• Title/Summary/Keyword: Customer Knowledge Management

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An Empirical Study on the Interaction Effects between the Customer Reviews and the Customer Incentives towards the Product Sales at the Online Retail Store

  • Kim, J.B.;Shin, Soo Il
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.763-783
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    • 2015
  • Online customer reviews (i.e., electronic word-of-mouth) has gained considerable interest over the past years. However, a knowledge gap exists in explaining the mechanisms among the factors that determine the product sales in online retailing environment. To fill the gap, this study adopts a principal-agent perspective to investigate the effect of customer reviews and customer incentives on product sales in online retail stores. Two customer review factors (i.e., average review ratings and the number of reviews) and two customer incentive factors (i.e., price discounts and special shipping offers) are used to predict product sales in regression analysis. The sales ranking data collected from the video game titles at Amazon.com are used to analyze the direct effects of the four factors and the interaction effects between customer review and customer incentive factors to product sales. Result reveals that most relationships exist as hypothesized. The findings support both the direct and interaction effects of customer reviews and incentive factors on product sales. Based on the findings, discussions are provided with regard to the academic and practical contributions.

The Empirical Study on the Effects of Repurchase Intention on Airbnb: The Role of Emotions and Key Components of Airbnb (Airbnb 고객들의 재구매 의도에 관한 실증 연구: 감정과 Airbnb 특성 요인의 역할)

  • Kim, Byoungsoo;Kim, Daekil
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.89-108
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates key factors influencing customers' repurchase intention in the context of Airbnb. Positive and negative emotions formed after customer's first-hand experience are identified as vital antecedents in determining consumer's repurchase intention. This study posits authentic experience, amenities, and price fairness as the key characteristics of Airbnb. It clarifies the role of subjective norms and trend-seeking tendency in repurchase decisions. The proposed research model was analyzed for 306 customers with experience in using Airbnb via structural equation model. The analysis results showed that both positive and negative emotions have a significant effect on customer's repurchase intention. The results clarified the role of Airbnb's characteristic components on repurchase decisions. Finally, subjective norms and trend-seeking tendency had no significant impact on customer's repurchase intention. The results of this study are expected to help establish effective strategies for customer experience and marketing to achieve sustainable growth of Airbnb.

A Study of the Organizational Factors of Knowledge Management, CRM System Factors, and Trust for CRM Performances (지식경영의 조직요인, CRM의 시스템요인, 신뢰가 CRM의 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Soo;Suh, Yung-Ho
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2003
  • In recent studies, there has been much interest in knowledge sharing between the company and customer. Yet, there is little empirical work on the impact of the factors on CRM performances. The purpose of this study is empirically analyzing the effects of organizational factors of knowledge management, CRM system factors, and trust on CRM performances. The findings indicate that 3 factors (knowledge-oriented organizational culture/characteristic, technical systems, trust) are significantly related to CRM performances. However, the relationships between other factors (knowledge-oriented leadership, knowledge-oriented strategy, education & reward) and CRM performances are not significant.

The Acceptance of Customer Reviews in Taobao (타오바오 쇼핑몰 이용자의 구매후기 수용에 관한 연구)

  • Hao, Qi-Ying;Lee, Sang-Joon;Lee, Kyeong-Rak
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims to investigate key factors affecting customer adoption of the online review from the three perspectives such as customer review characteristics, reviewer characteristics, and customer characteristics. We collected data on customers who have experience in purchasing products in Taobao. The major findings are as follows. First, the customer review amount and vividness are not directly related to customer adoption of the online review. Second, the trust of reviewer and perceived similarity have positive effects on customer adoption of the online review. Third, the prior knowledge and product involvement increase customer adoption of the online review. Finally, customers' purchase intention is greatly determined by customer adoption of the online review. This paper presents the importance of the management of customer reviews and management method for the stakeholders of shopping mall to advancing Chinese market.

Indicators of Customer Value for the National Technology Information Service

  • Lee, Sun-Young;Suh, Sang-Hyuk;Lee, Byeong-Hee
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.245-261
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    • 2014
  • Knowledge, technology and information have special characteristics different from the ones of normal consumer products and services. Especially the value of such information varies according to external elements such as the provided environment, their method of utilization, and the level and purpose, etc. of the user. In this study, the indicators of information customer value are developed and measured to enhance customer-based values with efforts for making new customers and maintaining existing customers. The result is as follows: 14 customer value indicators were developed. Among the indicators, value gained versus effort, reduced time for research idea investigation and savings in time searching for equipment, and tools and materials got the highest score, which means that time-saving effects were the most important. The field study of this paper was conducted from information users in the field of national R&D, and thus future studies could be conducted in various industries in many countries to attain generalized results.

