• Title/Summary/Keyword: Creative Potential

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European Experience in Implementing Innovative Educational Technologies in the Field of Culture and the Arts: Current Problems and Vectors of Development

  • Kdyrova, I.O.;Grynyshyna, M.O.;Yur, M.V.;Osadcha, O.A.;Varyvonchyk, A.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of the work is to analyze modern innovative educational practices in the field of culture and art and their effectiveness in the context of the spread of digitalization trends. The study used general scientific theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparative, induction, deduction, reductionism, and a number of others, allowing you to fully understand the pattern of modern modernization processes in a long historical development and demonstrate how the rejection of the negativity of progress allows talented artists to realize their own potential. The study established the advantages and disadvantages of involving innovative technologies in the educational process on the example of European experience and outlined possible ways of implementing digitalization processes in Ukrainian institutions of higher education, formulated the main difficulties encountered by teachers and students in the use of technological innovation in the pandemic. The rapid development of digital technologies has had a great impact on the sphere of culture and art, both visual, scenic, and musical in all processes: creation, reproduction, perception, learning, etc. In the field of art education, there is a synthesis of creative practices with digital technologies. In terms of music education, these processes at the present stage are provided with digital tools of specially developed software (music programs for composition and typing of musical text, recording, and correction of sound, for quality listening to the whole work or its fragments) for training programs used in institutional education and non-institutional learning as a means of independent mastering of the theory and practice of music-making, as well as other programs and technical tools without which contemporary art cannot be imagined. In modern stage education, the involvement of video technologies, means of remote communication, allowing realtime adjustment of the educational process, is actualized. In the sphere of fine arts, there is a transformation of communicative forms of interaction between the teacher and students, which in the conditions of the pandemic are of two-way communication with the help of information and communication technologies. At this stage, there is an intensification of transformation processes in the educational industry in the areas of culture and art.

The Possibility of Expansion of Performance in Hahoebyeolsingut Talnori : By Trans-Identity of the Chorangi Character (하회별신굿탈놀이의 연희 확장 가능성 고찰 : 초랭이 캐릭터의 정체성 전환을 통하여)

  • Kim, Dalho;Kim, Gongsook
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.23-48
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    • 2020
  • Hahoebyeolsingut Talnori, which is under permanent performance, has lost its relevance to folklore and rituals of the villagers and has secured the possibility of change depending on the actor's choice. This article seeks to expand the current stuck performance of Hahoe mask play, which has great significance as a play and play for the audience. To this end, We studied the possibility of expanding the performance of Hahoe Talnori by trans-identity of the Choragi. Chorangi character derides yangban, seonbi and monk, who are representatives of the establishment. Those who have a consciousness of potential transformation, those who passively represent the masses, and those who are tacitly authorized by the audience to ridicule the ruling class. The audience feels exhilarated by the super-cool, but at the same time reduces the limits. We transformed Chorangi who is clever but cannot overcome the limits of his status, into a character with a sense of transformation by applying the method of turnning identity and changing identity of the theory of trans-identity. And I applied the method of expansion of the media conversion storytelling theory to create a new Chorangi Madang that conforms to the audience's needs and the spirit of the times. In addition to the performance of Yangban Seonbi Madang(Act of Nobleman and Scholar) which ends with an ambiguous reconciliation, we wanted to complete it in a way that even today's audiences could accept by applying the function of the Hahoebyeolsingut Talnori ambassador and the principle of implementation. And We writed it in a script. This article is meant to be an experimental study that attempted to transform traditional performing arts in the context of new creation of tradition. Preservation and transmission of traditional performing arts are important, but it is necessary to move forward according to the trend and spirit of the times.

