• 제목/요약/키워드: Construction Education

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The Attitude of Construction Students toward Sustainability in the Built Environment (건축물에서의 친환경개념에 대한 건축공학전공 대학생의 태도)

  • Ahn, Yong-Han;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2008
  • This study investigates the level of the construction student's familiarity and interest in sustainability, their attitude toward sustainability, and the factors for bringing student's attitude toward sustainability. To accomplish the main objectives, this study employes a survey instrument created and developed by the authors. This is a descriptive and correlation study using responses from construction students at the Building Construction department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Virginia. The results of descriptive statistics and multiple regression using SPSS version 16 present the following findings. Construction students perceive that they have a relatively high level of familiarity with sustainable construction and sustainability. Secondly, student's attitude toward sustainability is changed based on several factors such as sustainable construction courses, a professor who is interested in sustainability, their interest in the construction industry, university initiative, and the level of sustainability for student's learning facilities. Finally, the construction student's attitude toward sustainability can be improved by offering sustainable construction courses in construction programs, having professors who teach and research sustainability, and adopting sustainable initiatives at the university level such as campus recycling and various sustainable programs.

Basic Study on the Establishment of AI Convergence Education Room (인공지능융합교육실 구축에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the information education plan of the Ministry of Education and offices of education was analyzed in relation to the construction of the AI convergence education room. And based on this, an appropriate construction direction was suggested. For research, AI convergence education room construction plan, budget amount per school and etc were analyzed in the information education plan of the Ministry of Education, KERIS, KOFAC, and the plan of leading schools for AI education. Although the Ministry of Education is making various efforts to promote SW education and artificial intelligence convergence education, it is found that the number is far insufficient compared to the number of elementary, middle and high schools. Efforts to expand the information education room at the government level are continuously required, and in order to utilize the developed artificial intelligence convergence education room, it is necessary to provide abundant teaching and learning examples for the construction space model. In addition, school-level planning and execution must be followed so that the constructed space can be used appropriately, and management and maintenance plans for equipment are required.

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Investigation of Safety and Health Education Improvement in Construction Sites using Delphi Technique and Workers' Survey (근로자 예비 설문과 델파이기법을 활용한 건설현장 안전보건교육 개선 방향 분석)

  • Bong, Jin Kyun;Won, Jeong Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2018
  • The improvement of safety and health education method in construction site was investigated through the survey for workers and delphi technique. The results of preliminary survey done for workers were analyzed using the multi variance analyses, and the questionnaires for delphi survey were composed based on the results of preliminary survey. Finally, the participatory safety and health education method was suggested. The result showed that most of workers were very interested in accident prevention and health. On the contrary, they did not actively participate in safety activities in sites including safety and health education. In order to improve workers' levels of safety consciousness and prevent the construction accident, the participatory safety and health education method that construction workers directly examine and give presentations about accident causes and measures was suggested and verified by tests. One-way instructor-led safety and health education used widely and participatory safety and health education with workers were carried out by dividing participants into two groups. After education, the examination is done for two groups. The test results found that the average score of safety consciousness of the worker group that received participatory safety education was higher than that of the work group that received instructor-led safety education. And the Delphi technique utilizing experts was analyzed that participatory safety education has a great effect on improvement of workers' level of safety consciousness.

4th Industrial Revolution for Prevention of Safety Accident at Construction Site Based on IT Convergence Technology Virtual reality simulation development (건설현장 안전사고 예방을 위한 4차산업혁명 IT융합기술기반 가상현실 시뮬레이션 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Geon;Park, Tae-Hyeon;Park, Ju-Yeong;Park, Su-jin;Lee, Dong-Oun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.173-174
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    • 2018
  • Recently, a growing number of accidents have taken place at construction sites, causing serious casualties. To prevent accidents or minimize damage, it is necessary to develop the safety precautions education is essential. However, the effects of safety education do not have as much effect as the importance of safety education. so As a new direction, we are looking forward to effective education by simulating realistic environments using VR. The safety training method used to experience and learn dynamic situations in a limited room wearing HMD is combined with VR. It will be the start of the construction industry going forward.

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  • Rajendra Niraula;Yoichi Hirota;Shunji Kusayanagi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.956-961
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    • 2005
  • Delay, cost overrun and inferior quality in public works are common in Nepal and Cambodia. Almost 90 percent of the civil construction engineers working in the industry were one-degree graduates without appropriate training. The civil engineering education had provided elemental engineering knowledge to the graduates however integrated engineering and management knowledge and skill are essential for efficient infrastructure development. ODA in developing countries had been concentrated in hard infrastructure development without improving the quality of higher education. Integrating ODA to engineering education system would help develop qualified technical manpower and appropriate technology domestically, and improve the efficiency in infrastructure development in developing countries.

