• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coupled behavior

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Benchmark Numerical Simulation on the Coupled Behavior of the Ground around a Point Heat Source Using the TOUGH-FLAC Approach (TOUGH-FLAC 기법을 이용한 점열원 주변지반의 복합거동에 대한 벤치마크 수치모사)

  • Dohyun Park
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.127-142
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    • 2024
  • The robustness of a numerical method means that its computational performance is maintained under various modeling conditions. New numerical methods or codes need to be assessed for robustness through benchmark testing. The TOUGH-FLAC modeling approach has been applied to various fields such as subsurface carbon dioxide storage, geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel, and geothermal development both domestically and internationally, and the modeling validity has been examined by comparing the results with experimental measurements and other numerical codes. In the present study, a benchmark test of the TOUGH-FLAC approach was performed based on a coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical behavior problem with an analytical solution. The analytical solution is related to the temperature, pore water pressure, and mechanical behavior of a fully saturated porous medium that is subjected to a point heat source. The robustness of the TOUGH-FLAC approach was evaluated by comparing the analytical solution with the results of numerical simulation. Additionally, the effects of thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling terms, fluid phase change, and timestep on the computation of coupled behavior were investigated.

Employing GDQ method for exploring undamped vibrational performance of CNT-reinforced porous coupled curved beam

  • Moein A. Ghandehari;Amir R. Masoodi
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.551-565
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    • 2023
  • Coupled porous curved beams, due to their low weight and high flexibility, have many applications in engineering. This study investigates the vibration behavior of coupled porous curved beams in different boundary conditions. The system consists of two curved beams connected by a mid-layer of elastic springs. These beams are made of various materials, such as homogenous steel foam, and composite materials with PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) and SWCNT (single-walled carbon nanotube) used as the matrix and nanofillers, respectively. To obtain equivalent material properties, the role of mixture (RoM) was employed, followed by the implementation of the porosity function. The system's governing equations were obtained by employing FSDT and Hamilton's law. To investigate thermal vibration, temperature was implemented as a load in the governing equations. The GDQ method was used to solve these equations. To demonstrate the applicability of the GDQ method in calculating the frequencies of the system and the correctness of the developed program, a validation study was conducted. After validation, numerous examples were presented to investigate the behavior of single and coupled curved beams in various material properties and boundary conditions. The results indicate that the frequencies of the curved beams and the system depend highly on the amount of porosity (n) and the distribution pattern. The system frequencies decreased with an increase in the porosity coefficient. The stiffness of the springs had no effect on the first mode frequency but increased frequencies of other modes in a specific range. The frequencies of the system decreased with an increase in environmental temperature.

Synthesis and Optical Recording Properties of Coupled Hemicyanine Salts for DVD-R

  • Lee, Chul-Joo;Min, Kyung-Sun;Park, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2003
  • A series of coupled-hemicyanine dyes with alkylene spacer were successfully synthesized by a reaction of coupled aldehydes with corresponding salts, respectively. These coupled dyes had more excellent thermal properties (high decomposition temperature, stiff decomposition behavior) and higher molar absorption properties than an uncoupled dye. The coupled dyes with perchlorate anions showed the strongest exothermic decomposition while those with hexafluorophosphorate anions showed endothermic decomposition. As the coupling length (n=3, 4, 5, 6) increased, thermal properties decreased and dyes with even spacer was more thermally stable than dyes with odd spacer. Among several coupled dyes, C4-NP-ClO4 and C4-Cl-ClO4 exhibited the best recording properties with the lowest jitter value of 7.5∼9.5% in authoring disc.

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Structural Performance of Hybrid Coupled Shear Wall System Considering Connection Details (접합부 상세에 따른 복합 병렬 전단벽 시스템의 구조 성능)

  • Park, Wan Shin;Yun, Hyun Do;Kim, Sun Woong;Jang, Young Il
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2012
  • In high multistory buildings, hybrid coupled shear walls can provide an efficient structural system to resist horizontal force due to wind and seismic loads. Hybrid coupled shear walls are usually built over the whole height of the building and are laid out either as a series of walls coupled by steel beams with openings to accommodate doors, elevator walls, windows and corridors. In this paper, the behavior characteristics of hybrid coupled shear wall system considering connection details is examined through results of an experimental research program where 5 two-thirds scale specimens were tested under cyclic loading. Such connections details are typically employed in hybrid coupling wall system consisting of steel coupling beams and reinforced concrete shear wall. The test variables of this study are embedment length of steel coupling beam and wall thickness of concrete shear wall. The results and discussion presented in this paper provide fundamental data for seismic behavior of hybrid coupled shear wall systems.

Introduction of International Cooperation Project, DECOVALEX from 2008 to 2019 (2008년부터 2019년까지 수행된 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX 소개)

  • Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Taehyeon;Lee, Jaewon;Park, Jung-Wook;Kwon, Seha;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.271-305
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    • 2020
  • An effect of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical and chemical (THMC) behavior is an essential part of the performance and safety assessment of geological disposal systems for high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Furthermore, numerical models and modeling techniques are necessary to analyze and predict the coupled THMC behavior in the disposal systems. However, phenomena associated with the coupled THMC behavior are nonlinear, and the constitutive relationships between them are not well known. Therefore, it is challenging to develop numerical models and modeling techniques to analyze and predict the coupled THMC behavior in the geological disposal systems. It is also difficult to verify and validate the development of the models and techniques because it requires expensive laboratory tests and in-situ experiments that need to be performed for a long time. DECOVALEX was initiated in 1992 to efficiently develop numerical models and modeling techniques and validate the developed models and techniques against the lab and in-situ experiments. In Korea, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has participated in DECOVALEX-2011, DECOVALEX-2015, and DECOVALEX-2019 since 2008. In this study, all tasks in the three DECOVALEX projects were introduced to the researcher in the field of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering in Korea.