CRM Marketing of Shopmasters in Designer Brand Products (디자이너 브랜드 샵마스터의 CRM에 관한 연구)

  • 이승희;이병화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate influential factors for shopmaster's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in the designer brand products, and to indicate the future fashion marketing strategies. The questionnaires were distributed to 74 shopmasters of the Designer shop in domestic L. S and H Department stores. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and path analysis from Lisrel program were used to analyze the data. The results were as follows; Firstly. for shopmaster's CRM variables, four factors of customer management variables were found and labeled as interest, DB construction, contact opportunity, and materials. Also, four (actors of shopmaster's knowledge regarding apparel materials were found and labeled as professionalism, manner, sense, and persuasion. For service variables, four factors such as precision, variety, rapidity, positiveness, and convenience of shopping were found. Secondly, for the results of hypothesis, all of the independent variables had direct influences on forming the relationship with customers. Therefore, it is concluded that the main elements of Shopmaster's CRM are highly important variables in customer relationship marketing strategy.

설문조사를 통한 신규 통신서비스의 수요예측 방안

  • 김지표;홍정식;안재경;강원철;이병철;한권훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, as a forecasting method, the market survey for forecasting demand is introduced for the estimation of subscriber line demand in the optical access networks. The market survey method for the new multimedia services is attempted to collect information directly from customers using the questionnaires for home-users and business-users in local loops. Analysis rationale of questionnaires is suggested to estimate the number of subscriber lines. Also, two measures are presented to quantify the credibility on survey responses; one is the probability that the customer will use the multimedia services and the other is the rate that the subscriber line demand will be actually realized. The former measure is calculated based on the information on customers and the Logit analysis. The latter is obtained by the degree of customer's knowledge about specific services and the customer's willingness to use the services. Based on the values of two measures, the number of subscriber line demand can be developed for installing the optical access networks.

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A Study on the service quality Indicators in large discount stores development (대형할인매장의 서비스 품질 측정 지표 연구)

  • Joo, Hyung-Joon;Cho, Jai-Rip
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Quality Management Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2009
  • This study address the variables affecting customer satisfaction and purchase intention of discount stores and outlets, based on service quality affecting on customer satisfaction and purchase intention, aiming to help provide a service quality affecting on customer's interest, satisfaction and revisit around discount stores and outlets. Today, consumer needs are diversified, continually changing and differentiated. Under the market conditions of unlimited competition to satisfy those needs, businesses focus on relationship-building with customers, as well as on quality of Services. The present age, an age of knowledge economy, with blessed three changes: 'information', 'globalization', and 'service enablement'. The most noteworthy fact is that along with the development of technology and increase of income, the phenomenon of soft and service enablement of economy giving a great deal of weight on service has been progressively spread throughout the whole process of development, sales, consumption, and employment geared with development of technology and gains in earnings.

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A Study on the Effect of Personal Capacity of Airline Employees on Turnover Intention and Customer Orientation

  • PARK, Hyun-Seo;PARK, Hye-Yoon;PARK, So-Yeon
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study aims to investigate the major capabilities of airline cabin crew to improve the performance of the organization by identifying how they are affected by turnover and customer orientation. Research, design, data, and methodology -The survey participants were limited to all airline cabin crew members in Korea to look at the component measurement items. To verify the validity of the questionnaire, the final questionnaire for this survey was prepared by modifying and supplementing the questionnaire by analyzing factors and validating the questionnaire through reliability verification Results - The analysis on the impact of personal capacity of the airline cabin crew on turnover revealed that some factors had an effect of the positive and the personal capacity of the airline cabin crew has a statistically positive effect on the customer orientation relationship, which is a sub-factor of the cabin crew Conclusions -The capacity of the cabin crew of the airline was defined and the components were established as technical capacity, knowledge capacity and expertise capacity. It was found that the intangible performance of the individual capabilities and customer orientation were very closely related. Airline cabin crew have verified the importance of good talent selection and capacity development training, which are essential requirements for securing the airline's competitiveness.

Integration of Heterogeneous Models with Knowledge Consolidation

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa;Bae, Jae-Kwon
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.571-575
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    • 2007
  • For better predictions and classifications in customer recommendation, this study proposes an integrative model that efficiently combines the currently-in-use statistical and artificial intelligence models. In particular, by integrating the models such as Association Rule, Connection Frequency Matrix, and Rule Induction, this study suggests an integrative prediction model.

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