• Title/Summary/Keyword: Culture Differences

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Genetic Characterization for Human Enterovirus Isolated from Busan Region in Korea (부산지역에서 분리된 엔테로바이러스의 유행양상 분석 및 유전자형 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Ho;Min, Sang-Kee;Park, Eun-Hee;Park, Yon-Koung;Kwan, Sun-Mok;Jin, Seong-Hyeon
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.907-913
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    • 2010
  • Human enteroviruses (HEV) are considered one of the major infectious causes of central nervous system infections such as aseptic encephalomeningitis in pediatrics. This study was focused on providing information related to genetic characteristics and diversities of HEV which prevailed between 2007 and 2009 in Busan, Korea. A total of 2,743 specimens were collected from children and screened for isolation of HEV by cell culture and RT-PCR. Among the specimins, 240 isolates were grouped into 21 different HEV serotypes using VP1 RT-PCR. The major etiological agents were CV-A6 and CV-B2 in 2007, E-6 and E-30 in 2008 and CV-B1 in 2009. The occurrence of HEV infections was the most frequent in the summer (May to August, 188 cases, 78.3%). Most of the isolates were identified from specimens from children under 10 years old, with the highest occurrence in the 2 to 4 year old range (15.2%). However, there were no significant differences between male and female children for the isolates. For analyzing genetic characterization, VP1 gene was amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. The phylogenetic tree was established by Clustal W method using DNASTAR software. Using the sequence analysis of the VP1 region, it was classified into 2 groups; HEV-A and HEV-B. The HEV-A group contained 6 serotypes and sequences of 31 isolates were compared within each serotype. The HEV-B group contained 10 serotypes and the sequences of 41 isolates were compared within each serotype. Homology analysis of the VP1 region showed that the identity scores of HEV-A and B isolates were different. In conclusion, genetic divergences were observed among the isolates from children between 2007 and 2009 in Busan.

New horizon of geographical method (인문지리학 방법론의 새로운 지평)

