• Title/Summary/Keyword: Counting Number

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  • Liu, Qiong;Wu, Tongsuo;Ye, Meng
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.801-809
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we construct nilpotent semigroups S such that $S^n=\{0\}$, $S^{n-1}{\neq}\{0\}$ and ${\Gamma}(S)$ is a refinement of the star graph $K_{1,n-3}$ with center $c$ together with finitely many or infinitely many end vertices adjacent to $c$, for each finite positive integer $n{\geq}5$. We also give counting formulae to calculate the number of the mutually non-isomorphic nilpotent semigroups when $n=5$, 6 and in finite cases.

People counting using an IR line laser (적외선 라인 레이저를 이용한 보행자 수 측정)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Ki;Lee, Gwang-Gook;Yun, Ja-Yeong;Kim, Jae-Jun;Kim, Whoi-Yul
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1023-1024
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a pedestrian counting system using line laser. By using a line laser and IR filter, the shapes of pedestrians are easily obtained without complex preprocessing. Also, the directions of pedestrians were able to distinguish by employing gradient information. In the experiment, the proposed method successfully counted the number of people with accuracy of about 97% and with processing time of 24ms per frame.

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  • Sohn, Gyo-Yong
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.30 no.1_2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we present an algorithm for computing the number of points on the Jacobian varieties of one-dimensional family of genus 3 nonhyperelliptic curves over finite fields. We also provide the explicit formula of the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism of the Jacobian of $C:y^3=x^4+{\alpha}$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ with $p{\equiv}1$ (mod 3) and $p{\neq}1$ (mod 4). Moreover, we give some implementation results using Gaudry-Schost method. A 162-bit order is computed in 97 s on a Pentium IV 2.13 GHz computer using our algorithm.

Real-time Vision-based People Counting System for the Security Door

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Park, Kang-Sun;Park, Byeong-Doo;Ko, Sung-Jea
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07c
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    • pp.1416-1419
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes an implementation method for the people counting system which detects and tracks moving people using a fixed single camera. This system counts the number of moving objects (people) entering the security door. Moreover, the detected objects are tracked by the proposed tracking algorithm before entering the door. The proposed system with In-tel Pentium IV operates at an average rate of 10 frames a second on real world scenes where up to 6 persons come into the view of a vertically mounted camera.

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Measurement of the Photon Fluence for the Evaluation of Photon Detection Efficiency of Photon Counting Sensor (광계수형 센서의 포톤계수효율 평가를 위한 포톤플루엔스 측정)

  • Park, Ji-Koon;Heo, Ye-Ji;Kim, Kyo-Tae;Noh, Si-Cheol;Kang, Sang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the various digital X-ray imaging devices using CCD and TFT LCD-based flat panel digital X-ray sensor are being used. In particular, a number of studies on photon counting sensor technique have been reported. In this study, the incident X-rays fluence on the photon counting sensor material was measured to estimate photon detection efficiency which is the quantitative performance evaluation factor of photon counting sensor. The result of measuring the photon fluence by using RQA-M2 Radiation beam quality of IEC 61223-1-2 recommendations, the incident photon fluence could be defined as about $4 photons/(0.01mm)^2{\cdot}{\mu}Gy$ within $10{\mu}m$ pin-hole area, and about $50photons/(0.03mm)^2{\cdot}{\mu}Gy$ within $30{\mu}m$ pin-hole area, and about $698photons/(0.1mm)^2{\cdot}{\mu}Gy$ within $100{\mu}m$ pin-hole area. Consequently, with the previously setup of the incident fluence, the measuring of actual photon counting efficiency by observing the output waveform of the photon counting sensor material was considered possible.

A Study of the Apply Proximity Sensor for Improved Reliability Axle Detection (열차 차축검지 신뢰성 향상을 위한 근접센서 방식 Axle Counter 적용 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Choi, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.5534-5540
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    • 2015
  • This In the railway signaling system, applications of axle counter in addition to track circuit goes on increasing for detecting train position. Consequently, this paper compares sensor methods of axle counter with between geo-magnetism method and proximity sensor method. And it presents differences and results, to improve reliabilities of train detection and axle counting. Also, this article presents an applied result which is based on field experience, with regard to installation, considering attachment condition of sensor part for accurate axle counting. This study acquires expandability that is able to perform not only axle counting function but also various other functions (direction detection of train, speed detection of train, and so on). It was a result of a change of design in order to judge phase difference of sensors, to improve reliability of axle counting. Furthermore, it does not subordinate to characteristics (type, weight of train). And it is confirmed that the omission of axle counting was not occurred in 350km/h. This was the result of Lab test after the construction of transfer equipment of trial axle and Test Bed for axle counting. Both of them are self-productions. Through this, it prepares foundation which is able to apply not only to train detection but also to speed of passing trains, formation number of trains, detector locking condition - when the train passes the section of switch point, and level crossing devices. Furthermore, it would be judged to contribute safety train operation if proximity sensor method applies to the whole railway signaling system from now on.

