• Title/Summary/Keyword: Copy Wright

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A Study on the application of the Froebel Systems in the F. L. Wright's Architecture (프랭크 로이드 라이트 건축에 나타난 프뢰벨 시스템의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Joung;Oh, Zhang-Huan;Lee, Kang-Up;Ryu, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2010
  • Frank Lloyd Wright(1867-1959) was regarded as the pioneer of the modern architecture in the beginning and transition period of 20th century. His works have the pure shape form which have the deep relationship with the organic architecture. Wright told himself that the Froebel System had an influence on his works a lot. This study have researched about the three dimensional application of the Froebel System in his works with assembling and disassembling. Also the two dimensional application in the diagonal and circular plans are the one of the subjects here. The following conclusions are reached. First, The similar of the Wright's works and the Froebel System was the application of the similar principles rather than the copy of the method, which are the accent of the center, the composition of the part and whole, the understanding of the composition principle through the unit system and the unfolding of the crystal by rotation. Even thought the Wright's works have the triangle, square, hexagonal shape, the way of the expansion from the centered space was same. Also the space formed by the division of the center space, unfolds making the part and whole by overlap and continuation. The 2nd Froebel make space decided by the Net and Crystal Lattices which have the crystal characteristics by the rotation. The new geometric architecture, pinwheel, was created by this method. The application of the Froebel in the Wright's works have the several sets which are the 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th Froebels, 2nd, 7th Froebels and the 3th, 5th, 9th Froebels. The geometrical analysis of the square shape and the diagonal shape of the Wright's works was possible. The unfolding of the centered space can be found in the Guggenheim Museum using the analysis of the circular geometric of the 9th Froebel. The above study proves that the Froebel was not a mere tool for the basic shape training but also the main body of Wright's works which consists of the organic idea and philosophy of the space.

Identifying Copy Number Variants under Selection in Geographically Structured Populations Based on F-statistics

  • Song, Hae-Hiang;Hu, Hae-Jin;Seok, In-Hae;Chung, Yeun-Jun
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2012
  • Large-scale copy number variants (CNVs) in the human provide the raw material for delineating population differences, as natural selection may have affected at least some of the CNVs thus far discovered. Although the examination of relatively large numbers of specific ethnic groups has recently started in regard to inter-ethnic group differences in CNVs, identifying and understanding particular instances of natural selection have not been performed. The traditional $F_{ST}$ measure, obtained from differences in allele frequencies between populations, has been used to identify CNVs loci subject to geographically varying selection. Here, we review advances and the application of multinomial-Dirichlet likelihood methods of inference for identifying genome regions that have been subject to natural selection with the $F_{ST}$ estimates. The contents of presentation are not new; however, this review clarifies how the application of the methods to CNV data, which remains largely unexplored, is possible. A hierarchical Bayesian method, which is implemented via Markov Chain Monte Carlo, estimates locus-specific $F_{ST}$ and can identify outlying CNVs loci with large values of FST. By applying this Bayesian method to the publicly available CNV data, we identified the CNV loci that show signals of natural selection, which may elucidate the genetic basis of human disease and diversity.

The Accomplishment and Evaluation of the Policy of Scheduling Outsourcing Broadcasting Programs (외주제작 방송 프로그램 편성 정책의 성과와 평가)

  • Joo, Chungmin;Han, Jinmann;Yoo, Jongwon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the accomplishment of the outsourcing production policy which forces broadcasting companies to schedule and broadcast more than a certain proportion of outsourcing production programs. According to the results from the examination of whether or not the policy increased the diversity of broadcasting programs, it is positive that a rise in the number of production companies resulting from the implementation of the outsourcing production policy increased the diversity of broadcasting program makers, but programs supplied were limited to certain genres, failing to be diverse. According to the results from the examination of whether or not the competitiveness of broadcasting and video contents increased, production conditions had not improved due to the controversy over the ownership of the right of production between terrestrial broadcasting companies and outsourcing production companies. In addition, though there was the positive effect of increasing export of broadcasting programs, the exports were limited to certain genres.