  • ;Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, I consider the development of methods in contemporary human geography in terms of a dialectical relation of action and structure, and try to draw a new horizon of method toward which geographical research and spatial theory would develop. The positivist geography which was dominent during 1960s has been faced both with serious internal reflections and strong external criticisms in the 1970s. The internal reflections that pointed out its ignorance of spatial behavior of decision-makers and its simplication of complex spatial relations have developed behavioural geography and systems-theoretical approach. Yet this kinds of alternatives have still standed on the positivist, geography, even though they have seemed to be more real and complicate than the previous one, The external criticisms that have argued against the positivist method as phenomenalism and instrumentalism suggest some alternatives: humanistic geography which emphasizes intention and action of human subject and meaning-understanding, and structuralist geography which stresses on social structure as a totality which would produce spatial phenomena, and a theoretical formulation. Human geography today can be characterized by a strain and conflict between these methods, and hence rezuires a synthetic integration between them. Philosophy and social theory in general are in the same in which theories of action and structural analysis have been complementary or conflict with each other. Human geography has fallen into a further problematic with the introduction of a method based on so-called political ecnomy. This method has been suggested not merely as analternative to the positivist geography, but also as a theoretical foundation for critical analysis of space. The political economy of space with has analyzed the capitalist space and tried to theorize its transformation may be seen either as following humanistic(or Hegelian) Marxism, such as represented in Lefebvre's work, or as following structuralist Marxism, such as developed in Castelles's or Harvey's work. The spatial theory following humanistic Marxism has argued for a dialectic relation between 'the spatial' and 'the social', and given more attention to practicing human agents than to explaining social structures. on the contray, that based on structuralist Marxism has argued for social structures producing spatial phenomena, and focused on theorising the totality of structures, Even though these two perspectives tend more recently to be convergent in a way that structuralist-Marxist. geographers relate the domain of economic and political structures with that of action in their studies of urban culture and experience under capitalism, the political ecnomy of space needs an integrated method with which one can overcome difficulties of orthhodox Marxism. Some novel works in philosophy and social theory have been developed since the end of 1970s which have oriented towards an integrated method relating a series of concepts of action and structure, and reconstructing historical materialism. They include Giddens's theory of structuration, foucault's geneological analysis of power-knowledge, and Habermas's theory of communicative action. Ther are, of course, some fundamental differences between these works. Giddens develops a theory which relates explicitly the domain of action and that of structure in terms of what he calls the 'duality of structure', and wants to bring time-space relations into the core of social theory. Foucault writes a history in which strategically intentional but nonsubjective power relations have emerged and operated by virtue of multiple forms of constrainst wihthin specific spaces, while refusing to elaborate any theory which would underlie a political rationalization. Habermas analyzes how the Western rationalization of ecnomic and political systems has colonized the lifeworld in which we communicate each other, and wants to formulate a new normative foundation for critical theory of society which highlights communicatie reason (without any consideration of spatial concepts). On the basis of the above consideration, this paper draws a new norizon of method in human geography and spatial theory, some essential ideas of which can be summarized as follows: (1) the concept of space especially in terms of its relation to sociery. Space is not an ontological entity whch is independent of society and has its own laws of constitution and transformation, but it can be produced and reproduced only by virtue of its relation to society. Yet space is not merlely a material product of society, but also a place and medium in and through which socety can be maintained or transformed.(2) the constitution of space in terms of the relation between action and structure. Spatial actors who are always knowledgeable under conditions of socio-spatial structure produce and reproduce their context of action, that is, structure; and spatial structures as results of human action enable as well as constrain it. Spatial actions can be distinguished between instrumental-strategicaction oriented to success and communicative action oriented to understanding, which (re)produce respectively two different spheres of spatial structure in different ways: the material structure of economic and political systems-space in an unknowledged and unitended way, and the symbolic structure of social and cultural life-space in an acknowledged and intended way. (3) the capitalist space in terms of its rationalization. The ideal development of space would balance the rationalizations of system space and life-space in a way that system space providers material conditions for the maintainance of the life-space, and the life-space for its further development. But the development of capitalist space in reality is paradoxical and hence crisis-ridden. The economic and poltical system-space, propelled with the steering media like money, and power, has outstriped the significance of communicative action, and colonized the life-space. That is, we no longer live in a space mediated communicative action, but one created for and by money and power. But no matter how seriously our everyday life-space has been monetalrized and bureaucratised, here lies nevertheless the practical potential which would rehabilitate the meaning of space, the meaning of our life on the Earth.

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Effects of Water Temperature and Photoperiod on the Oxygen Consumption Rate of Juvenile Dark-banded Rockfish, Sebastes inermis (수온과 광주기에 따른 볼락, Sebastes inermis 치어의 산소 소비율)

  • Oh Sung-Yong;Noh Choong-Hwan
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.210-215
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    • 2006
  • An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of four water temperatures (10, 15, 20, and $25^{\circ}C$) in combination with three photoperiods (24L:0D, 12L: 12D, and OL:24D) on the oxygen consumption rate of juvenile dark-banded rockfish, Sebastes inermis (mean body weight $20.5{\pm}0.7g$). The oxygen consumption rates of S. inermis were measured in triplicate for 24 hours using a continuous flow-through respirometer. Different combinations of water temperatures and photoperiods resulted in significant differences in the mean oxygen consumption rate of S. inermis (P<0.001). The oxygen consumption increased with increasing water temperatures for all photoperiod treatments (P<0.01). Mean oxygen consumption rates at 10, 15,20 and $25^{\circ}C$ ranged $178.3\sim283.5,\;386.7\sim530.7,\;529.2\sim754.3$ and $590.0\sim785.5mg\;O_2kg^{-1}h^{-1}$, respectively. $Q_{10}$ values ranged $3.17\sim5.51$ between 10 and $15^{\circ}C,\;1.87\sim2.10$ between 15 and $20^{\circ}C$ and $1.08\siml.24$ between 20 and $25^{\circ}C$, respectively. Fish held in continuous darkness (OL:24D) used consistently less okygen than fish exposed to continuous light (P<0.05). The mean oxygen consumption offish in a 12L:12D photoperiod was higher than that offish in 24L:0D and 0L:24D photoperiods under all temperature treatments except $10^{\circ}C$. The oxygen consumption of fish exposed to the 12L:12D photoperiod was significantly higher during the light phase than during the dark phase under all temperature treatments except $10^{\circ}C\;(P<0.05)$. This study provides empirical data for estimating oxygen consumption of S. inermis under given condition. This result has application for culture management and bioenergetic model for growth of this species.

