• 제목/요약/키워드: Correctional Education

검색결과 26건 처리시간 0.02초

음악요법에 관한 연구 (The Literature Review of Music Therapy in the United States)

  • 이원유
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.245-261
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    • 2000
  • Based on the literature, status and role the music therapist in America was reviewed for this study. The process of developing a music therapy program in America suggests to us many things: In America, music therapists have sustained a mutually beneficial status with their clients for, over fifty years. Excellence in academic education and clinical training enable music therapists to continue to provide quality music therapy. The magnitude of change in to music therapy in the United States, however creates the challenge of providing real access to music therapy continues in the future. Music therapy is the use of music in the accomplishment of therapeutic aims: the restoration, maintenance, and improvement of mental and physical health. Music therapists work with individuals of all ages who require special services due to behavioral. social. learning, or physical disabilities. Employment may be in hospitals, clinics, day care facilities, schools, community mental health centers, substance abuse facilities, nursing homes, hospices, rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, or private practices. The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) was founded in 1998 as a result of a union between the American Association for Music Therapy (founded in 1971) and the National Association for Music Therapy(founded in 1950). Music therapists are highly qualified professionals who have completed approved degree programs and had clinical training in order to receive Board Certification(MT-BC), with the designation of Registered, Certified, or Advanced Certified Music Therapist(RMT. CMT - or ACMT). AMTA provides several mechanism for monitoring the quality of music therapy programs: Standards of Practice. a Code of Ethics, a system for Peer Review, a Judical Review Board, and an Ethics Board. According to the results of this study, the suggestions were as follows: 1. It is concluded that music therapy as a nursing intervention can be effective for the clients. 2. It is a great challenge to develope a music therapy program for nursing intervention however, it is also task and responsibility to further the development of nursing.

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전자장치부착 성폭력범죄자의 부부상담이 의사소통 및 자아존중감 향상을 위한 사례연구 -사티어 경험적 성장모델을 중심으로- (A Case Study for the Improvement of Communication and Self-esteem in the Electronic device - Sexual offenders' Couple Counseling -Based on Satire's Empirical Growth Model-)

  • 이길구
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$준법지원센터에서 담당자에 의해 의뢰된 성폭력 전자장치 부착 대상자들로 의사소통 및 자아존중감에 미치는 영향에 대해 사티어 경험적 성장모델을 적용한 부부상담 사례연구이다. 상담진행은 2017년 3월부터 6월까지 주 1회씩 총 5회에 걸쳐 120분씩 본 센터 상담실에서 실시하였다. 본 연구의 효과를 검증하기 위해 주관적인 평가로서 연구자와 관찰자 중심기법을 사용하였다. 연구결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 성폭력 전자장치 부착 대상자들의 자아존중감과 의사소통 변화가 긍정적으로 나타났다. 이것은 교정시설 실천현장에서 부부상담의 활용가능성을 제시하는 데에 의의와 큰 성과가 있다고 하겠다.

가정학 전공자의 취업과 전망 (A Study of Current Employment and Future Trends for Young Home Economists)

  • 문수재
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 1982
  • The current employment status among young home economists and perspectives in occupations for prospective Home Economics graduates were explored in this study which utilized information from 17 to 21 colleges in Korea and colleges in the United States during the five years of 1977∼1981. The Home Economics content areas covered in this study were Clothing and Textiles, Foods and Nutrition, Housing and Interior Design, and Child Development and Family Life. The highest percentage of Korean graduates in Clothing and Textiles was employed either as teachers at the junior high school level or as designers in the clothing and textile industries. Quite a number of the graduates were engaged in further studies at the graduate level. Korean graduates with a master's degree were teaching at the college level and some had furthered their studies at the doctorate level either here or abroad. Koreans with a bachelor's degree in Foods and Nutrition held jobs as teachers in junior high school, dieticians at mass feeding institutions and hospitals, food scientists in food industries, and researchers in institutions. Those with a master's degree were teaching at the college level. Americans with a bachelor's degree worked as dieticians, supervisors in restaurants and institutions, extension workers, researchers at various facilities, teachers and clerks. Americans with a master's or doctorate degree were engaged in teaching at colleges or supervising at research or working as extension specialists. In general, Korean graduates were found to hold positions in less varied areas than their American counter-parts. Among forty-nine graduates those working in their professional field reported less sex discrimination that those working in other fields. The major area of employment in Housing and Interior Design or Home Management graduates in Korea was teaching while in the United States it was extension work, business, governmental work and teaching. It was suggested that in the future, career development in Korea be further explored to include extension service, research, social welfare, financial planning, business, free-lancing, funeral home, home-call, and correctional education. Interviews with executives from 6 business enterprises indicated that most of them were aware of the potential contribution home economists could make for their companies but they expressed a negative attitude towards women in general due to their short stay on the job. Jobs held by Child Development and Family Life majors with a bachelor's degree in Korea were mostly teaching positions in public, junior and senior high school. However, jobs such as nursery school teaching, working in clinical setting, business, and teaching at public, junior and senior high school predominated in the United states. Most Korean graduates with a master's degree were teaching in professional colleges while in the United Stated the job variation among the graduates was rather evenly distributed among teaching at college level, public and high school, nursery school and administration areas. Reports from 7 child development majors on the job indicated that they were paid less that secretarial workers. Only half of them were working in their major area and these expressed satisfaction with their work. Two thirds of the respondents indicated no sex discrimination. It was suggested that in the future Child Development and Family Life majors pursue employment in counseling, guidance, recreation, mass media, administration and outreach work as well as education, research and parent education in services for children, teen-agers, adults and families.

