• Title/Summary/Keyword: Creation-oriented

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Strategies to Develop a Korean-Contextualized Oncology Nurse Practitioner Program;Comparative Program Evaluation between Korea and the United States (한국적 종양 전문간호사 교육과정의 발전 전략;미국 교과 과정과의 비교분석)

  • Suh, Eun-Young
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: With accumulated necessity to develop Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) in Korea, various types of Nurse Practitioner (NP) programs have been recently developed. Unlike the origin of the NP programs in the U.S., in which the lack of primary health care provider preceded the creation of NP education, NP programs in Korea are currently in an early stage in which the scope of practice and educational boundaries are still evolving. Just imitating American models may result in culturally inappropriate and practically non-feasible APN programs in Korea. This article was aimed to evaluate the top-ranked Oncology NP (ONP) programs in U.S. with those in Korea. Method: Using the Donabedian paradigm, the educational structure, process, and outcome were compared and contrasted between two countries. Results: The findings of this paper demonstrated that many aspects of structure of the Korean program are similar to those of the Americans with minor differences. Three strategies for future development of ONP program in Korea are suggested. Conclusion: Practical and feasible scope of practice for ONP in Korea should be determined. It needs to embrace every aspects of cancer experience. Also, nursing-oriented and culturally competent practice needs to be identified and incorporated into the ONP practice.

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Thin Film Growth and Evaluation Method for Conventional Co-Cr Based Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media: Problems and New Solutions

  • Saito, Shin;Hoshi, Fumikazu;Hasegawa, Daiji;Takahashi, Migaku
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2002
  • We proposed a novel method to evaluate the magnetic properties of the initial layer and the columnar structure separately for CoCr-based perpendicular recording media. We show that the thickness of the initial layer and the intrinsic magnetocrystalline anisotropy of columnar structure can be quantitatively evaluated using the plotted product of perpendicular anisotropy to magnetic film thickness versus magnetic film thickness ($K_{u{\bot}}^{ex{p.}}$ $\times$ d$_{mag.}$ vs. d$_{mag.}$ plot). Based on the analyses, it is found that: (1) compared with CoCrPtTa media, CoCrPtB media have relatively thin initial layer, and have fine grains with homogeneous columnar structure with c-plane crystallographic orientation; (2) CoCrPtB media can be grown epitaxially on Ru or CoCr/C intermediate layer, and as the result, the magnetic properties of the media within thin thickness region of d$_{mag.}$ $\leq$ 20 nm is significantly improved; (3) the key issue of material investigation for CoCr-based perpendicular recording media will be focused on how to fabricate c-plane-oriented columnar grains well isolated with nonmagnetic substance in epitaxial-growth media, while maintaining the thermal stability of the media.

Computational Materials Engineering: Recent Applications of VASP in the MedeA® Software Environment

  • Wimmer, Erich;Christensen, Mikael;Eyert, Volker;Wolf, Walter;Reith, David;Rozanska, Xavier;Freeman, Clive;Saxe, Paul
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2016
  • Electronic structure calculations have become a powerful foundation for computational materials engineering. Four major factors have enabled this unprecedented evolution, namely (i) the development of density functional theory (DFT), (ii) the creation of highly efficient computer programs to solve the Kohn-Sham equations, (iii) the integration of these programs into productivity-oriented computational environments, and (iv) the phenomenal increase of computing power. In this context, we describe recent applications of the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) within the MedeA$^{(R)}$ computational environment, which provides interoperability with a comprehensive range of modeling and simulation tools. The focus is on technological applications including microelectronic materials, Li-ion batteries, high-performance ceramics, silicon carbide, and Zr alloys for nuclear power generation. A discussion of current trends including high-throughput calculations concludes this article.

A local-global scheme for tracking crack path in three-dimensional solids

  • Manzoli, O.L.;Claro, G.K.S.;Rodrigues, E.A.;Lopes, J.A. Jr.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.261-283
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to contribute to the three-dimensional generalization of numerical prediction of crack propagation through the formulation of finite elements with embedded discontinuities. The analysis of crack propagation in two-dimensional problems yields lines of discontinuity that can be tracked in a relatively simple way through the sequential construction of straight line segments oriented according to the direction of failure within each finite element in the solid. In three-dimensional analysis, the construction of the discontinuity path is more complex because it requires the creation of plane surfaces within each element, which must be continuous between the elements. In the method proposed by Chaves (2003) the crack is determined by solving a problem analogous to the heat conduction problem, established from local failure orientations, based on the stress state of the mechanical problem. To minimize the computational effort, in this paper a new strategy is proposed whereby the analysis for tracking the discontinuity path is restricted to the domain formed by some elements near the crack surface that develops along the loading process. The proposed methodology is validated by performing three-dimensional analyses of basic problems of experimental fractures and comparing their results with those reported in the literature.

Atomistic simulation of surface passivated wurtzite nanowires: electronic bandstructure and optical emission

  • Chimalgi, Vinay U.;Nishat, Md Rezaul Karim;Yalavarthi, Krishna K.;Ahmed, Shaikh S.
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2014
  • The three-dimensional Nano-Electronic Modeling toolkit (NEMO 3-D) is an open source software package that allows the atomistic calculation of single-particle electronic states and optical response of various semiconductor structures including bulk materials, quantum dots, impurities, quantum wires, quantum wells and nanocrystals containing millions of atoms. This paper, first, describes a software module introduced in the NEMO 3-D toolkit for the calculation of electronic bandstructure and interband optical transitions in nanowires having wurtzite crystal symmetry. The energetics (Hamiltonian) of the quantum system under study is described via the tight-binding (TB) formalism (including $sp^3$, $sp^3s^*$ and $sp^3d^5s^*$ models as appropriate). Emphasis has been given in the treatment of surface atoms that, if left unpassivated, can lead to the creation of energy states within the bandgap of the sample. Furthermore, the developed software has been validated via the calculation of: a) modulation of the energy bandgap and the effective masses in [0001] oriented wurtzite nanowires as compared to the experimentally reported values in bulk structures, and b) the localization of wavefunctions and the optical anisotropy in GaN/AlN disk-in-wire nanowires.

