• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contour Areas

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Late Quaternary Sedimentary Processes in the Northern Continental Margin of the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica (남극 남쉐틀랜드 군도 북부 대륙주변부의 후기 제 4기 퇴적작용)

  • 윤석훈;윤호일;강천윤
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • Sedimentary facies and high-resolution echo facies were analyzed to elucidate sedimentation pattern of the late Quaternary glacial-marine deposits in the northern continental margin of the South Shetland Islands. Six sedimentary facies are classified, based on grain texture and sedimentary structures in gravity cores. The high-resolution (3.5 ㎑) echo characters are classified into 6 echo facies on the basis of clarity, continuity, and shape of bottom and subbottom echoes together with seafloor topography. Distribution of the echo and sedimentary facies suggest that there was a significant change in sedimentation pattern between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and subsequent glacier-retreating period. When the grounded glaciers extended to the present shelfbreak during LGM, coarse-grained subglacial tills were widespread in the shelf area, and deep troughs in the shelf were carved beneath the fast-flowing ice steam. As the glacial margin retreated landward after LGM, dense meltwater plumes released from the retreating ice-front were funneled along the glacier-carved troughs, and accumulated channel- or cannyon-fill deposits in the shelf and the upper to mid slope. At that time, slope sediments seem to have been reworked by slope failures and unsteady contour currents, and further transported by fine-grained turbidity currents along the South Shetland Trench. After the glacial retreat, sediments in the shelf and slope areas have been mainly introduced by persistent (hemi) pelagic settling, and fine-grained turbidity currents frequently occur along the axis of the South Shetland Trench.

The Usability of Various Flaps for Hindfoot Reconstruction (다양한 피판술을 이용한 후족부 연부조직의 결손)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Wook;Koh, Jang-Hyu;Seo, Dong-Kook;Choi, Jai-Koo;Oh, Suk-Jun;Jang, Young-Chul
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Anatomically, the foot is provided with insufficient blood supply and is relatively vulnerable to venous congestion compared to other parts of the body. Soft tissue defects are more difficult to manage and palliative treatments can cause hyperkeratosis or ulcer formation, which subsequently requires repeated surgeries. For weight bearing area such as the heel, not only is it important to provide wound coverage but also to restore the protective senses. In these cases, application of flaps for hind foot reconstruction is widely recognized as an effective treatment. In this study, we report the cases of soft tissue reconstruction for which various types of flaps were used to produce good results in both functional and cosmetic aspects. Methods: Data from 37 cases of hind foot operation utilizing flaps performed between from June 2000 to June 2008 were analyzed. Results: Burn related factors were the most common cause of defects, accounting for 19 cases. In addition, chronic ulceration was responsible for 8 cases and so forth. Types of flaps used for the operations, listed in descending order are radial forearm free flap (18), medial plantar island flap (6), rotation flap (5), sural island flap (3), anterolateral thigh free flap (2), lattisimus dorsi muscular flap (2), and contra lateral medial plantar free flap (1). 37 cases were successful, but 8 cases required skin graft due to partial necrosis in small areas. Conclusion : Hind foot reconstruction surgeries that utilize flaps are advantageous in protecting the internal structure, restoring functions, and achieving proper contour aesthetically. Generally, medial plantar skin is preferred because of the anatomical characteristics of the foot (e.g. fibrous septa, soft tissue for cushion). However alternative methods must be applied for defects larger than medial plantar skin and cases in which injuries exist in the flap donor / recipient site (scars in the vicinity of the wound, combined vascular injury). We used various types of flaps including radial forearm neurosensory free flap in order to reconstruct hind foot defects, and report good results in both functional and cosmetic aspects.

A Study on Application of PC Based Digital Photogrammetric System - Focusing on Producing Digital Map, DEM and Orthophoto - (PC 기반 수치사진측량시스템의 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 수치지도, DEM, 정사영상 제작을 중심으로-)

  • Park Byung Uk;Seo Sang Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2005
  • Digital map, DEM and orthophoto were produced by using PC based digital photogrammetric system and aerial photo images that were obtained with scale of 1/5,000 and scanning density of 1200dpi and 600dpi, and the accuracies of these outputs were evaluated by various methods. Non-skilled operator produced digital map with PC based digital photogrammetric system and aerial photo images scanned by 1200dpi. The results showed that it was impossible to insert contour lines, but the rest elements could be drawn with the accuracy of 1/1,000. In automatic generation of DEM, scanning density of aerial photo and grid interval of DEM didn't affect the accuracy of DEM. In production of orthophoto, we could know that the larger grid interval of DEM, the lower accuracy of orthophoto, but scanning density of original image had more effect on quality of orthophoto. By the way, accuracy comparison between orthophoto and digital map with same check points showed that orthophoto was more accurate than digital map, and orthophoto could be used in more diverse areas. Hereafter in civilian part, aerial photo image and PC based digital photogrammetric system could make practical application of data correction and update in GIS.

