• Title/Summary/Keyword: DEM analysis

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Numerical Analysis on Deformation of Submerged Structures using 2-Dimensional VOF-DEM Model

  • Kim, Mi-Kum;Kim, Chang-Je
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.785-791
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we proposed a model that the deformation of the submerged rubble mound breakwaters composed with materials of various size, induced by wave action, can be computed. The water particle kinematics by waves in porous mound structure are computed by CADMAS-SURF, then the deformation of structure is computed using DEM module. To investigate the interaction of wave and sectional deformation of structures, analysis is accomplished by two steps. Analysis at the first step is executed with incipient mound. And analysis at the second step is executed with deformed mound by wave action. Furthermore, behaviors of materials are influenced by various properties such as the contact stiffness and the friction angle. Therefore, in order to present the behavior of the element caused by various properties, computations are accomplished with random coefficients by using the Monte Carlo simulation.

Importance of particle shape on stress-strain behaviour of crushed stone-sand mixtures

  • Kumara, Janaka J.;Hayano, Kimitoshi
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.455-470
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    • 2016
  • In ballasted railway tracks, ballast fouling due to finer material intrusion has been identified as a challenging issue in track maintenance works. In this research, deformation characteristics of crushed stone-sand mixtures, simulating fresh and fouled ballasts were studied from laboratory and a 3-D discrete element method (DEM) triaxial compression tests. The DEM simulation was performed using a recently developed DEM approach, named, Yet Another Dynamic Engine (YADE). First, void ratio characteristics of crushed stone-sand mixtures were studied. Then, triaxial compression tests were conducted on specimens with 80 and 50% of relative densities simulating dense and loose states respectively. Initial DEM simulations were conducted using sphere particles. As stress-strain behaviour of crushed stone-sand mixtures evaluated by sphere particles were different from laboratory specimens, in next DEM simulations, the particles were modeled by a clump particle. The clump shape was selected using shape indexes of the actual particles evaluated by an image analysis. It was observed that the packing behaviour of laboratory crushed stone-sand mixtures were matched well with the DEM simulation with clump particles. The results also showed that the strength properties of crushed stone deteriorate when they are mixed by 30% or more of sand, specially under dense state. The results also showed that clump particles give closer stress-strain behaviour to laboratory specimens than sphere particles.

Impact of Building Blocks on Inundation Level in Urban Drainage Area (지표 건물이 도시유역의 침수특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Young;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2013
  • This study is an impact assessment of building blocks on urban inundation depth and area. LiDAR data is used to generate two original data set in terms of DEM with $5{\times}5$ meter and building block elevation layer of the study drainage area in Cheongju and then the building block elevation layer is modified again to the mesh data with same size to DEM. Two-dimensional inundation analysis is carried out by applying 2D SWMM model. The inundation depth calculated by using the building block elevation layer shows higher reliability than the DEM. This is resulted from the building block interference to surface flow. In addition, the maximum flooded area by DEM is two times wider than the area by building block layer. In the case of the surface velocity, the difference of velocity is negligible in either DEM or building block case in the low building impact zone. However, If the impact of building on the surface velocity was increase, the gap of velocity was significant.

Analysis of Variation for Drainage Structure with Flow Direction Methods Based on DEM

  • Meiyan, Feng;Kahhoong, Kok;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Kwansue, Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.325-325
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    • 2018
  • The main purpose of this study is to suggest the more reliable flow direction methods within the framework of DEM by investigating the existing methodologies. To this end SFD(single flow direction method), MFD(multiple flow direction method) and IFD(Infinite flow direction method) are applied to determination of flow direction for water particles in Jeonjeokbigyo basin, and then assessed with respect to the variation of flow accumulation. As the main results the different patterns of flow accumulation are found out from each application of flow direction methods. As the flow dispersion increases on DEM contributing areas to outlet grow in sequence of SFD, IFD, MFD but contribution of individual pixels into outlet decreases. Especially MFD and IFD tend to make additional hydrologic abstraction from rainfall excess due to the flow dispersion within flow paths on DEM. Based on parameter estimation for power law distribution by maximum likelihood flow accumulation can be thought of as scale invariance factor. Combination of several flow direction methods could give rise to the more realistic water flow on DEM through separate treatment of flow direction methods for dispersion and aggregation effects of water flow within different topographies.