A Study on the ERP system introduction direction for Office Automation (사무자동화를 위한 ERP 시스템 도입 방향에 관한 고찰)

  • 남태희
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2004
  • This treatise is not sparing many efforts and investment for efficient improvement of business about limited office automation because the latest corporations apply various internet and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Corporations as information -oriented society is made up information analysis and corporation new information creation, automation of business and productivity by purpose in ERP system induction gradual investment do. Embodied ERP system to invent corporation business automation and productive profit in treatise that see according1y investigated existing system, web, gear relation with intranet and validity by present corporation business application, and investigated about effect that ERP system gets in corporation hereafter.

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Design and Implementation of Web Service Applying SOA Based on Workflow (SOA 기반의 워크플로우를 응용한 웹 서비스 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Seong-Kyu;Kim, Tai-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2009
  • Incorporating proprietary existing it solutions like legacy systems or vendor specific with new technologies is an expensive and time consuming task. Such situations take place due to the lack of ability of proprietary software to cooperate with other parties or to cooperation only with specific vendor products. Such a situation is undesirable and causes a prolonged adaptation period for new applications. This thesis is to show the new approach to creation of Internet applications in Service Oriented Architecture through loose coupling, introduces fare more flexibility into a system composed of connected applications. This approach allows one to integrate through XML based Web Service and reuse a number of arbitrary services available over the Internet in a complex processes specified as a workflow model.

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A Study about City Reproduction and the House Housing Complex Establishment Idea - For environment activation avid Long Life Housing supply idea of the system - (도시재생과 주거단지 확립방안에 관한 연구 - 환경 친화적인 장수명 공동주택공급의 제도적 활성화방안에 대하여 -)

  • Yoon, Sang Cho;Lee, Joo Hyung
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2008
  • The rapid industrialization since the 1960s has caused considerable changes in the appearance of Korean cities. The huge demand and cityward tendency derived from the increase of population with such the expansion from 9 millions in 1960 to 43 millions in 2003, have resulted in number of problems such as the falling-off in the quality of life, amenity, and safety. And above all, the urban identities is not to be found obviously in the cities. With regard to these problems, the re-creation of cities should be emphasized to make environmental, economical, and social improvements and to restore human-oriented activities. In the course of making new improvements cities need to preserve the characteristics and maintain the concordance with their environments. In other words, the restoration of cities ought to be made in the aspect of continuity, which means the accession of genetic factors inherent in cities. In this background, concerning about the system on apartment house especially relating to environmentally sound restoration and comparing with that of Japan, this study proposes the direction needed in the development of urban space.

Study on the Control System Based on Results Measurement (업적기준 통제시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 정신작;손병기
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.85-117
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    • 1997
  • This paper is focused on management control system. From a management control perspective, strategies should be viewed as useful, but not absolutely necessary, guides to the proper design of an MCS. When strategies are formulated more clearly, more control alternatives become feasible and it becomes easier to implement each form of management control effectively. The common and important category of controls are action controls, personnel and cultural controls, and results controls. Action controls involves ensuring that employees perform(or do not perform) certain actions that are known to be beneficial(or harmful) to the organization. Personnel and cultural controls take steps to ensure that employees will control each others' behaviors. Results controls involve rewarding individuals(and sometimes groups of individuals) for generating good outcomes or punishing them for poor outcomes. The results controls of ROI-type measure cause to make managers excessively short- term oriented, or myopic. When managers' orientations to the short - term become excessive -when the management are more concerned with short-term profit than entity value-the managers are said to be myopic. We car, solve myopic problem by introducing AR(abnormal return), near-perfect indicators of value creation. The results - control ideal would be to hold all employees accountable for the wealth they individually create(or destroy) for the owners of the entities in which they work. This ideal is approachable for top management of publicly traded corporations because for these organizations, the wealth created(returns to shareholders) can be measured directly for any period(such as a year, a quarter, or a month) as the measurement period pin(or minus) the change in the market value of the stock.

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Creation and Use of Process oriented Knowledge for Effective FRACAS (효과적인 FRACAS 운용을 위한프로세스 지식의 생성과 활용)

  • Lee, Jae-Hoon;Yoo, Ki-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Young;Seol, Dong-Jin;Jang, Joong-Soon
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2008
  • In reliability engineering, failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action system (FRACAS) is an useful tool for effective failure reporting and related operations. FRACAS is generally mainly focused on implementation of its closed-loop process, but also includes various related information which has to be effectively managed such as failure types, failure modes, failure mechanisms, and corrective actions. In this study, we adopt and utilize the concept of process knowledge, and create it through abstraction of FRACAS information. At each step of closed-loop process, the necessary type of knowledge, priority and usability are clearly defined. This study also suggests corresponding management tools such as business process management system, knowledge management system, and their key elements and functions to deal with process knowledge. A prototype system using simple closed-loop process with its process knowledge is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed work.

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