• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Management Fee

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A Study on the Investment Strategy that improves the Rail-infrastructure Investment Efficiency (철도투자 효율성 향상을 위한 투자전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong;Lee, Jong-Gug;Kim, Yoon-Yang
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1574-1586
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    • 2008
  • Railway is the most effective transportation than any other traffic. But due to the its expensive maintenance fee and various components like roadbed, rail, rollingstock, electric and signal etc, the construction cost of the railway is usually higher than highway. Such a reason, a lot of cost and period are needed to complete the railway project. In addition that considering the decreasing of the SOC budget, the investment in the railway industry is getting hard than ever. This study analyzed the cost, term of work, freight & passenger transportation demand of the wide area railway electrification project and main line improvement project. And it compared the estimation value and real value of the projects like cost and period etc. And this study surveyed the economic feasibility including factors which are not considered in the feasibility study guide. With those results, This study suggest the project management and evaluation method to enlarge the efficiency of the railway construction project.

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VE.LCC Case Analysis on the Build-Transfer-Lease(BTL) Projects of School facility (학교시설 임대형민간투자사업(BTL)의 VE.LCC 사례 분석)

  • Lee, Do-Hyung;Park, Woo-Jin;Chu, Gook-Sik;Cho, Ki-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2008
  • This study is VE LCC case analysis on two school BTL projects which is constructed by Private sector and rented to government. Then private sector payback their initial cost and profit by rental fee from government. The VE in Korea, revised by the method of the Construction Technique - Enforcement Ordinance in 2005 is applicable to construction business which size is over 10 billion won. The VE well known as a way of productivity elevation is already proven and outstanding management method In construction industry inside and outside of the courtly. As its unique personality of BTL business, VE workshop period is too short. There is a few accomplished BTL project and data base, because BTL business begun from year of 2006. So we are trying to proof effect of VE LCC through case study of school BTL projects.

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A Study on the status and improvement of construction management in Susung Culture & Art Center (수성문화예술회관의 건설사업관리 적용 현황과 향후 발전 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Hak;Yoo, Byung-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2006
  • Recently The public project ordering in local autonumous entities is a tendency increasing of CM service because of the visible and affirmative effect in the CM which is advanced meanwhile. And, the CM services of project all phase excepts a planning business are performed. To develop CM must be prepared the system plans concerned with the CM application from planning phase, actuality maintenance of CM fee-estimation standard, understanding conversion of participation subjects, the specialization through certification of CM qualification, etc. But, unexpected actuality the problems occurs when the CM business is performing. The purpose of this study are to present the solution to the problems concerned with the design management, design phase VE, additional business by owner, schedule control and establish the plan to perform CM services efficiently in the public sector through analyzing the case of CM application in Susung Culture & Art Center.

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A Study On Irrigation Water Price Structure and Prescription (농업용수의 가격구조에 관한 연구)

  • 심기영
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.3170-3180
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    • 1973
  • This study of the subject will review past and present irrigation development in Korea. Particular attention will be given to water pricing structure and a case study on the purpose of rational operation and management of irrigation water and organizations, and the optimum irrigation water and organizations, and the optimum irrigation water fee inorder to reduce farmers burden and to rationalize the farmland associations management so as to achieve development of the rural environment. In 1971, the reservoir of the Farmland Improvement A sociation (FIA) produced only 775 millison $m^3$ of irrigation water or 77% of planned capacity of 1,015 million $m^3$. It was caused by inefficient maintenance of irrigation facilities; for instance, about 21% of reservoirs, pumping stations and weirs in Korea have been silted by soil erosion which hinder to water production according to an ADC survey. The first Irritation Association was established in 1906, whcih was renamed the Farmland Assoeiation by the Rural Development Enouragement Law in 1970. By the end of 1971, 411,000 ha of rice paddies were under the control of 267 associations nationwide. The average water price assessed by Associations nationwide rose from 790 won per 0.1 ha. in 1966 to 1,886 won in 1971. The annual growth rate was 20%. The highest water price in 1971 was 4,773 won her 0.1 ha. and the lowest was 437 won. This range was caused by differences in debt burden, geographic conditions and management efficiency among the Associations. In 1971, the number of Associations which exceeded the average water price of 1,886 won per 0.1 ha. was 144, or 55.1% of all Association. In determination of water price, there are two principles; one is determined by production cost such as installation cost of irrigation facilities, maintenance cost, management cost and depreciation ect. For instance, the Yong San River Development project was required 33.7 billion won for total construction and maintenance cost is 3.1 billion won for repayment, maintenance and management cost per year. The project produces 590 million $m^3$ of irrigation water annually. Accordingly, the water price per $m^3$ is 5.25 won. The other principle is determined by water value in the crop products and in compared with production of irrigated paddy and non-irrigated paddy. By using this method, water value in compared with paddy rice vs. upland rice(Average of 1967-1971) was 14.15 won per $m^3$ and irrigated paddy vs. non-irrigated paddy was 2.98 won per $m^3$. In contrast the irrigation fee in average association of 1967-1971 was 1.54 won per $m^3$. Accordingly, the current national average irrigation fee(water price) is resonable compared with its water value. In this study, it is found that the ceiling of water price in terms of water value is 2.98 won per $m^3$ or 2,530 won per 0.1 ha. However, in 1971 55% of the associations were above the average of nationwide irrigation fees. which shows the need for rationalization of the Association's management. In connection with rationalization of the Association's management, this study recommends the following matters. (1) Irrigation fee must be assessed according to the amount of water consumption taking intoaccount the farmer's ability. (2) Irrigation fee should be graded according to behefits and crop patterns. (3) Training personnel in the operation and procedures of water management to save O&M costs. (4) Insolvent farmland association should be integrated into larger, sound associations in the same GUN in order to reduce farmers' water cost. (5) The maintenance and repair of existing irrigation facilities is as important as expansion of facilities. (6) Establishment of a new Union of Farmland Association is required to promoted proper maintenance and to protect the huge investment in irrigation facilities by means of technical supervision and guidance.

