• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consolidation process

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Frog Habitats in the Rural landscape Known as Yato "dell with paddy fields"in suburban Area in South Kanto Plain

  • Osawa, Satoshi;Katsuno, Takehiko
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2001
  • Residents of urban area like to be near rural animals during their daily life, so it is important conserve the suburban Yato landscape in Japan. This study targets the species of frogs that are commonly found in Yato paddies. It is necessary to various frogs inhabiting in Yato, because frogs are popular among Japanese, who as children enjoy capturing tadpoles and frogs. Its purpose is to clarify how that composition of frog species changes when the functionality of a frog habitat is diminished by urbanization. The survey, conducted in the Eastern Kanagawa area in central Japan, determined the distribution of each species of frog in grid cells measuring 0.5-$\textrm{km}^2$. It hsows wide distributing species (Hyla japonica; they always inhabit in all paddies), the middle range distributing species (Rhacophorus schlegelii and Rana porosa p.), the limited range distributing species (R. rugosa; they are most critical species, sine they are recognized only two cells), and so on. Correspondence analysis based on the frog species composition in each cell was performed to ascertain the adaptability of each species to various paddy field conditions. The results allowed us to classify cells into four groups according to the composition of the inhabiting species. And we recognized that the process by which frogs disappear occurs in reaction to either of two patterns of change. As paddy fields are improved by farmland consolidation, R. rugosa, R. ornativentris, R. japonica, and Bufo. japonica f. decline rapidly. In plateau areas, a smore andmore paddies are converted into strong, well-drained fields, only H. japonica and R. porosa p. remain. But in hilly areasd, the species composition becomes only H. japonica and R. schlegelii. Finally, we discuss the concept of ecological urban design in the context of the conservation of frog species in Yato paddies.

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Building Science, Technology, and Research Capacity in Developing Countries: Evidence from student mobility and international cooperation between Korea and Guatemala

  • Bonilla, Kleinsy;Salles-Filho, Sergio;Bin, Adriana
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.99-132
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    • 2018
  • Developing countries face numerous challenges in the process of building science, technology, and research capacity; in particular, the formation and accumulation of skilled S&T workforce. The lack of organized and sustainable higher education options (Master and Doctoral programs), nonexistent or low-quality academic programs, and the absence of research-oriented study options are some of the strong contributors for talented students to emigrate to developed countries. At the same time, the consolidation of a global knowledge economy, the internationalization of higher education, and the competition to attract foreign talent in industrialized countries present challenges for underdeveloped nations to retain their already scarce skilled human resources. In this context, student mobility has been used as a policy mechanism to cope with S&T workforce shortages in S&T laggard nations. It has also enabled opportunities for international cooperation to play a key role. While significant literature has been devoted to studying the gains of developed nations with the arrival and potential migration of the mobilized students, few scholarly inquiries have addressed the benefits and losses experienced by their countries of origin. More importantly, limited research can be found on policy options and policy implications for developing countries to deal with the dilemmas presented by the brain-drain/brain-circulation debate. The goal of this article is to study empirical evidence of an international cooperation initiative for student mobility between the Republic of Korea and Guatemala (implemented during 2009-2015). The paper analyzes this particular international cooperation experience from the perspective of the different actors involved and attempts to draw policy implications and policy options for developing countries to deal with potential risks and gains derived from international mobility for their S&T capacity building.

A Study on the Microstructure and Physical Properties of Cold Sprayed Cu/CNT Composite Coating (저온 분사 코팅법으로 제조된 Cu/CNT 복합 코팅층의 미세조직 및 물성 연구)

  • Kwon, Seong-Hee;Park, Dong-Yong;Lee, Dae-Yeol;Euh, Kwang-Jun;Lee, Kee-Ahn
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2008
  • Carbon nanotubes(CNTs) have outstanding mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Thus, by placing nanotubes into appropriate matrix, it is postulated that the resulting composites will have enhanced properties. Cold spray can produce thick metal-based composite coatings with very high density, low oxygen content, and phase purity, which leads to excellent physical properties. In this study, we applied cold spray coating process for the consolidation of Cu/CNT composite powder. The precursor powder mixture, in which CNTs were filled into copper particles, was prepared to improve the distribution of the CNT in copper matrix. Pure copper coating was also conducted by cold spraying as a reference. Annealing heat treatment was applied to the coating to examine its effect on the properties of the composite coating. The hardness of Cu/CNT composite coating represented similar value to that of pure copper coating. It was importantly found that the electrical conductivity of the Cu/CNT composite coating significantly increased from 53% for the standard condition to almost 55% in the optimized condition, taking annealed ($500^{\circ}C/1hr$.) copper coating as a reference (100%). The thermal conductivity of Cu/CNT composite coating layer was higher than that of pure Cu coating. It was also found that the electrical and thermal conductivities of Cu/CNT composite could be improved through annealing heat treatment. The microstructural evolution of Cu/CNT coating was also investigated and related to the macroscopic properties.

