• Title/Summary/Keyword: Constraint equation

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Viscoplastic Solution of Thick Walled Cylinder Considering Axial Constraint (축방향 경계 조건을 고려한 두꺼운 실린더의 점소성 응력해)

  • Yoon, Sam-Son;Lee, Soon-Bok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.1555-1561
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    • 2003
  • Finite element analysis using modern constitutive equation is one of the most general tools to simulate the deformation behavior and to predict the life of the structure. Constitutive equation becomes complicated so as to predict the material behavior more accurately than the classical models. Because of the complexity of constitutive model, numerical treatment becomes so difficult that the calculation should be verified carefully. One-element tests, simple tension or simple shear, are usually used to verify the accuracy of finite element analysis using complicated constitutive model. Since this test is mainly focused on the time integration scheme, it is also necessary to verify the equilibrium iteration using material stiffness matrix and to compare FE results with solution of structures. In this investigation, viscoplastic solution of thick walled cylinder was derived considering axial constraints and was compared with the finite element analysis. All the numerical solutions showed a good coincidence with FE results. This numerical solution can be used as a verification tool for newly developed FE code with complicated constitutive model.

Determination of Weighting Factor in the Inverse Model for Estimating Surface Velocity from AVHRR/SST Data (AVHRR/SST로 부터 표층유속을 추정하기 위한 역행렬 모델에서 가중치의 설정)

  • Lee, Tae-Shin;Chung, Jong-Yul;Kang, Hyoun-Woo
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.543-549
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    • 1995
  • The inverse method has been used to estimate a surface velocity field from sequential AVHRR/SST data. In the model, equation system was composed of heat equation and horizontal divergence minimization and the velocity field contained in the advective term of the heat equation, which was linearized in grid system, was estimated. A constraint was the minimization of horizontal divergence with weighting factor and introduced to compensate the null space(Menke, 1984) of the velocity solutions for the heat equation. The experiments were carried out to set up the range of weighting factor and the matrix equation was solved by SVD(Singular Value Decomposion). In the experiment, the scales of horizontal temperature gradient and divergence of synthetic velocity field were approximated to those of real field. The neglected diffusive effect and the horizontal variation of heat flux in the heat equation were regarded as random temperature errors. According to the result of experiments, the minimum of relative error was more desirable than the minimum of misfit as the criteria of setting up the weighting factor and the error of estimated velocity field became small when the weighting factor was order of $10^{-1}$

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Dynamic Response of a Beam Including the Mass Effect of the Moving Loads (이동 하중의 질량효과를 고려한 보의 동적응답)

  • 최교준;김용철
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 1991
  • The system such as railway bridge can be modelled as the restrained beam with intermediate supports. This kind of structures are subject to the moving load, which has a great effect on dynamic stresses and can cause sever motions, especially at high velocities. Therefore, to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the system due to the moving load is very important. In this paper, the governing equation of motion of a restrained beam subjected to the moving load is derived by using the Hamilton's principle. The orthogonal polynomial functions, which are trial functions and satisfying the geometric and dynamic boundary conditions, are obtained through simple procedure. The dynamic response of the system subjected to the moving loads is obtained by using the Galerkin's method and the numerical time integration technique. The numerical tests for various constraint, velocity and boundary conditions were preformed. Furthermore, the effects of mass of the moving load are studied in detail.

Analysis of the Esterification Process for Poly(ethylene terephthalate)

  • Ahn, Young-Cheol;Park, Soo-Myung
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.399-409
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    • 2003
  • The first esterification reactor in the continuous polymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) has been analyzed by solving the material balances for the two-phase system with respect to the solubility of terephthalic acid. The Newton-Raphson method was used to solve the material balance equations instead of the Simplex method that is frequently used for finding a minimum point of a residual rather than a solution of an equation. A solution for the material balance equations, with the constraint of non-zero liquid phase fraction, could not be obtained with the solubility data of Yamada et al., but could be obtained with solubilities over a minimum value that is larger than their data. Thus, the solubility data of Yamada et al. are considered to be too small. On the other hand, the solubility data of Baranova and Kremer are so large that they gave a solution with the liquid phase only. Based on our results, several typical solubility curves satisfying the constraint of a non-zero liquid phase fraction are suggested in this study; we studied the reaction characteristics of the system using these curves. A higher temperature and a lower pressure are preferred for reducing the content of diethylene glycol.

An Implementation of (Ab)(Cl) Set Unification ((Ab)(Cl) 집합 일치화의 구현에 관한 연구)

  • 신동하;김인영
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1108-1113
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    • 2004
  • ‘Set’ is a tool that is used frequently in designing computer programs. Because of the reason, ‘set constraints languages’ have been developed recently. In this research, we introduce ‘(Ab)(Cl) set unification’ problem and implement it using the ‘set equation rewriting in Prolog’. In this research we shows that the set unification, that is considered to be difficult to be implemented in procedural languages, ran be implemented easily using the non-deterministic control structure and the list data structure in logic language like Prolog. Our research uses the Ciao Prolog with GNU GPL, this is compared with other existing implementations which used expensive commercial Prolog, so anyone can use the result freely. Currently the result is being used for implementing a set constraint language.

Structural dynamics modification using non-matching substructure synthesis. (비부합 결합을 이용한 구조물 변경법)

  • 정의일;박윤식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.666-671
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    • 2002
  • For a large structure, substructure based SDM(structural dynamics modification) method is very effective to raise its dynamic characteristics. Dividing into smaller substructures has a major advantage in the aspect of computation especially for getting sensitivities, which are in the core of SDM process. But quite often, non-matching nodes problem occurs in the process of synthesizing substructures. The reason is that, in general, each substructure is modelled separately, then later combined together to form a entire structure model under interface constraint conditions. Without solving the non-matching nodes problem, the substructure based SDM can not be processed. In this work, virtual node concept is introduced. Lagrange multipliers are used to enforce the interface compatibility constraint. The governing equation of whole structure is derived using hybrid variational principle. The eigenvalues of whole structure are calculated using determinant search method. The number of degrees of freedom of the eigenvalue problem can be drastically reduced to just the number of interface degree of freedom. Thus, the eigenvalue sensitivities can be easily calculated, and further SDM can be efficiently performed. Some numerical problems are tested to show the effectiveness of handling non-matching nodes.

