• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cooperative-learning

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A Study on the Introduction of Library Services Based on Blockchain (블록체인 기반의 도서관 서비스 도입 및 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Ji-Yoon;Noh, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.371-401
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    • 2022
  • If the blockchain means storing information in a distributed environment that cannot be forged or altered, it is mentioned that this is similar to what librarians collect, preserve, and share authoritative information. In this way, this study examined blockchain technology as a way to collect and provide reliable information, increase work efficiency inside and outside the library, and strengthen cooperative networks. This study attempted to propose various ways to utilize blockchain technology in book relations based on literature surveys and case studies in other fields. To this end, this study first analyzed the field and cases of blockchain application to confirm the possibility and value of blockchain application in the library field, and proposed 12 ways to utilize it based on this. The utilization model was proposed by dividing it into operation and service sectors. In the operation sector, it is a digital identity-based user record storage and authentication function, transparent management and traceable monitoring function, voting-based personnel and recruitment system, blockchain governance-based network efficiency function, and blockchain-based next-generation device management and information integration function. The service sector includes improved book purchase and sharing efficiency due to simplification of intermediaries, digital content copyright protection and management functions, customized service provision based on customer behavior analysis, blockchain-based online learning platforms, sharing platforms, and P2P-based reliable information sharing platforms.

An Analysis of Validity and Satisfaction for Objectives of Small and Medium Business(SMB) Administration Subsidy the Human Resource Development Program(HRDP) and the Customized Employment Program(CEP) in Specialized High Schools (중소기업 특성화고 인력양성사업과 취업맞춤반의 성과 목표에 대한 타당도 및 만족도 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Byung Wook;Ahn, Jae Yeong;Kang, Chol Min
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.68-87
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    • 2016
  • This research conducted a survey for total 166 teachers of schools so as to analyze validity and satisfaction for performance objectives of SMB administration subsidy the HRDP and the CEP in Specialized High School. The results of research are as follows. First, teachers recognize that purpose of HRDP is to expand employment of specialized high school and provide human resource of SMB. And, they recognize that HRDP is important to improve school outcomes and makes a positive effect on the improvement of school outcomes. Second, teachers recognize that objectives of HRDP are improvement of student's understanding for SMB, improvement of teacher's understanding for SMB, improvement of SMB's understanding of school, cultivation of student's occupational view, systematization of career guiding program based on employment process, strengthening of industry-academia cooperation education, improvement of the level of student's skill, fulfillment of workplace experience and practice focusing workplace learning, training of customized human resource for SMB, improvement of student's adaptation to the workplace, improvement of employment rate for SMB, expansion of job opportunities for students with SMB, preparation of the base of connection between school and SMB, publicity of school, expansion of opportunities to cooperate between SMB and school, establishment of cooperative system among industrial association and school, introduction and operation of the employment connective model for joint education and employment, strengthening of field professionalism of teachers. However, satisfaction for the achievement of objectives of HRDP except for strengthening of industry-academia cooperation education and improvement of employment rate for SMB is relatively lower than the validity. Third, teachers in charge of human resource training business of middle and small sized company's specialized high school recognize that objectives of CEP are expansion of job opportunities for students with SMB, excavation of good-quality SMB, expansion of opportunities to cooperate between SMB and school, fulfillment of workplace learning, improvement of student's major foundation and in-depth skill, improvement of literacy, math, teamwork and communication abilities for students' job performance, improvement of student's working attitude and student's proper career exploration decision. However, satisfaction for achievement of objectives of CEP is relatively lower than the validity.

The Perception of Gifted Science Teachers Regarding a Individualized Instruction for Scientifically Gifted (영재 개별화 교육에 관한 과학영재 지도교사들의 인식)

  • Kim, Su-yeon;Han, Shin;Jeong, Jinwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.199-216
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to figure out how much gifted science education teachers in charge of the class realize the necessity of individualized curriculum and program for scientifically gifted, to find out the problems of the gifted science educational institutions from exploring them in depth in the light of the reality in the gifted science educational institutions, and to draw implications about the applicable direction of more aggressive individualized curriculum and program for scientifically gifted. I chose 15 people with the incumbent teachers who have ever taught scientifically gifted and have a degree in the gifted education or science subject education as study participants and had a depth interview with them. According to result of the study, 14 of 15 study participants recognized the necessity of individualized education in science should understand the personal requirements according to the tendency of the gifted students and should be a study led by students themselves. Of the problems in gifted science education, teachers regarded the reduction in the financial support as the biggest problem and the vocation and professionalism of teachers were referred as a very important factor. With constraints of time and space, there were plenty of opinions that can't ignore the influence of educational environment associated with the university entrance examination. There were many opinions that there is excessive expansion of the agencies and the target for gifted students, no standardized measurement tools and programs and the lack of the system for the coherent observation as a teacher. Also, the unified curriculum of gifted science education institutions were pointed out as the problem and the individualized programs which were already under way have a lot of weakness and being offered marginally. Thus, from now on, to apply for individualized education of gifted science, teachers demanded optimized education conditions and consistent policy support, and expressed the opinion that there needs of a possible continuous observation system. Besides, the curriculum and programs matched the needs of the students should be taken priority the most, and there were another answers that fellow learning within the cooperative learning can be an alternative of the individualized. Along with that, there were lots of opinions that the treatment to overcome an inferiority complex according to the individualized should be followed.