Shear Strength-strain Behavior of Unsaturated Weathered Soil (SM) (화강풍화토(SM soil)의 불포화 전단거동 분석)

  • Jeong, Sang-Seom;Lee, Seong-Cheol;Jeong, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2022
  • The unsaturated behavior of sandy silt (SM soil) was investigated experimentally. Special attention was given to the stress-strain behavior of unsaturated weathered soil (SM) prior to failure and behavior at failure under monotonic loading. A sandy silt (SM) weathered soil containing a certain amount of fine contents distributed in Korea, was chosen to form samples with different densities of Dr=25%, 60%, and 75%. and matric suctions. The isotopically Consolidated Drain test (CD-test) was performed to maintain a constant matric suction during the shearing process. Based on the experimental results, it was qualitatively identified that the higher the relative density, the greater the virtual friction angle (ϕb) value and AEV (Air Entry Value) were induced. Also it is found that the internal friction angle (ϕ') is more or less constant. even if the matric suction is increased.

A study of SCM strategic plan: Focusing on the case of LG electronics (공급사슬 관리 구축전략에 관한 연구: LG전자 사례 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gi-Wan;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2011
  • Most domestic companies, with the exclusion of major firms, are reluctant to implement a supply chain management (SCM) network into their operations. Most small- and medium-sized enterprises are not even aware of SCM. Due to the inherent total-systems efficiency of SCM, it coordinates domestic manufacturers, subcontractors, distributors, and physical distributors and cuts down on cost of inventory control, as well as demand management. Furthermore, a lack of SCM causes a decrease in competitiveness for domestic companies. The reason lies in the fundamentality of SCM, which is the characteristic of information sharing, process innovation throughout SCM, and the vast range of problems the SCM management tool is able to address. This study suggests the contemplation and reformation of the current SCM situation by analyzing the SCM strategic plan, discourses and logical discussions on the topic, and a successful case for adapting SCM; hence, the study plans to productively "process" SCM. First, it is necessary to contemplate the theoretical background of SCM before discussing how to successfully process SCM. I will describe the concept and background of SCM in Chapter 2, with a definition of SCM, types of SCM promotional activities, fields of SCM, necessity of applying SCM, and the effects of SCM. All of the defects in currently processing SCM will be introduced in Chapter 3. Discussion items include the following: the Bullwhip Effect; the breakdown in supply chain and sales networks due to e-business; the issue that even though the key to a successful SCM is cooperation between the production and distribution company, during the process of SCM, the companies, many times, put their profits first, resulting in a possible defect in demands estimation. Furthermore, the problems of processing SCM in a domestic distribution-production company concern Information Technology; for example, the new system introduced to the company is not compatible with the pre-existing document architecture. Second, for effective management, distribution and production companies should cooperate and enhance their partnership in the aspect of the corporation; however, in reality, this seldom occurs. Third, in the aspect of the work process, introducing SCM could provoke corporations during the integration of the distribution-production process. Fourth, to increase the achievement of the SCM strategy process, they need to set up a cross-functional team; however, many times, business partners lack the cooperation and business-information sharing tools necessary to effect the transition to SCM. Chapter 4 will address an SCM strategic plan and a case study of LG Electronics. The purpose of the strategic plan, strategic plans for types of business, adopting SCM in a distribution company, and the global supply chain process of LG Electronics will be introduced. The conclusion of the study is located in Chapter 5, which addresses the issue of the fierce competition that companies currently face in the global market environment and their increased investment in SCM, in order to better cope with short product life cycle and high customer expectations. The SCM management system has evolved through the adaptation of improved information, communication, and transportation technologies; now, it demands the utilization of various strategic resources. The introduction of SCM provides benefits to the management of a network of interconnected businesses by securing customer loyalty with cost and time savings, derived through the consolidation of many distribution systems; additionally, SCM helps enterprises form a wide range of marketing strategies. Thus, we could conclude that not only the distributors but all types of businesses should adopt the systems approach to supply chain strategies. SCM deals with the basic stream of distribution and increases the value of a company by replacing physical distribution with information. By the company obtaining and sharing ready information, it is able to create customer satisfaction at the end point of delivery to the consumer.

