• 제목/요약/키워드: Consolidation characteristic

검색결과 74건 처리시간 0.029초

개별진공압이 적용된 연약지반의 응력과 변형 특성 (Characteristic of stress and strain of soft ground applied individual vacuum pressure)

  • 안동욱;한상재;김병일;정승용;김수삼
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2010년도 추계 학술발표회
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    • pp.467-472
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    • 2010
  • Individual vacuum pressure method is soft ground improvement technique, in which a vacuum pressure can be directly applied to the vertical drain board to promote consolidation and strengthening the soft ground. This method does not require a surcharge load, different to embankment or pre-loading method. In this study, given the inner displacement of the ground where the individual vacuum pressure is applied, this dissertation aimed to reproduce the state of stress in the ground that is subject to the constraints created by the depth of improvement area. Modified Cam Clay theory which made it possible to take into account the isotropic displacement of the ground was applied to the NAP-IVP used simulation; the conception of equivalent permeability proposed by Hird was also applied so that the 3-dimensional real construction effect of drain materials could be reflected in the analysis.

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Bottom Ash의 최대입경에 따른 시간-의존적 거동 특성 및 크리프 모델 적용성 검토 (The Time-Dependent Behavior Characteristic of Bottom Ash by Maximum Particle Size and Application of Creep Models)

  • 김태완;손영환;봉태호;노수각;박재성
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제55권5호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2013
  • This study finds the characteristics of long-term settlement of Bottom Ash and to review the application of Singh-Mitchell creep equation and Burgers Model to the creep behavior of Bottom Ash. In the undrained state, it was confirmed that creep behavior appeared in the range to 30-80 % of the maximum deviator stress by applying condition in other three stresses through triaxial compression test after isotropically consolidation. By using sieve analysis, it was compared to each sample that was passed through 9.5 mm, 2 mm, 0.25 mm sieves. Also, using Singh-Mitchell creep equation and Burgers Model, it was compared between the theoretical behavior and the observed behavior for each sample. In the result, it is found that creep behavior of Bottom Ash is similar to the theoretical behavior of Singh-Mitchell creep equation and Burgers Model in early stage and it is possible to predict creep behavior of Bottom Ash by these models.

건강한 사람에서 발병한 수두와 동반된 수두폐렴 1 예 (A Case of Varicella Pneumonia Associated with Chickenpox in Immunocompetent Patient)

  • 박원종;유성근;신경철;정진홍;이관호
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.339-343
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    • 2007
  • Varicella is a contagious infection in childhood disease typically affecting children aged 2-8 years and usually follows benign outcome. In the adult, clinical presentation is more severe and more commonly associated with complications. Varicella pneumonia, although rare, is a potentially life-threatening complication that should be suspected in any adult with varicella and respiratory symptoms. We report a case of varicella pneumonia in immunocompetent patient. The characteristic radiographic findings consisted of diffuse scattered coarse nodular infiltrations, less than 1cm sized, with ground glass opacity and consolidation in both lung fields. The patients was started on intravenous acyclovir. The chest radiograph performed 2 weeks later showed complete resolution of the pulmonary lesions.

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중년기 여성의 우울증에 관한 연구 (A study on the Depression of the Middle aged Woman)

  • 장하경;서병숙
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.263-276
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    • 1992
  • The middle aged woman today have met discord of unbalance in gender role identity due to change in cultual situation and view of value of our country since 1960. Under the promise that there is a relationship between depression which is a psychological characteristic and gender role traits of middle aged woman, and in consideration that the depression of middle-aged woman may be differentiated depend upon the expressive manner of gender role, this research was trying to find out the relationship between the gender role traits and the depression of middle aged women. The purpose of his research is to provide data to be helpful for marital hygirne of middle-aged women by presenting a plan to reduce depression of middle-aged woman by the desirable gender role. In order for such studying purpose, the gender role, physical symptom and socio-demographic feature were researched using the scale which was by this researcher. The questionnaire sheets of 327 use form middle-aged woman of 39 years to 59 years old in full with their last child is 10 years or order. The summerized results of study are as follows. In consolidation of the foregoing it have known that the socio-economic position and recognition of physical symptom and the masculinity feature has shown less depression as she feels less physical symptom due to there is relationship between recondition of physical symptom and he masculity feature, and also, it has known that the depression of middle-aged women may be reduced when such extroversive and expressional gender role features are developed as 'aggressiveness and ' fraternity, and the depression may be prompted due to such introvert and easy to be impacted by grudge as 'impression'

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Ko 정규압밀 이암풍화토의 이방성에 관한 연구 (Study on Anisotropy of Completely Weathered Mudstone under Ko Normally Consolidation)

  • 김영수;김병탁;김종승;박명렬
    • 한국지반환경공학회 논문집
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2000
  • 포항 두호동 지역과 인근에 널리 분포하고 있는 이암은 공기 중에 노출되거나 물과 접하게 되며 강도가 급격히 감소되어 많은 문제점을 야기할 수 있다. 자연상태의 점성토는 $K_o$ 상태로 존재하며 하중재하시 주응력 방향에 따라 다르게 거동하는 이방적 특성을 갖는다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 현장상태와 동일한 $K_o$ 압밀을 행한 후 각기 다른 방향에서 샘플링한 시료에 대하여 전단재하속도를 달리하며 삼축압축시험을 수행하였다. 그리고 시험에서 얻어진 응력 - 변형거동 결과를 Cam-clay 모델에 의한 예측결과와 비교 검토하였다. 시험결과에 의하면, 샘플링각도가 수직방향에서 수평방향으로 증가함에 따라 $K_o$ 값은 감소하였으며, 이암풍화토에서는 변형을 연화거동을 나타내고 있다. 전반적으로 실험결과와 Cam-clay 모델의 거동양상은 비슷하지만, 측차응력에 대한 실험결과가 예측결과보다 훨씬 크게 나타났다. 그리고, $K_o$ 압밀된 이암풍화토의 응력-변형거동의 예측에 대한 Cam-Clay model의 적응성은 만족스럽지 못한 것으로 나타났다.

