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Characterization of Arsenic Adsorption onto Hematite (적철석(Hematite) 표면의 비소 흡착 특성)

  • Kim, Seong Hee;Lee, Woo Chun;Cho, Hyen Goo;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2012
  • Hematite has been known to be the most stable form of various iron (oxyhydr)oxides in the surface environments. In this study, its properties as an adsorbent were examined and also adsorption of arsenic onto hematite was characterized as well. The specific surface area of hematite synthesized in our laboratory appeared to be 31.8gm2/g and its point of zero salt effect, (PZSE) determined by potentiometric titration was observed 8.5. These features of hematite may contribute to high capacity of arsenic adsorption. From several adsorption experiments undertaken at the identical solution concentrations over pH 2~12, the adsorption of As(III) (arsenite) was greater than that of As(V) (arsenate). As of pH-dependent adsorption patterns, in addition, arsenite adsorption gradually increased until pH 9.2 and then sharply decreased with pH, whereas adsorption of arsenate was greatest at pH 2.0 and steadily decreased with the increasing pH from 2 to 12. The characteristics of these pH-dependent adsorption patterns might be caused by combined effects of the variation in the chemical speciation of arsenic and the surface charge of hematite. The experimental results on adsorption kinetics show that adsorption of both arsenic species onto hematite approached equilibrium within 20 h. Additionally, the pseudo-second-order model was evaluated to be the best fit for the adsorption kinetics of arsenic onto hematite, regardless of arsenic species, and the rate constant of As(V) adsorption was investigated to be larger than that of As(III).

Thermal-Denaturation of File Fish Myofibrillar Protein and Protective Effect of Sucrose, Sorbitol and Amino Acids (말쥐치 근원섬유단백질의 열안정성과 및 가지 첨가제의 영향)

  • CHOI Young-Joon;PYEUN Jae-Hyeung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.455-463
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    • 1985
  • Thermal-denaturation of myofibrillar protein of dorsal skeletal muscle from file fish was investigated by measuring denaturation constant(KD) and thermodynamic parameters at various temperatures. The protective effects of sucrose, sorbitol and amino acids when added individually or combined were also discussed. The denaturation rate as reflected in inactivation of myofibrillar protein Ca-ATPase was followed the first order reaction. The KD values at 25C,30C,and35C were 19.52×105,112.25×105,and247.20×105, respectively. The activation energy of the reaction at 30C was 43 kcal/mole. The protective effects of sucrose, sorbitol, glycine, alanine and Na-glutamate were increased with the concentration but the effects of sorbitol and Na-glutamate decreased beyond 1.0 mole. Basic amino acids such as arginine and lysine did not revealed any protective effect on the thermal denaturation. In case of mixed addition, the effects of Na-glutamate to glycine, sorbitol to glycine, and sorbitol to sucrose or sorbitol to Na-glutamate were enhanced 1.2 to 7.0 times as much as that of control (ratio of mixing; 1:1, range of concentration; 0.5 to 1.25 mole). Under the frozen condition at 20C, two mixtures such as Na-glutamate to glycine and sorbitol to sucrose apparently revealed the protective effects.

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Recovery of Copper, Reuse of TiO2, and Assessment of Acute Toxicity in the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Cu(II)-EDTA (Cu(II)-EDTA 광촉매 산화반응에서의 구리회수, TiO2 재사용 및 처리수 독성평가)

  • Yang, Jae-Kyu;Choi, Bong-Jong;Lee, Seung-Mok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.844-851
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to determine feasibility of application of regenerated or recycled TiO2 on the successive treatment of Cu(II)-EDTA. The recovery of copper, the reuse of TiO2 and the assessment of acute toxicity was studied in the total eight successive photocatalytic reactions. Aqueous solution of 104M Cu(II)-EDTA was treated using an illuminated TiO2 at pH 6 in a circulating reactor. Two different procedures were applied in the reuse of TiO2: i) recycle of TiO2 without acid wash ii) regeneration of TiO2 with acid wash to remove adsorbed copper in a previous experiment. The averaged decomplexation rate constant(kobs) of Cu(II)-EDTA in recycle of TiO2 without acid wash was approximately 45% less than that in regeneration of TiO2 with acid wash. Removal of Cu(II) was near complete after 180 minutes in the total eight successive photocatalytic reactions using the regenerated TiO2 after acid wash. In contrast, removal of Cu(II) was minimum at total fifth successive photocatalytic oxidation using the recycled TiO2 without arid wash. The recovered TiO2 was approximately 86% in average in each procedure. The recovered Cu(II) was 67.9% in average. The acute relative toxicity of the treated water rapidly declined at an initial reaction time up to 60 minutes but little declination was observed after 60 minutes due to little degradation of DOC. Relative toxicity of treated water using the recycled TiO2 without acid wash we some what well correlated with the concentration of dissolved Cu(II). From this work, it is suggested that Cu(II)-EDTA can be effectively treated using an integrated cyclic photocatalytic oxidation with recovery of TiO2 and Cu(II).

