• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cross-cultural Design

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Sex Differences of the Relationships between Cardiovascular Risk Markers and Psychosocial Factors in Community-Residing Adults (지역사회 성인의 심혈관 질환 위험 표식자와 심리사회적 요인의 성별차이)

  • Song, Hee-Young;Nam, Kyoung A
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to explore sex differences in the risk markers of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and psychosocial factors and the relationships among these variables for the community-residing adults. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a total of 114 participants consisting of 65 men aged 42.85 years old and 49 women aged 46.86 years old. Participants were selected by a convenient sampling of at community cultural centers and churches. They completed a structured questionnaire including demographic characteristics, physiologic risk markers of CVD; lifestyle factors; and depression, social support, and stress. Results: The male participants showed significantly higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures than their counterparts. Significantly higher percent of women were currently non-smokers, and practiced moderate alcohol intake, physical activity, and low fat diet. Among women, the higher the scores of depression and stress were and the lower that of the social support was, the higher blood pressure, waist circumference and BMI were. Among men, those who were less depressed and with higher scores of social support had more physical activity. Conclusion: The findings suggest further studies to explore sex differences of CVD risk markers and psychosocial factors, and their relationships in a larger sample, and to find the mechanism underlying these differences with a prospective design.

Comparative study of application method of OSMU(One-source Multi-use) in digital contents creation (디지털 영상콘텐츠의 원소스 멀티유스(One-Source Multi-Use) 제작방식 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Jeung-Il
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2008
  • The basic strategy of OSMU(One-source Multi-use) in digital image is a marketing that applying one source to other genres for leverage based on that cross-referencing in different genre enabled that one material(one-source) has synergy effect when reproduced to various products(multi-use) as cultural sources are available through on-line and digital format. Recently, according to the characteristics of culture industry with Window Effect, many culture contents such as movies, games, animations and characters are carefully planned at its design stage to get the maximum effect. Especially, the fact that one leading-trend source makes it easier to produce additional products with the least cost is observed and it enables organized management which resulted in low marketing and PR cost. This paper confirmed that OSMU strategy in Korea mainly get started from online to offline comparing to Japan and USA.

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Cultural Differences of Choice on Interaction Problem (인터랙션 문제에 대한 선택의 문화적 차이)

  • Yeoun, Myeong-Heum
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.711-720
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    • 2010
  • This study is aimed to compare choices on interaction problems, and to consider the reason of the choices. It was expected that the interaction problems are influenced from national culture, age, gender and so on. The first interaction problem in this study is default answer button when user operates to delete all messages on SMS in-box. Second one is action when pop-p window warning dangerousness of install showed on web browsing. The third one is type(analog/digital) and information expression of control panel on soup maker. 639 Korean data and 784 data from China, Japan and the Netherlands are analyzed through cross-tabulation and chi-square test. In the results, many Japanese choose 'No' answer at SMS delete problem, while many Dutch choose 'Yes'. The result suggests that uncertainty avoidance effect on interaction problems. On warning pop-up, Younger generation and men choose actively 'install' than older one and women. On type of control panel, Dutch subjects preferred analog type than other countries' subjects. On expression of control panel, older generation and individualistic subjects relatively preferred text style than other style.

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A Study on the Relation between Culture and the Use of a Refrigerator -with Emphasis on the Differences between Korean and USA User Experience of a Refrigerator- (문화적 차이가 냉장고 사용행태에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 한국과 미국의 냉장고 사용 행태 비교 관찰을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Yun-Jin;Kim, Jung-Ha
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02b
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2006
  • 현대의 소비자는 더 이상 단순히 감성적 소구에 의해서나 기술적 기능을 제공하는 것으로 제품을 구매하지 않는다. 제품의 결정은 사용자와 제품 간의 상호작용에 따른 정서, 인지, 행위 등에 의한 총체적인 경험에 의한 것이며, 그러한 소비자들의 경험은 지리적, 역사적 전통으로 고착된 문화적 특성이 제품을 통한 사용자 경험의 기저에서 작용함으로써 문화권 별, 국가 별로 각기 다르게 구성된다. 특별히 음식 문화는 어느 나라이든 자연 조건의 영향과 함께 오랜 역사 속에서 형성되었기 때문에 독특하고 다양한 문화적 차이를 지니고 있으며 이러한 문화적 차이는 냉장고 사용에 있어서 다양한 사용행태를 구분 짓는다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 식품 종류에 의한 영향뿐 아니라 내부 공간 활용의 패턴, 냉장고 환경 설정에 대한 능동적인 태도, 냉장고에서 제공하는 파티션이나 옵션에 대한 수용 정도, 식품의 정리 원칙에 대한 준수 정도 등에 따른 사용행태 간의 차이점을 발견하고, 차별적 사용행태의 기저에 존재하는 문화적 요인을 분석하여 문화적 차이가 사용자의 경험에 영향을 끼치게 됨으로 인하여 냉장고 디자인에 어떠한 변화를 초래하는지 그 연관성을 밝혀내고자 한다. 보다 실제적인 용도로 활용 가능하도록 냉장고 제작의 상업적인 측면을 고려하여 냉장고 내상의 레이아웃에 중점을 두어 본 연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구는 설문과 현장 관찰을 통해 정량적 관찰을 중심으로 분석하였다. 두 국가의 문화 비교를 위한 설문은 이미 여러 연구자료에 의해 검증된 Trompenaars의 문화 변수를 바탕으로 제작 하였다. 또한 정량적 연구에서 발견될 수 없는 문화권 별 여러 특징들에 대한 데이터를 구체적으로 수집하기 위하여 정성적인 연구 방식의 일환으로 실제 관찰 및 사용자 인터뷰를 실시하였으며, 이를 통하여 현상의 원인 및 사용자의 의도를 파악하도록 연구를 진행하였다.