Conceptual Approaches to Training Specialists Using Multimedia Technologies

  • Shchyrbul, Oleksandr;Babalich, Viktoriya;Mishyn, Sergii;Novikova, Viktoriia;Zinchenko, Lina;Haidamashko, Iryna;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2022
  • Modernization of the educational sector requires globalization, democratization, and the transition to an information technology society. The main goal of education at the present stage is to solve the problem of ensuring the priority of the development of education and science. In modern conditions, the quality of training of qualified specialists is becoming particularly relevant. The great role of teacher education is emphasized by its main goal, which is to train specialists who can ensure the versatile and innovative development of a person as a person and the highest value of society, its mental, physical and aesthetic abilities, high moral qualities, and, consequently, the enrichment on this basis of the intellectual, creative and cultural potential of the people. Among the strategic tasks of modernizing higher education is to ensure informatization of the educational process and access to International Information Systems. The essence of the concept of multimedia is clarified. In the context of media education, multimedia lists a number of functions: informational, interpretive, cultural, entertainment, and educational. The need to meet the needs outlined in the article in the conditions of informatization of the educational process requires the teacher to have knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia pedagogical technologies, knowledge of advanced methods and means of modern science. It is considered what relevant concepts of media education have been developed and are being developed in Ukraine and form an important basis for the modernization of education, which will contribute to the construction of an information society in the country and the formation of civil society. Distance learning is considered - the most democratic form of education that allows broad segments of society to get an education. Distance learning methods are used in higher education institutions, in school education, in the system of advanced training of teachers, in the system of training managerial personnel.

Analysis of the Danmu Phenomenon on the Chinese Video Platform Bilibili - Focused on Henry Jenkins' Concept of Participatory Culture (중국 동영상 플랫폼 Bilibili의 탄막 현상 분석- 헨리 젠킨스의 참여문화 개념을 중심으로)

  • HUANG SHIYI;Kwon Hochang
    • Trans-
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    • v.15
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    • pp.81-104
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    • 2023
  • This paper analyzes the danmu phenomenon with the concept of participatory culture proposed by Henry Jenkins. Unlike other comments, Danmu is a function that allows users to post anonymously while watching a video, and comments posted at that time are immediately displayed on the screen and can be viewed by other viewers. The service was first launched by Niconico. In this paper, the danmu phenomenon in the Chinese video platform Bilibili is analyzed by focusing on three aspects. First, in terms of creative sharing under collective intelligence, we explore how users create their own creations and share them with other users through danmu. Second, in the collaboration model under public participation, the method and meaning of collective cooperation through users' interaction is dealt with. Third, in terms of financial support of commercial capital, the influence of danmu videos to create commercial profits is analyzed as a case. In addition, the negative aspects and challenges of participatory culture in Bilibili are analyzed. Negative aspects such as participation gap, copyright infringement, excessive use of danmu and problems of anonymity were reviewed, and major challenges to realize the potential of danmu as a participatory culture were suggested. This paper comprehensively analyzes danmu using research methods such as literature review and case studies, and through this, tries to derive insights on how participatory culture and danmu interact and evolve in modern society. Danmu, as a participatory medium, is an important tool that promotes individual and collective creation and interaction, and is pioneering a new boundary between the media industry and its users.

A Qualitative Study for Building up the Concept of Culture Welfare (문화복지 개념 정립을 위한 질적 연구 - 휴먼서비스 실천가들의 인식을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jong-Hyug;Lee, Yun;An, Tae-Sook;Yu, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.145-182
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed to build up the concept of culture welfare. For this purpose, we analyzed the practitioners' understanding about culture welfare in culture and social welfare by Modified Grounded Theory Approach. The results showed that the practitioners did not understand the concept of culture welfare clearly, and revealed being in confusion. Their understandings about culture welfare were classified into five types, 1) a type denying a terminology, culture welfare itself, 2) a type without awareness about culture welfare, 3) a type regarding culture welfare as sub realm in the special domain of culture and social welfare, 4) a type undividing and integrating culture and social welfare, 5) a type recognizing an independent domain of culture welfare. But despite of large deviation like this, the practitioners were common to give emphasis on giving opportunities to everyone in the enjoyment of culture, for heightening the quality of life. Summing up, culture welfare is defined as 'all direct and indirect effort in culture and arts, in a narrow sense to economical vulnerable class, and in a broad sense to everyone, to raise cultural susceptibility, creative thinking, and potential competence for realization a life worthy of man. The significance of this study is in establishment the definite and practical concept of culture welfare through a deep analysis the practitioners' understanding. This will give the theoretical basis to the study and the development of various programs in culture welfare.