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Research on the decision factor in customer loyalty in securities companies : Focusing on reliability and customer satisfaction's moderating effects (증권회사의 지속적 사용의도 결정요인에 관한 연구 : 신뢰도 및 고객 만족도의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Han-Woo;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1832-1843
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    • 2015
  • Recently, since the "Capital Market Consolidation Act" has been effective in 2009, the competition among the securities companies in Korean security market has been fierce. Thus, securities business lately are needed by the market environmental requirements rapidly changed for various strategies. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of corporate attribute, employee attribute, financial product attribute securities on customer satisfaction, trust with the firm, and usage intention. As the subjects I selected the customer of securities in Seoul in 2014 and conducted survey with questionnaires. Among total 400, I chose 378 as the valid sample by convenience sampling. For the data process, I used SPSS 20.0 I verified the perspective hypotheses after testing reliability and validity of fit by the data process. The results are as following. First, it was shown that the sub-factors of corporate attribute, employee attribute, financial product attribute in securities as ethics, innovation, size, kind, professionalism, ethics, profitability and diversity had significant effect on usage intention. Second, the study confirms that reliability and satisfaction influences customer loyalty as moderate variable. The industrial and academic significance of this study is that it may serve as a useful base date to understand customer behavior and draw new strategies in a financial management environment.

The Political Geography of Place Names : The Decisions of City Names in the Process of Administrative District Reorganization (지명의 정치지리학: 행정구역개편으로 인한 시 명칭 결정을 사례로)

  • Chi, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.310-325
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    • 2012
  • Human being has used place names to differentiate one place from another. Place names are the products of collective human cognition in that a place name is chosen when it successfully represents the identity of a place. In addition, place names have been changed by the competition and struggle between social agencies and the political imperatives of hegemonic groups to impose their identity on the places. Recent geographic studies on place names have focused on the social and political processes behind the change of place names. In this vein, the purpose of this study is investigating the debates on the decision of city names in the process of the administrative reorganization in mid 1990s by the lens of political geography. Residents in cities and counties tried to justify their arguments by emphasizing historical backgrounds and popularity of their names. Additionally, economic power and potential were mobilized for the political resources to win over the battle over city names. The result, however, shows that the decision of newly consolidated cities' name was mainly made by the amount of political resources, such as population and number of seats in local assemblies. Several regions tried to use city names to negotiate with counterparts. In sum, the decision of place names is the product of political competitions, and the place name becomes the symbol of territorial identity. Place names have been in the center of disputes in local politics even after the name was decided, which suggest further studies on reasonable solution to mitigate the disputes to be expected when additional reorganization of administrative districts.

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Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties in Cold Pressed Nickel Doped Bismuth Sulfide Compounds

  • Fitriani, Fitriani;Said, Suhana Mohd;Rozali, Shaifulazuar;Salleh, Mohd Faiz Mohd;Sabri, Mohd Faizul Mohd;Bui, Duc Long;Nakayama, Tadachika;Raihan, Ovik;Hasnan, Megat Muhammad Ikhsan Megat;Bashir, Mohamed Bashir Ali;Kamal, Farhan
    • Electronic Materials Letters
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.689-699
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    • 2018
  • Nanostructured Ni doped $Bi_2S_3$ ($Bi_{2-x}Ni_xS_3$, $0{\leq}x{\leq}0.07$) is explored as a candidate for telluride free thermoelectric material, through a combination process of mechanical alloying with subsequent consolidation by cold pressing followed with a sintering process. The cold pressing method was found to impact the thermoelectric properties in two ways: (1) introduction of the dopant atom in the interstitial sites of the crystal lattice which results in an increase in carrier concentration, and (2) introduction of a porous structure which reduces the thermal conductivity. The electrical resistivity of $Bi_2S_3$ was decreased by adding Ni atoms, which shows a minimum value of $2.35{\times}10^{-3}{\Omega}m$ at $300^{\circ}C$ for $Bi_{1.99}Ni_{0.01}S_3$ sample. The presence of porous structures gives a significant effect on reduction of thermal conductivity, by a reduction of ~ 59.6% compared to a high density $Bi_2S_3$. The thermal conductivity of $Bi_{2-x}Ni_xS_3$ ranges from 0.31 to 0.52 W/m K in the temperature range of $27^{\circ}C$ (RT) to $300^{\circ}C$ with the lowest ${\kappa}$ values of $Bi_2S_3$ compared to the previous works. A maximum ZT value of 0.13 at $300^{\circ}C$ was achieved for $Bi_{1.99}Ni_{0.01}S_3$ sample, which is about 2.6 times higher than (0.05) of $Bi_2S_3$ sample. This work show an optimization pathway to improve thermoelectric performance of $Bi_2S_3$ through Ni doping and introduction of porosity.

