• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cultural Background

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A Language Semantic Analysis Shown at the Title (타이틀(제목)에서 나타난 언어 의미 분석)

  • Lim, Woon-Joo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.491-496
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    • 2012
  • This study tried to analyze symbolism of the work from the title by looking into its linguistic meaning. The title not only exposes artist's thoughts but also speaks for the work subject. Also, it designates the world composed of characters in the work, and further it can be said as endowing overall meaning on the entire work by suggesting possibility of limitless meaning invention as well. As a result of reviewing the symbolism shown at the title after analyzing such points through linguistic contexts, the title named with Adam's language was used for just expressing the essence of characters in the work by transcending time and space, and the title meaning exposed relational aspects between characters and occurred accidents through the association process on 'signifiant' and 'signifie.' These relational aspects are expressed to mutual contraposition, but their relations finally show another one orientation too. In case of the title made by the arbitrary nature of language, a fact could be known that it was results of customs completely unrelated with the practical work and depended on the experience by any accident as being appeared from cultural background of the country where the work was produced. Also, the signification of language occurred in unique regulations and systems, and it was relevant to seeing things through concepts. The proper noun was disappeared, and the symbolism was given again from relational aspects accordingly. It was turn out that similarity between the work and title contained contents of entire work, and played a role of expressing greed in the narrative briefly.

Women's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Breast Cancer in a Rural District of Central India

  • Gangane, Nitin;Ng, Nawi;Sebastian, Miguel San
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.16
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    • pp.6863-6870
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    • 2015
  • Background: Breast cancer accounted for almost 25% of all cancers in women globally in 2012. Although breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in India, there is no organised national breast cancer screening programme. Local studies on the burden of breast cancer are essential to develop effective context-specific strategies for an early detection breast cancer programme, considering the cultural and ethnic heterogeneity in India. This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices about breast cancer in rural women in Central India. Materials and Methods: This community-based cross sectional study was conducted in Wardha district, located in Maharashtra state in Central India in 2013. The sample included 1000 women (609 rural, 391 urban) aged 13-50 years, selected as representative from each of the eight development blocks in the district, using stratified cluster sampling. Trained social workers interviewed women and collected demographic and socio-economic data. The instrument also assessed respondents' knowledge about breast cancer and its symptoms, risks, methods of screening, diagnosis and treatment, as well as their attitudes towards breast cancer and selfreported practices of breast cancer screening. Chi-square and t-test were applied to assess differences in the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice (the outcome variables) between urban and rural respondents. Multivariable linear regression was conducted to analyse the relationship between socio-demographic factors and the outcome variables. Results: While about two-thirds of rural and urban women were aware of breast cancer, less than 7% in rural and urban areas had heard about breast self-examination. Knowledge about breast cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, diagnostic modalities, and treatment was similarly poor in both rural and urban women. Urban women demonstrated more positive attitudes towards breast cancer screening practices than their rural counterparts. Better knowledge of breast cancer symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment correlated significantly with older age, higher levels of education, and being office workers or in business. Conclusions: Women in rural Central India have poor knowledge about breast cancer, its symptoms and risk factors. Breast self-examination is hardly practiced, though the willingness to learn is high. Positive attitudes towards screening provide an opportunity to promote breast self-examination.

A Study for Renaming of Paekje's Designed Tiles -Centering Around the Ghost Image Design Excavated at Oe-ri Kyuam-myun, Buyeo- (백제 문양전의 개명(改名)을 위한 연구 -부여 규암면 외리 출토 '귀형문(鬼形文)'을 중심으로-)

