• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coordinate system

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Evaluation of Dose and Position Compensation of Parotid Gland Using CT On-rail System in Head-and-Neck Cancer (두경부 암환자 치료 시 CT On-rail System을 이용한 이하선의 위치 보정 및 선량 평가)

  • Jang, Hyeong-Jun;Im, Chung-Geun;Chun, Geum-Sung;Jeong, Il-Seon;Kim, Hoi-Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The checking method of target and normal structure are used by MVCBCT, KVCBCT, CT On-rail System, Ultrasound in H&N cancer patient. In case of MVCT, the utilization of bone structure is valuable to check around tissue. But the utilization of soft tissue is not enough. The point of this paper is dose variation in movable parotid and changeable volume of H&N cancer patient of CT On-rail System. Materials and Methods: The object of H&N cancer patient is 5 in this hospital. The selected patient are scanned ARTISTE CT Vision (CT On-ral System) a triweekly. After CT scanning, tranfered coordinates are obtained by movable of parotid gland comparison with planning image. Checking for the changeable volume of parotid gland. A Obtained CT image are tranfered to the RTP System. So dose variation are checked by following changed volume. Results: The changes of target coordinate by the parotid gland movement are X: -0.4~0.4 cm, Y: -0.4~0.3 cm, Z: -0.3~0.3 cm. the volume of GTV is decreased to about 7.11%/week and then both parotid gland volume are shrinked about 4.81%/week (Lt), 2.91%/week (Rt). At the same time, each parotid gland are diminished in radiation dose as 3.66%/week (Lt), 2.01%/week. Conclusion: Images from CT on the rail System which are able to aquire the better quality images of soft tissue in Target area than MVCBCT. After replanning and dose redistribution by required images, It could gain not only the correction of the patient set-tup errors but exact dose distribution. Accordingly, the delivery of compensated dose, It makes that we could do Adaptive Targeting Radiotherapy and need Real Time Adaptive Targeting Radiotherapy by reduce beam delivary time.

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Queue Length Based Real-Time Traffic Signal Control Methodology Using sectional Travel Time Information (구간통행시간 정보 기반의 대기행렬길이를 이용한 실시간 신호제어 모형 개발)

  • Lee, Minhyoung;Kim, Youngchan;Jeong, Youngje
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2014
  • The expansion of the physical road in response to changes in social conditions and policy of the country has reached the limit. In order to alleviate congestion on the existing road to reconsider the effectiveness of this method should be asking. Currently, how to collect traffic information for management of the intersection is limited to point detection systems. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) was the traffic information collection system of point detection method such as through video and loop detector in the past. However, intelligent transportation systems of the next generation(C-ITS) has evolved rapidly in real time interval detection system of collecting various systems between the pedestrian, road, and car. Therefore, this study is designed to evaluate the development of an algorithm for queue length based real-time traffic signal control methodology. Four coordinates estimate on time-space diagram using the travel time each individual vehicle collected via the interval detector. Using the coordinate value estimated during the cycle for estimating the velocity of the shock wave the queue is created. Using the queue length is estimated, and determine the signal timing the total queue length is minimized at intersection. Therefore, in this study, it was confirmed that the calculation of the signal timing of the intersection queue is minimized.

A Study on Measuring Vehicle Length Using Laser Rangefinder (레이저 거리계를 이용한 차량 전장 측정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, In-Hwan;Kwon, Jang-Woo;Lee, Sang-Min
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2016
  • Determination of type of a vehicle is being used in various areas such as collecting tolls, collecting statistical traffic data and traffic prognosis. Because most of the vehicle type classification systems depend on vehicle length indirectly or directly, highly reliable automatic vehicle length measurement system is crucial for them. This study makes use of a pencil beam laser rangemeter and devises a mechanical device which rotates the laser rangemeter. The implemented system measures the range between a point and the laser rangemeter then indicates it as a spherical coordinate. We obtain several silhouettes of cross section of the vehicle, the rate of change of the silhouettes, signs of the rates then squares the rates to apply cell averaging constant false alarm rate (CA-CFAR) technique to find out where the border is between the vehicle and the background. Using the border and trigonometry, we calculated the length of the vehicle and confirmed that the calculated vehicle length is about 94% of actual length.

