynamic Programming(DP) model for the optimal facility replacement decision problem during a finite planning horizon is presented. Multiple alternative challengers to a current defender are considered. All facilities are assumed to have finite service lives. The objective of the DP model is to maximize the profit over a finite planning horizon. As for the cost elements, purchasing cost, maintenance costs and repair costs as well as salvage value are considered. The time to failure is assumed to follow a weibull distribution and the maximum likelihood estimation of Weibull parameters is used to evaluate the expected cost of repair. To evaluate the revenue, the rate of operation during a specified period is employed. The cash flow component of each challenger can vary independently according to the time of occurrence and the item can be extended easily. The effects of inflation and the time value of money are considered. The algorithm is illustrated with a numerical example. A MATLAB implementation of the model is used to identify the optimal sequence and timing of the replacement.

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절연지에 의한 전력용변압기 열화진단 기술 (Diagnostic techniques of aging deterioration of power transformer by insulating paper)

  • 박현주;남창현;윤여찬
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2004년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.5 No.1
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    • pp.449-452
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    • 2004
  • The life of power transformer is basically dependent on the aging deterioration of insulating paper. Analysis of insulating paper for its DP value or tensile strength requires removal of a few strips of paper but direct measurement of this properties is not practical for in-service transformers. For this reason furfural analysis by HPLC has gained increasing favor as a means of estimating degradation of insulating papers in power transformers and this paper reports on the analysis of data on the concentration of furfural in oil samples from about 50 power transformers and the case study. The data showed that furfural content can estimate more accurately aging characteristics compared to concentration of CO, $CO_2$. We expect that these results can be useful to predict the aging characteristics and life diagnosis of power transformers and further the study must be continued.

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소포장 김치의 포장방법별 품질특성 변화 (Quality Changes of Commercial Kimchi Products by Different Packaging Methods)

  • 홍석인;박진숙;박노현
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 1995
  • 포장김치의 유통과정 중 안전성과 상품성 유지를 위한 팽창 파열방지 포장기법의 개발과 관련하여 포장방법에 따른 김치의 품질특성 변화를 확인하고자 하였다. 상압(AP), 배기(CV), 이중(DP), 진공(VP) 포장 등으로 김치의 포장방법을 각각 달리하여 $10^{\circ}C$ 에서 저장하면서 포장내 기체조성, 포장내 자유용적, pH, 산도, 색상, 젖산균수 및 관능적 품질변화를 측정하였다. 저장기간이 증가함에 따라 AP와 CV의 포장내 $O_2$ 농도는 지수적으로 감소하고 $CO_2$ 농도는 2단계 증가양상을 나타내었으나, DP에서는 $O_2$ 농도가 일정하고 $CO_2$ 농도는 2단계 증가 후 감소하는 양상을 보였으며, VP는 저장말기에 저농도 $O_2$와 고농도 $CO_2$를 일정하게 유지하는 등 각기 다른 경향을 나타내었다. 포장내 자유용적은 AP와 CV에서 sigmoid 곡선형으로 증가하였으나, DP는 거의 일정하였고 VP는 저장말기에 약간의 증가를 나타내었다. 각 포장구의 pH는 유의차 없이 대부분 비슷하였으나, 산도는 DP가 다른 포장구에 비해 상대적으로 높은 값을 유지하였다. 김치 여과액의 색상변화에서 포장구 모두 L, b값은 전반적으로 감소하고 a값은 일정하게 증가하였는데, 색지수(L b/a) 값으로 표시할 경우 지수적으로 감소하다가 일정하게 유지되는 경향을 나타내었다. 색지수의 변화에 있어 DP는 AP, CV 포장구에 비해 높은 값을, VP는 낮은 값을 보였다. 젖산균수의 변화에 있어서도 DP는 다른 포장구에 비해 급격한 증가를 나타내었으나, VP는 비교적 낮은 수준을 유지하였다. 관능검사 결과 신맛은 DP에서 상대적으로 높았고, 조직감은 각 포장구에서 유의차를 볼 수 없었으며, 기호도에서는 VP>AP, CV>DP의 순서를 나타내었다. 결론적으로 본 연구에서는 김치의 팽창 파열방지 포장기법으로서 배기포장이 상압포장과 큰 차이 없었으나 이중포장과 진공포장은 상당히 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.