  • Hong, Jae-Dong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.10 no.3 s.27
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    • pp.7-23
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    • 2001
  • We Koreans are very proud of this nation's cultural history over some five millenniums. But most of the relics found in the nation date back up to two thousand years. Under this circumstance, we are wondering the gap and missing of three thousand years. In our traditional literature of history, [Chiwoo] was a military god of supreme dignity and virtue. He was a symbol of brave and strong warriors and since the antiquity, he has been kept alive deeply in the mind of the Korean race. Considering findings through this study, the researcher could provide a conclusion as described below. 1) The name of Paekje's designed tiles was initially made by a Japanese scholar who had first found the antique relic. According to studies by a few of Korean researchers, the name is usually called despite its relation with a historical background of the excavated objects has not been fully studied. 2) After the patterned objects of the Korean antique Kingdom, Japanese researchers reported that [Chiwoo] was a military god as exorcist and probably represented something in the form of a ghost, although there were arguments that the military god was the very being to influence the image of the ghost. This report suggests that the Japanese community didn't downgrade the military god onto the level of a ghost. 3) One of our antique nations, Paekje at that time sought to determine the origin and culture of the Koreans by making multiple exchange relations with China, and probably accepting cultures of the Chinese Han nation and those of the Chinese South and North Dynasty period. Based on findings from a relevant literature, [Sulyigi], people of Paekje attempted to show express the image of Chiwoo in their own unique ways and then deliver the strong bravery of [Chiwoo] to us, or their descendents. This can explain that those findings as above mentioned are consistent with the designed tiles of Paekje, and that the tiles should not be named as the design of ghost. 4) The designed tiles involved elements of Taoism and Buddhism and substantially considered the spirit of four gods which was mobilized for the tomb construction and selection at that time. But this should never be a reason why all of the horned figures seen in tomb wall paintings are collectively treated as ghosts. 5) From the view of historic literature, we can no doubt say that the Heavenly Emperor [Chiwoo] was our ancestor. It is not better to say that the relic stuffs as excavated should be referred to the design of ghost image only in that they have yet to be associated historically with other relics. This claim would be newly changed as it becomes clear with historical remains that our antique ancestors kept doing positive activities along the coast of the antique kingdom, Balhae.

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Analyzing Research Trend of Affective Aspects in Mathematics in Korea (수학 학습에서의 정의적 영역에 관한 국내 연구 동향 분석)

  • Cho, Hye Jung;Kim, In Su
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2016
  • Correcting an imbalance between cognitive and affective aspects of mathematics in schools is recognized as a crucial issue with regards to mathematics education in Korea. Therefore, research and studies about affective aspects have been increasing and themes relating to affective aspects were diverse. Their theme included the improvement of affective aspect, investigation of factors of affective aspect, and development of measurement tools for affective aspect. The purpose of this study is to analyze and organize the research that has been done with respect to affective aspect and drive trend, implication, and their instruction to mathematics education. This study has investigated 103 studies released from 2005 to 2015 on KCI, Korea Citation Index. The results of this study are as follow. First, since released research of affective aspects in mathematics has not increased in number in the last 11 years, academic interest in the affective aspects seems lower than recent interest arousing in Korea. Second, most studies utilized quantitative research as a tool to analyze phenomena and the cause and effect of affective aspects. Third, middle school students were the most common subjects of the studies, followed by elementary school students. Fourth, the studies had various themes such as analyzing the cause and effect of affective aspect, recognizing changes of affective aspects, and measuring affective aspects. The studies, especially, focused most on analyzing how to improve affective aspects by applying it to programs such as mathematic activities and solving mathematic problems. It is necessary for future research to have a long-term perspective and to provide a space for communication. Research should not only focus on how recognize affective aspects differently, which is based on its cultural background, but also to draw affective solutions from them.

Conceptual Model for Women s Health (여성건강을 위한 개념적 모형)