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학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 적응과정에 관한 질적연구 (A Study on the Adaptation Process of North Korean Immigrant Youth Discontinuing Formal Education)

  • 양영은;배임호
    • 사회복지연구
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 한국사회 적응과정과 사회적 지지의 경험에 관한 심층적 이해를 제시하고, 사회복지 및 거시적 차원에서 적응을 위한 적극적인 지원과 해결방안을 모색하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 본 연구는 사례연구조사를 실시하여 '범주화' 하였고, '학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 초기적응과정 네트워크' 를 도출하였다. 본 연구의 주요결과로는 첫째, 연구참여자들은 경제적 적응을 제일 힘겨워하였고, 경제적 적응은 학업적응과 매우 긴밀한 연관성을 나타내었다. 연구참여자들은 남한거주기간 1.5년 미만의 초기적응과정에 있는 20대 초반의 학업중단 청소년들이었다. 따라서 탈북과정에서 초래된 학업격차와 연령차로 인하여 정규교육체계에 편입하지 못하였고, 취업시 학력조건이 미달되어 단순노동직의 저임금과 과잉근무에 시달리며 잦은 이직과 무직의 경험을 반복하였다. 둘째, 연구참여자들은 인간관계를 적응과정의 제일 중요한 핵심요소로 인식하였고, 인간관계에서 얻어지는 사회적 지지는 한국사회 적응에 긍정적인 기능을 하였다. 특히 남한사람들과의 교류는 정보적·평가적 지지를 얻을 수 있는 귀한 자원으로 인식되었다. 이러한 정보적·평가적 지지는 연구참여자들의 언어 적응을 돕고 문화적 이질감을 완화하였으며, 심리적 적응의 부정적 측면을 개선해 주었다. 한편 북한이탈주민과의 교류는 '배울 것이 없다' 는 이유로 멀리하였지만, 북한이탈주민 중심의 친밀한 관계에서 오는 정서적 지지는 연구참여자들의 적응과 심리적 안정에 매우 긍정적인 기능을 담당하였다. 셋째, 연구참여자들은 신체건강 및 심리적 적응에 있어 큰 어려움을 경험하였다. 지병은 치료받지 못하여 악화되었고, 여성의 자각증상은 매우 높았다. 새로운 환경에서 밀려오는 스트레스는 심리적 적응에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 연구참여자들은 자신감부족, 대인기피, 소외감을 경험하였고, 스트레스가 만성적인 경우 좌절감과 패배감을, 심각한 경우에는 분노와 우울증상을 경험하였다. 한편 연구참여자들은 가족과 함께 남한에 거주하였으므로 '가족을 고향에 버리고 왔다' 는 죄책감이나 '혼자' 라는 외로움이 낮았고, 민주주의 사회에서의 자유감과 안전감에 높은 만족도를 보였다. 이상의 연구결과를 근거로, 학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 사회적 지지체계의 강화, 자립·자활을 위한 경제적 지원정책 제안, 학업적응 지원을 위한 교육정책 마련 등에 관한 구체적인 해결방향을 제언하였다.