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Development of CPLD Technology Mapping Algorithm Improving Run-Time under Time Constraint (시간제약 조건하에서 수행시간을 개선한 CPLD 기술 매핑 알고리즘 개발)

  • 윤충모;김희석
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we propose a new CPLD technology mapping algorithm improving run-time under time constraint. In our technology mapping algorithm, a given logic equation is constructed as the DAG type, then the DAG is reconstructed by replicating the node that outdegree is more than or equal to 2. As a result. it makes delay time and the number of CLBs, run-time to be minimized. Also, after the number of multi-level is defined and cost of each nodes is calculated, the graph is partitioned in order to fit to k that is the number of OR term within CLB. The partitioned nodes are merged through collapsing and bin packing is performed in order to fit to the number of OR term within CLB.

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Design Method for a Total Internal Reflection LED Lens with Double Freeform Surfaces for Narrow and Uniform Illumination

  • Yang, Jae Suk;Park, Jae-Hyeung;O, Beom-Hoan;Park, Se-Geun;Lee, Seung Gol
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.614-622
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a novel differential equation method for designing a total internal reflection (TIR) LED lens with double freeform surfaces. A complete set of simultaneous differential equations for the method is derived from the condition for minimizing the Fresnel loss, illumination models, Snell’s Law of ray propagation, and a new constraint on the incident angle of a ray on the light-exiting surface of the lens. The last constraint is essential to complete the set of simultaneous differential equations. By adopting the TIR structure and applying the condition for minimizing the Fresnel loss, it is expected that the proposed TIR LED lens can have a high luminous flux efficiency, even though its beam-spread angle is narrow. To validate the proposed method, three TIR LED lenses with beam-spread angles of less than 22.6° have been designed, and their performances evaluated by ray tracing. Their luminous flux efficiencies could be obviously increased by at least 35% and 5%, compared to conventional LED lenses with a single freeform surface and with double freeform surfaces, respectively.

Stress Constraint Topology Optimization using Backpropagation Method in Design Sensitivity Analysis (설계민감도 해석에서 역전파 방법을 사용한 응력제한조건 위상최적설계)

  • Min-Geun, Kim;Seok-Chan, Kim;Jaeseung, Kim;Jai-Kyung, Lee;Geun-Ho, Lee
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.367-374
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    • 2022
  • This papter presents the use of the automatic differential method based on the backpropagation method to obtain the design sensitivity and its application to topology optimization considering the stress constraints. Solving topology optimization problems with stress constraints is difficult owing to singularities, the local nature of stress constraints, and nonlinearity with respect to design variables. To solve the singularity problem, the stress relaxation technique is used, and p-norm for stress constraints is applied instead of local stresses for global stress measures. To overcome the nonlinearity of the design variables in stress constraint problems, it is important to analytically obtain the exact design sensitivity. In conventional topology optimization, design sensitivity is obtained efficiently and accurately using the adjoint variable method; however, obtaining the design sensitivity analytically and additionally solving the adjoint equation is difficult. To address this problem, the design sensitivity is obtained using a backpropagation technique that is used to determine optimal weights and biases in the artificial neural network, and it is applied to the topology optimization with the stress constraints. The backpropagation technique is used in automatic differentiation and can simplify the calculation of the design sensitivity for the objectives or constraint functions without complicated analytical derivations. In addition, the backpropagation process is more computationally efficient than solving adjoint equations in sensitivity calculations.

Study of the semi-segregation algorithms of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using P2P1 finite element formulation (P2P1 유한요소 공식을 이용한 비압축성 Navier-Stokes 방정식의 반-분리 해법에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Myung-H.;Choi, Hyoung-G.;Yoo, Jung-Y.;Park, Jae-I.
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.349-352
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    • 2006
  • The conventional segregated finite element formulation produces a small and simple matrix at each step than in an integrated formulation. And the memory and cost requirements of computations are significantly reduced because the pressure equation for the mass conservation of the Navier-Stokes equations is constructed only once if the mesh is fixed. However, segregated finite element formulation solves Poisson equation of elliptic type so that it always needs a pressure boundary condition along a boundary even when physical information on pressure is not provided. On the other hand, the conventional integrated finite element formulation in which the governing equations are simultaneously treated has an advantage over a segregated formulation in the sense that it can give a more robust convergence behavior because all variables are implicitly combined. Further it needs a very small number of iterations to achieve convergence. However, the saddle-paint-type matrix (SPTM) in the integrated formulation is assembled and preconditioned every time step, so that it needs a large memory and computing time. Therefore, we newly proposed the P2PI semi-segregation formulation. In order to utilize the fact that the pressure equation is assembled and preconditioned only once in the segregated finite element formulation, a fixed symmetric SPTM has been obtained for the continuity constraint of the present semi-segregation finite element formulation. The momentum equation in the semi-segregation finite element formulation will be separated from the continuity equation so that the saddle-point-type matrix is assembled and preconditioned only once during the whole computation as long as the mesh does not change. For a comparison of the CPU time, accuracy and condition number between the two methods, they have been applied to the well-known benchmark problem. It is shown that the newly proposed semi-segregation finite element formulation performs better than the conventional integrated finite element formulation in terms of the computation time.

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