• Title/Summary/Keyword: DB Quality

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Breeding for Improvement of Fatty Acid Composition in Rapeseed XXI. Oil Quality of Fatty Acid Improved Varieties in Cheju Area and Future Production Strategy (유채 지방산조성 개량육종에 관한 연구 제21보 지방산조성 개량품종 보급지역에서의 유질과 금후대책)

  • Lee, Jung-Il;Jung, Dong-Hee;Ryu, Su-Noh
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 1994
  • High quality rapeseed cultivars including Nojeokchae, Yeongsanyuchae Halla-yuchae and Tamrayuchae have been released and recommended as a zero erucic acid variety to Cheju farmers for 13 years, where is a major rapeseed production area in korea. However, rapeseeds produced in Cheju island in 1992 and 1993 contained 47.7% and 37.0% of erucic acid respectively resulting in poor quality oil being not adequate for edible oil. It was considered that the zero erucic acid varieties did not have an opportunity to be cultivated in Cheju island by farmers living in the Island. Thus, the new rapeseed varieties without erucic acid should be bred and recommended to the farmers of southern area of Korea as a multiple cropping crop just after rice harvest, and for large scale mechanized and labour-serving rapeseed culture. The change of rapeseed breeding goal would be desirable for fatty acid composition improvement of rapeseed to develop varieties adaptable to southern part of Korea, and to produce rapeseed oil directly used as an edible oil safely.

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Comparison of Three Kinds of Methods on Estimation of Forest Carbon Stocks Distribution Using National Forest Inventory DB and Forest Type Map (국가산림자원조사 DB와 임상도를 이용한 산림탄소저장량 공간분포 추정방법 비교)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Roh, Young-Hee;Kim, Eun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2014
  • Carbon stocks of NFI plots can be accurately estimated using field survey information. However, an accurate estimation of carbon stocks in other unsurveyed sites is very difficult. In order to fill this gap, various spatial information can be used as an ancillary data. In South Korea, there is the 1:5,000 forest type map that was produced by digital air-photo interpretation and field survey. Because this map contains very detailed forest information, it can be used as the high-quality spatial data for estimating carbon stocks. In this study, we compared three upscaling methods based on the 1:5,000 forest type map and 5th national forest inventory data. Map algebra(method 1), RK(Regression Kriging)(method 2), and GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression)(method 3) were applied to estimate forest carbon stock in Chungcheong-nam Do and Daejeon metropolitan city. The range of carbon stocks from method 2(1.39~138.80 tonC/ha) and method 3(1.28~149.98 tonC/ha) were more similar to that of previous method(1.56~156.40 tonC/ha) than that of method 1(0.00~93.37 tonC/ha). This result shows that RK and GWR considering spatial autocorrelation can show spatial heterogeneity of carbon stocks. We carried out paired t-test for carbon stock data using 186 sample points to assess estimation accuracy. As a result, the average carbon stocks of method 2 and field survey method were not significantly different at p=0.05 using paired t-test. And the result of method 2 showed the lowest RMSE. Therefore regression kriging method is useful to consider spatial variations of carbon stocks distribution in rugged terrain and complex forest stand.

GIS-based Market Analysis and Sales Management System : The Case of a Telecommunication Company (시장분석 및 영업관리 역량 강화를 위한 통신사의 GIS 적용 사례)