  • 이경혜
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.933-942
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    • 1997
  • There has recently been an increased interest in women's health from, various disciplines, with different perspectives presented according to each profession's academic background. This has led to many instances of incorrectly defining, or misinterpretation, of the issues even among professionals. Nurse scholars as well as practitioners who work in women's health care need to have a clear conceptual understanding of women's health in order to build a body of knowledge, delineate curricular activities, and set directions for professional nursing interventions. In addition, a conceptual model that may be directly utilized in practice is needed to maintain and promote women's health issues. The purpose of this study was to apply a Hybrid model, analyzing conceptual definitions and discussions related to women's health gathered from review of the literature. Further to compare analyticals the concepts and properties observed from field work, so as to present a final definition of women's health and, build a conceptual framework for a united comprehensive perspective on the concept as well as on nursing practice. Data collection and analysis consisted of a theoretical stage, field work stage, and final analysis. A heterogeneous group of professionals and lay persons, 39 in all, participated in the field work. Study findings Include several subconcepts under the concept of women's health : a woman's whole life, holistic health, quality of life, awareness of being a woman, individual nursing, self care ability, reproductive health, and family health. Thus, a comprehensive definition was built, 1. e., "Women's health care be defined as improvement in the quality of life of women through attainment of holistic health throughout the life span. With reproductive health at the core, the concept is directly related to family and national health, and includes taking care of one's own health based on awareness of being a woman and utilizing self care activities. Women's health care issues are unique and allow various responses, therefore women's health professionals need to apply individual approaches to reach solutions in attaining holistic health and improving quality of life." The constructual factors of women's health were found to be reproductive functions, diseases more common in woman, self actualization, mental health, women's health policies, sexuality, midlife changes, and marital relations, with each factor having more than three properties. Positive factors affecting women's health were found to be a normal childbearing process, a healthy lifestyle, active health management, health information, support, and resources, and interpersonal relationships. Negative factors were found to be overwhelming role stress, cultural oppression, gender inequality, distorted sexual identity, economic difficulties, misuse and/or abuse of substances, and stress. The model of women's health may be visualized as a balance scale set upon a woman's life, supporting 4 concentric circles. The innermost circle and second circle incorporate conceptual definitions of women's health, and the outer two circles represent the constructional factors and properties of women's health. Each circle has its own color that symbolizes the conceptual meaning. Positive and negative factors are represented as weights at either end of the scale, and are affected by nursing intervention, i. e., health and wellness increase when positive factors are stronger, whereas disease and illness increase when negative factors are stronger. This model is only a preliminary effort and requires much discussion and testing to be further developed. Continuous research is also required.

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Critical Studies as Culture-based Art Education (문화중심 미술교육으로서의 비평학습)

  • Park, Jeong-Ae
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.1
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2003
  • This study examined the condition of an educational discourse, relating the concept of creativity, culture, culture-centered, and critical thinking, to explore Culture-based Art Education(CBAE). In particular, art education practice was examined using interpretations of creativity and critical theory positions from the field of education. Discourse analysis was used as the research method to contextually situate and analyze the ways in which art education theory and practice of creativity and of critical studies encoded meanings. The study helped build an understanding that creativity was formed as a modernist discourse in the humanistic stance. In education, creativity became the fundamental concern for progressive educators who pursued innate ability of individuals. The way to enhance creative potential of students was to induce their motive, as was the same case in art education, while in artist training, free expression was its main method. In this way, as creativity was intimately connected with the concept of expression, in art education art making is the only course for enhancing creativity. However, because creative process cannot intelligently be regarded as logically distinct from the creative product, and creativity can only be said by product, it seems valid to think that creativity is the quality not to be achieved by teaching. Furthermore, its emphasis on art making resulted in unbalance of art making and art appreciation in art education. It was the late sixties when several alternatives for creative education were made their appearance. Critical studies in art adopted critical theory as its theoretical background has developed as an alternative of creative art education, when research and theory for creativity could not be adequate to deal with the problem of practice. Critical theory is a broad and diverse field of theory and practice drawing on aspects of the modernist perspective of the later Frankfurt School, feminism, Freirean pedagogy, postcolonial discourse as well as postmodernism to construct a practical approach to education. It is very this eclectic nature to provide the mosaic that need to experience cultures from different perspectives in a pluralistic society. Because one's personality is formed by multiple aspects of culture which is very complex and is made up of what we do and value, creativity cannot make part of educational discourse with the philosophy of culture centered. On the other hand, critical studies, as a school art program of critical theory, can perform the role of CBAE, because it would have to deal with the investigation of social and cultural issues form multiple personal, local, national, and global perspectives.