Accelerometer-based Gesture Recognition for Robot Interface (로봇 인터페이스 활용을 위한 가속도 센서 기반 제스처 인식)

  • Jang, Min-Su;Cho, Yong-Suk;Kim, Jae-Hong;Sohn, Joo-Chan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2011
  • Vision and voice-based technologies are commonly utilized for human-robot interaction. But it is widely recognized that the performance of vision and voice-based interaction systems is deteriorated by a large margin in the real-world situations due to environmental and user variances. Human users need to be very cooperative to get reasonable performance, which significantly limits the usability of the vision and voice-based human-robot interaction technologies. As a result, touch screens are still the major medium of human-robot interaction for the real-world applications. To empower the usability of robots for various services, alternative interaction technologies should be developed to complement the problems of vision and voice-based technologies. In this paper, we propose the use of accelerometer-based gesture interface as one of the alternative technologies, because accelerometers are effective in detecting the movements of human body, while their performance is not limited by environmental contexts such as lighting conditions or camera's field-of-view. Moreover, accelerometers are widely available nowadays in many mobile devices. We tackle the problem of classifying acceleration signal patterns of 26 English alphabets, which is one of the essential repertoires for the realization of education services based on robots. Recognizing 26 English handwriting patterns based on accelerometers is a very difficult task to take over because of its large scale of pattern classes and the complexity of each pattern. The most difficult problem that has been undertaken which is similar to our problem was recognizing acceleration signal patterns of 10 handwritten digits. Most previous studies dealt with pattern sets of 8~10 simple and easily distinguishable gestures that are useful for controlling home appliances, computer applications, robots etc. Good features are essential for the success of pattern recognition. To promote the discriminative power upon complex English alphabet patterns, we extracted 'motion trajectories' out of input acceleration signal and used them as the main feature. Investigative experiments showed that classifiers based on trajectory performed 3%~5% better than those with raw features e.g. acceleration signal itself or statistical figures. To minimize the distortion of trajectories, we applied a simple but effective set of smoothing filters and band-pass filters. It is well known that acceleration patterns for the same gesture is very different among different performers. To tackle the problem, online incremental learning is applied for our system to make it adaptive to the users' distinctive motion properties. Our system is based on instance-based learning (IBL) where each training sample is memorized as a reference pattern. Brute-force incremental learning in IBL continuously accumulates reference patterns, which is a problem because it not only slows down the classification but also downgrades the recall performance. Regarding the latter phenomenon, we observed a tendency that as the number of reference patterns grows, some reference patterns contribute more to the false positive classification. Thus, we devised an algorithm for optimizing the reference pattern set based on the positive and negative contribution of each reference pattern. The algorithm is performed periodically to remove reference patterns that have a very low positive contribution or a high negative contribution. Experiments were performed on 6500 gesture patterns collected from 50 adults of 30~50 years old. Each alphabet was performed 5 times per participant using $Nintendo{(R)}$ $Wii^{TM}$ remote. Acceleration signal was sampled in 100hz on 3 axes. Mean recall rate for all the alphabets was 95.48%. Some alphabets recorded very low recall rate and exhibited very high pairwise confusion rate. Major confusion pairs are D(88%) and P(74%), I(81%) and U(75%), N(88%) and W(100%). Though W was recalled perfectly, it contributed much to the false positive classification of N. By comparison with major previous results from VTT (96% for 8 control gestures), CMU (97% for 10 control gestures) and Samsung Electronics(97% for 10 digits and a control gesture), we could find that the performance of our system is superior regarding the number of pattern classes and the complexity of patterns. Using our gesture interaction system, we conducted 2 case studies of robot-based edutainment services. The services were implemented on various robot platforms and mobile devices including $iPhone^{TM}$. The participating children exhibited improved concentration and active reaction on the service with our gesture interface. To prove the effectiveness of our gesture interface, a test was taken by the children after experiencing an English teaching service. The test result showed that those who played with the gesture interface-based robot content marked 10% better score than those with conventional teaching. We conclude that the accelerometer-based gesture interface is a promising technology for flourishing real-world robot-based services and content by complementing the limits of today's conventional interfaces e.g. touch screen, vision and voice.

