A Study on the Effect of Personal Capacity of Airline Employees on Turnover Intention and Customer Orientation

  • Received : 2019.08.01
  • Accepted : 2019.08.22
  • Published : 2019.09.30


Purpose - This study aims to investigate the major capabilities of airline cabin crew to improve the performance of the organization by identifying how they are affected by turnover and customer orientation. Research, design, data, and methodology -The survey participants were limited to all airline cabin crew members in Korea to look at the component measurement items. To verify the validity of the questionnaire, the final questionnaire for this survey was prepared by modifying and supplementing the questionnaire by analyzing factors and validating the questionnaire through reliability verification Results - The analysis on the impact of personal capacity of the airline cabin crew on turnover revealed that some factors had an effect of the positive and the personal capacity of the airline cabin crew has a statistically positive effect on the customer orientation relationship, which is a sub-factor of the cabin crew Conclusions -The capacity of the cabin crew of the airline was defined and the components were established as technical capacity, knowledge capacity and expertise capacity. It was found that the intangible performance of the individual capabilities and customer orientation were very closely related. Airline cabin crew have verified the importance of good talent selection and capacity development training, which are essential requirements for securing the airline's competitiveness.



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