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The Reception of 'Bauhaus Photographies' and Propaganda in Modern Japan: Rethinking of Yamawaki Iwao's Photomontage (근대일본의 '바우하우스 사진' 수용과 국가선전: 야마와키 이와오의 '포토몽타주'에 대한 재조명을 통하여)

  • Suh, Hee-Jung
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.9
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    • pp.59-91
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    • 2010
  • The Bauhaus educational method gave the strong influences on Modern Japanese art and design education. In the 1920s and 1930s, Japan allied with Germany and Italy politically and tried to receive German system to be modernized. The reception of the Bauhaus and Moholy-Nagy's photographic theory was one of those activities at that time. Japanese intellectual class went to the Bauhaus and studied there; Ishimoto Kikuchi, Nakata Sadanosuke, Mijutani Takehiko, Yamawaki Iwao and Yamawaki Michiko(Yamawaki Iwao's wife). Especially, Yamawaki Iwao studied about the architecture at the Bauhaus, but his interest moved toward the photography and the photomontage based on Moholy-Nagy's theory. He studied at the photography workshop of the Bauhaus presented by Peterhans irregularly. Even though Yamawaki Iwao was an architect, he wanted to be admitted as an expert for the photomontage that he particularly studied at the Bauahus as a Bauhaus member. He had presented many articles about the photomontage at the photography magazines in Japan in order to introduce it to Japan since he returned in 1933. Thus, Yamawaki Iwao is the important person when we look back the Modern Japanese design and art history. In Japan, the art and design systems are managed by the Bauhaus educational system until now, and it has become a kind of cultural legacy in Modern Japan; The university of Tama and The university of Tsukuba are the representative educational systems which are based on the Bauhaus legacy. However, Yamawaki Iwao had been concealed as a photographer in Japanese design and photography history until the retrospective discuss named by 'Bauhaus syashin(Bauhaus Photographies)' at the photography magazine, Deja-vu in 1995 and the retrospective exhibition titled as 'Bauhaus syashin(bauahustofografie)' in 1997. This study rethinks of Yamawaki Iwao's historical position while looking at the term as 'Bauhaus Syashin(Bauhaus Photographies)' used in Japan. It is very important to bear in mind Moholy-Nagy's wide variety of approaches to photography at the Bauhaus, but it is impossible to name it 'Bauhaus style'. 'Bauhaus style' is the international style in architecture, but that was never a Bauhaus style in photography. Eugene J. Prakapas indicated that the vague term of 'Bauhaus Photographies' in his article in 1985 as well. This study considers the historical background for the mistake of the term of 'Bauhaus Syashin(Bauhaus Photographies)' in Modern Japanese history, while looking at Yamawaki Iwao's photomontage faintly entering on the historical stage again to discuss the reception of the photomontage from him. In particular, Some of Yamawaki Iwao's photomontage presented as the wall photography in Japan during the Second World War, that was related to the propaganda of Japanese government. It had not been known well in the modern Japanese art and design history because it was related to a declaration of the Second World War by Japan. However, the historical position of his photomontage is very important for Japanese history when we rethink of the reception of the Bauhaus and Moholy-Nagys' photographic theory to build up the Japanese modern history. In the result, this study wants to discuss that the mistake of the term of 'Bauhaus syashin(Bauhaus Photographies)' in Japan is related to the interpretation for the the historical position for Yamawaki Iwao's photomontage in the reception of Bauhaus and Moholy-Nagy's photography in Japan.

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The Characteristics of Ornamental Technique and Motifs in Folk Furniture of Chosun Dynasty-In Reference to a Comparison between Danish and Korean Folk Furniture- (조선조 가구의 장식적 표현기법과 무늬의 특징-덴마크와 한국의 민속가구 비교를 중심으로-)