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추출 및 건조방법이 다시마 (Laminaria japonica) 알긴산의 물성에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Extracting and Drying Method on Physical Properties of Alginates from Sea Tangle, Laminaria japonica)

  • 유병진;임영선
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.340-345
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    • 2003
  • In order to choose the manufacturing method for extracting alginates from sea tangle, Laminaria japonica, three methods were applied. In Method I, alginates were extracted with NaOH solution from sea tangle powder and extracted alginates were precipitated and converted to alginic acid by $CaCl_2$ and HCI solution. Then alginic acid was converted to sodium alginates with $Na_2CO_3$ solution. Sodium alginates were precipitated with methyl alcohol and were resolved with hot water and this step was repeated three times. Method II was same to Method I except final step including that sodium alginates were precipitated and washed with methyl alcohol three times. Method III included that sodium alginates were extracted with $Na_2CO_3$ solution from sea tangle powder then sodium alginates were precipitated and washed with methyl alcohol three time. Extracting time increased with Increasing extracted alginates amounts but increasing rates were below $0.4\%/h.$ Alginates amounts recovered by Method III showed above 2 times more to those by Method I and II. Extracting time increased with increasing ash amount of sodium alginates but increasing rates were below $0.1\%/h.$ and that of sodium alginates extracted by Method III showed higher value $(5\%)$ than those by Method I and II. In the sodium alginates prepared by Method III, the amount of ash in alginates dried by air was $34.4\%,$ that by vacuum freeze drying was $47.8\%.$ Extracting time increased with decreasing average molecular weight (MW) and degree of polymerization (DP) of sodium alginates, MW and DP of alginates prepared by Method III were higher than those by Method I and II In same extracting time. Extracting time increased with decreasing rate of apparent viscosity change (SAV) of alginates solution, and SAV of alginates prepared by Method III showed higher value than those by Method I and II in same extracting time. SAV of alginates dried by air was higher than that by vacuum freeze drying. Relating equation among SAV MW and DP were MW = 60.066 (SAV) -93.950, DP =309.760 (SAV) -485.084 and MW = 0.914 (DP)+0.213.

Determining N value from SPT blows for 30 cm penetration in weathered strata

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Cho, Hyung-Ik;Kim, Han-Saem;Lee, Moon-Gyo
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.625-636
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    • 2022
  • The standard penetration test (SPT) obtaining the N value of the number of blows has been widely used in various subsurface conditions, including in weathered soil and rock on fresh bedrock, in geotechnical studies pertaining to the design of foundations and earth structures. This study examined the applicability of SPTs terminated conventionally after 50 blows for a penetration of less than 30 cm, particularly in weathered strata, at four sites in Korea. The N values obtained during practical SPTs are typically extrapolated linearly at 30 cm penetration, despite the possibility of a nonlinear relationship between blow counts and penetration. Such nonlinearity in weathered strata has been verified by performing special SPTs ensuring 30 cm penetration. To quantify the nonlinearity in dense strata, we conducted statistical regression analyses comparing the differences (DN) between the N values measured by the special SPTs and those extrapolated using the practical approach with the differences (DP) between the 30 cm penetration and the penetration during 50 blows. Bi-linear relationship models between DN and DP were subsequently proposed for determining the N values at 30 cm penetration in weathered strata. The N values reflecting nonlinearity could be determined from the linearly extrapolated N values by adding a modeled DN value.

오리피스 유량계에서 게이지라인 누설에 의한 계량오차 (The Measurement Error owing to Leakage of Gaugeline in Orifice Flowmeter)

  • 이철구;하영철;허재영
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 유체기계공업학회 2003년도 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2003
  • This study was experimentally performed in order to estimate the errors due to the leakage of transmitter gaugelines in the orifice flow meter for natural gas. It would be a serious problem in safety if a large quantity of leak was occurred at the tubes or fittings like valve. But in most cases the safety problems might be rarely happened because the gas leak detectors could be operated in advance and the various kinds of inspection would be also fulfilled periodically. If the leakage was occurred continuously with an undetectable amount at the gaugelines for measuring the pressure or the differential pressure(DP), the amount of leakage might be an error or an unaccounted flow(UAE). In addition if the measuring value of pressure or DP were affected by the leakage, it might also be a measurement error. The experiments were performed to estimate the amount of leakage and to check the DP changes if it exited. First, through the measurement of the air pressure changes in the airtight container connected to a transmitter with gaugelines as the time passed, the amount of leakage causing from the fittings of gaugelines was roughly estimated. As changing the leak position of the gaugeline, the leak was intentionally made to break out. The variance of DP was checked as controlling the extent of leakage and compared to no leak conditions. Consequently, under the normal maintenance conditions, the result represented that the amount of leakage causing from the gaugelines was insignificant and also the DP changes on leakage conditions were too small to cause the errors of measurements.

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