• 제목/요약/키워드: Constructing definition

검색결과 61건 처리시간 0.02초

수학영재 학생들의 정다면체 정의 구성 활동 분석 (The Analysis on Mathematically Gifted Students' Activities Constructing Definition of a Regular Polyhedron)

  • 고은성;이경화;송상헌
    • 영재교육연구
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2008
  • 이 연구는 정 다면체를 학습한 경험이 없는 초등학교 5학년 수학영재 21명을 대상으로 정 다면체의 정의를 구성한 결과를 분석한 것이다. 학생들은 조별로 교구를 사용하여 정 다면체를 직접 제작하고(활동1), 이들을 관찰하면서 그 특징을 기술한 뒤(활동2), 탐구한 내용을 토대로 정 다면체의 정의를 구성하였다(활동3). 학생들이 구성한 정 다면체의 정의를 분석하여 정다면체에 대한 완전한 정의를 구성한 경우와 불완전한 정의를 구성한 경우로 구분하고 각 경우들이 수학적 정의의 필수 조건에 어떻게 부합하는지를 확인하였다. 특히, 학생들이 정 다면체를 관찰할 때 주목하는 요소와 학생들이 구성한 정다면체의 정의를 통합 분석하여 정의 구성 활동에 미치는 수학적 사고 요소와 수학영재 교육에의 시사점을 확인하였다.

The Construct of the Program Control with Probability is Equaled to 1 for the Some Class of Stochastic Systems

  • Chalykh, Elena
    • Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2008
  • The definition of the program control is introduced on the theory of the basis of the first integrals SDE system. That definition allows constructing the program control gives opportunity to stochastic system to remain on the given dynamic variety. The program control is considered in terms of dynamically invariant for stochastic process.

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A Study on Cognitive Development of Scientifically Talented Students toward Definition and Theorem in the Course of Multivariable Calculus

  • Kim, Seong-A;Choi, Jongsool
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2012
  • We adopt a spirit of Problem based learning to the class of Multivariable Calculus in a school of scientifically talented students and observed effects of our teaching-learning method in the Spring Semester of 2010. Twelve students who enrolled in this class participated in this research. We have proceeded with classroom experiment for the half of semester after midterm exam so that the students could compare our teaching-learning method with usual traditional one in the subject of multivariable calculus. Especially, we investigated changes in the learning attitude and cognitive development of the students toward definition and theorem of mathematics. Each group of 4 students worked on a sheet of our well-designed structured problems of several steps in each class and presented how they understood the way of constructing new definition and related theorems. Instructor's role in this research was to guide students' activities as questioner so that students could attain the clear meanings of definitions and theorems by themselves. We firstly analyzed students' process of mathematization of definition through observing their discussions and presentations as well as their achievements in the quizzes and final exams. Secondly, we analyzed students' class-diaries collected at the end of each class in addition to pre/post surveys.

도서관의 정보의뢰봉사에 관한 고찰 (A study on the information and referral services in libraries)

  • 손연옥
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제20권
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    • pp.187-216
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    • 1993
  • The overall goal of this study is to identify what I'||'&'||'R is, and what services should be offered as legitimate I'||'&'||'R actives. The gist of the study is as follows: 1. The shift of the clients targeted to receive the services from disadvantageous to every person. 2. Ambiguity in I'||'&'||'R definition. Because it is hard to distinguish I'||'&'||'R service from the traditional reference service, and shifting of clients, the establishment of the definition was very difficult. Instead of a definite answer, the criteria for "I'||'&'||'R Providers" was drawn. 3. Most provided services were simple and complex information giving based on resource file. Constructing resource file is a major component of I'||'&'||'R service. 4. From 1980s, many I'||'&'||'R providing libraries adapted computer a n.0, pplications. 5. Social work and library-internship was advised to conduct a cooperative project by NCLIS, I'||'&'||'R Task Force. 6. In the high technological era, there continue to be many people who need the su n.0, pportive relationship. I'||'&'||'R is to optimize both the service and clients. Librarian must learn from the principle of high tech/high touch.

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유비쿼터스의 특성에 따른 사용자 중심의 u-서비스 가치 분류체계 (Proposing User-Oriented u-Service Classification by Ubiquitous Characteristic)

  • 우혁준;이정훈;박소연
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.119-139
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    • 2011
  • The concept of ubiquitous is being applied on diverse industry fields as a new growth engine in Korea. With constructing u-City, new services which are called 'ubiquitous services' are developed actively. Even though there are active movement to develop u-service, there is no clear definition of what service can be defined as ubiquitous service. Given that this study proposes a u-service value classification framework focusing on services' characteristics. We conducted experts' group interviews to analyze new operating or developing services whether it can be ubiquitous. Study results show that some services are hard to be defined as u-service, so this study offers possible improvement alternative. The u-service value classification which offers clear definition of u-service can be used for the practitioners offering measurement framework of u-service level.