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Purchase intention on naturally dyed clothing depending on fabric benefit sought and attitudes - A cross-cultural study between Korea and the United States - (한미 여대생의 의류소재 추구혜택과 천연염색 태도가 천연염색 의류의 구매의도에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Choi, Jongmyoung;Kim, Sookhyun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.183-197
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the purchase intention on naturally dyed clothing between Korea and the US. As independent variables that affect the purchase intention, benefits that consumers seek when purchasing naturally dyed clothing, especially for fabric materials, and attitudes towards naturally dyed clothing were selected. A quantitative research method with a survey was employed. 160 data from Korea and 180 data from the US were used for the analysis. The convenience sampling method (i.e., college female students) was used. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test and regression analysis were employed to test the differences in purchase intention, fabric benefit sought, and the attitudes. The fabric benefit sought selected for this study includes eco-friendliness, uniqueness, aesthetic, comfort and quality. The attitude toward naturally dyed clothing was categorized as an emotional and a cognitive attitude. The results show the significant differences in the fabric benefit sought depending on nationality, major and experiences in natural dyeing. Significant differences were found in of the attitude toward naturally dyed clothing among the nationalities and the experience types in natural dyeing. In addition, there were significant differences in purchase intention toward naturally dyed clothing between Korean and the US participants, and countries show different fabric benefits and attitudes which influenced participants' purchase intention. The results of this study suggest an appropriate fabric planning for environment-friendly fashion products for both countries.

A Comparative Study on Cross-cultural Complaining Behavior of South Korean and Chinese Consumers about Fashion Products (II) -Focused on Lifestyle and Personality- (한·중 패션제품 소비자 불평행동에 미치는 영향요인 분석 II -소비자의 라이프스타일과 성격을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Okhee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.56-70
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated if there are differences between the effects of lifestyle and personality on consumer complaining behavior between Korea and China. Sample subjects of this study were female college students of Korea(Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do) and China(Yunnan). The questionnaire data from 780 college students were analyzed through the following statistical analyses: a reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequency, mean, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study was as follows. First, the complaining behavior types of college students were divided into 4 factors: third party, breakaway behavior, compensation claim, and negative word of mouth. Second, significant differences were revealed between the dissatisfaction and the conditions of complaining behavior between Korean and Chinese consumers. Third, significant differences were found which were related to the effects of lifestyle and personality on types of consumer complaining behavior between Korea and China. Fourth, the complaining behavior factors of 'third party' and 'compensation claims' of Chinese consumers were higher than those of Korean consumers; however, the 'negative WOM' of Korean consumers were higher than those of Chinese consumers. Fifth, the lifestyle factors of 'fashion orientation, 'rational orientation' and 'activity orientation' of Chinese consumers were higher than those of Korean consumers. The 'achievement orientation' of Korean consumers was higher than that of Chinese consumers. And the personality factors of 'sense of responsibility' of Chinese consumers were higher than Korean consumers. Finally, 'openness' of Korean consumers were higher than Chinese consumers.

Educational examples of game development methodology and paper prototyping for effective digital game creation

  • Choi, Bu-ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2021
  • This study is to verify the effectiveness of initial planning verification using paper prototyping while methodologies are being developed to verify the direction of game planning in a short time at low cost since it is having a hard time to verify the direction and fun of the game by taking a lot of capital and time in the initial planning process as the game development becomes larger. It conducted paper prototyping production for about 40 students who are learning game planning for a semester, and trained them on how to motivate using core mechanical diagrams, scrums, and basic psychological needs that can effectively materialize the ideas of their early game planning. Through this curriculum, board games were completed with eleven paper prototyping, and it was confirmed that students who participated in the class were meaningful in verifying fun and securing gameability through cross-play.

