• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cutting Plan

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Application of A* Algorithm to solve a Cutting Problem in Metal Manufacturing Process (A* 알고리즘을 적용한 금속 그레이팅 생산 공정에서의 절단문제 해결)

  • Kim, Jin-Myoung;Cho, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • In a metal grating manufacturing process, the cutting operation allocates the gratings and cut them out from given panels or a plate sheets. Before the cutting operation an operator generates a cutting plan. The cutting plan should decide how pieces of metal rectangles i.e., gratings, are allocated and cut from the panel. This plan generation is a deal of weight on the production cost. the generation of cutting plan is similar to the general two-dimensional cutting problem. In this paper, we first define cutting problem and Af algorithm of Artificial Intelligence to solve the problem. Also, through a simulation, we compare the proposed cutting algorithm to an existing method in terms of material loss

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신발소재 재단용 채산 소프트웨어 개발

  • 류영근;김행렬
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Information Systems Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 1996
  • This paper is to describe the development of nesting software for the materials cutting plan of footwear manufacturing processes. In shoes cutting process, almost of the materials cutting plan is dependent upon worker's experience. Thus, the pattern nesting by worker's experience for materials cutting is different from the real cutting results and also different from the error size of yield in degree of worker's skill. Recently, a few of domestic shoes' makers make use of oversee's nesting software. But the nesting software unfits for the domestic actual circumstances, and is complex to use, and is expensive, and is not to be interfaced with the auto cutting machine. Therefore, we have developed the economic nesting systems that are easier for novice to use and fit for the domestic circumstances, which can syncronize with the development of the auto cutting machine. The system comprises interrelated modules for materials information, nesting simulation, utility. The architecture of system, the functions of each module, and the information processing procedures of each function are discussed.

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신발소재 재단용 채산 소프트웨어 개발

  • 류영근;김행렬
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.203-217
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    • 1996
  • This paper is to describe the development of nesting software for the materials cutting plan of footwear manufacturing processes. In shoes cutting process, almost of the materials cutting plan is dependent upon worker's experience. Thus, thepattern nesting by worker's experience for materials cutting is different form the real cutting results and also different form the error size of yield in degree of worker's skill. Recently, a few of domestic shoes' makers make use of oversee's nesting software.But the nesting software unfits for the domestic actual circumstances , and is complex to use , and is expensive , and is not to be interfaced with the auto cutting machine. Therefore , we have developed the economic nesting systems that are easier for novice to use and fit for the domestic circumstances, which can synchronize with the development of the auto cutting machine. The system comprises interrelated modules for materials information, nesting simulation, utility. The architecture of system, the function of each module, and the information processing proceduresof each function are discussed.

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신발소재 재단용 채산 소프트웨어 개발

  • 류영근;김행렬
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 1996
  • This paper is to describe the development of nesting software for, the materials cutting plan of footware manufacturing processes. In shoes cutting process, almost of the materials cutting plan is dependent upon worker's experience. Thus the pattern nesting by worker's experience for materials cutting is different form the real cutting results and also different from the error size of yield in degree of worker's skill. Recently, a few of domestic shoes makers use of oversee's nesting software. But the nesting software unfits for the domestic actual circumstances, and is complex to use, and is expensive, and is not to be interfaced with the auto cutting machine. Therefore, we have developed the economic nesting systems that are easier for novice to use and fit for the domestic circumstances , which can syncronize with the development of the auto cutting machine. The system comprises interrelated modules for materials information, nesting simulation, utility . The architecture of system, the functions of each module and the information processing procedures of each function are discussed.

A Study on Efficient Roughing of Impeller with Ruled Surface (룰드 곡면으로 된 임펠러의 효율적인 황삭 가공에 관한 연구)

  • 임기남;장동규;이희관;양균의
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.568-571
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents an efficient 5-axis roughing method for centrifugal impeller. The efficient roughing is minimization of cutting time through minimizing tool tilting & rotating motions. Roughing tool path plan consists of the three steps. First, machining areas are divided into sub cutting regions using ruling lines. The biggest tool diameter is, then, determined for each region. Finally, tool paths are generated after fixing the tilting and rotating axis of 5-axis machine. Experimental results showed that the proposed roughing plan considering the divided machining regions is more efficient than the conventional methods.