A Study on the Effect of Internal Resources and Business model Innovation of Venture Enterprises on Industrial Property Performance (벤처기업의 내부 자원과 비즈니스모델 혁신성이 산업재산 성과에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Jeonghoon, Han;Sunghee, Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.237-251
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    • 2023
  • This study tried to understand the effect of internal resources, capabilities, and business model innovation of venture enterprises on industrial property performance, as based on previous studies that securing industrial property rights has a positive effect on the technology commercialization of venture companies. Venture company capabilities were classified into intrinsic elements of a company (company's research resources) and creative elements (commercialization capabilities) that implement them, and they were intended to show that they could lead to a company's potential competitiveness through innovation in business models. In order to verify this research purpose, an empirical analysis was conducted on 1,733 corporate companies among venture confirmation companies subject to the 2019 venture company precision survey. It was confirmed that the systematic research organization and commercialization capabilities of venture companies were significant (+) in industrial property performance. However, in the final research model that applied both the rules of the business model's innovation variable, commercialization capability and business model innovation were significant (-), and research organization × business model innovation showed significant results (+). This means that venture companies' excellent resources and capabilities can have a positive impact on industrial property performance individually, but when applying the level of innovation in the actual business model, they must interact with the business model. The results of this study are meaningful in that it is necessary to pursue business model innovation that secures clear differentiators compared to competitors as well as strengthening the company's internal resources and capabilities to secure industrial assets and innovation growth.

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Local Creators and Local Entrepreneurship in Perspective of Creation Process of Local Contents with Focus on H University (로컬콘텐츠 탄생과정 측면에서 살펴본 로컬크리에이터와 로컬기업가정신: H대학 사례)

  • Junghee Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2024
  • Local decline can be caused by business closures or the departure of the youth. Most countries have been striving to overcome regional inequality through local or community entrepreneurship using assets or contents obtained from differentiated and original embedded resources. The purpose of this study is to conceptualize local contents and local entrepreneurship. To reach the research goals, this paper utilizes the grounded theory as qualitative methodology. From the main findings, this paper suggests that entrepreneurship in the local is influenced by informal alley or specific location (regions) institution outputs so called as local contents which are local norm, culture, local identities. This paper conceptualizes local contents as 'product of creative scenario'. And this work also suggests the liner model for local content innovation. The contribution of this work are two: 1) showing how the local content creation process; 2) analyzing the how local entrepreneurship configures. It can be inclusive potential startups items rooted at the unique resources and assets of the locals and reflecting the originality of locality. In terms of local institutional perspectives, local development takes pace when advancing application of local entrepreneurship. In order for that, practical challenging is more needed by using informal local institutions. Also 'three step linear model' will be applied to educate the new creators. Local contents and local entrepreneurship can definitely rehabilitate locality.

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A Consideration on Creativity of the Unconscious: Focusing on a Series of Dreams (무의식의 창조성에 관한 하나의 고찰: 일련의 꿈을 중심으로)

  • Dukkyu Kim
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.239-268
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    • 2023
  • Humanity has faced destruction(chaos) due to catastrophes (Covid-19, war, earthquake) and awaits a new restoration. For civilizations and individuals, creation or creativity is essential to psychic development. Creativity is the driving force that renews an individual when a new stance and attitude of consciousness or a new adaptation to reality is desperately needed in the depth of the human mind. This article is the result of an exploration of the nature and characteristics of creativity presented by a series of four dreams. First, the definition and form of creativity were explored in the context of religion, mythology, and history of Eastern and Western. While Western mythology refers to creation or creativity originating from God, ancient China viewed creativity as expressed through the interaction of yin and yang, the movement of Tao. In East and West, the form of creation is divided into creation from nothing, creation from matter, and creation through dissolution from the matrix, which psychologically suggests that creativity or creation originates from the unconscious, the seedbed of infinite potential and creative power. Next, with insights from the second dream, the characteristics of creativity were discussed. Creativity occurs through transcendent function and 'going beyond the frame of reference,' that is, 'transgressivity.' Third, the nature of creativity was explored as the creativity of the unconscious aims for regeneration and drives the renewal of Self archetypal images within the collective and individuals. Ultimately, the creativity of the unconscious is the goal of the whole psyche and aims for individuation to become the whole. Realizing the creativity of the unconscious is the fate of humans as the second creator.