3D Face Recognition using Wavelet Transform Based on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (펴지 군집화 알고리즘 기반의 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 3차원 얼굴 인식)

  • Lee, Yeung-Hak
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.1501-1514
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    • 2008
  • The face shape extracted by the depth values has different appearance as the most important facial information. The face images decomposed into frequency subband are signified personal features in detail. In this paper, we develop a method for recognizing the range face images by multiple frequency domains for each depth image using the modified fuzzy c-mean algorithm. For the proposed approach, the first step tries to find the nose tip that has a protrusion shape on the face from the extracted face area. And the second step takes into consideration of the orientated frontal posture to normalize. Multiple contour line areas which have a different shape for each person are extracted by the depth threshold values from the reference point, nose tip. And then, the frequency component extracted from the wavelet subband can be adopted as feature information for the authentication problems. The third step of approach concerns the application of eigenface to reduce the dimension. And the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) method to improve the classification ability between the similar features is adapted. In the last step, the individual classifiers using the modified fuzzy c-mean method based on the K-NN to initialize the membership degree is explained for extracted coefficient at each resolution level. In the experimental results, using the depth threshold value 60 (DT60) showed the highest recognition rate among the extracted regions, and the proposed classification method achieved 98.3% recognition rate, incase of fuzzy cluster.

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An Analysis of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard in the Korean Peninsula - Probabilistic Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) (한반도의 확률론적 지진위험도 분석 - 확률론적 최대지반가속도(PGA))

  • Kyung, Jai-Bok;Kim, Min-Ju;Lee, Sang-Jun;Kim, Jun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the study was to create a probabilistic seismic hazard map using the input data that reflected the seismo-tectonic characteristics of the Korean Peninsula by applying USGS program (Harmsen (2008). The program was partly modified for the purpose of this study. The uncertainty of input parameters given by specialists was reflected in calculating the seismic hazard values by logic tree method. The general pattern of PGA was quite sensitive and similar to the shape of areal source. The probabilistic seismic hazard map showed the contour distribution of peak acceleration (%g) with 10% probability of exceedance in 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, and 500 years. The result showed that the peak ground acceleration (PGA) values of the northern peninsula were almost half values of the southern peninsula except Hwanghae province. The general trend of the hazard map extended in the direction of NW-SE from Whanghae province to south-eastern regions of the peninsula. The values in northern part of Kangwon province were relatively lower than other areas in the southern peninsula. The maps produced through this study are considered valuable in regulating the seismic safety of the major facilities in the Korean Peninsula.

A 3D Terrain Reconstruction System using Navigation Information and Realtime-Updated Terrain Data (항법정보와 실시간 업데이트 지형 데이터를 사용한 3D 지형 재구축 시스템)

  • Baek, In-Sun;Um, Ky-Hyun;Cho, Kyung-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2010
  • A terrain is an essential element for constructing a virtual world in which game characters and objects make various interactions with one another. Creating a terrain requires a great deal of time and repetitive editing processes. This paper presents a 3D terrain reconstruction system to create 3D terrain in virtual space based on real terrain data. In this system, it converts the coordinate system of the height maps which are generated from a stereo camera and a laser scanner from global GPS into 3D world using the x and z axis vectors of the global GPS coordinate system. It calculates the movement vectors and the rotation matrices frame by frame. Terrain meshes are dynamically generated and rendered in the virtual areas which are represented in an undirected graph. The rendering meshes are exactly created and updated by correcting terrain data errors. In our experiments, the FPS of the system was regularly checked until the terrain was reconstructed by our system, and the visualization quality of the terrain was reviewed. As a result, our system shows that it has 3 times higher FPS than other terrain management systems with Quadtree for small area, improves 40% than others for large area. The visualization of terrain data maintains the same shape as the contour of real terrain. This system could be used for the terrain system of realtime 3D games to generate terrain on real time, and for the terrain design work of CG Movies.

Novel Connective tissue graft technique for Ridge Augmentation in case of Conventional fixed partial denture : Case reports (치조제 결손부 증대를 위한 새로운 결합조직 이식술)

  • Ahn, Myung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2013
  • There have been a great number of developments in clinical techniques and dental materials in dentistry to date. Looking at these developments, while it could be seen that functional elements such as mastication were prioritized rather than aesthetic aspect in the past, aesthetic needs of patients have steadily increased over time and accordingly the aesthetic has become considered a priority in the development of dentistry. Although the first to be considered in discussing the aesthetic in clinical dentistry will be the white aesthetic that is the tooth part of prosthesis, the pink aesthetic that refers to the harmony of such prosthesis with gingiva can be an important consideration not to be ignored aesthetically. However, the harmony with the gingiva often cannot be obtained only by the beautiful prosthesis, and in particular, the pontic and implant areas have poor conditions to achieve the gingival (pink) aesthetic due to the absorption of alveolar ridge compared to natural teeth. Among the most important elements of the gingival aesthetic are the gingival level and the interproximal papilla height. It is very difficult to make the gingival aesthetic in the case of insufficient alveolar ridge, and the recovery of ridge volume and contour is necessary in order to overcome this condition. To this end, the most widely used method is the "connective tissue graft". Many techniques of the connective tissue graft have already been introduced for the ridge augmentation, and each technique has different purposes, and advantages and disadvantages. Rather, due to the excessive amount of techniques, there is confusion about selecting the right technique at a certain time. However, the goal is clear. Ways to increase the success rates must be found, and at the same time, a more favorable way to the gingival aesthetic is to be chosen. Thus, in this study, considerations for the gingival aesthetic that makes harmony and the techniques to achieve it are discussed.

