• Title/Summary/Keyword: Current tracking

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Oceanic Diffusion Characteristics in Jinhae Bay (진해만의 해양확산특성연구)

  • An, Yu-Sin;Kim, Yeong-Seop;Han, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1982
  • Diffusion processes in tidal swinging coastal waters are studied by releasing one hundred liters of Rhodamine B four times. Dye patches were formed from instantaneous point sources. The patches were sampled with a pump on a tracking boat, and samples were analyzed with fluorospectro-photometer. The patterns of patches were reconstructed and their characteristics were analyzed in terms of variance of concentration, area estimation, and decrease rate of peak concentration. In all of the four experiments, the dye patches were mos시 elongated to the direction of current axis. the elongation rate was 0.34 on the average. Apparent diffusivities were 620 to 3,000 cm super(2) /sec during initial period of 90 minutes. The variance increased by exp(0.047t) on the average, and peak concentration deceased by exp(-0.044t) on the average.

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Tracking on Attention to the Emotion and Sensibility and its Application at the Innovative Companies: Focused on Content Analysis of Annual Reports (혁신적 기업에서의 감성의 관심 및 활용의 추적: 연차보고서의 내용분석을 중심으로)

  • Song, Min Jeong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2016
  • This research aims to identify innovative companies' attention to the emotion and sensibility and its application by analyzing the contents of the corporate annual reports. Annual report is a good reference data because it describes not only various current products and services' annual activities and business performance but also corporate future direction. Sensibility is interpreted and used with various words internationally: various related terms such as sensibility, sense, emotion, feeling and affection are analyzed not only by the definition but also the interrelationship among them, and included for the contents analysis. To select the innovative companies, the researcher used 'Fast company' that is the economic journal and deducted the companies list via 'The world's 50 most innovative companies' in 2009 and 2014. Listed companies' 2009 and 2014 annual reports' contents were analyzed to identify the rate of the recognition and the application of sensibility to their business. Even though the quantitative result of the content analysis indicates not a strong relationship between corporate innovativeness and 'sensibility' qualitative result identifies companies are paying more attention to the 'sense' and 'feeling' during five years. In conclusion, the innovation that company pursues strategically is shifting from differentiation and the technological leadership to satisfying user experiences and the number of companies which express and measure user feeling and emotions are increasing.

Development of hovering-type AUV test-bed 'OCTAGON' (호버링 타입 자율무인잠수정 'OCTAGON'의 테스트베드 개발)

  • Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Young-Jin;Hong, Sung-Min;Kim, Joon-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.516-526
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    • 2016
  • This paper introduces a hovering-type autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) developed for research and its fundamental motion performance results obtained by simulation and field test. The AUV can control its motion in four degrees of freedom (DOF) by means of its horizontal and vertical thrusters, and it is designed to provide a test-bed that facilitates ease of operation and experimentation. Prior to the field tests, six DOF equations of motion are developed, and a simulation program is constructed using MATLAB and Simulink to verify the essential motion performance of the designed vehicle. Furthermore, a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and fuzzy PID controller are designed, and their performances are verified through a simulation. Field tests are performed to verify the motion performance of the AUV; way-point tracking is executed by the PID and fuzzy PID controllers. The results confirmed appropriate control performance under current disturbances.

The Effect of Emotional Sounds on Multiple Target Search (정서적인 소리가 다중 목표 자극 탐색에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hannah;Han, Kwang Hee
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.301-322
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the effect of emotional sounds on satisfaction of search (SOS). SOS occurs when detection of a target results in a lesser chance of finding subsequent targets when searching for an unknown number of targets. Previous studies have examined factors that may influence the phenomenon, but the effect of emotional sounds is yet to be identified. Therefore, the current study investigated how emotional sound affects magnitude of the SOS effect. In addition, participants' eye movements were recorded to determine the source of SOS errors. The search display included abstract T and L-shaped items on a cloudy background and positive and negative sounds. Results demonstrated that negative sounds produced the largest SOS effect by definition, but this was due to superior accuracy in low-salient single target trials. Response time, which represents efficiency, was consistently faster when negative sounds were provided, in all target conditions. On-target fixation classification revealed scanning error, which occurs because targets are not fixated, as the most prominent type of error. These results imply that the two dimensions of emotion - valence and arousal - interactively affect cognitive performance.