A study on the long-term behavior due to the hydraulic interaction between ground water and tunnel (지하수-터널 수리상호작용에 따른 터널의 장기거동 연구)

  • Shin, Jong-Ho;Shin, Yong-Suk;Ahn, Sang-Ro;Park, Dong-In
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2006
  • The interaction between ground water and structure is complicated behavior which cannot be easily investigated In the laboratory and monitored in the fields. In this study numerical simulation of the interactive behavior was performed using sophisticated coupled-finite element method. Hydraulic behavior of structure is modeled using solid elements with finite Permeability. Recovery of ground water table in the long-term is considered by controlling hydraulic boundary conditions. The results showed that the interaction effect is significant. Particularly non-symmetry in the lining permeability resulted in highly unbalanced pore water pressure which may cause detrimental effects on inner linings of tunnels acting as drains.

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Multi-scale model for coupled piezoelectric-inelastic behavior

  • Moreno-Navarro, Pablo;Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan;Damjanovic, Dragan
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.521-544
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    • 2021
  • In this work, we present the development of a 3D lattice-type model at microscale based upon the Voronoi-cell representation of material microstructure. This model can capture the coupling between mechanic and electric fields with non-linear constitutive behavior for both. More precisely, for electric part we consider the ferroelectric constitutive behavior with the possibility of domain switching polarization, which can be handled in the same fashion as deformation theory of plasticity. For mechanics part, we introduce the constitutive model of plasticity with the Armstrong-Frederick kinematic hardening. This model is used to simulate a complete coupling of the chosen electric and mechanics behavior with a multiscale approach implemented within the same computational architecture.

Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope by Coupled Hydro-mechanical Model Considering Air Flow (공기흐름을 고려한 수리-역학적 연동모델에 의한 불포화 토사사면의 안정해석)

  • Cho, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2016
  • Stability analysis based on the limit equilibrium method combined with the result of infiltration analysis is commonly used to evaluate the effect of rainfall infiltration on the slope stability. Soil is a three-phase mixture composed of solid particle, water and air. Therefore, a fully coupled mixture theories of stress-deformation behavior and the flow of water and air should be used to accurately analyze the process of rainfall infiltration through soil slope. The purpose of this study is to study the effect of interaction of air and water flow on the mechanical stability of slope. In this study, stability analyses based on the coupled hydro-mechanical model of three-phases were conducted for slope of weathered granite soil widespread in Korea. During the process of hydro-mechanical analysis strength reduction technique was applied to evaluate the effect of rainfall infiltration on the slope stability. The results showed an increase of air pressure during infiltration because rain water continuously displaced the air in the unsaturated zone. Such water-air interaction in the pore space of soil affects the stress-deformation behavior of slope. Therefore, the results from the three-phase model showed different behavior from the solid-water model that ignores the transport effect of air in the pores.

A Study on the 3D Analysis of Driven Pile Penetration Based on Large Deformation Technique (Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian) (대변형 해석기법(Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian)을 이용한 항타 관입성 모사의 3차원 해석)

  • Ko, Jun-Young;Jeong, Sang-Seom;Lee, Seung-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the application of the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) numerical technique to simulate the driving of open-ended piles into sandy soil. The main objective of this study was to investigate the applicability of CEL technique to the behavior of the driven pile penetration. Comprehensive studies to verify the behavior of driven pile penetration are presented in this paper. Through comparison with results of field load tests, the CEL methodology was found to be in good agreement with the general trend observed by in situ measurement, and the CEL approach accurately simulated the behavior of driven pipe piles.

Numerical modelling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of Heater Experiment-D (HE-D) at Mont Terri rock laboratory in Switzerland (스위스 Mont Terri rock laboratory에서 수행된 암반 히터시험(HE-D)에 대한 열-수리-역학적 복합거동 수치해석)

  • Lee, Changsoo;Choi, Heui-Joo;Kim, Geon-Young
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.242-255
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    • 2020
  • The numerical simulations of Heater Experiment-D (HE-D) at the Mont Terri rock laboratory in Switzerland were performed to investigate an applicability of FLAC3D to reproduce the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour in Opalinus Clay, as part of the DECOVLEX-2015 project Task B. To investigate the reliability of numerical simulations of the coupled behaviour using FLAC3D code, the simulation results were compared with the observations from the in-situ experiment, such as temperature at 16 sensors, pore pressure at 6 sensors, and strain at 22 measurement points. An anisotropic heat conduction model, fluid flow model, and transversely isotropic elastic model in FLAC3D successfully represented the coupled thermo-hydraulic behaviour in terms of evolution for temperature and pore pressure, however, performance of the models for mechanical behavior is not satisfactory compared with the measured strain.