Summative Evaluation of 1993, 1994 Discussion Contest of Scientific Investigation (제 1, 2회 학생 과학 공동탐구 토론대회의 종합적 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.376-388
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    • 1996
  • The first and the second "Discussion Contest of Scientific Investigation" was evaluated in this study. This contest was a part of 'Korean Youth Science Festival' held in 1993 and 1994. The evaluation was based on the data collected from the middle school students of final teams, their teachers, a large number of middle school students and college students who were audience of the final competition. Questionnaires, interviews, reports of final teams, and video tape of final competition were used to collect data. The study focussed on three research questions. The first was about the preparation and the research process of students of final teams. The second was about the format and the proceeding of the Contest. The third was whether participating the Contest was useful experience for the students and the teachers of the final teams. The first area, the preparation and the research process of students, were investigated in three aspects. One was the level of cooperation, participation, support and the role of teachers. The second was the information search and experiment, and the third was the report writing. The students of the final teams from both years, had positive opinion about the cooperation, students' active involvement, and support from family and school. Students considered their teachers to be a guide or a counsellor, showing their level of active participation. On the other hand, the interview of 1993 participants showed that there were times that teachers took strong leading role. Therefore one can conclude that students took active roles most of the time while the room for improvement still exists. To search the information they need during the period of the preparation, student visited various places such as libraries, bookstores, universities, and research institutes. Their search was not limited to reading the books, although the books were primary source of information. Students also learned how to organize the information they found and considered leaning of organizing skill useful and fun. Variety of experiments was an important part of preparation and students had positive opinion about it. Understanding related theory was considered most difficult and important, while designing and building proper equipments was considered difficult but not important. This reflects the students' school experience where the equipments were all set in advance and students were asked to confirm the theories presented in the previous class hours. About the reports recording the research process, students recognize the importance and the necessity of the report but had difficulty in writing it. Their reports showed tendency to list everything they did without clear connection to the problem to be solved. Most of the reports did not record the references and some of them confused report writing with story telling. Therefore most of them need training in writing the reports. It is also desirable to describe the process of student learning when theory or mathematics that are beyond the level of middle school curriculum were used because it is part of their investigation. The second area of evaluation was about the format and the proceeding of the Contest, the problems given to students, and the process of student discussion. The format of the Contests, which consisted of four parts, presentation, refutation, debate and review, received good evaluation from students because it made students think more and gave more difficult time but was meaningful and helped to remember longer time according to students. On the other hand, students said the time given to each part of the contest was too short. The problems given to students were short and open ended to stimulate students' imagination and to offer various possible routes to the solution. This type of problem was very unfamiliar and gave a lot of difficulty to students. Student had positive opinion about the research process they experienced but did not recognize the fact that such a process was possible because of the oneness of the task. The level of the problems was rated as too difficult by teachers and college students but as appropriate by the middle school students in audience and participating students. This suggests that it is possible for student to convert the problems to be challengeable and intellectually satisfactory appropriate for their level of understanding even when the problems were difficult for middle school students. During the process of student discussion, a few problems were observed. Some problems were related to the technics of the discussion, such as inappropriate behavior for the role he/she was taking, mismatching answers to the questions. Some problems were related to thinking. For example, students thinking was off balanced toward deductive reasoning, and reasoning based on experimental data was weak. The last area of evaluation was the effect of the Contest. It was measured through the change of the attitude toward science and science classes, and willingness to attend the next Contest. According to the result of the questionnaire, no meaningful change in attitude was observed. However, through the interview several students were observed to have significant positive change in attitude while no student with negative change was observed. Most of the students participated in Contest said they would participate again or recommend their friend to participate. Most of the teachers agreed that the Contest should continue and they would recommend their colleagues or students to participate. As described above, the "Discussion Contest of Scientific Investigation", which was developed and tried as a new science contest, had positive response from participating students and teachers, and the audience. Two among the list of results especially demonstrated that the goal of the Contest, "active and cooperative science learning experience", was reached. One is the fact that students recognized the experience of cooperation, discussion, information search, variety of experiments to be fun and valuable. The other is the fact that the students recognized the format of the contest consisting of presentation, refutation, discussion and review, required more thinking and was challenging, but was more meaningful. Despite a few problems such as, unfamiliarity with the technics of discussion, weakness in inductive and/or experiment based reasoning, and difficulty in report writing, The Contest demonstrated the possibility of new science learning environment and science contest by offering the chance to challenge open tasks by utilizing student science knowledge and ability to inquire and to discuss rationally and critically with other students.