  • 최정신
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to find out some similarities and differences of the ornamental technique and motifs in folk furniture between Denmark and Korea which had quite different background of development of folk furniture as one of a cross-cultural study. Furniture made and used in the 18th and 19th century was investigated in order to eliminate the influence of internationalism in the design area in the 20th century. This study was fulfilled by many study trips all over the districts in Denmark to identify Danish folk furniture as well as literature study. Study trips to folk museums. Insa-dong, Janghanpyung furniture market were done for Korean folk furniture. Characteristics of ornament in Danish folk furniture were as followings; Main materials of the Danish folk furniture were conifers, especially pine tree, as pine was very common and easy to get from their surroundings. The most popular and unique types of decoration in Danish folk furniture was painting. Colors used in painted furniture were very bright and vivid. This might be a reaction to the long and dark winter of Scandinavian countries. Motifs used in Danish folk furniture had been chosen to reflect their surroundings. Flowers, six-angular stars, animals, human figures and Biblical motifs were popular sources of decoration for Danish folk furniture. Characteristics of Korean folk furniture were as followings; Main materials of Korean folk furniture were broad-leaved trees as well as conifers, because of their beautiful wood grain. The Korean ways of decoration were different from Danish ones. The method of painting with bright from Danish ones. The method of painting with bright colors was hardly ever used in Korea, except only in lacquering. The most popular decoration method for Korean folk furniture was revealing the natural wood grain with transparent vegetable oil finish, instead of painting. Metal ornament was unique to Korean folk furniture. therefore a lot of metal ornaments were attached on the furniture. Motifs used in Korean folk furniture were more like symbolic than Danish ones. Korean people tried to express their longings and norms through the motifs, such as longevity, prosperity, good luck, and many sons, etc. Therefore, it was natural for Korean motifs to have special symbolic meanings.

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Advertisement Criticism through Audience Response and Communication Efficacy - focused on KT&G TV-CM text - (수용자 반응 중심의 광고비평과 커뮤니케이션 실효성 - KT&G TV광고 텍스트를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate communication efficacy of advertisement text through audience responses. This study approached qualitatively to KT&G TV commercials. The research proceeded as follows: First, as background theory, studies on audience focusing advertisement criticism and the interpretation of advertising texts were reviewed. Secondly, the characteristics of the audiences of the advertisements, analyzed through in-depth individual interviews as well as group interviews, were incorporated into a broad theme and then divided into different dimensions. Finally, the audiences' decoding code and critic reponses in reading ambiguous advertising texts, and the interrelationship between strategic ambiguity were discussed under a unified model. The major findings of this study are as follows: In interpreting the ambiguous advertising texts, the audiences use various decoding codes such as language, visuals, technology and rhetoric, and various critic responses such as linguistic, macroscopic, schematic, non-verbal and socio-cultural factors, in quite comprehensive manner. Also, it was shown that audiences make use of different decoding strategies in terms of their recognition, reliability, emotional attitude, and behavior. It can therefore be concluded that the strategic ambiguity has its limit in explaining its effectiveness in the entire dimensions of recognition, emotional attitude, and behavior, in the sense that the strategic ambiguity is most effective in recognition while it invokes more negativity in the behavioral dimension. Finally, this empirical study, focusing on qualitative analyses, may have its limit as well; however, deeper statistic-qualitative studies in the future could compensate for it.

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Association of Family Values with Depressive Mood in Korean Married Women: The 4th Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families Panel (기혼여성의 우울감과 가족가치관과의 관련성 연구: 제4차 여성가족패널조사(2012) 자료분석)

  • Park, Sojin;Kim, Roeul;Lim, Seungji;Kim, Jiman;Chung, Woojin
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2018
  • Background: Family values of a married woman may be related to her own depressive mood. Since depressive mood of a married woman is likely to exert a negative influence, in terms of mental health, on her, her family members, and the whole society's, it may be very important to explore the relationship between family values in married women and their depressive mood. Methods: In this study, we analyzed nationally representative 5,818 married women aged 20 years or older from the 4th panel data of 2012 Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families. As for variables of interest, we constructed three family values variables: family-oriented view of marriage, individualistic view of marriage, and traditional view of marital roles. Then we employed multivariate logistic regression analyses to explore the relationship between family values and depressive mood, adjusting for family and socio-demographic factors. Results: In total, 804 married women (18.4%) had experienced depressive mood. All of the three family values variables were significant in their relationships with depressive mood. The women categorized as 'very weak' in family-oriented view of marriage were more likely to experience depressive mood than the women categorized as 'very strong' (odds ratio [OR], 1.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.53-2.55). By contrast, the women categorized as 'very weak' in individualistic view of marriage (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.33-0.55) and in traditional view of marital roles (OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.51-0.92) were less likely to experience depressive mood than their respective counterpart women categorized as 'very strong.' Conclusion: In Korea, married women's values towards marriage itself and roles between wives and husbands had significant associations with their depressive mood. This suggests that in order to improve mental health in married women, we need to take social and cultural dimensions into consideration along with public health interventions.