• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Detail

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Step-by-step Participatory Design Process through Construction of Public Discourse and Community Development - An Analysis of New York Governors Island Park and Public Spaces - (공론과 커뮤니티 형성을 통한 단계적 참여 설계 - 뉴욕 거버너스 아일랜드 공원 및 공공 공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hyeyoung;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2016
  • This study, which takes the New York Governors Island project as an example, is an in-depth analysis of the process of participatory design for transforming a space that had long been isolated from the public into a park and/or communal space. We found that the process of participatory design at each project phase consists of the following. First, in the preparatory phase, there was construction of public discourse: efforts to find a consensus to develop the space in a public-driven direction was led by various initiatives. Second, by opening the site to the public before the design phase and by consistently inviting a wide range of activities, a community was formed and its attachment to the site was established. Third, after the competition until the completion of the project master planning phase, substantial and active participatory design was enabled through social interaction of the community formed and developed over many years. Fourth, in the detail design and implementation phase, a traditional and passive way of participatory design such as public hearings was used, thereby preserving the expertise of professional designers. Public participation was reflected most in the master planning phase to create a broad framework of the park, while professionals designed the more specific aspects; this efficient and effective approach enabled both citizens and professionals to dutifully take part in developing the park. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. The mode of participatory design should be varied at each project phase, from construction of public discourse, to formation and development of the community, to participatory design for social interaction. Furthermore, it is effective to preserve the unique roles of citizens and design professionals. It is particularly important to extend the process of participatory design to include the construction of public discourse and community.

A Study on the Construction Methods and the Distribution of Proper Spatial Function for Restoring Urban Streams into Close-to-Nature Streams - A Case Study of Hongjecheon(Stream) in Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul - (도시 내 자연형 하천 조성을 위한 적정 공간기능 배분과 조성방안 연구 - 서울시 서대문구 홍제천을 사례로 -)

  • Jung, Tae-Jun;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a plan that properly organizes urban close-to-nature streams by evaluating the city park functions, ecological functions and landscape functions required for urban stream and setting up space function suitable for the space. The site of this study is Hongjecheon located in Seodaemun gu of Seoul City, whose length of channel spans 6.12km in total. The plan for the construction of close-to-nature streams had been established from late 2003, and the construction was completed. Evaluation Categories and indications were deduced from 4 stages. First, based on theoretical examination, we made a list of stream and park evaluation categories and added Category about Characteristic of urban streams. Next, we set Final Evaluation Categories and indications through the process of goal-relevance, indication verification, merging similar category. Final Evaluation Categories were deduced such as usage demand, usability(city park functions), biodiversity, inhabitation potential, rarity(ecological functions), historical cultural elements, and landscape Quality(landscape functions). As a result of allotting space functions, zones 1 through 4, got high grades at usage demand, was classified as a civic resort district; zones 5 through 6, close to major green area and remained original landscape, as ecological conservation and restoration district; zones 7 through 8, get high grades at usage demand and usability, as environmentally-friendly use district; and zones 9 through 10, many historical cultural elements and view points, and high green possession rate, as stream scenic district. In addition, detail space function and construction plan for each zones were proposed. As a result of this study, proposed space function assignment considering natural characteristics, humanities and social characteristics and landscape characteristics and is expected to be utilized at reasonable spatial planning considering various functions required for urban stream.

Applicability of Partial Post-Tension Method for Deflection Control of Reinforced Concrete Slabs (RC슬래브의 처짐제어를 위한 상향긴장식 부분PT공법의 적용)

  • Lee, Deuck-Hang;Kim, Kang-Su;Kim, Sang-Sik;Kim, Yong-Nam;Lim, Joo-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.347-358
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    • 2009
  • Recently, it is getting into a good situation for the flat-plate slab system to be applied. The flat-plate slab without beam, however, is often too weak to control deflection properly compared to other typical slab-beam structures, for which the post-tension method is generally regarded as one of best solutions. The post-tension (PT) method can effectively control deflection without increase of slab thickness. Despite this good advantage, however, the application of PT method has been very limited due to cost increase, technical problems, and lack of experiences. Therefore, in order to reduce difficulties on applying full PT method under the current domestic circumstances and to enhance constructability of PT system, this research proposed the partial PT method with top jacking anchorage applied in a part of span as need. For the top jacking anchorage system, the efficiency of deflection control shall be considered in detail because it can vary widely depending on the location of anchorage that can be placed anywhere as need, and tensile stresses induced at back of the anchorage zone also shall be examined. Therefore, in this study, analysis were performed on the efficiency of deflection control depending on the location of anchorage and on tensile stresses or forces using finite element method and strut and tie model in the proposed top jacking anchorage system. The proposed jacking system were also applied to the floor slabs at a construction site to investigate its applicability and the analysis results of slab behavior were compared to the measured values obtained from the PT slab constructed by the partial PT method. The result of this study indicates that the partial PT method can be very efficiently applied with little cost increase to control deflection and tensile stresses in the region as a need basis where problem exists.