Comparison in Serum Constituents of Cultured Marine Fishes in Early Summer Season (주요 양식어류의 하절기 혈액성분 비교)

  • 전중균;김형배
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.547-556
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to obtain the basic data on the serum constituents of several marine fish spesies commonly cultured in Korea. Blood samples taken from six species of fish were analyzed for various components of serum, total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), triglyceride (TRIG), cholesterol (CHOL), glucose (GLC), lipase (LIPA), amylase (AMYL), aspartate transaminoferase (AST), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (CI) and phosphorus (PHOS). The fish used were coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), rock fish (Sebastes schlegeli), sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus), olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), rock fish (Sebastes schlegeli), sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus), olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus) and jack mackerel (Trachurus jaonicus) reared at the Chungmu Experimental Fish Culture Station of KORDI when the water tempetature was ca. 16.5$^{\circ}C$. There were significant differences in TRIG, CHOL, LIPA and AMYZ among the species analyzed. TRIG concentratin were ranged 178~180mg/dl in jack mackeerel and rock fish, 126~159 mg/dl in olive flounder and sea bass, and 102~114 mg/dl in coho salmon and parrot fish, respectively. Jack mackerel showed the highest levels in CHOL (255mg/dl) and GLC(138mg/dl) among species. LIPA levels were recorded 256 U/dl in coho salmon, 41~42 U/dl in parrot fish and rock fisk, and 5~11 U/dl jack mackerel and sea bass, respectively. AMYL activity of coho salmon was measured as 2, 665 U/dl, and that of jack mackerel was 1,210 U/dl while sea bass showed 60 U/dl and parrot fish, olive flounder and rock fish had at most 5 U/dl. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the concentration of Na and CI. Na and K were proved that they were negatively correlated in all the species. Generally, among blood components, PHOS and CHOL levels were different depending on environmental temperature of each fish species, especially in olive flounder. Rock fish and parrot fish showed high blood concentration of those components during low temperature period while olive flounder and jack mackerel reached high level during their optimal environmental temperature period. The electrolyte concentration and LIPA activity were high during low water temperature period, in general, but TP and ALB concentrations were high during optimal temperature period. The concentrations of TRIG, CHOL and GLC, those which were used as energy sourses, were different among species by season.

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A Study on Collection and Usage of Panel Data on On-board Job Taking and Separation of Korean Seafarers (한국선원의 승선과 이직에 대한 패널자료 구축과 활용방안)

  • Park, Yong-An
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2016
  • Seafarers are an essential resource in maritime industries, which provide navigation skills, vessel maneuvering skills and fishing skills in the fishery industry. They also work as a driving force in pilotage, port operation, vessel traffic service, and marine safety. Other areas in maritime services, which rely on seafarer include safety management of ships, supervisory activities, and maritime accident assessment. In these ways, Korean seafarers have contributed to the growth of Korean economy. However, there have been issues of high separation rate, shortage of supply, multi-nationality, multiplicity of culture caused by employment of foreign seafarers, and aging. The present paper finds that maritime officers and fishery officers demonstrate differences in the statistics of on-board job taking and separation: the separation rate of fishery officers is higher than that of maritime officers. The existing data and statistics by the Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center could be improved by changing its structure from time series to panel data. The Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center is the ideal institution for collecting the panel data, as it has already accumulated and published relevant statistics regarding seafarer. The basic design method of the panel data is to adopt and improve it by including the information on ratings of maritime and fishery industries, ranks in a ship, personal information, family life, and career goal. Panel data are useful in short- and long-term forecasts of supply of Korean seafarers; demand evaluation of education, training, and reeducation of the seafarers; demographical dynamic analysis on Korean seafarers; inducement policy of long-term on board job taking in harmony with man-power demands in marine industries such as pilotage service; implementation of job attractiveness policy on Korean seafarers; and employment stabilization of Korean seafarers.