The Study on the Change of Iron Concentration and the Reaction Mechanism of the 1,4-Dioxane Degradation using Zero Valent Iron and UV (영가철(Fe0)과 UV를 이용한 1,4-dioxane 분해 반응시 철농도의 변화와 반응 메커니즘의 연구)

  • Son, Hyun-Seok;Im, Jong-Kwon;Zoh, Kyung-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2008
  • The study presents the results of 1,4-dioxane degradation using zero valent (Fe0) or Fe2+ ions with and without UV. During the reaction, the change of [Fe2+] and [Fe2+]/[Fe(t)], the concentration ratio of ferrous ion to total iron ion in solution was measured. Less than 10% degradation of 1,4-dioxane was observed by UV-only, Fe0-only, and Fe2+-only conditions, and also the changes of [Fe2+] and [Fe2+]/[Fe(t)] were minimal in each reaction. However, the oxidation of Fe0 was enhanced with the irradiation of UV by approximately 25% and the improvement of 1,4-dioxane degradation was observed. Fenton reaction (Fe2++H2O2) showed higher degradation efficiency of 1,4-dioxane until 90 min, which of the degradation was stopped after that time. In the reaction of Fe2+ and UV, the ratio of [Fe2+]/[Fe(t)] decreased then slowly increased after a certain time indicating the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+. In case of Fe0 in the presence of UV, the first-order rate constant was found to be 1.84×103 min1 until 90 min, and then changed to 9.33×103 min1 when the oxidation of Fe2+ mainly occurred. In this case [Fe2+]/[Fe(t)] kept decreasing for the reaction. However, the addition of perchlortae (ClO4) in the reaction of Fe0 and UV induced the continuous increase of [Fe2+]/[Fe(t)] ratio. The results mean the primary degradation factor of 1,4-dioxane is the oxidation by the radicals generated from the redox reaction between Fe2+ and Fe3+. Also, both UV and ClO4 played the role inducing the reduction of Fe3+, which is important to degrade 1,4-dioxane by enhancing the generation of radicals.

In Vitro Intrinsic Radiosensitivity Of Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Primary Culture (인체 상피 세포암의 일차 배양을 이용한 방사선 민감도 측정)

  • Choi Eun Kyung;Yang Kwang Mo;Yi Byong Yong;Chang Hyesook;Kim Sang-Yoon;Nam Joo-Hyun;Yu Eunsil;Lee Inchul
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 1994
  • There are a number of reports suggesting that there may be a correlation between the clinical response to radiotherapy in various tumors and the clonogenic survival of cell lines derived from these tumors following exposure to 2 Gy(SF2). Authors conducted this study to determine SF2 for cells in primary culture from surgical specimens. The tumor tissues with squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix and head and neck were obtained. The tumor tissues were disaggregated to single cells by incubating with collagenase type w for 2 hours with constant stirring. Single cell suspensions were inoculated in four 24-well plates precoated with cell adhesive matrix. After 24 hours of incubation at 37C, rows of four wells were then irradiated, consisting of control set and five other sets each receiving doses of 1,2,3,4, and 6 Gy. After incubation for a total of 13 days, the cultures were stained with crystal violet and survival at each dose was determined by quantitative image analysis system, To determine whether cell growth was of epithelial origin, immunocytochemical staining with a mixture of cytokeratin and epithelial monoclonal antibodies were performed on cell cultures. During the period of this study, we received 5 squamous cell carcinoma specimens of head and neck and 20 of uterine cervical carcinoma. Of these, 15 yielded enough cells for radiosensitivity testing. This resulted an overall success rate of 60%. The mean SF2 value for 15 tumours was 0.55±0.17 ranging from 0.20 to 0.79. These results indicate that there is a broad range of sensitivities to radiation in same histologic type. So with a large patient population, we plan to determine whether a different SF2 value is associated with tumours that are controlled with radiotherapy than those that are not.