A Study on the Improvement of Laws Related to the Safety Management of Children's Play Facilities (어린이놀이시설 안전관리법규의 개선방향)

  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the laws related to the safety management of children's play facilities(LRSMCPF) including the "Safety Supervision Law of Children's Play Facilities(SSLCPF)" and the "Quality Management and Industrial Products Safety Management Law(QMIPSAL)", in order to analyze the problems by 4 phases-development of products, landscape design, landscape construction and maintenance considering landscape project procedure-and to propose a revision of the laws. The results are as follows: 1. The various LRSMCPF, SSLCPF and QMIPSAL, as basic laws for the safety management of children's play facilities, were insufficient regarding the features of children's play facilities and play spaces, which are both comparatively varied and complex. 2. In development of products, the one-year duration of safety certification based on QMIPSAL was too short and the procedure for safety certification were redundant in both products and plants inspection, and export and import product inspection. 3. The field inspection of construction sites based on SSLCPF was repeated with quality control and a consultation of rules based on "Construction Technology Management Law". 4. There are not enough safety inspection organizations regarding children's play facilities to meet the demand of safety certification, safety inspection, and safety education in the near future. 5. For children's play safety, the establishment of a general safety management system for children's play connected with the phases is needed to ensure safe play equipment, to construct safe playgrounds, and to manage play facilities. The criteria, regulations, and procedure regarding safety certification and safety inspection of play facilities must be revised efficiently and standardized to a global level as well. To improve the system and contents of safety certification and inspection, authorization of safety inspection organizations based on landscape architecture is needed. Further study will be required to concretely analyze in detail the laws, enforcement decrees and rules, and ordinances that consider the practical experience of professional landscape architects, inspectors, and lawyers.

Locational and Constructional Characteristics of Imrijeong & Palgwae-jeong in Nonsan - Focused on the Relation with Jukrim-Seowon - (논산 임리정(臨履亭)과 팔괘정(八卦亭)의 입지 및 조영 특성 - 죽림서원(竹林書院)과의 관계를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.70-81
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the locational and constructional characteristics of Jukrimseowon, pavilion Imrijeong, and Palgwaejeong located in Nonsan, Ganggyung-eup were reviewed and the interrelation of these three places were studied through references including records of those days; Sagyeyonbo(沙溪年譜), Jukrimseowon dorok(竹林書院都錄), Imrijeonggi(臨履亭記), Jukrimseowon Myojeongbi(竹林書院廟庭碑), Namyurok(南遊錄). The result is as follows. Jukrimseowon enshrining Yukhyeon(六賢) is arranged as 'Hongsalmoon-Woisalmoon-Dongjae(憲章堂; Heonjangdang)' and 'LIbrary-Naesammoon(神門; shin moon)-Sau(竹林祠: Jukimsa)', excluding a lecture hall. In case of Sagye Jangsang Kim's Imrijeong(沙溪金長生) and Uam Shiyoel Song(尤庵宋時烈)'s Palgwaejeong respectively constructed 50 meters and 10 meters each away from Jurimseowon, detail designs such as scale, roofs, surface, windows, doors, and tablets as well as its prospect are nearly identified. Especially Taking Imrijeong and Palgwaejeong's locational conditions composed of rocks centered on Jukrimseowon, those are maintain the bilateral symmetry as much as possible and surround the shrine. It appeared that the Jukrimseowon's shrine enshrining Yulgok(栗谷) and Ugye(牛溪) was rebuilt during the reconstruction of auditoriums because of political conditions after the renovation of Kiing Injo and it was called as 'Hwangsanseowon(黃山書院)' with Imrijeong which was a lecture hall. It was an inevitable consequence to keep the bilateral symmetry which is a basic order of auditorium structure by maintaining and using Imrijeong and Palgwaejeong as a lecture hall of the auditorium after the reconstruction at least. Consequently, the desperate attempt to adjust the arrangement and visual imbalance of Imrijeong built with periodical differences and Hwangsanseowon resulted from the construction of shrine was Palgwaejeong built under Monggoibyuk of Hwansan Taken these circumstances together, Jukrimseowon is a 'shrine-centered auditorium' with characteristics of auditorium, constructed by integrating Imrijeong which was used as a lecture hall after the construction of shrine and Palgwaejeong repaired through the reconstruction. The construction of Palgwaejeong and the formative conformity with Imrijeong are assumed as an consequence intended for the compensation of Jukrimseowon's function and role as an auditorium. This study will provide an opportunity to focus on the auditorium and pavilion's complementary function as well as the Confucian and constructional functions by revealing the fact that pavilions were established as a complementary facility for the lecture hall of auditorium.