  • Chang, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2011
  • A Geographic Information System(GIS) is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data. In the later 1990s and earlier 2000s it was limitedly used in government sectors such as public utility management, urban planning, landscape architecture, and environmental contamination control. However, a growing number of open-source packages running on a range of operating systems enabled many private enterprises to explore the concept of viewing GIS-based sales and customer data over their own computer monitors. K telecommunication company has dominated the Korean telecommunication market by providing diverse services, such as high-speed internet, PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network), VOLP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), and IPTV(Internet Protocol Television). Even though the telecommunication market in Korea is huge, the competition between major services providers is growing more fierce than ever before. Service providers struggled to acquire as many new customers as possible, attempted to cross sell more products to their regular customers, and made more efforts on retaining the best customers by offering unprecedented benefits. Most service providers including K telecommunication company tried to adopt the concept of customer relationship management(CRM), and analyze customer's demographic and transactional data statistically in order to understand their customer's behavior. However, managing customer information has still remained at the basic level, and the quality and the quantity of customer data were not enough not only to understand the customers but also to design a strategy for marketing and sales. For example, the currently used 3,074 legal regional divisions, which are originally defined by the government, were too broad to calculate sub-regional customer's service subscription and cancellation ratio. Additional external data such as house size, house price, and household demographics are also needed to measure sales potential. Furthermore, making tables and reports were time consuming and they were insufficient to make a clear judgment about the market situation. In 2009, this company needed a dramatic shift in the way marketing and sales activities, and finally developed a dedicated GIS_based market analysis and sales management system. This system made huge improvement in the efficiency with which the company was able to manage and organize all customer and sales related information, and access to those information easily and visually. After the GIS information system was developed, and applied to marketing and sales activities at the corporate level, the company was reported to increase sales and market share substantially. This was due to the fact that by analyzing past market and sales initiatives, creating sales potential, and targeting key markets, the system could make suggestions and enable the company to focus its resources on the demographics most likely to respond to the promotion. This paper reviews subjective and unclear marketing and sales activities that K telecommunication company operated, and introduces the whole process of developing the GIS information system. The process consists of the following 5 modules : (1) Customer profile cleansing and standardization, (2) Internal/External DB enrichment, (3) Segmentation of 3,074 legal regions into 46,590 sub_regions called blocks, (4) GIS data mart design, and (5) GIS system construction. The objective of this case study is to emphasize the need of GIS system and how it works in the private enterprises by reviewing the development process of the K company's market analysis and sales management system. We hope that this paper suggest valuable guideline to companies that consider introducing or constructing a GIS information system.

Evaluation of Feed Values for Imported Hay Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (근적외선분광법을 이용한 수입 건초의 사료가치 평가)

  • Park, Hyung Soo;Kim, Ji Hye;Choi, Ki Choon;Oh, Mirae;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Bae Hun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.258-263
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    • 2019
  • Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has become increasingly used as a rapid and accurate method of evaluating some chemical compositions in forages. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of NIRS, applied to imported forage, to estimate the moisture and chemical parameters for imported hays. A population of 392 imported hay representing a wide range in chemical parameters was used in this study. Samples of forage were scanned at 1 nm intervals over the wavelength range 680-2500nm and the optical data was recorded as log 1/Reflectance(log 1/R), which scanned in intact fresh condition. The spectral data were regressed against a range of chemical parameters using partial least squares(PLS) multivariate analysis in conjunction with spectral math treatments to reduced the effect of extraneous noise. The optimum calibrations were selected based on the highest coefficients of determination in cross validation(R2) and the lowest standard error of cross-validation(SECV). The results of this study showed that NIRS predicted the chemical parameters with very high degree of accuracy. The R2 and SECV for imported hay calibration were 0.92(SECV 0.61%) for moisture, 0.98(SECV 0.65%) for acid detergent fiber, 0.97(SECV 0.40%) for neutral detergent fiber, 0.99(SECV 0.06%) for crude protein and 0.97(SECV 3.04%) for relative feed value on a dry matter(%), respectively. Results of this experiment showed the possibility of NIRS method to predict the moisture and chemical composition of imported hay in Korea for routine analysis method to evaluate the feed value.

Trophic State Index (TSI) and Empirical Models, Based on Water Quality Parameters, in Korean Reservoirs (우리나라 대형 인공호에서 영양상태 평가 및 수질 변수를 이용한 경험적 모델 구축)