A Study on 3D RTLS at Port Container Yards Using the Extended Kalman Filter

  • Kim, Joeng-Hoon;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kwon, Soon-Ryang
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2007
  • The main purpose of this paper is to manage the container property effectively at the container yard by applying the RTLS technology to the field of port logistics. Yet, many kinds of noises happen to be inputted with the distance value(between the reader and the tag) which is to be inputted into the location identification algorithm, which makes the distance value jumped due to the system noise of the ultrasonic sensor module and the measurement noise. The Kalman Filter is widely used to prevent this jump occurrence; the noises are eliminated by using the EKF(Extended Kalman Filter) while considering that the distance information of the ultrasonic sensor is non-linear. Also, the 3D RTLS system at the port container yard suggested in this research is designed not to be interrupted for its ultrasonic transmission by positioning the antenna at the front of each sector of the container where the active tags are installed. We positioned the readers, which function as antennas for location identification, to four places randomly in the absolute coordinate and let the positions of the active tags identified by using the distance data delivered from the active tags. For the location identification algorithm used in this paper, the triangulation measurement that is most used in general is applied and newly reorganized to calculate the position of the container. In the first experiment, we dealt with the error resulting in the angle and the distance of the ultrasonic sensor module, which is the most important in the hardware performance; in the second, we evaluated the performance of the location identification algorithm, which is the most important in the software performance, and tested the noise cancellation effects for the EKF. According to the experiment result, the ultrasonic sensor showed an average of 3 to 5cm error up to $45^{\circ}$ in case of $60^{\circ}$ or more, non-reliable linear distances were obtained. In addition, the evaluation of the algorithm performance showed an average of $4^{\circ}{\sim}5^{\circ}$ error due to the error of the linear distance-this error is negligible for most container location identifications. Lastly, the experiment results of noise cancellation and jump preservation by using the EKF showed that noises were removed in the distance information which was entered from the input of the ultrasonic sensor and as a result, only signal was extracted; thus, jumps were able to be removed and the exact distance information between the ultrasonic sensors could be obtained.

Study on the design and the control of an underwater construction robot for port construction (항만공사용 수중건설로봇의 기구설계 및 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Sung;Kim, Chi-Hyo;Lee, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2015
  • There are many efforts to mechanize the process for underwater port construction due to the severe and adverse working environment. This paper presents an underwater construction robot to level rubbles on the seabed for port construction. The robot is composed of a blade and a multi-functional arm to flatten the rubble mound with respect to the reference level at uneven terrain and to dig and dump the rubbles. This research analyzes the kinematics of the blade and the multi-functional arm including track and swing motions with respect to a world coordinate assigned to a reference depth sensor. This analysis is conducted interfacing with the position and orientation sensors installed at the robot. A hydraulic control system is developed to control a track, a blade and a multi-functional arm for rubble leveling work. The experimental results of rubble leveling work conducted by the robot are presented in land and subsea. The working speed of the robot is eight times faster than that of a human diver, and the working quality is acceptable. The robot is expected to have much higher efficiency in deep water where a human diver is unable to work.

Dose Calculation for the Buckler Remote Afterloading System (Buchler 강내조사장치의 선량계산에 대한 연구)

  • Chung Weon Kuu;Kim Soo Kon;Kang Jeong Ku;Lee Jeong Ok;Moon Sun Rock;Kim Seung Kon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.247-253
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    • 1996
  • Purpose : The dose calculation program for the Buckler type remote after-loading system was developed. This program also can be used to calculate dose for various sealed sources. Materials and Methods : We determined the source length and distribution by dividing the program disk to 72 points. The dose rate for the each program disk and source was calculated. The dose rate table for the xy coordinate was established. The dose rate for the interesting points of the patient were calculated by using this table, We also made isodose curve from this calculations. Results : The storage size for the dose rate table were increased. But the calculation of the dose rate for the patient were carried out rapidly. So we could get real time calculation. Conclusion : By using this program, we could calculate the dose rate for the various points of the patient quickly and accurately. This program will be useful for the treatment with various linear sources.

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Motor Imagery Brain Signal Analysis for EEG-based Mouse Control (뇌전도 기반 마우스 제어를 위한 동작 상상 뇌 신호 분석)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Yeon;Lee, Tae-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.309-338
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we studied the brain-computer interface (BCI). BCIs help severely disabled people to control external devices by analyzing their brain signals evoked from motor imageries. The findings in the field of neurophysiology revealed that the power of $\beta$(14-26 Hz) and $\mu$(8-12 Hz) rhythms decreases or increases in synchrony of the underlying neuronal populations in the sensorymotor cortex when people imagine the movement of their body parts. These are called Event-Related Desynchronization / Synchronization (ERD/ERS), respectively. We implemented a BCI-based mouse interface system which enabled subjects to control a computer mouse cursor into four different directions (e.g., up, down, left, and right) by analyzing brain signal patterns online. Tongue, foot, left-hand, and right-hand motor imageries were utilized to stimulate a human brain. We used a non-invasive EEG which records brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time by placing electrodes on the scalp. Because of the nature of the EEG signals, i.e., low amplitude and vulnerability to artifacts and noise, it is hard to analyze and classify brain signals measured by EEG directly. In order to overcome these obstacles, we applied statistical machine-learning techniques. We could achieve high performance in the classification of four motor imageries by employing Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) which transformed input EEG signals into a new coordinate system making the variances among different motor imagery signals maximized for easy classification. From the inspection of the topographies of the results, we could also confirm ERD/ERS appeared at different brain areas for different motor imageries showing the correspondence with the anatomical and neurophysiological knowledge.