Exploring Optimal Threshold of RGB Pixel Values to Extract Road Features from Google Earth (Google Earth에서 도로 추출을 위한 RGB 화소값 최적구간 추적)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2010
  • The authors argues that the current road updating system based on traditional aerial photograph or multi-spectral satellite image appears to be non-user friendly due to lack of the frequent cartographic representation for the new construction sites. Google Earth are currently being emerged as one of important places to extract road features since the RGB satellite image with high multi-temporal resolution can be accessed freely over large areas. This paper is primarily intended to evaluate optimal threshold of RGB pixel values to extract road features from Google Earth. An empirical study for five experimental sites was conducted to confirm how a RGB picture provided Google Earth can be used to extact the road feature. The results indicate that optimal threshold of RGB pixel values to extract road features was identified as 126, 125, 127 for manual operation which corresponds to 25%, 30%, 19%. Also, it was found that display scale difference of Google Earth was not very influential in tracking required RGB pixel value. As a result the 61cm resolution of Quickbird RGB data has shown the potential to realistically identified the major type of road feature by large scale spatial precision while the typical algorithm revealed successfully the area-wide optimal threshold of RGB pixel for road appeared in the study area.

Hydraulic Experiment for Pollutant Discharge Characteristics in a Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant Port (월성원자력발전소의 항내 오염물 유출 특성에 관한 수리실험)

  • Yang, Byung-Mo;Min, Byung-Il;Park, Kihyun;Kim, Sora;Lee, Jung Lyul;Suh, Kyung-Suk
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the dispersion process of pollutant substances in a port under wave and current environments was evaluated by a hydraulic experiment. Once the contaminants washed ashore into the port of Wolseong nuclear power plant, transport processes of pollutants were investigated by tracking the tracer according to the variations of experimental condition through a hydraulic experiment. Several hydraulic experiments were performed to analyze the pollutant discharge rate of the surface coming from the different coastal environments. From the hydraulic experiment results, the tracer concentration decreased exponentially. These results suggested that, after the tracer was transported to the open sea, a different gradient was shown under different conditions. For the case of a diluted condition, the half-life of flow rate was 2.70, 10.40, and 26.39 days for 30, 20 and 10 rpm in the left-side, respectively. The decrease of the tracer concentration under conditions of 30 rpm was much faster than that under conditions of 10 rpm. For the wave condition, the half-life of flow rate was 4.59 and 15.35 days for the right and left side of the port in a hydraulic scale prototype, respectively.

The Design and Implementation of a Real-Time FMD Cattle Burial Sites Monitoring System Based-on Wireless Environmental Sensors (u-EMS : 센서네트워크 기반의 가축매몰지 악취환경정보 실시간 모니터링 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Moon, Seung-Jin;Kim, Hong-Gyu;Park, Kyu-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.12B
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    • pp.1708-1721
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    • 2011
  • Recent outbreak of cattle diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease(FMD) requires constant monitoring of burial sites of mass cull of cattles. However, current monitoring system takes environmental samples from burial sites with period of between one and two weeks, which makes it impossible for non-stop management of hazardous bio-waste. Therefore, in this study, we suggest an improved real-time environmental monitoring system for such bio-hazardous sites based on wireless sensor networks, which makes constant surveillance of the FMD burial sites possible. The system consists mainly several wireless environmental monitoring sensors(i.e dust, Co2, VOC, NH3, H2S, temperature, humidity) nodes and GPS location tracking nodes. Through analysis of the relayed of the environmental monitoring data via gateway, the system makes it possible for constant monitoring and quick response for emergency situation of the burial sites. In order to test the effectiveness of the system, we have installed a set of sensor to gas outlets of the burial sites, then collected and analyzed measured bio-sensing data. We have conducted simulated emergency test runs and was able to detect and monitor the foul smell constantly. With our study, we confirm that the preventive measures and quick response of bio environmental accident are possible with the help of a real-time environmental monitoring system.