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Improvement of Personnel Cost and Placement Scale of Quality Manager for Construction (건설공사 품질관리자의 인건비 및 배치규모 개선)

  • Lee, Chang-Hyo;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2018
  • In order to calculate the quality management cost of construction work, the process must conform to relevant laws and regulations. In details, the cost of the various items such as quality test fee and quality control activity cost are required to be calculated. Regarding the quality management costs, the labor cost is applied to the quality examination fee and the calculation unit quantity in the construction quality management duties. The application of the unit price of the labor cost stipulates that Construction Association of Korea and Korea Engineering & Consulting Association apply the unit price which is surveyed and published. However, in the related laws and regulations, the standard of the quality manager and quality tester is not clear. This accounts for the confusion in the cost of construction management and the cost of labor. In the current law, the allocation standard of quality control personnel is specified according to the size of the construction, but the standard of placement of quality testers is not specified. At the construction site, there is no assignment criteria manpower for quality testers except quality managers, or very little work is being done. The quality control personnel conducts the quality test work to be carried out by the quality tester, and this carrying out heavy work. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain quality control activities. In this study, the labor cost of quality management expenses and the allocation criteria of quality managers and quality testers are established and presented for the purpose of securing the quality of the construction work and preventing the construction work. It is stipulated that the standards of the relevant laws and regulations, which are not clear, should be classified into quality control personnel and quality testers according to the size of the construction. Based on the unit price of Korea Engineering & Consulting Association, the personnel expenses of quality managers and quality testers are proposed to apply the unit price of engineer (professional engineer, specialist, advanced, intermediate, beginner) and skilled technicians (advanced, intermediate, beginner).

Construction Method of Zero Discharge System for Environmental Energy Complex in Landfill (매립지내 환경에너지단지의 무방류 시스템 구축방안)

  • Chun, Seung-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.581-590
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    • 2013
  • A research was performed for zero discharge system of waste water which is produced from energy recovery process of waste and biomass. Leachate and all kinds of waste water should be separated and integrated into three categories in addition to converting existing leachate treatment facility into waste water treatment facility as well as introducing a management system of reverse osmosis membrane facility and bioreactor landfill. Following these conditions to better water treatment process, it was likely to produce over 3,000 tons of low-grade recycling water and 2,000 tons of high-grade recycling water per day when zero discharge system of waste water is applied starting from 2016. Economical efficiency was also surveyed in total treatment fee. Present system costs 18,129 million won per year, and suggested zero discharge system would cost 15,789 million won per year.