  • Park, Hee-Jung;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate trophic conditions of various Korean reservoirs using Trophic State Index (TSI) and predict the reservoir conditions by empirical models. The water quality dataset (2000, 2001) used here were obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Korea. The water quality, based on multi-parameters of dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), suspended solid (SS), Secchi depth (SD), chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ (CHL), and conductivity largely varied depending on the sampling watersheds and seasons. In general, trophic conditions declined along the longitudinal axis of headwater-to-the dam and the largest seasonal variations occurred during the summer monsoon of July-August. Major inputs of TP occurred during the monsoon (r=0.656, p=0.002) and this pattern was similar to solid dynamics of SS (r=0.678, p<0.001). Trophic parameters including CHL, TP, SD, and TN were employed to evaluate how the water systems varies with season. Trophic State Index (TSI, Carlson, 1977), based on TSI (CHL), TSI (TP), and TSI (SD), ranged from mesotrophic to eutrophic. However, the trophic state, based on TSI (TN), indicated eutrophic-hypereutrophic conditions in the entire reservoirs, regardless of the seasons, indicating a N-rich system. Overall, nutrient data showed that phosphorus was a primary factor regulating the trophic state. The relationships between CHL (eutrophication index) vs. trophic parameters (TN, TP, and SD) were analysed to develop empirical models which can predict the trophic status. Regression analyses of log-transformed seasonal CHL against TP showed that the value of $R^2$ was 0.31 (p=0.017) in the premonsoon but was 0.69 (p<0.001) during the postmonsoon, indicating a greater algal response to the phosphorus during the postmonsoon. In contrast, SD had reverse relation with TP, CHL during all season. TN had weak relations with CHL during all seasons. Overall, data suggest that TP seems to be a good predictor for algal biomass, estimated by CHL, as shown in the empirical models.

A Study on MBES Error Data Removing using Motion Sensor (Motion Sensor를 이용한 MBES 오측자료 제거 연구)

  • Kang, Moon-Kwon;Choi, Yun-Soo;Chang, Min-Chol;Yoon, Ha-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2010
  • Sounding data is the essential source for the safety of ships navigation system, and fundamental to the reasonable usage and maintenance of the ocean as well. As IT tech, positioning equipment such as GPS and INS, echo sounder are developed, recently, the precise submarine topography database bas been built by Multi-Beam Echo Sounder. However, MBES data includes some inevitable error caused by several factor, and some data have errors where the terrain is wobble. The error, which causes the $moir\acute{e}$ pattern error is the main factor hindering the accuracy of MBES data results, and therefore it is necessary to figure out the main cause of the error for the improvement of the accuracy by removing error data. On this research, the main cause of the error data is studied by analyzing motion sensor value of data including the $moir\acute{e}$ pattern error. Thus, as the result of examination, it turns out that the $moir\acute{e}$ pattern error is related to the standard deviation of Roll, and error data values are results of the non-correspondence between Swath data and Roll values caused by the drastic change of Roll values. Accordingly, the error data is removed by comparing between the gradient of Swath data and Roll values. Finally, as the result of removing error data, it is expected to be able to estimate the quality of MBES using the standard deviation of Motion sensor's Roll value, and calculate the additive error factor, which minimize non-corresponding data, and also this research must be contributed to improve the accuracy of sounding for small vessels with lots of motion in the bad circumstance for navigation.

Validity Evaluation of Real Time Mobile GIS combined with PDA in University Building Facility Management (대학시설물 관리W떠 PDA기반의 실시간 Mobile GIS 도입 타당성 평가)

  • 정지훈;엄정섭
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.41-60
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    • 2003
  • It is noted that the paper mapping system for University Building Facility has many limitations in terms of data maintenance, real-time GIS data acquisition, and economic efficiency. The aim of this research was to evaluate an operational potential of an on site real-time mobile GIS technique to resolve the problem faced in the university. The idea is based upon the recent trends in the field of 'Telecommunication and Information Technology' that uses a PDA (personal Digital Assistants), wireless network computing, mobile computing, etc. A real time mobile GIS approach has been adopted, in which a PDA is linked to a wireless internet and field workers record data on the computer at the site and analyse data on site. While there should be a considerable number and variety of factors associated with real-time mobile GIS quality, this research focuses on three criteria that are identified as fundamental to customer requirements; (1) data quarry (2) spatial analysis (3) real-time GIS database building. 'Art--empirical study for a case study facility has been conducted to confirm the validity for the system. The system has been checked experimentally, enabled the field users to quarry the data required simply and execute spatial analysis (buffer, overlay etc.,) accommodating versatile alternatives on the site. Detailed visual maps can be generated over large areas quickly and easily. The PDA interface, in particular, were ideally suited for field users to interactively displaying positional information with attribute data. This system has shown to be quite convenient to maintaining a highly reliable database since it could playa crucial role in documenting at real-time basis temporal and spatial changes occurred in the facilities. It is anticipated that this research output will greatly serve to introduce the reliable and cost-effective facility mapping system in the university by overcoming serious constraints suffered from the past non-real time mobile GIS approach.