Analysis of the Effects of Information Security Policy Awareness, Information Security Involvement, and Compliance Behavioral Intention on Information Security behavior : Focursing on Reward and Fairness (정보보안 정책 인식과 정보보안 관여성, 준수 의도성이 정보보안 행동에 미치는 영향 분석: 보상 차원과 공정성 차원을 중심으로)

  • Hu, Sung-ho;Hwang, In-ho
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2020
  • The aim of this study to assess the effect of information security policy awareness, information security involvement, compliance behavioral intention on information security behavior The research method is composed of a cross-sectional design of reward and fairness. This paper focuses on the process of organizational policy on the information security compliance intention in the individual decision-making process. As a result, the reward had a significant effect on compliance behavioral intention, and it was found that influence of the psychological reward-based condition was greater than the material reward-based condition. The fairness had a significant effect on information security policy awareness, information security involvement, information security behavior, and it was found that influence of the equity-based condition was greater than the equality-based condition. The exploration model was verified as a multiple mediation model. In addition, the discussion presented the necessary research direction from the perspective of synergy by the cultural environment of individuals and organizations.

Understanding the Japanese History Problem on Trust in Technology Adoption of Workplace Surveillance Cameras: A Moderated Mediation Model in Korean and Chinese Context (한 · 중 데이터로 살펴본 직장 내 CCTV 도입 신뢰에 대한 일본 과거사의 점화효과 연구: 보안 취약성 지각의 조절된 매개 모형)

  • Sungwon Choi;Lifang Chang;Mijeong Kim;Jonghyun Park
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - In the Korean and Chinese social landscape, it is vital to appreciate the significance of the Japanese history problem. The current study investigated whether the perception of the Japanese history problem affects decisions regarding technology adoption in organizations by comparing South Korea and China. Design/methodology/approach - The study involved 305 Korean and 379 Chinese participants who responded to scenarios and surveys regarding the adoption of workplace surveillance cameras supplied by a Japanese company. Findings - Using a moderated mediation model based on protection motivation theory (PMT), we found that past experiences of privacy invasion significantly reduced trust in the adoption of surveillance cameras at work. This relationship was mediated by respondents' perceptions of security vulnerability. The current study, however, did not confirm any significant moderating effect of the Japanese history problem priming on trust in the adoption of workplace surveillance cameras. Research implications - This suggests that the Japanese history problem may have a limited impact on organizational technology adoption decisions, different from the political consumerism behavior driven by public anti-Japanese affectivity. The current study reaffirms the validity and applicability of PMT and provides both theoretical insights and practical recommendations.

Impact of National Culture on Service Quality Evaluations : Comparison of Korea and Anglo-Saxon Countries (국가문화가 서비스품질의 평가에 미치는 영향 : 한국과 영·미권 국가의 비교)

  • Nam, Sung-Jip
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The objective of this research is to investigate whether national culture influences consumers' service evaluations. The services industry is receiving increasing attention from academia and practitioners as its position grows in global markets. Standardization or localization is a traditional managerial decision in global business. As the boundaries of services expand across national borders, firms are required to decide whether to standardize services or adjust to local needs. Though it is imperative to reflect global perspectives in marketing theories, these perspectives are mostly based on Western conceptualization of the world. Through a comparison of consumer groups from two culturally remote countries, service quality evaluation mechanisms are examined based on similar stimuli. The study tries to expand service marketing perspectives across national borders. Research design, data, and methodology - Eastern and Western countries are known to be culturally distinct. One Eastern and one Western country were chosen: an Anglo-Saxon country (the U.S., England, and Australia) and South Korea. In Hofstede's cultural dimensions, the differences between the two are pronounced. The Anglo-Saxon based countries share many similarities. Samples of the same sites are targeted. Questionnaires using a service quality scale (SERVQUAL) and a customer satisfaction scale were distributed. Utilizing Hofstede's typology of culture, the service evaluation mechanisms of the respondents from the two groups are evaluated. Three hypotheses are proposed from the review of the literature. These are service evaluation habits, importance of service quality dimensions for the individualistic/collectivistic countries, and strong/weak uncertainty avoidance cultures. Consumers from the individualistic countries are considered to care about themselves and demand a higher level of responsiveness and assurance. On the other hand, consumers from high uncertainty avoidance cultures are assumed to rely more on tangible questions of service quality, as these are the only predictable service quality indicators. A t-test and regression analysis are applied to validate the constructs. Results - The respondents from the Anglo-Saxon countries are more generous on service evaluations than Koreans. Researchers have indicated that Americans tend to give higher service evolution scores than European, Mexican, and Korean counterparts. The tendency is the same here. The sample from Anglo-Saxon countries demonstrated higher service evaluation scores on every dimension of SERVQUAL. For the second hypothesis, the respondents from the collectivistic culture rely less on core service dimensions (assurance and responsiveness) due to their tendency to place more value on group harmony than individual interest. However, the third hypothesis was not validated. Conclusions - The study attempted to expand the scope of service marketing to reflect cross-national perspectives. Service quality is known to have a strong influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty behavior. However, this research demonstrated that individuals from different cultural territories respond heterogeneously to the same stimuli. Scholars argue that national cultures are main factors in such deviated behavior. Scholars and global managers should be aware of differences in consumer value judgment mechanisms such as satisfaction, expectations, and perceptions.