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Doses of Coronary Study in 64 Channel Multi-Detector Computed Tomography : Reduced Radiation Dose According to Varity of Examnination Protocols (64 채널 Multi-Detector Computed Tomography를 이용한 관상동맥검사의 선량 : 검사 프로토콜 다변화에 따른 환자선량 감소)

  • Kim, Moon-Chan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : To compare radiation dose for coronary CT angiography (CTA) obtained with 6 examination protocols such as a retrospectively ECG gated helical scan, a prospectively ECG gated sequential scan, low kVp technique, and cardiac dose modulation technique. Materials and Methods : Coronary CTA was performed by using 6 current clinical protocols to evaluate effective dose and organ dose in primary beam area with anthropomorphic female phantom and glass dosimetric system in 64 channel multi-detector CT. After acquiring topograms of frontal and lateral projection with 80 kVp and 10 mA, main coronary scan was done with 0.35 sec tube rotation time, 40 mm collimation (0.625mm×64ea), small scan field of view (32 cm diameter), 105 mm scan length. Heart beat rate of phantom was maintained 60 bpm in ECG gating. In constant mAs technique 120 kVp, 600 mA was used, and 100 kVp for low kVp technique. In a retrospectively ECG gated helical CT technique 0.22 pitch was used, peak mA (600 mA) was adopted in range of 4080 of R-R interval and 120mA(80% reduction) in others with cardiac dose modulation. And 210 mAs was used without cardiac dose modulation. In a prospectively ECG gated sequential CT technique data were acquired at 75% R-R interval (middle diastolic phase in cardiac cycle), and 120 msec additional padding of the tube-on time was used. For effective dose calculation region specific conversion factor of dose length product in thorax was used, which was recommended by EUR 16262. Results : The mean effective dose for conventional coronary CTA without cardiac dose modulation in a retrospectively ECG gated helical scan was 17.8 mSv, and mean organ dose of heart was 103.8 mGy. With low kVp and cardiac dose modulation the mean effective dose showed 54.5% reduction, and heart dose showed 52.3% reduction, compared with that of conventional coronary CTA. And at the sequential scan(SnapShot pulse mode) under prospective ECG gating the mean effective dose was 4.9 mSv, this represents an 72.5% reduction compared with that of conventional coronary CTA. And heart dose was 33.8 mGy, this represents 67.4% reduction. In the sequential scan technique under prospective ECG gating with low kVp the mean effective dose was 3.0 mSv, this represents an 83.2% reduction compared with that of conventional coronary CTA. And heart dose was 17.7 mGy, this represents an 82.9% reduction. Conclusion : In coronary CTA at retrospectively ECG gated helical scan, cardiac dose modulation technique using low kVp reduced dose to 50% above compared with the conventional helical scan. And the prospectively ECG gated sequential scan offers substantially reduced dose compared with the traditional retrospectively ECG gated helical scan.

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The Amino-Carbonyl Reaction in the Fructose-Glycine Mixture System (Fructose-Glycine 혼합계에 있어서 Amino-Carbonyl 반응)

  • Lee, Jin-Ho;Han, Kang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.351-359
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to observe the physico-chemical exchange and effect of amino-carbonyl reaction between fructose and glycine . When various buffer solutions were added to equimolar mixture of fructose and glycine at pH 6.0 and 100C, the browning effect was markedly observed by Mcllvaine buffer. Among the combinations of temperature and reaction time, the deep browning effect was obtained above 100C, 3hr A marked browning effect obtained above pH 7.0 but little observed below pH 7.0. The browning effect was markedly increased at high fructose concentration. It required 4.0hrs and 32.9hrs to decrease 50% of initial concentration of fructose and glycine at 100C and pH 7 but 0.9hrs and 3.8hrs at 120C, pH 7.0, respectively. The rate constant of fructose and glycine at 100Cand120C were 1.78×101,2.11×102and7.74×101,1.83×101, respectively. The formation of HMF was likely to follow the first order kinetics. The addition of 0.1M sodium sulfite, 0.1M sodium bisulfite and 0.1M calcium chloride to equimolar mixture (0.05M) surpressed the reaction up to 76.8%, 76.8% and 96.4%, respectively.

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Identification of Active Agents for Reductive Dechlorination in Cement/Fe(II) Systems (시멘트와 Fe(II)을 이용한 환원성 탈염소화반응의 유효반응성분 규명)