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Structural Adjustment of Domestic Firms in the Era of Market Liberalization (시장개방(市場開放)과 국내기업(國內企業)의 구조조정(構造調整))

  • Seong, So-mi
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 1991
  • Market liberalization progressing simultaneously with high and rapidly rising domestic wages has created an adverse business environment for domestic firms. Korean firms are losing their international competitiveness in comparison to firms from LDC(Less Developed Countries) in low-tech industries. In high-tech industries, domestic firms without government protection (which is impossible due to the liberalization policy and the current international status of the Korean economy) are in a disadvantaged position relative to firms from advanced countries. This paper examines the division of roles between the private sector and the government in order to achieve a successful structural adjustment, which has become the impending industrial policy issue caused by high domestic wages, on the one hand, and the opening of domestic markets, on the other. The micro foundation of the economy-wide structural adjustment is actually the restructuring of business portfolios at the firm level. The firm-level business restructuring means that firms in low-value-added businesses or with declining market niches establish new major businesses in higher value-added segments or growing market niches. The adjustment of the business structure at the firm level can only be accomplished by accumulating firm-specific managerial assets necessary to establish a new business structure. This can be done through learning-by-doing in the whole system of management, including research and development, manufacturing, and marketing. Therefore, the voluntary cooperation among the people in the company is essential for making the cost of the learning process lower than that at the competing companies. Hence, firms that attempt to restructure their major businesses need to induce corporate-wide participation through innovations in organization and management, encourage innovative corporate culture, and maintain cooperative labor unions. Policy discussions on structural adjustments usually regard firms as a black box behind a few macro variables. But in reality, firm activities are not flows of materials but relationships among human resources. The growth potential of companies are embodied in the human resources of the firm; the balance of interest among stockholders, managers, and workers of the company' brings the accumulation of the company's core competencies. Therefore, policymakers and economists shoud change their old concept of the firm as a technological black box which produces a marketable commodities. Firms should be regarded as coalitions of interest groups such as stockholders, managers, and workers. Consequently the discussion on the structural adjustment both at the macroeconomic level and the firm level should be based on this new paradigm of understanding firms. The government's role in reducing the cost of structural adjustment and supporting should the creation of new industries emphasize the following: First, government must promote the competition in domestic markets by revising laws related to antitrust policy, bankruptcy, and the promotion of small and medium-sized companies. General consensus on the limitations of government intervention and the merit of deregulation should be sought among policymakers and people in the business world. In the age of internationalization, nation-specific competitive advantages cannot be exclusively in favor of domestic firms. The international competitiveness of a domestic firm derives from the firm-specific core competencies which can be accumulated by internal investment and organization of the firm. Second, government must build up a solid infrastructure of production factors including capital, technology, manpower, and information. Structural adjustment often entails bankruptcies and partial waste of resources. However, it is desirable for the government not to try to sustain marginal businesses, but to support the diversification or restructuring of businesses by assisting in factor creation. Institutional support for venture businesses needs to be improved, especially in the financing system since many investment projects in venture businesses are highly risky, even though they are very promising. The proportion of low-value added production processes and declining industries should be reduced by promoting foreign direct investment and factory automation. Moreover, one cannot over-emphasize the importance of future-oriented labor policies to be based on the new paradigm of understanding firm activities. The old laws and instititutions related to labor unions need to be reformed. Third, government must improve the regimes related to money, banking, and the tax system to change business practices dependent on government protection or undesirable in view of the evolution of the Korean economy as a whole. To prevent rational business decisions from contradicting to the interest of the economy as a whole, government should influence the business environment, not the business itself.