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The Status of e-Business in Korea Forest Product Industries (한국목재산업에 있어 e-Business의 활용)

  • Kim, Se-Bin;Kwak, Kyung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to examine the e-Business status of Korea Forest Product Industries and to propose the development. The use level of e-Business in korea forest product industries have stayed in internal company information network integration stages. But lots of companies located in the insufficient of e-Business models, the lack of qualified staffs, and the shortage of e-Business operating technology and implementation. As the result of this study, the followings must be considered; 1. For the promotion of e-Business use, it is needed to maintain price competitiveness, quality competitiveness, and market correspondence capacity. 2. For the settlement of e-Business models, it is important to connect information network among cooperation companies as like forest products standardize, common database, and standard electronic catalogue. Also, it needed developing program to strengthen the competitiveness of forest product industries, expanding to outsourcing and affiliated companies.

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A Study on Knowledge.Information Service with Electronic Culture Maps (전자문화지도를 활용한 지식정보서비스 연구 -조선족문화지도 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dong-Hun;Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Moon, Hyun-Joo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.1316-1320
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    • 2009
  • Since most information is readily available these days, the shear volume of the information simply overwhelms people, rather than helping them as a form of useful knowledge. Thus, the quantity of information someone owns doesn't possess much significance. The possibility to well-utilize the quality information is much more important these days. Electronic culture map service is being provided these days to introduce various cultural information to people around the world. But its service is limited to 'visualization, collection, and integration of the data.' Which means, electronic culture maps are no more than a simple data collector. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a new kind of knowledge/information service method which overcomes these shortcomings. To achieve this goal, at first, the thesis will take a close look at the characteristics and functions of Chosunjock culture maps, and then, it will clarify the definition of data, information, knowledge of cultural resources. And secondly, nd thirdly, the thesis will look up the Wayfinding contents, User Experience Design, User Context, and Organic design for knowledge/information service. And lastly, the thesis will develop the knowledge/information service, specifically based on Chosunjock cultural resources.

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TEST DB: The intelligent data management system for Toxicogenomics (독성유전체학 연구를 위한 지능적 데이터 관리 시스템)

  • Lee, Wan-Seon;Jeon, Ki-Seon;Um, Chan-Hwi;Hwang, Seung-Young;Jung, Jin-Wook;Kim, Seung-Jun;Kang, Kyung-Sun;Park, Joon-Suk;Hwang, Jae-Woong;Kang, Jong-Soo;Lee, Gyoung-Jae;Chon, Kum-Jin;Kim, Yang-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2003
  • Toxicogenomics is now emerging as one of the most important genomics application because the toxicity test based on gene expression profiles is expected more precise and efficient than current histopathological approach in pre-clinical phase. One of the challenging points in Toxicogenomics is the construction of intelligent database management system which can deal with very heterogeneous and complex data from many different experimental and information sources. Here we present a new Toxicogenomics database developed as a part of 'Toxicogenomics for Efficient Safety Test (TEST) project'. The TEST database is especially focused on the connectivity of heterogeneous data and intelligent query system which enables users to get inspiration from the complex data sets. The database deals with four kinds of information; compound information, histopathological information, gene expression information, and annotation information. Currently, TEST database has Toxicogenomics information fer 12 molecules with 4 efficacy classes; anti cancer, antibiotic, hypotension, and gastric ulcer. Users can easily access all kinds of detailed information about there compounds and simultaneously, users can also check the confidence of retrieved information by browsing the quality of experimental data and toxicity grade of gene generated from our toxicology annotation system. Intelligent query system is designed for multiple comparisons of experimental data because the comparison of experimental data according to histopathological toxicity, compounds, efficacy, and individual variation is crucial to find common genetic characteristics .Our presented system can be a good information source for the study of toxicology mechanism in the genome-wide level and also can be utilized fur the design of toxicity test chip.

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