  • 김헌수;신화식
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 1995
  • 오늘날 우리사회가 맞고 있는 가치관의 변화, 도덕성의 불괴와 더불어 가정폭력은 중대한 사회문제로 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 흔히 문제가 되는 가정 폭력으로는 배우자학대, 아동학대, 노인학대, 근친상간등을 들수있는데 특히 근친상간은 그 문제의 은폐성으로 인하여 정확한 발생빈도조차 파악되지 않고 있다는점이 그 심각성을 더해주고 있다. 그러나 아동에 대한 성적학대의 한 형태인 근친상간이 높은 빈도로 발생하고 있다는 사실은 여러문헌을 통하여 간접적으로 알려진 사실이다. 근친상간은 매우 역기능적인 가족관계에서 유발되며 이러한 환경에서 성장한 자녀가 성인이 된후 그들의 자녀를 성적으로 학대하는 경향이 높다는 악순환성에서 그 심각성을 엿볼수 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 근친상간 경험청소년의 성격적특성, 근친상간 발생 가정내 가족원의 성격적특성과 정신병력 유무 및 근친상간발생 가정의 가족역동을 알아보기 위함이다. 연구방법은 설문지와 면담을 통한 측정조사연구로써 조사대상자는 중학교 1학년에서 고등학교 3학년까지 재학중인 학생청소년 1,237명과 소년원, 분류심사원에 재원중인 비행분류심사원, 범죄 청소년 601명중 불충분한 응답자 142명을 제외한 1,696명을 대상으로 하였다. 조사결과 전체 연구대상자중 근친상간경험비율은 3.7%였으며 근친상간유형별로는 형제-자매간 근친상간유형이 1.6%로 가장 높았다. 근친상간경험 청소년의 성격특성은 근친상간비경험 청소년에 비해 미숙하고, 융통서이 적으며, 의사표현력의 결여, 충동적, 학업성적의 저조와 긴장, 불안 및 의존적 성향을 보여주었으며 가족원중에도 우울증환자, 알코올중독자, 정신병력자 및 범법행위자등이 많았다. 또한 근친상간발생 가정의 가족역동은 근친상간이 발생하지 않은 가정의 가족역동에 비해 매우 역기능적이었음을 알수 있었다. 즉 근친상간 발생 가정의 가정분위기는 매우 불안정하였으며, 자녀에 대한 부모의 거부적 태도, 가족원간의 불화, 원만하지 않은 부부관계등을 보여주었다.로 나타났으며, 특히 LNNB-C의 지적 과정 척도(C11)와 FSIQ간에 가장 높은 부적 상관을 보여주었다. 이러한 절과들은 모두 뇌손상을 진단하는 신경심리 검사로서 한국판 LNNB-C의 타당도 및 진단 변별력이 우수함을 입증해주는 결과라 할 수 있다.形 父母平定尺度)(CAPRS), 아동행동조사표(兒童行動調査表) 및 연속과제수행(連續課題遂行)에서 호전을 보였고, 투여 2개월후에서도 같은 양상의 호전을 보였으며, 또한 아동행동조사표(兒童行動調査表)에서 외향성(外向性)은 물론 소통불능(疏通不能)${\cdot}$사회적위축(社會的萎縮)${\cdot}$과잉행동(過剩行動)${\cdot}$공격성(攻擊性)${\cdot}$비행요인(非行要因)에서도 호전양상을 보였다. 이와같은 결과는 이 두 약물이 모두 주의력(注意力)과 인지기능(認知機能)을 증진시키기는 하였으나, 보다 뚜렷한 변화는 methylphenidate 투여후에 볼 수 있었다. 특히 methylphenidate투여후 연속과제수행(連續課題遂行)에서 민감도(敏感度)와 반응오류수(反應誤謬數)의 호전이 있었으나 반응기준(反應基準)에는 변화가 없었다는 소견, 그리고 단기기억수행(短期記憶遂行)에서의 호전과 '같은 그림 찾기' 검사의 오류수(誤謬數)에서 변화가 없었다는 소견은 methylphenidate가 훈기요인(勳機要因)의 호전에 의한 이차적인 변화에 의한 것이 아니라 주의집중력(注意集中力)에 직접적으로 효과를 나타내는 것으로 해석할 수 있었다. 또한 이같은 소견으로 주의력결핍(注意力缺乏)${\cdot}$과잉운동장애환아(過剩運動障碍患兒)에서의 충동성(衝動性)은 이 장애의 중심증상이 아니거나, 이들 약물투여에 의해 호전되지 않거나, 호전의 측정에 문제가 있을 수도 있겠다. 마지막으로 주의력결핍(注意力缺乏)${\cdot}$과잉운동장애(過剩運動障碍)에서 과잉행동(過剩行動)과

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방화범죄의 실태와 그 대책 - 관심도와 동기의 다양화에 대한 대응 - (The Reserch on Actual Condition of Crime of Arson Which Occurs in Korea and Its Countermeasures)