Relationship of Oral Health Management Behavior to Plaque Index Systems (구강건강관리행위에 따른 치면세균막지수와의 관련성)

  • Lim, Soon-Hwan;Hwang, Ji-Min
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2015
  • A self-administered survey was conducted on the dental hygiene students at three different colleges located in Gyeonggi Province and South Chungcheong Province respectively from October, 2013, to the same month of 2014 to grasp their oral health management behavior, differences in plaque index according to plaque index systems and the correlation of the two. And their plaque index was measured. The findings of the study were as follows: 62.8% of the respondents replied they got a dental checkup over the past year, and 84.1% answered they received preventive dental treatment once at least or more. 80.5% replied they used a fluorine-containing dentifrice. 90.9% answered they used the rolling method to brush their teeth, and 50.0% replied it took three minutes to brush their teeth. They got a mean of 27.88 when O'leary index was used among plaque index systems. Their PHP index and PHP-M index were respectively a mean of 1.30 and a mean of 12.12. Their plaque index became lower when they spent more time brushing their teeth, and the toothbrushing time made a statistically significant difference to that (p<0.05). The factor that exerted the largest influence on plaque index was whether to brush teeth for the sake of oral health (B=-9.747, t=-3.752, p<0.001) or not. That made a statistically significant difference to it. The above-mentioned findings illustrated that more patients visited dental clinics than before to receive preventive dental treatment or to get dental checkups, and that toothbrushing time and whether to brush teeth for the sake of oral health or not were identified as the oral health management behaviors to affect plaque index.

Effect on Breaking of Self-Incompatibility by Old-Flower Pollination, NaCl and $CO_2$ Treatment in Astragalus membranaceus Bunge (노화수분, NaCl 및 $CO_2$ 처리가 황기의 자가불화합성 타파에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Guk;Kim, Dong-Hwi;Park, Chun-Geon;Yeo, Jun-Hwan;Ahn, Young-Sup;Park, Ho-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.467-472
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to break down the self-incompatibility of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge by old-flower pollination, NaCl and $CO_2$ treatment. The old-flower pollination in green house produced fertilization during the 1st and 2nd day after flowering from early September to early October, but almost no fertilization in late August. The most successful pollination occurred in late September at the 1st day after flowering when pod setting was 33.3% and that of seed set was about 86.2%. The old-flower pollination in field showed pod setting for the control group from late August to early October, but no seed set except the days of mid-September and late September. The most successful pollination occurred in late September during the 2nd day of flowering when the percentage of pod setting was 39% and that of seed set was 94.9%. The wrapping in field set pods from late August to early October, but did not set seeds except in mid and end of September. The percentage of pods was 39% and percentage of seeds was 94.9% about flowering after first day in end of September. by field culture. The best result from NaCl treatment was achieved when 1% NaCl treatment in green house produced 21.3% of pod setting in early October and 66.7% of seed set in late September. In field, NaCl 5% treatment produced best result with 7.3% of pod setting and 90.9% of seed set in mid-September. No differences were observed between the $CO_2$ 700ppm treatment and the control group.