Development of Time-Cost Trade-Off Algorithm for JIT System of Prefabricated Girder Bridges (Nodular GIrder) (프리팹 교량 거더 (노듈러 거더)의 적시 시공을 위한 공기-비용 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Young;Chung, Taewon;Kim, Rang-Gyun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2023
  • In the case of the construction industry, the relationship between process and cost should be appropriately distributed so that the finished product can be delivered at the minimum fee within the construction period. At that time, it should be considered the size of the bridge, the construction method, the environment and production capacity of the factory, and the transport distance. However, due to various reasons that occur during the construction period, problems such as construction delay, construction cost increase, and quality and reliability degradation occur. Therefore, a systematic and scientific construction technique and process management technology are needed to break away from the conventional method. The prefab(Pre-Fabrication) is a representative OSC (Off-Site Construction) method manufactured in a factory and constructed onsite. This study develops a resource and process plan optimization system for the process management of the Nodular girder, a prefab bridge girder. A simulation algorithm develops to automatically test various variables in the personnel equipment mobilization plan to derive the optimal value. And, the algorithm was applied to the Paju-Pocheon Expressway Construction (Section 3) Dohwa 4 Bridge under construction, and the results compare. Based on construction work standard product calculation, actual input manpower, equipment type, and quantity were applied to the Activity Card, and the amount of work by quantity counting, resource planning, and resource requirements was reflected. In the future, we plan to improve the accuracy of the program by applying forecasting techniques including various field data.

A Study on the Improvement of Engineering and Construction Supervision Guarantee System in Korea (국내 설계.감리 등 용역보증제도 현황 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Hee;Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2011
  • After several collapse accidents of large structures in the early 1990s in Korea, the government enacted a law that architectural, engineering and construction firms are obliged to have insurance for projects over a certain size. Particularly, with regard to insurance in design and construction supervision works (i.e. engineering insurance), although several operation-based problems were pointed out from practitioners, still little research has been done on analyzing current regnlartory and operational state and suggesting policy alternatives. Hence, this study applies Delphi technique to solicit current operational problems and propose a series of improvements on engineering insurance based on interview surveys targeting major market participants: municipalities, engineering firms, and insurance companies. Key findings culminate in adopting guarantee limits based on credit evaluation, abrogating joint surety, covering a loss of life, increasing insurance entrance fee, extending time covered, and etc. Reaching a consensus on the proposed alternatives between the market participants will form the foundation for sound developments of construction design and engineering industry.

Suggestions for Resolving the Social Conflict in Affordable Housing

  • Park, Tae Soon;Lee, Mihong
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to employ a method called 'conflict impact assessment' to analyze the progress, background, cause and relevant issues of conflicts related with affordable housing for youth (Happiness Housing Project), a project that has been implemented since last May 2013, thereby identifying the relevant problems and draw out objectives for improvement. The researchers expect that this study will contribute to solving the current issues regarding Happiness Housing, and contribute to improving the quality of the government's policies. For the above purpose, literatures on Happiness Housing produced from August to November 2013 were reviewed, in-depth telephone or face-to-face interviews were conducted with personnel associated with project implementation in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation and LH, etc., and major interested parties including Yangcheon-gu residents. Key issues identified regarding Happiness Housing construction include: the way that the project was implemented, living quality of residents, impact on educational environment, inconsistence with existing plans, relatively high construction cost, insolvency of public corporations, land use fee issue with Korail, need of preliminary feasibility survey, securing sufficient amount for supply and issue of additional designation, likelihood of finishing construction in time and issues related with actual source of demand, etc. Through analysis of conflict development and positions of interested parties, the main causes of the conflicts were identified as follows: lack of deliberation on pledges during election, lack of viability review on pledges, lack of conflict management plans, one-way implementation without consent of interested parties, project plans established with no regard to local circumstances, frequent project revision, underwehlming level of conflict management. In order to address issues above, the following measures need to be taken: selecting election pledges based on actual effectiveness, thorough assessment on pledges by relevant departments, gradual implementation based on consideration of the actual circumstances, participation of key interested parties, consistent policy and adopting conflict management techniques that reflect the reality.

A Study on the status and improvement of construction management in Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (대구경북과학기술연구원의 건설사업관리 적용 현황과 향후 발전 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hwa-Bong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2007
  • Recently The public project ordering is a tendency increasing of CM service because of the visible and affirmative effect in the CM which is advanced meanwhile. The CM services of project all phase excepts a planning business are performed. But recently the CM services of project all phase including a planning business are increasing every year. To develop CM must be prepared the system plans concerned with the CM application from planning phase, actuality maintenance of CM fee-estimation standard, understanding conversion of participation subjects, etc. But, unexpected actuality the problems occurs when the CM business is performing. The purpose of this study are to present the solution to the problems concerned with the planning business management, additional business by owner, schedule control and establish the plan to perform CM services efficiently in the public sector through analyzing the case of CM application in Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology.

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