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Long-Term Arrival Time Estimation Model Based on Service Time (버스의 정차시간을 고려한 장기 도착시간 예측 모델)

  • Park, Chul Young;Kim, Hong Geun;Shin, Chang Sun;Cho, Yong Yun;Park, Jang Woo
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2017
  • Citizens want more accurate forecast information using Bus Information System. However, most bus information systems that use an average based short-term prediction algorithm include many errors because they do not consider the effects of the traffic flow, signal period, and halting time. In this paper, we try to improve the precision of forecast information by analyzing the influencing factors of the error, thereby making the convenience of the citizens. We analyzed the influence factors of the error using BIS data. It is shown in the analyzed data that the effects of the time characteristics and geographical conditions are mixed, and that effects on halting time and passes speed is different. Therefore, the halt time is constructed using Generalized Additive Model with explanatory variable such as hour, GPS coordinate and number of routes, and we used Hidden Markov Model to construct a pattern considering the influence of traffic flow on the unit section. As a result of the pattern construction, accurate real-time forecasting and long-term prediction of route travel time were possible. Finally, it is shown that this model is suitable for travel time prediction through statistical test between observed data and predicted data. As a result of this paper, we can provide more precise forecast information to the citizens, and we think that long-term forecasting can play an important role in decision making such as route scheduling.

A Study on the Synthetic Aperture Radar System Motion Compensation Technique (SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)시스템 요동보상기법 연구)

  • Kang, Eun-Kyun;Ra, Keuk-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the image formation by the motion compensation technique for Synthetic Aperture Radar system(SAR) were realized through the computer simulation. The motion compensation technique performed image data with the range compression, the compensation procedure, the azimuth compensation and the noise elimination procedure. The range compression procedure transform the SAR raw data into the frequency domain and correlate with the range reference function and then inversely transform into the time domain. The compensation procedure contain the aircraft fluctuations compensation and the radar image degrading effect elimination procedure which was caused by image formation algorithm itself. The aircraft fluctuations compensation procedure perform the first stage which correct the phase angle and the second stage which calculate the Doppler frequency and determine the coordinate of the received signal. The radar image degrading effect elimination procedure also perform range migration compensation and the image defocussing effect compensation. The azimuth compression procedure transform the compensation data to the frequency domain and correlate with the azimuth reference function. The azimuth correlated data are inversely transformed to the time domain which is called SAR image data. When the above procedure were completed, the image data contains the received signals mixed with noise. The threshold technique was applied to elimination the noise from the mixed image data.

A Study on Dynamic Behaviour of Cable-Stayed Bridge by Vehicle Load (차량하중에 의한 사장교의 동적거동에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheun Hyek;Han, Jai Ik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1299-1308
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    • 1994
  • This paper is considered on the dynamic behavior and the dynamic impact coefficient on the cable-stayed bridge under the vehicle load. The method of static analysis, that is, the transfer matrix method is used to get influence values about displacements, section forces of girder and cable forces. Gotten influence values were used as basic data to analyse dynamic behavior. This paper used the transfer matrix method because it is relatively simpler than the finite element method, and calculating speed of computer is very fast and the precision of computation is high. In the process of dynamic analysis, the uncoupled equation of motion is derived from simultaneous equation of the motion of cable-stayed bridge and vehicle travelling by using mode shape, which was borne from system of undamped free vibration. The solution of the uncoupled equation of motion, that is, time history of response of deflections, velocity and acceleration on reference coordinate system, is found by Newmark-${\beta}$ method, a kind of direct integral method. After the time history of dynamic response was gotten, and it was transfered to the time history of dynamic response of cable-stayed bridge by linear transformation of coordinates. As a result of this numerical analysis, effect of dynamic behavior for cable-stayed bridge under the vehicle load has varied depending on parameter of design, that is, the ratio of span, the ratio of main span length, tower height, the flexural rigidity of longitudinal girder, the flexural rigidity of tower, and the cable stiffness, investigated. Very good agreements with the existing solution in the literature are shown for the uncracked plate as well as the cracked plate.

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