A Study on Brand Recognition of BICOF : Comparative Analysis on the Visitor and Non-Visitor (부천 국제만화축제 브랜드 인식에 관한 연구: 참관자와 비참관자 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Ji-Young;Yim, Hak-Soon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.26
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    • pp.131-156
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    • 2012
  • As the Global Age has arrived, the domain of festivals has expanded to fulfill the role of being not only a tourist attraction but of being a factor that determines the image and identity of cities, and the factor of enhancing the brand value of a particular city is being focused upon. The city of Bucheon, which aims to be a culture oriented city, is attempting to utilize the Bucheon International Comics Festival as a cultural asset for the revitalization of the city. This study has as its purpose the development of an evaluation index model on the brand value of the Bucheon International Comics Festival and research being conducted based on the developed evaluation index model on the awareness level of the citizens of Bucheon of the festival. In regards to this, the theoretical background was examined and the index model was developed based on precedent research. Based on this, a survey of 1,000 citizens of Bucheon was conducted in this study. This study conducted a survey targeting 500 persons, dividing them into 2 groups according to whether they participated in the festival. The survey of this study established 9 evaluation categories for the International Comics Festival evaluation index model which consists of demographic research and participation motivation, value of comics, festival brand awareness and association image, perceived product quality and loyalty for the festival, internationality of the festival and urban activation. Each survey question is composed of 5 points scale measurement. As a result of the survey, 'for an education of children' was the highest for the participation motivation, and 'not knowing of the festival information' was the highest for the reason of not having participated. The industrial value was evaluated as the highest among the value of comics by the both two groups, and it was studied that there was perception gap for the festival according to whether they participated in the festival for each survey question. It was revealed that the level of awareness of the Bucheon International Comics Festival was "normal," the "city revitalization" index and the "value of comics" index were relatively high and the "international character of the festival" index was the lowest. Furthermore, it was shown that there were differences in the awareness of the established categories of the developed evaluation index model based on whether or not there was participation in the festival. This study comprehensively organizes these analytical results and derives implications which can be used as data for the criteria of the development of future strategy for the Bucheon International Comics Festival.

Effect of Crude Polysaccharide Isolated from Mageoli Mash under Different Fermentation Conditions on Immune-Stimulating Activity (발효 조건이 막걸리 술덧 유래 다당의 면역자극 활성에 미치는 효과)

  • Rhee, Young Kyoung;Nam, So-Hyun;Kim, Hye-Ryun;Cho, Chang-Won;Lee, Young-Chul;Kim, Young-Chan;Hong, Hee-Do
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.12
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    • pp.1835-1842
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    • 2014
  • Various microorganisms are involved in the fermentation of Mageoli, Korean traditional liquor. Among them, the most predominant microorganism is yeast, including Saccharomyces cerevisae. This study investigated the effects of crude polysaccharides separated from Mageoli mash (CP-M) on activation of peritoneal macrophages in cell culture medium. Four types of yeasts, S. cerevisae 89-1-1, 98-2, 268-3, and 113-4, were used. When peritoneal macrophages were treated with $10{\mu}g/mL$ of CP-M fermented with S. cerevisae 113-4, the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) in the medium was highest ($33.3{\mu}M$). The concentrations of IL-6 and -12 were also highest at 116.3 pg/mL and 59.8 pg/mL, respectively. In the case of CP-M cultured at 15, 20, and $30^{\circ}C$ after inoculation with S. cerevisae 113-4 and fermented at different temperatures, production of NO and IL-6 by peritoneal macrophages did not change compared to the control. For CP-M obtained after fermentation at $25^{\circ}C$, however, NO concentration increased 2.7~3.3 fold and IL-6 concentration by 5.7 fold compared to the control. Furthermore, the effect of fermentation period on expression of CP-M functionality was examined. NO production by CP-M of the 5th day mash was highest, increasing 2.2 fold compared to 0-day CP-M. However, there were no significant differences in concentration of IL-6 or -12 according to different fermentation periods, although CP-M showed a large decrease after 10 days. The results show that fermentation conditions with the highest activity were observed in CP-M inoculated with S. cerevisae 113-4 and fermented at $25^{\circ}C$ for 5 days. CP-M consisted of 78.6% neutral sugar, 11.6% acidic polysaccharide, and 9.8% protein. In particular, the sugar composition of neutral sugar consisted of mannose (47.8%), glucose (29.6%), and galactose (12.7%). Based on the results, CP-M is assumed to be an extracellular polysaccharide originating in yeast with high mannose content.


