• 제목/요약/키워드: Cultural Regeneration

검색결과 186건 처리시간 0.024초

역사·문화콘텐츠를 활용한 도시재생이 주민참여와 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향 : 인천 개항장 문화지구 중심으로 (The Effect of Historical and Cultural Content-based Urban Regeneration on Resident Participation and Life Satisfaction : Focusing on Incheon Open Port Cultural District)

  • 정영미
    • 도시과학
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2022
  • This study, the meaning of historical and cultural content utilization in urban regeneration was examined and in the process, the causal relationship between each variable was verified through path analysis among physical, cultural, social, and economic factors. The purpose of this study is to find the main variables of historical and cultural content urban regeneration projects in which the moderating effect of economic factors and demographic characteristics, which are mediating effects, have a significant effect on resident participation and life satisfaction of local residents. Furthermore, by presenting a more integrated and effective urban regeneration policy plan, it is intended to ultimately contribute to the vitalization and direction of urban regeneration.

부산 감천문화마을 재생을 위해 도입된 공공미술의 지역활성화 효과 (The Local Revitalization Effects of Public Arts Introduction to Gamcheon Culture Village Regeneration)

  • 박재현;이연숙
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2014
  • Today, modern society pursues the paradigm of creative city and regeneration. Cultural regeneration of revitalizing locality by utilizing culture catches attention, is a major approach. Public arts is considered as a catalyst of cultural regeneration, and it inspires vitality to declined districts. Gamcheon Culture Village, Busan has accelerated propagation of revitalization only in recent couple of years, and it has been developing with residents' participation continuously. The purpose of this research is to analyse the revitalizing effects of public arts introduction to Gamcheon Culture Village regeneration. In specific, social, cultural, economical, physical and environmental revitalization effects of the village were defined. The research method is questionnaire survey and 320 reponses from residents and visitors were collected. Data were statistically analyzed with SPSS18.0. The effects of public arts introduction to Gamcheon Culture Village regeneration are positive overall. However, according to the districts of the village, having diversity of art projects in both quantity and quality, the perceptions were different. Regeneration with utilizing public arts for revitalizing declined district, the Gamcheon case shed light on the future. The research indicated the value of public arts and some strategies of allocating art projects.

도시재생에서 역사문화콘텐츠 사업 유형화 연구 (A Study on the Categorization of Historic-Cultural Contents Project on Urban Regeneration)

  • 최희경;이진민
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.50-63
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 최근 도시재생사업이 물적 환경 뿐 아니라 사회, 역사, 문화, 경제 등 비물적 요소까지 확장되고 있는 흐름에 주목하고 국내도시재생사업의 역사문화콘텐츠 내용 분석 및 유형화와 향후 방향성 제안을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 도시재생사업 관점에서 역사문화콘텐츠 개념을 정의하고 총 33개의 도시재생사업과 문화적 도시재생사업을 대상으로 역사문화 관련 사업의 내용 분석과 유형화를 시도하였다. 첫째, 도시재생사업 내용적 측면에서 역사문화콘텐츠 사업 유형은 문화예술형, 지역 자산형, 경제문화형, 역사유산형으로 구분된다. 둘째, 도시재생 선도사업에서 역사문화콘텐츠 사업은 주로 물리적 재생과 결합하여 시행된다. 셋째, 도시재생사업 초기 단계에서 지역주민의 참여와 소통을 이끌어내기 위하여 역사문화콘텐츠 사업 유형을 활용하는 사업이 다수 나타나는 반면 지역민과 공공의 갈등 양상도 보인다. 향후 도시재생사업의 역사문화콘텐츠 활용은 4차 산업혁명의 흐름에 부응하며 물리적 재생 중심에서 비물리적 재생과 거버넌스를 포함한 인적자원 재생까지 범위를 확장하는 것을 제안한다.