The Proto-Humanistic Theory of Art: Focused on Cennino Cennini's Il Libro dell'Arte (최초의 인문주의 미술이론: 첸니노 첸니니의 『미술의 책』을 중심으로)

  • Shan Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.371-376
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    • 2024
  • This paper analyzes the main characteristics of proto-humanistic art theory in the book Il Libro dell'Arte by the artist of the early Renaissance, Cennino Cennini. His book, written in the late 14th century, opened the door to the Renaissance and attempted to make art independent from the poetic implications and rhetoric of literature for the first time in history. Cenini tried to have the creative nature of art, especially painting, recognized by society. Since Cennini's will became the starting point for the development of great art theories published by Alberti and Leonardo in the 15th and 16th centuries, the historical necessity of studying Cennini is fully acknowledged. Therefore, this paper examines the historical achievements of Cenini as an art theorist, who aroused academic interest in the social status of artists as well as the intellectual potential of art. Chapter 1 of this paper first examines the background of the birth of Libro. In the main body of this paper, the theoretical characteristics of Cennini's Libro as the first humanistic art theory are categorized into three areas: 1) the relationship between painting and liberal arts, 2) disegno as a bridge between mind and hand, and 3) pedagogy of painting. Through this process, this paper discovered that Libro combined practical guidelines and ethical recommendations for painting through its unique non-systematic structure. Cennini's attempt is defined as a historical practice for the intellectual emancipation of art and a historical foundation that provides inspiration for the production of Renaissance humanistic art theory.

Limitations on Exclusive Rights of Authors for Library Reprography : A Comparative Examination of the Draft Revision of Korean Copyright Law with the New American Copyright Act of 1976 (저작권법에 준한 도서관봉사에 관한 연구 -미국과 한국의 저자재산권의 제한규정을 중시으로-)

  • 김향신
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.11
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    • pp.69-99
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    • 1984
  • A dramatic development in the new technology of copying materials has presented us with massive problems on reconciling the conflicts between copyright owners and potential users of copyrighted materials. The adaptation to this changing condition led some countries to revise their copyright laws such as in the U. S. in 1976 and in Korea in 1984 for merging with the international or universal copyright conventions in the future. Copyright defined as exclusive rights given to copyright owners aims to secure a fair return for an author's creative labor and to stimulate artistic creativity for the general public good. The exclusive rights on copyrightable matters, generally for reproduction, preparation of derivative works, public distribution, public performance, and public display, are limited by fair use for scholarship and criticism and by library reproduction for its preservation and interlibrary loan. These limitations on the exclusive rights are concerned with all aspects of library services and cause a great burden on librarian's daily duty to provide balance between the rights of creators and the needs of library patrons. The fair use as one of the limitations on it has been coupled with enormous growth of a new technology and extended from xerography to online database systems. The implementation of the fair use and library reprography in Korean law to the local practices is examined on the basis of the new American copyright act of 1976. Under the draft revision of Korean law, librarians will face many potential problems as summarized below. 1. Because the new provision of 'life time plus 50 years' will tie up substantial bodies of material longer than the old law, until that date librarians would need permissions from the owners and should pay attention to the author's death date. 2. Because the copyright can be sold, distributed, given to the heirs, donated, as a whole or a part, librarians should chase down the heirs and other second owners. In case of a derivative work, this is a real problem. 3. Since a work has its protection from the moment of its creation, the coverage of copyrightable matter would be extended to the published or the unpublished works and librarian's work load would be heavier. Without copyright registration, no one can be certain that a work is in the public domain. Therefore, librarians will need to check with an authority. 4. For implementation of limitations on exclusive rights, fair use and library reproduction for interlibrary loan, there can be no substantial aggregate use and there can be no systematic distribution of multicopies. Therefore, librarians should not substitute reproductions for subscriptions or purchases. 5. For the interlibrary loan by photocopying, librarians should understand the procedure of royalty payment. 6. Compulsory licenses should be understood by librarians. 7. Because the draft revision of Korean law is a reciprocal treaty, librarians should take care of other countries' copyright law to protect foreign authors from Korean law. In order to solve the above problems, some suggestions are presented below. 1. That copyright clearinghouse or central agency as a centralized royalty payment mechanism be established. 2. That the Korean Library Association establish a committee on copyright. 3. That the Korean Library Association propose guidelines for each occasion, e.g. for interlibrary loan, books and periodicals and music, etc. 4. That the Korean government establish a copyright office or an official organization for copyright control other than the copyright committee already organized by the government. 5. That the Korean Library Association establish educational programs on copyright for librarians through seminars or articles written in its magazines. 6. That individual libraries provide librarian's copyright kits. 7. That school libraries distribute subject bibliographies on copyright law to teachers. However, librarians should keep in mind that limitations on exclusive rights are not for an exemption from library reprography but as a convenient access to library resources.

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