  • Harn, Chang-Yawl
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.6-18
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    • 1960
  • The present experiments were designed in order to clarify the differences between the long and short styled plants and the transgressive gradition in the degree of dimorphism among the three heterostylous species of the Polygonus, P. japonica, F. esculentum, and P. senticosa, based on investigations regarding the floral structure, ecological and physiological traits, the results of which are summarized as follows: (1) P. japonica, although it exhibits typical dimorphism, has undergone so high a differentiation between long and short styled that its long styled individuals behave as if they were female; and short styled individuals as if male. In long-styled individuals, filament, anther, and pollen grains show signs of degeneration, most of the pollen being abortive. On the other hand, in short styled individuals, the filament, anther, and pollen grains have attained remarkable development; the pollen grians are large and fertile. In short-plant the fertilized flowers readily drop off in every stage of their embryo development. This species has completely lost the self-fertile property, which is characteristic of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specsei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specisei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of dimorphism in controlled pollination, the short-styled individuals bear no seed in nature, thus misleading taxonomists to idenfity the short-styled plant as male. 2) The morphological feature of the flower organ of P. senticosa obviously indicates definite dimorphism. Physiologically, however, no differentiation towards dimorphism was observed, the species still retaining, both in long and short-individuals, the self-fertile property common to the Polygonum genus. Elaborate examinations revealed that regardless of the modes of pollination, both fertiization and seed setting flourish, no differentiation betwen legitimate and illegitimate unions being recognizable. This sort of physiological property has not been observed in the investigations of other heterostylous plants. It is assumed that this species is differentiated structurally into dimorphism, but not yet physiologically. In nature, however, this plant would have more opportunities to be cross-pollinated, i.e., legitimately combined, than self-pollinated because of the development of two forms of flowers. 3) In terms of heterostylism, the F. esculentum just occupies the intermediate position between P. japonica and P. senticosa structurally, ecologically, and physiologically. Doescription of some of the physiological behavior of the plant will suffice to demonstrate the above facts. While P. japonica has completely lost its self-fertile property, P. senticosa still retains it wolly. In F. esculentum 2-6% of self-fertility is the result in illegitimate combination. There occur occasionally hereditary self fertile individuals among some of the F. or 20 min. irradiation plot, when they reach any stage of the same bacterial population. In addition to this increase of total population in the plots with the more dose of UV light irradiation, it seems that the more dose of UV light irradiation is the more shortened the generation time of Azotobacter. Therefore, it is clear that variation of reproductive rate must be, mere or less, due to the genetic effects induced by UV light irradiation. On the other hand, the lag phase or logarithmic growth phase in nonirradiated culture is shortened prominently, and this must be due to the difference in bacterial number of the original inoculm. The generation time of Azotobacter is shortened by exogeneous treatment of nuclei acid derivatives, and the degree is greater in case of DNA derivatives than RNA dervatives. W.H. Price reported that the rate of ribose nucleic acid to protein in Staphylococcus muscae is proportional to the generation time: that is the faster the cell can form ribose nucleic acid, the more rapid its growth. This explains the shortening of generation time by exogeneous RNA derivatives in this work reasonably. On the other hand, it is well known that the desoxyribose nuclic acid content per cell is constant and independent of the generation time. A.D. Laren and W.N. Takahashi reported that the infectious RNA from TMV is 6 times as sensitive to inactivation by UV as it is in the form of intact virus, and that inactivation of infectious TMV involves onlu a local change on RNA chain. But, the effect of exogeneous DNA in this work suggests that irradiated living cell which cotain DNA bring about some change on DNA moleculs as well as RNA molecules. And if the mutagenic effects of UV take into consideration, it is very reasonable. Therefore, it is clear that the variation of the generation time by UV irradiation is, more or less, due to the genetic effects. Therefore, it seems that the shortness of the average lifewpan of Azotobacter by UV irradiation is resulted not only from the influence of the environmental conditions, but also from the variation of genetic factor of the individual.

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