도시재생과 주거단지 확립방안에 관한 연구 - 환경 친화적인 장수명 공동주택공급의 제도적 활성화방안에 대하여 -

A Study about City Reproduction and the House Housing Complex Establishment Idea - For environment activation avid Long Life Housing supply idea of the system -

  • 투고 : 2008.07.01
  • 심사 : 2008.08.18
  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


The rapid industrialization since the 1960s has caused considerable changes in the appearance of Korean cities. The huge demand and cityward tendency derived from the increase of population with such the expansion from 9 millions in 1960 to 43 millions in 2003, have resulted in number of problems such as the falling-off in the quality of life, amenity, and safety. And above all, the urban identities is not to be found obviously in the cities. With regard to these problems, the re-creation of cities should be emphasized to make environmental, economical, and social improvements and to restore human-oriented activities. In the course of making new improvements cities need to preserve the characteristics and maintain the concordance with their environments. In other words, the restoration of cities ought to be made in the aspect of continuity, which means the accession of genetic factors inherent in cities. In this background, concerning about the system on apartment house especially relating to environmentally sound restoration and comparing with that of Japan, this study proposes the direction needed in the development of urban space.



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