Tracking Recent Terrorism Trends in Europe and North America (최근 북미 및 유럽지역의 테러리즘 동향연구: 2012-2017)

  • Park, Gi-Bbeum;Lee, Chang-Han;Yu, Hyo-Eun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.53
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    • pp.109-133
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a general trends in recent terrorism in North America and Europe over the last five years. In particular the terrorism which occurred after 2012 shows the transition in trends as terrorists attacks civilians and public places(soft target) rather than targeting national facilities or specific people. For instance, the Parris terror attack and Barcelona vehicle attack shows this changes clearly. The terrorists appeared to attack ordinary people in urban places with high population density. Although the trends are changing, there are still few studies focusing on the current situation, and most of the previous studies have focused on changing in strategies and counter-terrorism in each country after the 9.11 terror. Meanwhile, studies examining the trends of terrorism have been limited to analyzing few cases or using relatively monolithic data of Global Terrorism Data(GTD). While the types of terrorism that occur recent years including 'new terrorism' in many respects, it seems to be difficult to classify with GTD data and/or case studies. Therefore, it is necessary to construct new data that perhaps grasp the recent trend of terrorism from different perspectives. In this point of view, this Based on this, this study collects terrorism data from North America and Europe for the past five years, by using the National Intelligence Service's annual report on terrorism as a sampling framework and analyse the trends and changes. The result shows similarities in the methods of attack, and the type of weapon they used. As vehicle attacks has been raised in few years, damage area has been widen and casualties also have been increased.

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A Utilization Strategy of Nursing Staff by Types of Medical Institutions - nurse staffing level of medium and small-sized hospitals (의료기관별 간호인력 활용방안-중소병원 간호사 확보를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Ji Yeon;Chae, JungMi;Song, Mi Ra;Kim, Eun Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the current situation of medium and small-sized hospital nursing staff and related policies, and identified the factors that affect staffing level to provide evidence for planning and adopting policy. By analyzing the statistical data published by public institutions such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the result was viewed based on the understanding of various internal and external health care environments. The number of active nurses was less than 50% of the number of licensed nurses and has decreased every year. This means that the cost-effectiveness of increases in nursing college enrollment should be reconsidered. Inpatient nursing fees by staffing grades has caused nurses to move from medium and small-sized hospitals, where there is a severe lack of staff, to more advanced general hospitals. As a result, the lack of nursing staff in medium and small-sized hospitals has worsened. In conclusion, reexamination is needed to improve effectiveness of inpatient nursing fees by staffing grades as a policy to secure the workforce of medium and small-sized hospitals. Furthermore, the tracking management system of licensed nurses must be able to solve the imbalance between demand and supply of nursing staff.

An Efficient Location Management Scheme for High-speed Mobile Nodes (고속으로 이동하는 노드들을 위한 효율적인 위치 갱신 기법)

  • 송의성;길준민;황종선
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.581-594
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    • 2003
  • Recently, a location management is being more important in mobile communication systems due to an explosive increase of mobile users. Current systems have used a concept of location area. Based on this concept, a mobile user performs a location update whenever it moves into a new location area. However, this scheme can not avoid unnecessary location updates when a mobile user moves around with high movement rate as compared to call arrival rate. That results in tremendous location management cost. To overcome this drawback, our proposal divides service areas into two sets: One is a set of areas that mobile users move with high speed and another is a set of areas that they move with low speed. After establishing these two sets, this paper employs different location tracking schemes for each sets. Generally, most mobile users with high speed have a low CMR and a regular direction until they arrive at their destination. Using such the moving behavior, systems can predict a mobile user's next location area in advance. When the mobile user moves into the predicted location, our proposal does not perform a location update. Thus, it can reduce overall location management cost. The Markov model is used to analyze the performance of our proposal. Using the model, this paper compares our proposal with IS-41 and TLA. The analytic results show that as CMR grows lower, an overall cost of our proposal becomes less, particularly if a mobile user frequently moves into the specific location are predicted by mobile systems. Also, our proposal has a better performance than other two schemes when the communication cost between HLR and VLR is high.