문화주도형 도시재생의 계획적 특성에 관한 연구 -독일 루르지역의 주(州)정원박람회를 중심으로- (A Study on the urban Characteristics of Design for Urban Regeneration based on Cultural Strategy -Focused on the case of Ruhrgebiet, Germany-)

  • 박종기
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2013
  • Under the powerful influence of economical and social transformation, namely Post-Industrialization since the 1980's, old industrial cities in western europe faced a severe urban crisis such as high unemployment rates, demographic decline, urban slums, lack of infrastructures and economic shocks. In order to overcome their urban decline, They had to attempt to find a creative re-modelled and re-imaged Urban Development Strategy for the future. Thus Urban Regeneration has been a serious issue of debate in europe. First of all, Urban Regeneration based on cultural strategy have played an increasingly important role in the Post-Industrial cities and regions since 1980's. The purpose of this study is to find out the organized characteristics of Urban Regeneration based on Cultural Strategy by analyzing successful overseas case "Landesgartenschau in Ruhrgebiet, Germany, where has been changed from an old industrial city to a Culture-Service- based City significantly over last several years. It's inner-city old industrial areas with amount of derelict under-used industrial Heritages have been remodelled and reimaged to a creative and attractive public spaces involving Arts and cultural activity by Urban Regeneration based on Cultural Strategy, namely, "Landesgartenschau".

도서지역의 생태문화적 재생 요소에 대한 중요도 분석 (The Importance Analysis of Experts on Eco-Cultural Regeneration Index in Island Regions)

  • 변병설;신선미
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.687-696
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 도서지역에 도입 가능한 생태 문화적 재생 요소를 도출하여 전문가를 대상으로 중요도 인식조사를 실시하였다. 먼저, 도서지역의 현황과 개발 동향, 농어촌 마을 및 생태 해양도시를 기초로 하여 도서지역에 적합한 생태문화적 재생 요소를 도출하였다. 생태적 재생 요소에는 토지이용, 교통체계, 건축물, 자원순환으로 분류하고, 문화적 재생 요소에는 보존 및 보전, 관광자원화, 기반시설로 분류하였다. 직업분야(학계, 공공기관, 민간회사), 전공분야(도서 해양, 문화 관광, 생태 환경, 도시계획)로 나누어서 살펴보았다. 차이분석은 일원배치 분산분석(One-way ANOVA)을 실시하여 도서지역의 생태문화적 재생 요소에 대한 전문가 집단간 중요도 인식을 비교하였다. 토지이용부문은 학계와 공공기관 간 충분한 협의가 있어야 하고, 전문가들은 생태문화자원의 보존을 통해 도서지역이 활성화 될 수 있음을 인식하고 있다.

도시 재생 관점에서 문화의 거리 공간특성 분석 - 국내 문화의 거리 사례분석을 중심으로 - (A Study on Spatial Characteristics of Cultural Streets in Urban Regeneration Aspects - Focused on a Case Analyses of Domestic Cultural Street -)

  • 김미영;문정민
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2010
  • A city is a type of culture as living styles people have accumulated, In Particular, urban streets are integrated bodies of culture based on regional history and tradition which are easily accessible by people. However, due to insensible expansion policy of current cities, decline of old downtowns which have kept cultural characteristics of each region, hollowing out of the downtowns, expansion of new downtowns which have uniformed characteristics are weakening identities of each region. To overcome such problems, a culture-oriented approach as one of the urban regeneration strategies which have been appeared since 1980s is effective. Life style which has been formed by human activities can be considered as the culture of comprehensive concept and peculiar resources of each region are distinctive culture of each region. Cultural streets in which people can share each other's feeling may influence regional activation through cultural influence while preserving regional tradition and history. Therefore, this study aims to discover spatial characteristics of cultural streets through theoretical examinations on formation of streets in as aspect of urban regeneration and identify their characteristics by analyzed cases of domestic cultural streets.

