• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coordinate system

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Eddy-Current Loss Analysis in Rotor of Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines Using Analytical Method (해석적 방법을 이용한 표면부착형 영구자석 기기의 회전자 와전류 손실해석)

  • Choi, Jang-Young;Choi, Ji-Hwan;Jang, Seok-Myeong;Cho, Han-Wook;Lee, Sung-Ho
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.8
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    • pp.1115-1122
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    • 2012
  • This paper analyzes eddy-current loss induced in magnets of surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) machines by using an analytical method such as a space harmonic method. First, on the basis of a two-dimensional (2D) polar coordinate system and a magnetic vector potential, the analytical solutions for the flux density produced by armature winding current are obtained. By using derived field solutions, the analytical solutions for eddy current density distribution are also obtained. Finally, analytical solutions for eddy current loss induced in rotor magnets are derived by using equivalent electrical resistance calculated from magnet volume and analytical solutions for eddy-current density distribution. In particular, the influence of time harmonics in armature current on the eddy current loss is fully investigated and discussed. All analytical results are validated extensively by finite element analysis (FEA).

Vertex Normal Computation using Conformal Mapping and Mean Value Coordinates (등각사상과 평균값좌표계를 이용한 정점 법선벡터 계산법)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Seok B.;Kim, Ho-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.451-457
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    • 2009
  • Most of objects in computer graphics may be represented by a form of mesh. The exact computation of vertex normal vectors is essential for user to apply a variety of geometric operations to the mesh and get more realistic rendering results. Most of the previous algorithms used a weight which resembles a local geometric property of a vertex of a mesh such as the interior angle, the area, and so on. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for computing the normal vector of a vertex in meshes. Our method uses the conformal mapping which resembles synthetically the local geometric properties, and the mean value coordinates which may smoothly represent a relationship with the adjacent vertices. It may be confirmed by experiment that the normal vector of our algorithm is more exact than that of the previous methods.

Color Collection of LCD Monitor Using High-order Multilayer Neural Network (고차 다층구조 신경회로망을 이용한 LCD 모니터의 색 보정)

  • Jung, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Wook;Ahn, Kang-Sic;Cho, Seok-Je
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a new color correction method for color reproduction on LCD-based monitor by means of high-order multilayer neural networks. LCD monitors have nonlinear characteristics from various displaying system components. To overcome these nonlinearities and produce quality image, we need a nonlinear transformer for color coordinate transformation between the LCD monitor coordinates and the input color stimulus values. A high-order multilayer neural network is effectively trained to learn a mapping to determine the required color value of monitors for producing a given color stimulus. From the experimental results, the proposed method is effective in reproducing the color images.

Gait Implementation of Biped Robot for a continuous human-like walking (이족 보행 로봇의 인간과 유사한 지속보행을 위한 걸음새 구현)

  • Jin, Kwang-Ho;Jang, Chung-Ryoul;Koo, Ja-Hyuk;Choi, Sang-Ho;Kim, Jin-Geol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07g
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    • pp.3092-3094
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    • 1999
  • This paper deals with the gait generation of Biped Walking Robot (IWR-III) to have a continuous walking pattern like human. For this, trajectory planning with the consideration of kick action is done in each walking step, and the coordinate transformation is done for simplifying the kinematics. The trunk moves continuously for all walking time and moves toward Z-axis. Balancing motion is acquired by FDM(Finite Difference Method) during the walking. By combining 4-types of pre-defined steps, multi-step walking is done. Using numerical simulator, dynamic analysis and system stability is confirmed. Walking motion is visualized by 3D-Graphic simulator. As a result, the motion of balancing joints can be reduced by the trunk ahead effect during kick action, and impactless smooth walking is implemented by the experiment.

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A Study on Evaluating of Voltage Stability Using the Line Flow Equation. (선로조류방정식 특성을 이용한 전압안정도 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Kil-Young;Kim, Sae-Young;Kim, Yong-Ha
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07b
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    • pp.797-799
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a simple method for evaluating of voltage stability using the line flow equation. Line flow equations($P_{ij}$, $Q_{ij}$) are comprised of state variable, $V_i$, ${\delta}_i$, $V_j$ and ${\delta}_j$, and line parameter, r and x. Using the feature of polar coordinate, these equations become one equation with two variables, $V_i$ and $V_j$. Moreover, if bus j is slack bus or generator bus, which is specified voltage magnitude, it becomes One equation with one variable $V_i$, that is, may be formulated with the second-order equation for $V_i^2$. Therefore, solutions are obtained with simple computation. Solutions obtained are used for evaluating of voltage stability through sensitivity analysis. Also, considering of reactive power source, method for evaluating the voltage stability is introduced. The proposed method was validated to 2-bus and IEEE 6-bus system.