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Mt. Yokmang Landscape Planning in Busan New Port (부산 신항만 욕망산 경관계획)

  • Kim Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.6 s.113
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2006
  • Mt. Yokmang landscape design awarded first in [North container terminal site furtherance construction in Busan new port], design competition sponsoring in the Korea Container Terminal Authority in 2005. Design guideline was to propose the symbol of new port and to establish landscape plan in consideration of view and geological location. Because landscape plan required establishment of restoration plan for cutting slope, Mt. Yokmang became the major object. The purpose of planning are as follows. The first purpose is to minimize existent natural environment damage, and the second, to connect with ambit and create new image. The third is to provide place of rest and interchange for local resident. Reflecting stratum structure and landscape characteristics, cutting slope consisted of [utilization slope], [presentation slope], [landscape slope], and [ecological slope]. Vegetation design applied ecological restoration method through restoration of stratum, and eve environment-friendly afforestation, planned program that can connect area with existing ecosystem. In process that decides form of the cutting slope, analyze view structure and visual exposure in various access routes, sensitivity etc. was accomplished. Also, symbolic tower(Ocean Polaris) that presents in architecture and landscaping features, night landscape planning could gain synergy effect by keeping consistence with landscape and ecological planning. Passing through final design and construction process, I expect that the Mt. Yokmang will be a new landmark in Busan new port.

Optimal Cutting Plan for 1D Parts Using Genetic Algorithm and Heuristics (유전자알고리즘 및 경험법칙을 이용한 1차원 부재의 최적 절단계획)

  • Cho, K.H.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06c
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    • pp.554-558
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    • 2001
  • In this study, a hybrid method is used to search the pseudo-optimal solution for the I-dimentional nesting problem. This method is composed of the genetic algorithm for the global search and a simple heuristic one for the local search near the pseudo optimal solution. Several simulation results show that the hybrid method gives very satisfactory results.

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The Study on NCS Development for the Production of Hanbok (한복생산 분야의 국가직무능력표준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Seunghee;Kim, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.62-74
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to analyse the process of development and verification of 'National Competency Standards' of Hanbok production, which was carried out in 2013 for the fashion industry. As the result of this research, the definition of the duty in Hanbok production is 'to conduct a series of step-by-step processes of planning and developing fabric and design, then making pattern, cutting fabric and sewing.' The competency unit for Hanbok production is analyzed in 10 categories: analysis of market trends, design plan, production and manipulation of fabric, production process plan, sample making, pattern making, cutting out, sewing, finishing sewing, inspection of the product quality. Competency unit elements of each competency unit are as follows. 1) analysis of market trends: to research market trend resources, to analyse consumers' buying trend, to analyse industry changes, 2) design plan: to develop design, to plan fabrication, to draw flats, 3) production and manipulation of fabric: to develop fabric planning, to prepare fabric manipulation, to conduct fabric manipulation, 4) production process plan: to grasp design, to plan sewing method, to prepare a specification sheet, 5) sample making: to make a sample pattern, to cut sample fabrics, to sew sample, to finish sample making, 6) pattern making: to measure body, to make production pattern, to adjust production pattern, 7) cutting out: to care fabrics, to lay out patterns, to cut out fabrics, 8) sewing: to sew a garment, to sew a lining, to attach a lining, 9) finishing sewing: to neaten edges, to attach trims, to press to finish, 10) inspection of the product quality: to confirm correspondence with the specification sheet, to inspect appearance.

A Study on Five-Axis Roughing of Impeller with Ruled Surface (룰드 곡면으로 된 임펠러의 5축 황삭 가공에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Dong-Kyu;Lim, Ki-Nam;Yang, Gyun-Eui
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.24 no.7 s.196
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents an efficient 5-axis roughing method for centrifugal impeller. The efficient roughing is minimization of cutting time through minimizing tool tilting and rotating motions. To minimized cutting time, machining area is divided into sub-cutting regions using control points on hub curves and shroud curves of blade used to design and analyze centrifugal impeller. For sub-cutting regions, diameters of cutting tools are determined as big as possible. Then, tool paths are generated with the tilting axis and rotating axis of 5-axis machine limited and fixed, which can give more efficient machining speed and machining stability than the conventional methods. Experimental results show that the proposed method is more efficient than the conventional methods to mill with the only one cutting tool without dividing area and the previous methods to mill with simultaneous 5-axis processing with dividing area.

A Process Planning System for Machining of Dies for Auto-Body Production(II)-Operation Planning and NC Code Post-Processing (자동차 차체금형 가공용 공정계획 시스템(II)-작업 계획과 NC 코드 후처리)

  • Sin, Dong-Mok;Lee, Chang-Ho;Choi, Jae-Jin;Noh, Sang-Do;Lee, Ki-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a process and operation planning system with an NC code post-processor for effective machining of press dies for production of cars. Based on the machining features, major parts of press dies are categorized into 15 groups and a standard process plan is defined for each group. The standard process plan consists of a series of processes where a process is defined as a group of operations that can be done with one setup. Details such as cutting tools, cutting conditions, and tool paths are decided at the operation planning stage. At the final stage of process and operation planning, the NC code post-processor we developed adjusts feedrates along the tool path to reduce machining time. The adjustment rule is selected based on the metal removal rate estimated by virtually machining with virtual cutting tool.

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