  • 최종태
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제1호
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    • pp.371-408
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    • 1997
  • This article is the reserch on actual condition of crime of arson which occurs in Korea and its countermeasures. The the presented problem in this article are that (1) we have generally very low rate concern about the crime of arson contrary to realistic problems of rapid increase of crime of arson (2) as such criminal motives became so diverse as to the economic or criminal purpose unlike characteristic and mental deficiency of old days, and to countermeasure these problems effectively it presentation the necessity of systemantic research. Based on analysis of reality of arson, the tendency of this arson in Korea in the ratio of increase is said to be higher than those in violence crime or general fire rate. and further its rate is far more greater than those of the U.S.A. and Japan. Arson is considered to be a method of using fire as crime and in case of presently residence to be the abject, it is a public offense crime which aqccompany fatality in human life. This is the well It now fact to all of us. And further in order to presentation to the crime of arson, strictness of criminal law (criminal law No, 164 and 169, and fire protection law No. 110 and 111) and classification of arsonist as felony are institutionary reinforced to punish with certainty of possibility, Therefore, as tendency of arson has been increased compared to other nations, it is necessary to supplement strategical policy to bring out overall concerns of the seriousness of risk and damage of arson, which have been resulted from the lack of understanding. In characteristics analysis of crime of arson, (1) It is now reveald that, in the past such crime rate appeared far more within the boundary of town or city areas in the past, presently increased rate of arsons in rural areas are far more than in the town or small city areas, thereby showing characteristics of crime of arson extending nation wide. (2) general timetable of arson shows that night more than day time rate, and reveald that is trait behavior in secrecy.(3) arsonists are usually arrested at site or by victim or report of third person(82,9%).Investigation activities or self surrenders rate only 11.2%. The time span of arrest is normally the same day of arson and at times it takes more than one year to arrest. This reveals its necessity to prepare for long period of time for arrest, (4) age rate of arson is in their thirties mostly as compared to homicide, robbery and adultery, and considerable numbers of arsons are in old age of over fifties. It reveals age rate is increased (5) Over half of the arsonists are below the junior high school (6) the rate of convicts by thier records is based on first offenders primarily and secondly more than 4 time convicts. This apparently shows necessity of effective correctional education policy for their social assimilation together with re-investigation of human education at the primary and secondary education system in thier life. The examples of motivation for arosnits, such as personal animosity, fury, monetary swindle, luscious purpose and other aims of destroying of proof, and other social resistance, violence including ways of threatening, beside the motives of individual defects, are diverse and arsonic suicide and specifically suicidal accompany together keenly manifested. When we take this fact with the criminal theory, it really reveals arsons of crime are increasing and its casualities are serious and a point as a way of suicide is the anomie theory of Durkheim and comensurate with the theory of that of Merton, Specifically in the arson of industrial complex, it is revealed that one with revolutionary motive or revolting motive would do the arsonic act. For the policy of prevention of arsons, professional research work in organizational cooperation for preventive activities is conducted in municipal or city wise functions in the name of Parson Taskforces and beside a variety of research institutes in federal government have been operating effectively to countermeasure in many fields of research. Franch and Sweden beside the U.S. set up a overall operation of fire prevention research funtions and have obtained very successful result. Japan also put their research likewise for countermeasure. In this research as a way of preventive fire policy, first, it is necessary to accomodate the legal preventitive activities for fire prevention in judicial side and as an administrative side, (1) precise statistic management of crime of arson (2) establishment of professional research functions or a corporate (3) improvement of system for cooperative structural team for investigation of fires and menpower organization of professional members. Secondly, social mentality in individual prospect, recognition of fires by arson and youth education of such effect, educational program for development and practical promotion. Thirdly, in view of environmental side, the ways of actual performance by programming with the establishment of cooperative advancement in local social function elements with administrative office, habitants, school facilities and newspapers measures (2) establishment of personal protection where weak menpowers are displayed in special fire prevention measures. These measures are presented for prevention of crime of arson. The control of crime and prevention shall be prepared as a means of self defence by the principle of self responsibility Specifically arsonists usually aims at the comparatively weak control of fire prevention is prevalent and it is therefore necessary to prepare individual facilities with their spontaneous management of fire prevention instead of public municipal funtures of local geverment. As Clifford L. Karchmer asserted instead of concerns about who would commit arson, what portion of area would be the target of the arson. It is effective to minister spontaveously the fire prevention measure in his facility with the consideration of characteristics of arson. On the other hand, it is necessary for the concerned personnel of local goverment and groups to distribute to the local society in timely manner for new information about the fire prevention, thus contribute to effective result of fire prevention result. In consideration of these factors, it is inevitable to never let coincide with the phemonemon of arsons in similar or mimic features as recognized that these could prevail just an epedemic as a strong imitational attitude. In processing of policy to encounter these problems, it is necessary to place priority of city policy to enhancement of overall concerns toward the definitive essense of crime of arson.

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