  • Kim, Hong-Seok;Lee, Yu-Jung;Kim, Ha-Yan;Hwang, In-Seong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2006
  • Experimental study was conducted to identify the active agent for reductive dechlorination of TCE in cement/Fe(II) systems. Several potential materials-hematite (αFe2O3), lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), akaganeite (β-FeOOH), ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12)-that are cement components or parts of cement hydrates were tested if they could act as reducing agents by conducting TCE degradation experiments. From the initial degradation experiments, hematite was selected as a potential active agent. The pseudo-first-order degradation rate constant (k=0.637day1) for the system containing 200 mM Fe(II), hematite and CaO was close to that (k=0.645day1) obtained from the system containing cement and 200 mM Fe(II). CaO, which was originally added to simulate pH of the cement/Fe(II) system, was found to play an important role in degradation reactions. The reactivity of the hematite/CaO/Fe(II) system initially increased with increase of CaO dosage. However, the tendency declined in the higher CaO dosage region, implying a saturation type of behavior. The SEM analysis revealed that the hexagonal plane-shaped crystals were formed during the reaction with increasing degradation efficiency, which was brought about by increasing the CaO dosage. It was suspected that the crystals could be portlandite or green rust (SO4) or Friedel's salt. The XRD analysis of the same sample identified the peaks of hematite, magnetite/maghemite, green rust (SO4). Either instrumental analysis predicted the presence of the green rust (SO4). Therefore, the green rust (SO4) would potentially be a reactive agent for reductive dechlorination in cement/Fe(II) systems.

The Influence of Nutrients Addition on Phytoplankton Communities Between Spring and Summer Season in Gwangyang Bay, Korea (광양만에서 춘계와 하계 영양염류 첨가가 식물플랑크톤군집의 성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Si Woo;Kim, Dongseon;choi, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Young Ok;Moon, Chang Ho;Baek, Seung Ho
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2014
  • In order to estimate the effect of nutrients addition for phytoplankton growth and community compositons in spring and summer season, we investigated the abiotic and biotic factors of surface and bottom waters at 20 stations of inner and offshore areas in Gwangyang Bay, Korea. Nutrient additional experiments were also conducted to identify any additional nutrient effects on phytoplankton assemblage using the surface water for the assay. Bacillariophyceae occupied more than 90% of total phytoplankton assembleges. Of these, diatom Eucampia zodiacus and Skeletonema costatum-like species was mainly dominated in spring and summer, respectively. Here, we can offer the season why the two diatom population densities were maintained at high levels in both seasons. First, light transparency of spring season in the euphotic zone was greatly improved in the bay. This improvement is one of important factor as tigger of increase in E. zodiacus population. Second, low salinity and high nutrient sources supplied by Seomjin River discharge are a main cue for strong bottom-up effects on S. costatum-like species during the summer rainy season. Based on the algal bio-assays, although maximum growth rate of phytoplankton communities at inner bay (St.8) were similar to those of outer bay (St.20), half-saturation constant (Ks) for phosphate at outer bay was slightly lower than those of inner bay. This implied that adapted cells in low nutrient condition of outer bay may have enough grown even the low phosphate and they also have a competitive advantage against other algal species under low nutrient condition. In particular, efficiency of N (+) addition in summer season was higher compared to control and P added experiments. In the bay, silicon was not a major limiting factor for phytoplankton growth, whereas nitrogen (N) was considered as a limiting factor during spring and summer. Therefore, a sufficient silicate supply form water mixing Si recycled from diatom decomposition and river water is favorable form maintaining diatom ecosystems in Gwangyang Bay.

The Weather Representativeness in Korea Established by the Information Theory (정보이론에 의한 한국의 일기대표성 설정)

  • Park, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-73
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    • 1996
  • This study produces quantitatively weather entropy and information ratio using information theory about frequency in the appearance of precipitation phenomenon and monthly change, and then applies them to observation of the change of their space scale by time. As a result of these, this study defines Pusan, Chongju and Kwangju's weather representativeness and then establishes the range of weather representativeness. Based on weather entropy (statistical parameter)-the amount of average weather information-and information ratio, we can define each area's weather representativeness, which can show us more constant form included topographical, geographical factors and season change. The data used for this study are the daily precipitotion and cloudiness during the recent five years(19901994) at the 69 stations in Korea. It is divided into class of no precipitation, that of precipitation. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) The four season's mean value of information ratio is the highest value. as 0.641, on the basis of Chongju. It is the lowest as 0.572, on the basis of Pusan. On a seasonal basis, the highest mean value of information rate is April's (spring) in Chongju, and the lowest is October's(fall) in Pusan. Accordingly weather representativeness has the highest in Chongju and the lowest in Pusan. (2) To synthesize information ratio of decaying tendancy and half-decay distance, Chonju's weather representativeness has the highest in April, July and October. And kwangju has the highest value in January and the lowest in April and July. Pusan's weather representativeness is not high, that of Pusan's October is the lowest in the year. (3) If we establish the weather representative character on the basis of Chongju-Pusan, the domain of Chongju area is larger than that of Pusan area in October, July and April in order. But Pusan's is larger than Chongju's in January. In the case of Chongju and Kwangju, the domain of Chongju area is larger than that of Kwangju in October, July and April in order, but it is less than that of Kwangju area in January. In the case of Kwangju-Pusan, the domain of Kwangju is larger than that of Pusan in October, July in order. But in April it is less than Pusan's.

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