Effects of DDT on the Breeding of Fruit-Files , Drosophila Melanogaster . (초파리의 증식에 영향을 미치는 DDT의 영향)

  • 강영선;이정주
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.30-34
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    • 1962
  • For the purposeof examining DDT influences to fruit-filies, Drosophila Melanogaster , authors observed the number of eggs laid and hatching rate of them treated with various concentrations of DDT. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. There was a significant difference between treated and non-treated groups in the number of eggs laid. 2. The number of eggs laid in the treated groups was gradually decreased as the DDT-concentration increases. 3. The hatching rate of the treated larvae was not significantly different from that of the non-treated , while a distinct difference between treated group and non-treated one was seen when DDT treatment was given to the adults. 4. The average number of eggs laid by a non-treated fly for 15 days was 216. The curves for the number of eggs laid in both the treated and non-treated groups for 15 days revealed almost similar patterns, although the treated groups laid the largest : number of eggs in the forth day, while in the non-treated one it is seen in the sixth day after counting eggs.

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Comparative Analysis on the Relationships between the Centralities in Co-authorship Networks and Research Performance Considering the Number of Co-authors (공저자 수를 고려한 공저 네트워크 중심성과 연구성과의 연관성 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2016
  • We analyzed the relationships between the co-authorship network centralities and the research performance indicators with the authors and the number of citations of the papers published for 10 years in Korean library and information science journals. In particular, the research performance indicators were calculated with normal counting and with fractional counting also. As a result of correlation analysis between the variables by setting the different ranges of the author groups to be analyzed according to the number of articles, it was possible to explain the inconsistent results of the previous studies on the correlations between the researchers' citation indicators and their co-authorship network centralities. Overall, the degree of co-authorship activities measured by collaboration coefficient showed no or negatively correlated with research performance. There were statistically significant positive correlations between the centralities and the research performance indicators, but the correlation was not significant in the analysis of the top 30 authors by number of articles.

A Study on the Analysis of Errors occurred by Different Type of Automatic Bacteria Counting Equipments used in Counting Bacterial Number of Raw Milk (우유의 세균 자동측정장치의 오차범위 조사 및 오차발생 요인 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 정충일;엄양섭;김광태;강국희;이수원
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to analyze the errors occurred between standard plate count(SPC) and Bactometer, Malthus, Bactoscan and to investigate correlation coefficient(r) between SPC and each equipments for the purpose of making new calibration curve. Correlation coefficients of three different types of equipments to SPC value were 0.71, 0.81, 0.84 respectively(n=287) and that of three types of equipments were 0.71∼0.82 relatively low. In raw milk, correlation coefficients of three types of equipments of SPC were in the range of 0.67∼0.73 below 3.0${\times}10^4$(CUF/ml) of bacterial number, and those between the three types of equipments were 0.68∼0.72. Between 3.0${\times}10^4$∼5.0${\times}10^5$(CFU/ml) of bacterial number, correlation coefficients of the three different types of equipments were 0.71∼0.81. and those between the three different types of equipments were 0.64∼0.77. Over 5.0${\times}10^5$(CFU/ml), correlation coefficient of the three types equipments were 0.66∼0.83 and those between them were 0.70∼0.85 respectively. The error of the three different types equipments to SPC value was significantly high, 37∼53% of them was under 50% of error range, and in case of raw milk less than 3.0${\times}10^4$ of bacterial number, 44∼67% of them showed over 100% of error.

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Measure the number of Biofouling based on digital images (디지털 영상기반 해양생물 개체 수 측정)

  • Choi, Hyun-jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.475-476
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a method to measure the number of biofouling attached to underwater structures. This method measures the number of biofouling based on digital images captured in underwater. The number of biofouling was measured after correcting the image quality of underwater images for accurate population counting. In order to measure the number of biofouling, Maxima value in the image was found.

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