Analysis of Scientific Models in the Earth Domain of the 10th Grade Science Textbooks (10학년 과학 교과서 지구 분야에 등장하는 과학적 모델 분석)

  • Oh, Phil-Seok;Jon, Won-Son;Yoo, Jung-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.393-404
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to identity scientific models included in the Earth domain of the $10^{th}$ grade science textbooks. Three earth science-related chapters in each of 11 trade books were analyzed. A framework was developed and used to classify a scientific model from three different perspectives: medium of representation, method of representation, and mobility of a model. Results showed that the science textbooks utilized domain-specific models in which the nature of sub-areas of earth science was embedded. That is, the unit of 'Change of the Earth' included many iconic models that represented the inaccessible inner structure of the earth and the movement of the tectonic plates. These were also two-dimensional pictorial and static models. In the chapter of 'Atmosphere and Oceans', symbolic and diagrammatic models were dominant in use, which included weather maps and contour line graphs of sea surface temperature and salinity. The unit of 'Solar System and Galaxies' showed the highly frequent use of iconic and analogical models for the large-scale celestial objects and their movements. Implications for earth science education and relevant research were discussed.

Esthetic improvements through systematic diagnosis and treatment procedures in patients with unesthetic maxillary anterior teeth proportion after orthodontic treatment: Case report (교정치료 후 비심미적인 상악 전치부 비율을 가진 환자에서 체계적인 진단 및 치료과정을 통해 심미성이 개선된 보철 수복 증례)

  • Lee, Seong-Min;Choi, Yu-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.262-275
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    • 2015
  • The treatment of areas demanding esthetic requirements, such as maxillary anterior teeth, should take into account the achievement of a healthy, harmonious to the surrounding tissue, and an attractive smile line. In this case report, smile line, soft tissue and hard tissue morphology, and the anatomy and proportion of the tooth, must be considered. In patients with unesthetic maxillary anterior ratio due to inadequate gingival contour and diastema caused by peg lateralis, it would be challenging to achieve an esthetic restoration by orthodontic treatment alone. In such case, after orthodontic treatment, dento-gingivo-facial compositional diagnosis and analysis, followed by gingivectomy and prosthodontic restoration is needed to improve the interdental mesial/distal, width/length ratio to achieve a satisfactory esthetic result. In addition, when improving the tooth proportion of peg lateralis by prosthodontic treatment, Porcelain laminate veneer (PLV), which results in less tooth structure loss, reproduction of similar shade to that of the proximal tooth and high transparency, is recommended. This case report demonstrates esthetic improvements by prosthodontic restoration through systematic diagnosis and treatment procedure in patients with unesthetic maxillary anterior proportion after orthodontic treatment due to peg lateralis by means of two female patients aged twenty years old.

Study on the Establishment of a Safety Allowance Level of Disastrous and Hazardous Facilities in Large Cities (대도시 위해.위험시설에 대한 안전도 수용기준 정립에 관한 연구)

  • 고재선;윤명오
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 2001
  • In today's world, rise in the establishment of social infrastructure resulting from population saturation in large cities has led to more extensive and frequent use of chemical materials on facilities. A result, unexpected and serious accidents, hazards, contingencies and disasters are more prevalent than ever. Such phenomenon calls for more devoted and concerted efforts towards finding ways to reduce the safety hazards that are seen to take place more often than before with the increase in the number of facilities that are prone to bring disaster and hazard coupled with the conventional safety problems that continue to exist even today. In developed countries, such challenge is addressed by various appropriate countermeasures drawn up by local professional committees on industrial facilities, whose members conduct offsite and onsite evaluation un the potential industrial disasters and its seriousness and provide their advice thereof. Against this backdrop, this study aims at identifying a comprehensive safety allowance level (safety acceptable level) when imposing limitation on the development of conventional or new facilities, for the fur pose of establishing a safety allowance level of disastrous and dangerous facilities in Korea. This is done by assessing and applying the level of danger each individual is exposed to in a randomly selected region (disastrous and dangerous areas in Seoul) based on probability of quantitative hazards, as well as simulation and calculation methods which include: i) social disaster evaluation method applying Quantified Risk Assessment of Health & Safety Executive of UK and Matrix of Risk of Evaluated Sources of Hazard; ii) Fault Tree or Event Tree Analysis and etc.

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