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Comparison of Geomorphological Parameters Derived from Different Digital Elevation Model Resolutions in Chuncheon, South Korea (수치표고모델 해상도에 따라 도출된 춘천지역의 지형학적 매개변수 비교)

  • LEE, Jun-Gu;SUH, Young-Cheol;LEE, Dong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.106-114
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    • 2018
  • DEM(Digital Elevation Model) are now easily produced with advancing remote sensing technology. Depending on desired task, UAV can produce high resolution DEM. But high resolution comes with issues of data storage and processing time and cost. To check the effect of DEM resolution, this study compares six geomorphological parameters derived from different resolution DEM in a test area around Chuncheon, Korea. The comparison analysis was based on statistics of each derivatives of slope, curvature, flow direction, flow accumulation, flow length and basin. As a result, it was found that DEM remained unchanged and so did the flow accumulation area. However, slope, curvature, flow length and basin numbers were decreased with the normalization of increasing pixel size. DEM resolution should be carefully selected depending on the precision of application required.

An Estimation of Landslide's Vulnerability by Analysis of Static Natural Environmental Factors with GIS (GIS를 이용한 정적 자연환경인자의 분석에 의한 산사태 취약성 평가)

  • Yang, In-Tae
    • 한국지형공간정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.08a
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2005
  • The landslide risk assessment process consists of hazard risk assessment and vulnerability analysis. landslide hazard risk is location dependent. Therefore, maps and spatial technologies such as GIS are very important components of the risk assessment process. This paper discusses the advantages of using GIS technology in the risk assessment process and illustrates the benefits through case studies of live projects undertaken. The goal of this study is to generate a map of landslide vulnerability map by analysis of static natural factors with GIS. A simple and efficient algorithm is proposed to generate a landslide potentialities map from DEM and existing maps. The categories of controlling factors for landslides, aspect of slope, soil, vegetation are defined. The weight values for landslide potentialities are calculated from AHP method. Slope and slope-direction are extracted from DEM, and soil informations are extracted from digital soil map. Also, vegetation informations are extracted from digital vegetation map. Finally, as overlaying, landslide potentialities map is made out, and it is verified with landslide place.

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Updating DEM for Improving Geomorphic Details (미기복 지형 표현을 위한 DEM 개선)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2009
  • The method to generate a digital elevation model(DEM) from contour lines causes a problem in which the low relief landform cannot be clearly presented due to the fact that it is significantly influenced by the expression of micro landform elements according to the interval of contours. Thus, this study attempts to develop a landcover burning method that recovers the micro relief landform of the DEM, which applies buffering and map algebra methods by inputting the elevation information to the landcover. In the recovering process of the micro landform, the DEM was recovered using the buffering method and elevation information through the map algebra for the landcover element for the micro landform among the primary DEM generation, making landcover map, and landcover elements. The recovering of the micro landform was applied based on stream landforms. The recovering of landforms using the buffering method was performed for the bar, which is a polygonal element, and wetland according to the properties of concave/convex through generating contours with a uniform interval in which the elevation information applied to the recovered landform. In the case of the linear elements, such as bank, road, waterway, and tributary, the landform can be recovered by using the elevation information through applying a map algebra function. Because the polygonal elements, such as stream channel, river terrace, and artificial objects (farmlands) are determined as a flat property, these are recovered by inputting constant elevation values. The results of this study were compared and analyzed for the degree of landform expression between the original DEM and the recovered DEM. In the results of the analysis, the DEM produced by using the conventional method showed few expressions in micro landform elements. The method developed in this study well described wetland, bar, landform around rivers, farmland, bank, river terrace, and artificial objects. It can be expected that the results of this study contribute to the classification and analysis of micro landforms, plain and the ecology and environment study that requires the recovering of micro landforms around streams and rivers.