Development of the Information Delivery System for the Home Nursing Service (가정간호사업 운용을 위한 정보전달체계 개발 I (가정간호 데이터베이스 구축과 뇌졸중 환자의 가정간호 전산개발))

  • Park, J.H;Kim, M.J;Hong, K.J;Han, K.J;Park, S.A;Yung, S.N;Lee, I.S;Joh, H.;Bang, K.S
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study was to development an information delivery system for the home nursing service, to demonstrate and to evaluate the efficiency of it. The period of research conduct was from September 1996 to August 31, 1997. At the 1st stage to achieve the purpose, Firstly Assessment tool for the patients with cerebral vascular disease who have the first priority of HNS among the patients with various health problems at home was developed through literature review. Secondly, after identification of patient nursing problem by the home care nurse with the assessment tool, the patient's classification system developed by Park (1988) that was 128 nursing activities under 6 categories was used to identify the home care nurse's activities of the patient with CAV at home. The research team had several workshops with 5 clinical nurse experts to refine it. At last 110 nursing activities under 11 categories for the patients with CVA were derived. At the second stage, algorithms were developed to connect 110 nursing activities with the patient nursing problems identified by assessment tool. The computerizing process of the algorithms is as follows: These algorithms are realized with the computer program by use of the software engineering technique. The development is made by the prototyping method, which is the requirement analysis of the software specifications. The basic features of the usability, compatibility, adaptability and maintainability are taken into consideration. Particular emphasis is given to the efficient construction of the database. To enhance the database efficiency and to establish the structural cohesion, the data field is categorized with the weight of relevance to the particular disease. This approach permits the easy adaptability when numerous diseases are applied in the future. In paralleled with this, the expandability and maintainability is stressed through out the program development, which leads to the modular concept. However since the disease to be applied is increased in number as the project progress and since they are interrelated and coupled each other, the expand ability as well as maintainability should be considered with a big priority. Furthermore, since the system is to be synthesized with other medical systems in the future, these properties are very important. The prototype developed in this project is to be evaluated through the stage of system testing. There are various evaluation metrics such as cohesion, coupling and adaptability so on. But unfortunately, direct measurement of these metrics are very difficult, and accordingly, analytical and quantitative evaluations are almost impossible. Therefore, instead of the analytical evaluation, the experimental evaluation is to be applied through the test run by various users. This system testing will provide the viewpoint analysis of the user's level, and the detail and additional requirement specifications arising from user's real situation will be feedback into the system modeling. Also. the degree of freedom of the input and output will be improved, and the hardware limitation will be investigated. Upon the refining, the prototype system will be used as a design template. and will be used to develop the more extensive system. In detail. the relevant modules will be developed for the various diseases, and the module will be integrated by the macroscopic design process focusing on the inter modularity, generality of the database. and compatibility with other systems. The Home care Evaluation System is comprised of three main modules of : (1) General information on a patient, (2) General health status of a patient, and (3) Cerebrovascular disease patient. The general health status module has five sub modules of physical measurement, vitality, nursing, pharmaceutical description and emotional/cognition ability. The CVA patient module is divided into ten sub modules such as subjective sense, consciousness, memory and language pattern so on. The typical sub modules are described in appendix 3.