Development of Korean Green Business/IT Strategies Based on Priority Analysis (한국의 그린 비즈니스/IT 실태분석을 통한 추진전략 우선순위 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Choi, Ju-Choel;Choi, Il-Young
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the CO2 emission and energy consumption have become critical global issues to decide the future of nations. Especially, the spread of IT products and the increased use of internet and web applications result in the energy consumption and CO2 emission of IT industry though information technologies drive global economic growth. EU, the United States, Japan and other developed countries are using IT related environmental regulations such as WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), RoHS(Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substance), REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals) and EuP(Energy using Product), and have established systematic green business/IT strategies to enhance the competitiveness of IT industry. For example, the Japan government proposed the "Green IT initiative" for being compatible with economic growth and environmental protection. Not only energy saving technologies but energy saving systems have been developed for accomplishing sustainable development. Korea's CO2 emission and energy consumption continuously have grown at comparatively high rates. They are related to its industrial structure depending on high energy-consuming industries such as iron and steel Industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, semiconductor industry, and so on. In particular, export proportion of IT manufacturing is quite high in Korea. For example, the global market share of the semiconductor such as DRAM was about 80% in 2008. Accordingly, Korea needs to establish a systematic strategy to respond to the global environmental regulations and to maintain competitiveness in the IT industry. However, green competitiveness of Korea ranked 11th among 15 major countries and R&D budget for green technology is not large enough to develop energy-saving technologies for infrastructure and value chain of low-carbon society though that grows at high rates. Moreover, there are no concrete action plans in Korea. This research aims to deduce the priorities of the Korean green business/IT strategies to use multi attribute weighted average method. We selected a panel of 19 experts who work at the green business related firms such as HP, IBM, Fujitsu and so on, and selected six assessment indices such as the urgency of the technology development, the technology gap between Korea and the developed countries, the effect of import substitution, the spillover effect of technology, the market growth, and the export potential of the package or stand-alone products by existing literature review. We submitted questionnaires at approximately weekly intervals to them for priorities of the green business/IT strategies. The strategies broadly classify as follows. The first strategy which consists of the green business/IT policy and standardization, process and performance management and IT industry and legislative alignment relates to government's role in the green economy. The second strategy relates to IT to support environment sustainability such as the travel and ways of working management, printer output and recycling, intelligent building, printer rationalization and collaboration and connectivity. The last strategy relates to green IT systems, services and usage such as the data center consolidation and energy management, hardware recycle decommission, server and storage virtualization, device power management, and service supplier management. All the questionnaires were assessed via a five-point Likert scale ranging from "very little" to "very large." Our findings show that the IT to support environment sustainability is prior to the other strategies. In detail, the green business /IT policy and standardization is the most important in the government's role. The strategies of intelligent building and the travel and ways of working management are prior to the others for supporting environment sustainability. Finally, the strategies for the data center consolidation and energy management and server and storage virtualization have the huge influence for green IT systems, services and usage This research results the following implications. The amount of energy consumption and CO2 emissions of IT equipment including electrical business equipment will need to be clearly indicated in order to manage the effect of green business/IT strategy. And it is necessary to develop tools that measure the performance of green business/IT by each step. Additionally, intelligent building could grow up in energy-saving, growth of low carbon and related industries together. It is necessary to expand the affect of virtualization though adjusting and controlling the relationship between the management teams.

A Feasibility Study on the Use of Liner and Cover Materials Using Sewage Sludge (하수슬러지의 차수재 및 복토재로의 이용타당성에 관한 연구)

  • 유남재;김영길;박병수;정하익
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.43-71
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    • 1999
  • This research is an experimental work of developing a construction material using municipal wastewater sludge as liner and cover materials for waste disposal landfill. Weathered granite soil and flyash, produced as a by-product in the power plant, were used as the primary additives to improve geotechnical engineering properties of sludge. For secondary additives, bentonite and cement were mixed with sludge to decrease the permeability and to increase the shear strength, respectively. Various laboratory test required to evaluate the design criteria for liner and cover materials, were carried out by changing the mixing ratio of sludge with the additives. Basic soil properties such as specific gravity, grain size distribution, liquid and plastic limits were measured to analyze their effects on permeability, compaction, compressibility and shear strength properties of mixtures. Laboratory compaction tests were conducted to find the maximum dry densities and the optimum moisture contents of mixtures, and their effectiveness of compaction in field was consequently evaluated. Permeability tests of variable heads with compacted samples, and the stress-controlled consolidation tests with measuring permeabilities of samples during consolidation process were performed to obtain permeability, and to find the compressibility as well as consolidational coefficients of mixtures, respectively. To evaluate the long term stability of sludges, creep tests were also conducted in parallel with permeability tests of variable heads. On the other hand, for the compacted sludge decomposed for a month, permeability tests were carried out to investigate the effect of decomposition of organic matters in sludges on its permeability. Direct shear tests were performed to evaluate the shear strength parameters of mixed sludge with weathered granite, flyash and bentonite. For the mixture of sludge with cement, unconfined compression tests were carried out to find their strength with varying mixing ratio and curing time. On the other hand, CBR tests for compacted specimen were also conducted to evaluate the trafficability of mixtures. Various test results with mixtures were assessed to evaluate whether their properties meet the requirements as liner and cover materials in waste disposal landfill.

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