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Particle Morphology Change and Different Experimental Condition Analysis during Composites Fabrication Process by Conventional Ball Mill with Discrete Element Method(DEM) Simulation (전동볼밀을 이용한 금속기반 복합재 제조공정에서 분쇄매체차이에 대한 입자형상변화와 DEM 시뮬레이션 해석)

  • Ichinkhorloo, Batchuluun;Bor, Amgalan;Uyanga, Batjargal;Lee, Jehyun;Choi, Heekyu
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.611-622
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    • 2016
  • Particle morphology change and different experimental condition analysis during composite fabrication process by traditional ball milling with discrete element method (DEM) simulation were investigated. A simulation of the three dimensional motion of balls in a traditional ball mill for research on the grinding mechanism was carried out by DEM simulation. We studied the motion of the balls, the ball behavior energy and velocity; the forces acting on the balls were calculated using traditional ball milling as simulated by DEM. The effect of the operational variables such as the rotational speed, ball material and size on the flow velocity, collision force and total impact energy were analyzed. The results showed that increased rotation speed with interaction impact energy between balls and balls, balls and pots and walls and balls. The rotation speed increases with an increase of the impact energy. Experiments were conducted to quantify the grinding performance under the same conditions. Furthermore, the results showed that ball motion affects the particle morphology, which changed from irregular type to plate type with increasing rotation speed. The evolution was also found to depend on the impact energy increase of the grinding media. These findings are useful to understand and optimize the particle motion and grinding behavior of traditional ball mills.

Development of a CAD Based Tool for the Analysis of Landscape Visibility and Sensitivity (수치지형 해석에 의한 가시성 및 시인성의 경관정보화 연구 - CAD 기반의 분석 도구 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • 조동범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a CAD-based program for data analysis of digital elevation model(DEM) on the aspect of landscape assessment. When handling DEM data as a visual simulation of topographic landscape, it is basic interest to analyze visible area and visualize visual sensitivity distributions. In reference with landscape assessment, more intuitive and interactive visualizing tools are needed, specially in area of visual approach. For adaptability to landscape assessment, algorithmic approaches to visibility analysis and concepts for visual sensitivity calculation in this study were based on processing techniques of entity data control functions used in AutoCAD drawing database. Also, for the purpose of quantitative analysis, grid-type 3DFACE entities were adopted as mesh unit of DEM structure. Developed programs are composed of main part named VSI written in AutoLISP and two of interface modules written in dialog control language(DCL0 for user-oriented interactive usage. Definitions of camera points(view points) and target points(or observed area) are available alternatively in combined methods of representing scenic landscape, scenery, and sequential landscape. In the case of scene landscape(single camera to fixed target point), only visibility analysis in available. And total visibility, frequency of cumulative visibility, and visual sensitivity analysis are available in other cases. Visual sensitivity was thought as view angle(3 dimensional observed visual area) and the strengths were classified in user defined level referring to statistical characteristics of distribution. Visibility analysis routine of the VSI was proved to be more effective in the accuracy and time comparing with similar modules of existing AutoCAD third utility.

Soil Stress Analysis Using Discrete Element Method for Plate-Sinkage Tests (DEM 모델을 이용한 평판재하시험의 토양 수직응력 해석)

  • Jang, Gichan;Lee, Soojin;Lee, Kyu-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.230-237
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    • 2015
  • Soil deformation on the off-load ground is significantly affected by soil conditions, such as soil type, water content, and etc. Thus, the soil characteristics should be estimated for predicting vehicle movements on the off-load conditions. The plate-sinkage test, a widely-used experimental test for predicting the wheel-soil interaction, provides the soil characteristic parameters from the relationship between soil stress and plate sinkage. In this study, soil stress under the plate-sinkage situation is calculated by the DEM (Discrete Element Method) model. We developed a virtual soil bin with DEM to obtain the vertical reaction forces under the plate pressing the soil surface. Also parametric studies to investigate effects of DEM model parameters, such as, particle density, Young's modulus, dynamic friction, rolling friction, and adhesion, on the characteristic soil parameters were performed.