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A Comparative Study on Awareness of Middle School Students, School Parents, and Human Resources Directors in Industrial Institutions about Admission into Specialized High Schools and Career after Graduating from Specialized High Schools (특성화고 진학 및 졸업 후 진로에 대한 중학생, 학부모, 산업체 인사 담당자의 인식 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Ahn, Jae-Yeong;Lee, Chan-Joo;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.48-67
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    • 2013
  • This study tried to suggest implications about operation direction of specialized high schools (SHS) by researching awareness of middle school students (MSS), school parents (SP), human resources directors in industrial institutions (HRDII) who will be the main users of SHS education, about entering SHS and career after graduating from SHS. Seniors of middle school, SP and HRDII in Asan, Chungnam were the subject of this survey research. The summary of the result of this study is as follow: First, MSS and SP usually hoped to enter general high schools rather than vocational education schools such as SHS, meister high schools, and MSS considered school records and SP considered aptitude and talent for the factors to choose high school. Second, MSS, SP, and HRDII recognized purposes of SHS as improvement of talent and aptitude, and getting a job. As for positive images of SHS, they recognized it as applying talent and aptitude to life early, getting good jobs easily, fast independence after graduation, and learning excellent technologies, and as for negative images of SHS, they recognized it as social prejudices and discrimination, students with bad school records enter them, disadvantages about promotion and wages, and being unfavorable for entering universities. They also recognized education of SHS as being effective for improvement of basic and executive ability and key competency, development of creative human resources, and improvement of right personality and courteous manners. Third, many MSS and SP showed intention to enter SHS if it is established in Asan. They wished to enter SHS because they would like to apply their aptitude and talent to life early, learn excellent skill, and hope for early employment, on the other hand, they did not wish to enter SHS because it was not suited for their aptitude and talent, awareness about SHS is low, it is unfavorable to enter universities, and there were social prejudices and discrimination. They also similarly hoped for getting jobs and entering universities after graduating from SHS. And the reason they wanted to get a job was usually because they want to be successful by advancing into society early, or because it is still hard to get a job even after graduate from the university, on the other hand, the reason they want to enter university is because is usually in-depth education about major and social discrimination about level of education. The ability to perform duties forms the greatest part of the employment standard that MSS, SP, and HRDII aware. MSS and SP usually hoped for industrial, home economics and housework and commercial majors in SHS, and considered aptitude and talent, the promising future, and being favorable for employment for choosing major. The reason HRDII hire SHS student was to develop student into talent of industrial institution, ability of student, and need for manpower with high school graduation level, and there were also partial answer that they can hire SHS student if they have ability to perform duties. The proposals about operation direction of SHS according to the results above are as follow: SHS should diversify major and curriculum to meet various requirements of student and parents, establish SHS admission system based on career guidance, and improve student's ability to perform duties by establishing work-based learning. The Government should organize work-to-school policy to enable practical career development of students from SHS, and promote relevant policy to reinforcing SHS education rather than quantitative evaluation such as employment rate, and cooperative support from each government departments is required to make manpower with skill related to SHS to get proper evaluation and treatment.

An Empirical Study on Technological Innovation Management Factors of SMEs (중소기업의 기술혁신 관리요소에 관한 실증연구)

  • Im, Chae-Hyon;Shin, Jin-Kyo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.75-107
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    • 2012
  • Previous researches on technological innovation have several limitations such as lack of general mechanism for technological innovation(inputs, throughputs and outputs of technological innovation), large company oriented studies, and ignoring importance of technology management capabilities. So, this study suggested a new model using resource-based theory and system theory, and empirically applied that to SMEs. Structural equation model analysis by using 223 SMEs in Daegu region provided a support for most of hypotheses. Research results showed that all of factors on technological innovation were significantly and positively related with each other: inputs(R&D leadership, innovation strategy, R&D investment, R&D human resource management, external network), throughputs(portfolio management, project management, technology commercialization) and output(technological innovation). In case of technological innovation inputs, R&D leadership influenced on innovation strategy positively and significantly. And R&D leadership and innovation strategy had positive and significant effects on R&D investment, R&D human resource management and external network. R&D human resource management and external network exerted positive and significant influences on technological innovation throughputs such as portfolio management and project management. But R&D investment did not significant impacts on technological innovation throughputs. Among technological innovation throughputs, both portfolio management and project management had positive and significant effect on technology commercialization. In addition, technology commercialization acted positively and significantly technological innovation output. This study suggests necessary of efforts to implement innovation strategy and manage R&D human resource effectively based on CEO's innovativeness and entrepreneurship. Also, if SMEs want to develop technology and commercialize it, they have to cooperate with external technology resources and informations. Research results revealed that proper level of R&D investment, internal and external communication, information sharing, and learning and cooperative culture were very important for improvement of technological innovation performance in SMEs. Especially, this research suggested that if SMEs manage technological innovation process effectively based on resource-based and system approaches, then they can overcome their resource limitations and gain high technological innovation performance. Also, useful policy support for technological innovation of central or regional government by this research model is important factor for SMEs' technological innovation performance.

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A Study on the Art Education Program Based on Cultural Diversity: Focused on the Case of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (서울어젠다 기반 문화다양성 미술관교육 프로그램 분석 및 방향 - 국립현대미술관 사례를 중심으로 -)