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Analysis on Eddy Current Losses for Cylindrical Linear Oscillatory Actuator with Halbach Array according to Drive Voltage Waveform (영구자석 Halbach형 원통형 액추에이터의 구동전압 파형에 따른 와전류 손실)

  • Jang, Seok-Myeong;Kim, Hyun-Kyu;Park, Ji-Hoon;Ko, Kyoung-Jin;Choi, Jang-Young;Kim, Il-Jung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.04b
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    • pp.49-51
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    • 2009
  • This paper deals with the analysis on eddy current losses for cylindrical linear oscillatory actuator (LOA) with Halbach array mover according to voltage waveform. This paper presents analytical procedures for calculation of eddy current losses using Poynting theorem. On the basis of the magnetic vector potential and a two-dimensional (2-d) cylindrical coordinate system, this paper derived analytical solutions of eddy current tosses using phase current analysis. The eddy current losses of each harmonic obtained by fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis of phase current are compared with results obtained from finite-element method (FEM). Particularly, this paper shows that the eddy current losses of cylindrical LOA according to square voltage waveform are more significant than those according to sinusoidal voltage waveform.

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Coordinate Expression of Renin and Cyclooxygenase-2 in Rats with Two-kidney, One Clip and Deoxycorticosterone Acetate-Salt Hypertension

  • Lee, Jong-Un;Oh, Yoon-Wha;Kim, Sun-Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2001
  • The present study was aimed to examine whether the expression of renin is associated with that of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the kidney. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were made two-kidney, one clip (2K1C) or deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive, to stimulate or to inhibit the endogenous renin-angiotensin system, respectively. The expression of renin and COX-2 mRNA was determined in the cortex of the kidney by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. 2K1C hypertensive rats showed an increased expression of renin as well as of COX-2 in the clipped kidney. The expression of renin was decreased in parallel with that of COX-2 in the contralateral non-clipped kidney. Removal of the renal arterial clip reversed the expression of both genes, along with the blood pressure, to the control level. On the other hand, DOCA-salt hypertension was associated with parallel decreases of renin and COX-2 expression. These results indicate that renin and COX-2 genes are coordinately expressed in the kidney.

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An analysis of the farm silo supported by ground (地盤과 構造物사이의 相互作用을 考慮한 農業用 사이로의 解析에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) - 第 1 報 模型 및 프로그램의 開發 -)

  • Cho, Jin-Goo;Cho, Hyun-Young
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 1985
  • The reinforced concrete farm silos on the elastic foundatin are widely used in agricultural engineering because of their superior structural performance, economy and attractive appearance. Various methods for the analysis and design of farm silo, such as the analytical method, the finite difference method, and the finite element methods, can be used. But the analytical procedure can not be applied for the intricate conditions in practice. Therefore lately the finite element method has been become in the structural mechanics. In this paper, a method of finite element analysis for the cylindrical farm silo on ffness matrix for the elastic foundation governed by winkler's assumption. A complete computer programs have been developed in this paper can be applicable not only to the shell structures on elastic foundation but also to the arbitrary three dimensional structures. Assuming the small deflection theory, the membrane and plate bending behaviours of flat plate element can be assumed mutually uncoupled. In this case, the element has 5 degrees of freedom per node when defined in the local coordinate system. However, when the element properties are transformed to the global coordinates for assembly, the 6th degree of freedom should be considered. A problem arises in this procedure the resultant stiffness in the 6th degree of freedom at this node will be zero. But this singularity of the stiffness matrix can be eliminated easily by merely replacing the zero diagonal by dummy stiffness.

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Feature Extraction in 3-Dimensional Object with Closed-surface using Fourier Transform (Fourier Transform을 이용한 3차원 폐곡면 객체의 특징 벡터 추출)

  • 이준복;김문화;장동식
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2003
  • A new method to realize 3-dimensional object pattern recognition system using Fourier-based feature extractor has been proposed. The procedure to obtain the invariant feature vector is as follows ; A closed surface is generated by tracing the surface of object using the 3-dimensional polar coordinate. The centroidal distances between object's geometrical center and each closed surface points are calculated. The distance vector is translation invariant. The distance vector is normalized, so the result is scale invariant. The Fourier spectrum of each normalized distance vector is calculated, and the spectrum is rotation invariant. The Fourier-based feature generating from above procedure completely eliminates the effect of variations in translation, scale, and rotation of 3-dimensional object with closed-surface. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a high accuracy.

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Object Extraction and Tracking out of Color Image in Real-Time (실시간 칼라영상에서 객체추출 및 추적)

  • Choi, Nae-Won;Oh, Hae-Seok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.1
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose the tracking method of moving object which use extracted object by difference between background image and target image in fixed domain. As a extraction method of object, calculate not pixel of full image but predefined some edge pixel of image to get a position of new object. Since the center area Is excluded from calculation, the extraction time is efficiently reduced. To extract object in the predefined area, get a starting point in advance and then extract size of width and height of object. Central coordinate is used to track moved object.