Suitable Use of Capillary Number for Analysis of NAPL Removal from Porous Media

  • Jeong, Seung-Woo,
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2004년도 임시총회 및 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2004
  • The capillary number is used to represent the mobilization potential of organic phase trapped within porous media. The capillary number has been defined by three different forms, according to types of flow velocity and viscosity used in the definition of capillary number. This study evaluated the suitability of the capillary number definitions for representing TCE mobilization by constructing capillary number-TCE saturation relationships. The results implied that the capillary number should be correctly employed, according to interest of scale and fluid flow behavior. This study suggests that the pore-scale capillary number may be used only for investigating the organic-phase mobilization at the pore scale because it is defined by the pore-velocity and the dynamic viscosity. The Newtonian-fluid capillary number using Darcy velocity and the dynamic viscosity may be suitable to quantify flood systems representing Newtonian fluid behavior. For viscous-force modified flood systems such as surfactant-foam floods, the apparent capillary number definition employing macroscopic properties (permeability and potential gradient) may be used to appropriately represent the desaturation of organic-phases from porous media.

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Analyzing Errors in Bilingual Multi-word Lexicons Automatically Constructed through a Pivot Language

  • Seo, Hyeong-Won;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.172-178
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    • 2015
  • Constructing a bilingual multi-word lexicon is confronted with many difficulties such as an absence of a commonly accepted gold-standard dataset. Besides, in fact, there is no everybody's definition of what a multi-word unit is. In considering these problems, this paper evaluates and analyzes the context vector approach which is one of a novel alignment method of constructing bilingual lexicons from parallel corpora, by comparing with one of general methods. The approach builds context vectors for both source and target single-word units from two parallel corpora. To adapt the approach to multi-word units, we identify all multi-word candidates (namely noun phrases in this work) first, and then concatenate them into single-word units. As a result, therefore, we can use the context vector approach to satisfy our need for multi-word units. In our experimental results, the context vector approach has shown stronger performance over the other approach. The contribution of the paper is analyzing the various types of errors for the experimental results. For the future works, we will study the similarity measure that not only covers a multi-word unit itself but also covers its constituents.

Development of Ship Route Track System Based on Digital Sea Chart with the Capability of Precise Coordinate Analysis of GPS

  • Kang, In-Joon;Kang, Ho-Yun;Chang, Yong-Ku;Mun, Do-Yeoul
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2003
  • For GIS to land and sea in Korea, GIS on land was almost completed with big cities by NGIS(National Geographic Information System) business. However, MGIS(Marine Geographic Information System) being constructed by the National Oceanographic Research Institute is still constructing geography information and definition of attribute information and real condition. We are being studied on research to get maximized the ripple effect linking GPS and Navigation techniques on GIS. GPS in accuracy is divided into navigation and precise surveying equipment. Now, GPS technology has been developed very much and low price GPS equipments are introducing. But expense on GPS equipment is high yet. Therefore, GPS equipment for navigation is used on cheap GPS equipment in a car or ship. In this paper, the author used algorithm to convert ellipsoid coordinate between WGS84 and Bessel ellipsoid and to analyze map projection between BESSEL ellipsoid and UTM plane coordinate system. And the author developed ship navigation system with cheap GPS equipment using algorithm of ellipsoid conversion and map projection. The author proposed the necessity on constructing MGIS to manage many ships.

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생태산업단지 개념에서 본 계획측면과 세부수업에 관한 연구 (A Study on Planning Aspects & Detailed Techniques in terms of Main Concept of Ecological Industrial Parks)

  • 정숙영;오덕성
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2002
  • This Study aims to find out the planning aspects and detailed techniques in terms of concept of the Ecological Industrial Parks. It consists of the three parts : Firstly, according to theoretical review, this study gives a definition of the concept of ecological industrial parks. Secondly, it institutes planning aspects of ecological industrial parks based on the main concept. Thirdly, 8 case studies show us analysis of detailed techniques used each planning aspects. Ecological industrial parks mean industrial systems which make energy and substance circulated in order to reduce environmental pollutions inside and outside of park like natural ecosystem. To actualize ecological industrial parks, we have to adopt 3 planning aspects which are energy and substance recycling system, environmentally-friendly site planning based on ecology concept, constructing of ecological production and management. In case study, detailed techniques from each planning aspects are shown in table 8. As a result of case study, detailed techniques about planning of energy and substance recycling system is accommodated most. On the other hand, environmentally-friendly site planning techniques based on ecological concept is used passively. And detailed techniques about constructing of ecological production and management are very various as each cases. Finally, in terms of analysis, this study shows us appliable planning when we develop domestic Ecological industrial parks.

생물 정보원에 대한 통합 접근을 위한 랩퍼 모델 (A Wrapper Model for Integrated Access to Biological Information Sources)

  • 박은경;강동완;정채영;배종민
    • 정보처리학회논문지D
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    • 제11D권4호
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    • pp.765-774
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    • 2004
  • 이질의 생물 정보원을 통합하기 위해서는 각 정보원의 이질적인 내용을 숨기고 하나의 관점으로 표현하는 뷰를 정의해야 한다. 본 논문은 생물 정보원 통합 미들웨어를 설계함에 있어서 XML 기반의 뷰 정의모델을 제시하고 그 동작 원리를 보인다. 제시된 모델은 통합시스템 구축을 위한 융통성을 증대시키고, 보다 추상화된 수준에서 통합 질의를 수행할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 사용자 정의 XML 뷰를 지원한다. 제시된 뷰 정의 모델을 기반으로 관계형 데이터베이스와 웹 자원에 대한 랩핑 모델을 제시하고, 아울러 응용 프로그램에 대해서도 같은 모델을 사용한 램핑 결과를 제시한다.