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A Study on the Meaning of 'Social Construction' in Mathematics Education (사회적 구성'의 수학교육적 의미에 관한 고찰)

  • 홍진곤
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2002
  • This study analyzes the epistemological meaning of‘social construction’in mathematical instruction. The perspective that consider the cognition of mathematical concept as a social construction is explained by a cyclic scheme of an academic context and a school context. Both of the contexts require a public procedure, social conversation. However, there is a considerable difference that in the academic context it is Lakatos' ‘logic of mathematical discovery’In the school context, it is Vygotsky's‘instructional and learning interaction’. In the situation of mathematics education, the‘society’which has an influence on learner's cognition does not only mean‘collective members’, but‘form of life’which is constituted by the activity with purposes, language, discourse, etc. Teachers have to play a central role that guide and coordinate the educational process involving interactions with learners in this context. We can get useful suggestions to mathematics education through this consideration of the social contexts and levels to form didactical situations of mathematics.

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A Study on the Investigation of Special Safety Health Training Course and the Countermeasure in Construction Industry (건설업에서 특별안전보건교육의 분석 및 대책 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Han;Bang, Myung-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we survey and analyze the characteristics of the special health and safety education in the construction industry, and provides a few solutions. In particular, the implementation of special safety and health education conducted a study to target the construction site of heavy chemical plant many domestic. If you look at the results of research and analysis, problems of special health and safety education that are currently being conducted in many cases, the proportion of respondents who do not know the special safety and health education is very high, workers of the scene, this education it is possible to know that the proportion of respondents answered to have the experience that are submitted to the work while not subject to are operated poorly in the field of special health and safety education high. Finally, improve the quality of the most important education has to be done on a priority basis that fixing the safety education system systematically in line with the actual situation in the field and the use of specialized external agency.

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Visualization Based Building Anatomy Model for Construction Safety Education

  • Pham, Hai Chien;Le, Quang Tuan;Pedro, Akeem;Park, Chan Sik
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.430-434
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    • 2015
  • Safety education at the tertiary level prepares students to enter construction industry with adequate safety knowledge; then accidents can be prevented proactively. However, safety subject has not been paid adequate attention in universities and most institutional safety programs consider safety matters in isolation. Meanwhile, anatomical theory in the medicine field has been successfully adopted and proved potential advantageous in various scientific disciplines. With this regard, this study proposes a visualization based Building Anatomy Model (BAM) for construction safety education, which utilizes the anatomical theory in order to improve student's safety knowledge and practical skill. This BAM consists of two modules: 1) Knowledge Acquisition Module (KAM) aims to deliver safety knowledge to students through building anatomy models; 2) Practical Experience Module (PEM) where students safely perform construction activities by using the system to improve safety skill. The system trial is validated with virtual scenarios derived from real accidents cases. This study emphasizes the visualization based building anatomy model would be a powerful pedagogical method to provide effectively safety knowledge and practical skill for students, as a result, safety competence of students would be enhanced.

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A Study on the Marine Science Education Comprehensive Portal Site Construction for Elementary, Middle and High School Students (초중고생을 대상으로 한 포괄적 해양교육 포털사이트 구축을 위한 기반연구)

  • Park, Jong-Un
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2007
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine the present marine science education programs in Korea and understand how they are organized and how well they are being used. Eventually, being a foothold research prior to the construction of an inclusive marine science education portal site for elementary, middle, and high school students is the objective of this study. Through this study, we can expect three positive effects. First, through classification of marine science education programs, it can be used when dividing the contents and writing textbooks for elementary school students. Second, through the construction of portal site, we can expect to correct the recognition and understanding of marine and it will contribute to the future industry development. Third, we can offer the correct materials for teaching and learning and through learning, understanding on marine will get better.

Effects of new construction technology on performance of ultralong steel sheet pile cofferdams under tidal action

  • Li, Ping;Sun, Xinfei;Chen, Junjun;Shi, Jiangwei
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.561-571
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    • 2021
  • Cofferdams made of teel sheet piles are commonly utilized as support structures for excavation of sea-crossing bridge foundations. As cofferdams are often subject to tide variation, it is imperative to consider potential effects of tide on stability and serviceability of sheet piles, particularly, ultralong steel sheet piles (USSPs). In this study, a real USSP cofferdam constructed using new construction technology in Nanxi River was reported. The design of key parts of USSP cofferdam in the presence of tidal action was first introduced followed by the description of entire construction technology and associated monitoring results. Subsequently, a three-dimensional finite-element model corresponding to all construction steps was established to back-analyze measured deflection of USSPs. Finally, a series of parametric studies was carried out to investigate effects of tide level, soil parameters, support stiffness and construction sequence on lateral deflection of USSPs. Monitoring results indicate that the maximum deflection during construction occurred near the riverbed. In addition, measured stress of USSPs showed that stability of USSP cofferdam strengthened as construction stages proceeded. Moreover, the numerical back-analysis demonstrated that the USSP cofferdam fulfilled the safety requirements for construction under tidal action. The maximum deflection of USSPs subject to high tide was only 13.57 mm at a depth of -4 m. Sensitivity analyses results showed that the design of USSP cofferdam system must be further improved for construction in cohesionless soils. Furthermore, the 5th strut level before concreting played an indispensable role in controlling lateral deflection of USSPs. It was also observed that pumping out water before concreting base slab could greatly simplify and benefit construction program. On the other hand, the simplification in construction procedures could induce seepage inside the cofferdam, which additionally increased the deflection of USSPs by 10 mm on average.