'아키텍처 포 휴머니티'의 공공재생건축에 나타난 지속가능 디자인 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Sustainable Design Characteristics of Public-Regeneration-Architecture of Architecture for Humanity)

  • 조용연;김종진
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2010
  • This is a study about public-regeneration-architecture design of the 3rd world damaged by the development of capital society of the 20th century and from the perspective of economically poor, anti-capitalist development from non-profit design organization. Active among such non-profit design organizations, the sustainable design characteristics of public-regeneration-architecture of the Architecture for Humanity will be discussed. I help it so as a continuous possibility design to have been given to public-regeneration-architecture of the Architecture for Humanity is small, and I establish a construction space at a few costs to people in a situation to be environmentally interior economic, to be cultural, and I am large, and to be able to generate profitable construction by environment at activation of a local community and worldwide dimensions. I look through a sustainable design way of this study classifies it to cultural sustainability that ecology-cultural approach in the environmental sustainability result ecology - central approach, and how I was applied to materials of construction, color, a pattern, a construction method, space configuration etc. There is the meaning to try to analyze a characteristic of a sustainable design to have appeared to public-regeneration-architecture of the Architecture for Humanity which I make a symbiosis, and you can live on it how in the present cities that city poor floor will add to.

문화기반형 도시재생전략에 관한 연구 (A Study on Culture-Led Urban Regeneration based on historical context and cultural infrastructure)

  • 오덕성;이기복;유르겐 피치
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제7권6호
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2007
  • The idea that city culture can be employed as a driver for urban development has become part of the new orthodoxy by which cities seek to enhance their competitive position. Such development reflect not only the rise to prominence of the cultural sphere in the city development, but also how the meaning of culture has been refined to include new uses in order to meet the main objectives of sustainable development. This study focuses on the procedure how the cultural infrastructure and historical context can be applied for urban regeneration strategy. Two successful cases (Bilbao, Spain and Yokohama, Japan) were selected for analysis of strategies as a whole, background, main characteristics of culture-led urban regeneration strategies and their effect for urban regeneration have been analyzed in detail. In conclusion, lessons for the future development were suggested in terms of resources, planning and linking strategies.

역사문화환경의 도시적 재생을 위한 제도개선방안 연구 - 경주 황남·인왕 한옥지구 사례를 중심으로 - (A Study on the System Improvement Plan for Urban Regeneration of Historical and Cultural Environment - Focusing on the case of Hwangnam and Inwang Hanok district in Gyeongju -)

  • 김남희;이희정
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2021
  • This study is a case study of system improvement measures for urban regeneration of the historical and cultural environment. The example areas are Hwangnam and Inwang Hanok districts in Gyeongju City, which operate various systems to solve the urban decline problem caused by the historical and cultural environment regulations. The subjects of this study are resident support programs and district unit planning systems under the advanced promotion system established in the case area. As research methods, literature studies, field surveys, and in-depth interviews were conducted. Through this, the background and purpose of introduction of each system, major plan contents, and problems of the system application process were analyzed. This study drew the following implications through case studies. First, in order to more effectively promote the urban regeneration of the historical and cultural environment, it is necessary to improve the related systems in an integrated and systematic manner. Second, in order to resolve the policy distrust of local residents in the historical, cultural and environmental management system, a wider variety of planned alternatives to narrow the difference in interests between the public and private sectors should be presented.


  • Hae-Rim Kwon;Seul-Ki Lee;Jung-Ho Yu
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 3th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1515-1520
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    • 2009
  • Objective of Urban regeneration project is a recovery of urban utilities through a physical, environmental, cultural, industrial and economic regeneration. The current paradigm of urban regeneration is not a simple redevelopment as physical redevelopment or improvement. Urban regeneration project is an overall development including a central commercial capacity and business capacity for administration and management, cultural facilities, sightseeing, a residential area. So Urban regeneration project include a various project. Project management of Urban Regeneration project is widely different with general project management. For that purpose, this research would offer to contribute the success factors of urban regeneration project for successful project. For offering these, this research analyzed the properties of urban regeneration project and success factors of construction project by reviewing a literature. The principal characteristics are variety objectives of each district of urban regeneration project, a diversity of stakeholder's objectives and complex structure of stakeholders, an unstructured decision-making system, a lack of plan for business cooperation. We abstracted factors for urban regeneration from brainstorming and verification by experienced experts. We suggest 2 factors related to achieving a goal effectively and 10 factors related to progress of urban regeneration project efficiently.

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