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The Deformation Behavior of Anchored Retention Walls installed in Cut Slope (절개사면에 설치된 앵커지지 합벽식 옹벽의 변형거동)

  • Yun, Jung-Mann;Song, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.475-482
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    • 2009
  • The behavior of earth retention wall installed in cut slope is different from the behavior of retention wall applied in urban excavation. In order to establish the design method of anchored retention walls in cut slope, the behavior of anchored retention wall can be investigated and checked in detail. In this study, the behavior of anchored retention wall was investigated by instrumentation installed in cut slope for an apartment construction stabilized by a row of piles. The horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall was larger than the displacement of slope soil behind the wall at the early stage of excavation. As the excavation depth became deeper, the horizontal displacement of slope soil was larger than the displacement of anchored retention wall. It means that the horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall due to excavation is restrained by soldier pile stiffness and jacking force of anchor. Jacking force of anchor was mainly influenced in the horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall. The displacements of anchored retention wall and slope soil were affected mainly by an rainfall infiltrated from the ground surface. Meanwhile, the horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall with slope backside was about 2-6 times larger than the displacement of anchored retention wall with horizontal backside of excavation.

Investigation of Stiffness Characteristics of Subgrade Soils under Tracks Based on Stress and Strain Levels (응력 및 변형률 수준을 고려한 궤도 흙노반의 변형계수 특성 분석)

  • Lim, Yujin;Kim, DaeSung;Cho, Hojin;Sagong, Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.386-393
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the so-called repeated plate load bearing test (RPBT) used to get Ev2 values in order to check the degree of compaction of subgrade, and to get design parameters for determining the thickness of the trackbed foundation, is investigated. The test procedure of the RPBT method is scrutinized in detail. Ev2 values obtained from the field were verified in order to check the reliability of the test data. The Ev2 values obtained from high-speed rail construction sites were compared to converted modulus values obtained from resonant column (RC) test results. For these tests, medium-size samples composed of the same soils from the field were used after analyzing stress and strain levels existing in the soil below the repeated loading plates. Finite element analyses, using the PLAXIS and ABAQUS programs, were performed in order to investigate the impact of the strain influence coefficient. This was done by getting newly computed Iz to get the precise strain level predicted on the subgrade surface in the full track structure; under wheel loading. It was verified that it is necessary to use precise loading steps to construct nonlinear load-settlement curves from RPBT in order to get correct Ev2 values at the proper strain levels.

Development of the Local Area Design Module for Planning Automated Excavator Work at Operation Level (자동화 굴삭로봇의 운용단위 작업계획수립을 위한 로컬영역설계모듈 개발)

  • Lee, Seung-Soo;Jang, Jun-Hyun;Yoon, Cha-Woong;Seo, Jong-Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.363-375
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    • 2013
  • Today, a shortage of the skilled operator has been intensified gradually and the necessity of an earthwork in extreme environment operators are difficult to access is increasing for the purpose of resource development and new living space creation. For this reason, an effort to develop an unmanned excavation robot for fully automated earthwork system is continuing globally. In Korea, a research consortium called 'Intelligent Excavation System' has been formed since 2006 as a part of Construction Technology Innovation Program of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs of Korea. Among detailed technologies of the Task Planning System is one of the core technologies of IES, this paper explains research and development process of the Local Area Design Module, which provides informatization unit to create automated excavators' work command information at operation level such as location, range, target, and sequence for excavation work. Designing of Local Area should be considered various influential factors such as excavator's specification, working mechanism, heuristics, and structural stability to create work plan guaranteed safety and effectiveness. For this research, conceptual and detail design of the Local Area is performed for analyzing design element and variable, and quantization method of design specification corresponding with heuristics and structural safety is generated. Finally, module is developed through constructed algorithm and developed module is verified.

A Study on the Change and Factors of Landscape Facilities Shown in a Landscape Architecture Magazine (조경전문잡지를 통해 본 조경시설물의 변화 및 요인 연구)

  • Yu, Joo-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the general structure of the landscape architecture industry was considered through analysis of advertisements in the landscape architecture magazine, 'Environment & Landscape Architecture', and the transition process and factors of landscape facilities were analyzed. Based on this result, the direction of future landscape facilities and basic data were suggested. When analyzing the advertisements that have been published in 'Environment & Landscape Architecture' for 30 years, outdoor facilities were depicted at a frequency of 1,853 times and among them, rest facilities and convenience facilities were depicted 1,457 times and 378 times, respectively. The reason why outdoor facilities have a far higher advertisement frequency than other landscape facilities is they were highly influenced by the house construction-related government policy, which resulted from the expansion of the rest facility industry along with regional expansion to public design. Moreover, it was found that wood and steel were mainly used to make pergolas and benches, which are rest facilities, and polycarbonate, with high economic efficiency and durability, was used the most as a roofing material for pergolas. This study attempts to explore the tendency of landscape facilities and the changes in the detail of their types by analyzing the stream of landscape facilities diachronically, based on the advertisements published in a representative magazine of landscape architecture.