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양측성 중증 폐렴으로 인한 ARDS로 오진된 속립성 결핵 (A Case of Miliary Tuberculosis Mimicking ARDS due to Bilateral Severe Pneumonia)

  • 한군희;정복현;김영돈;황정원;홍현일;윤성규;김미혜;류대식;강길현
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제59권1호
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2005
  • 저자들은 중증 폐렴으로 인한 ARDS양상으로 내원한 임신 3개월의 속립성 결핵 환자를 경기관지 폐생검과 방사선 소견 및 임상양상을 종합적으로 고려하여 속립성 결핵에 의한 ARDS로 확진할 수 있었던 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

입자파쇄 특성에 따른 Sabkha층의 이차압축 특성 (Secondary Compression Characteristics Caused by Particles Crushing of Sabkha Soil)

  • 김석주;배경태;이장덕;한희수
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제29권11호
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2013
  • Sabkha층 탄산질 모래의 입자파쇄발생시 이차압축특성을 파악하기 위하여 압밀시험을 수행하여 입자파쇄응력을 파악하였다. 입자파쇄 항복응력에서 순간적으로 발생한 입자파쇄 압축침하를 해석하기 위하여 이차압축률 대신 이차 파쇄압축률 $C_{{\alpha}{\epsilon}}{^*}$를 도입하였다. 입자파쇄 발생시의 간극비 $e_p{^*}$와 침하량 $H_p{^*}$가 이차압축거동의 기준점으로 사용되었다. 일차압축지수와 이차파쇄압축률을 비교한 결과 현장 Sabkha층의 경우 $C_{{\alpha}{\epsilon}}{^*}/C_c$ 값이 0.0105~0.0187로 나타났으며 일반적인 석영질 사질토에 비해 입자파쇄 발생으로 인한 이차압축거동이 매우 크게 나타났다. 동일한 재하응력에서는 Sabkha층의 심도가 깊을수록 입자파쇄침하량과 이차파쇄압축률이 증가함을 확인할 수 있었다.

정하중 및 동하중이 작용하는 연약지반의 거동특성(비교모형실험) (Characteristic of a Soft Ground Behavior Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads (A Study on the Model Test))

  • 김종렬;강진태;이치열;박용면;정재훈
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서 준설매립지반과 같은 연약지반의 개량 시 장비의 연행하중이 지반에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 2차원 모형재하시험을 실시하였다. 정하중 및 동하중은 각각 $0.02kg/cm^2,\;0.03kg/cm^2$$0.04kg/cm^2$으로 압밀된 모형지반에 재하하였다. 압밀하중 $0.02kg/cm^2,\;0.03kg/cm^2$$0.04kg/cm^2$으로 2달간 압밀시킨 후 각각의 압밀하중으로 인한 극한지 지력은 $0.16kg/cm^2,\;0.19kg/cm^2,\;0.24kg/cm^2$인 것을 얻을 수 있었다. 그리고 정하중시험의 침하량과 같아지는 지점의 동하중시험 시 에너지 값은 각각의 압밀하중에 대하여 $E=336{\sim}945kg{\cdot}cm,\;E=252{\sim}780kg{\cdot}cm$$E=323{\sim}727kg{\cdot}cm$의 범위를 나타냈다. 같은 지반조건에서 정하중과 동하중이 각각 작용할 경우, Heaving량은 정하중보다 동하중 작용시 더 컸으며, 수평변위량은 정하중 시험에 비해 극히 미비하게 나타났다.

부산지역(釜山地域)의 불국사산성화성암류(佛國寺酸性火成岩類)의 암석학적(岩石學的) 연구(硏究) (Petrological Study on the Bulgugsa Acidic Igneous Rocks in Busan Area)

  • 차문성
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 1976
  • The Bulgugsa acidic igneous rocks of the late Cretaceous age are largely distributed in Busan area, which is located in the southeastern corner of the Korean Peninsula. These igneous rocks comprise in ascending order, felsite, dacitic-rhyolitic welded tuffs, granite porphyry and granitic rocks. The former three members represent the early phase of volcanic activities, so that they are named as Jangsan volcanic rocks. The granitic rocks consist of granodiorite, hornblende biotite granite, Kumjongsan granite, fine grained granite, and Daebyen granite, represent the late phase of igneous activities. The Kumjongsan grainte, the largest pluton of the granitic mass, emplaced between two great vertical faults trending NNE. New chemical analyses of 33 rock samples of these acidic rocks are given. Their chemical compositions are generally similar to those of the late Mesozoic acidic igneous rocks of the northern Ashio mountains, and C-Zone granite group of the Ogcheon geosyncline, with their characteristic variation trends of several oxides. Their chemical compositions also show that $Al_2O_3$ is high value, and differentiation index is high, too. Systematically developing joints in Kumjungsan granite are divisible into two types at least. One is the NS-N $20^{\circ}E$ trendirig, $85^{\circ}{\sim}90^{\circ}$ dipping type of joint system which coincides with the trends of distribution of the granite mass and the dikes intruding this granite. Joints of this type may be cooling joints generated as tension cracks. The other is the $N60^{\circ}{\sim}70^{\circ}W$ or $N40^{\circ}{\sim}60^{\circ}E$ trending type of joint systems. It is considered that. joints belonging to this type may be shear joint occurring under the state of south-north tectonic couple acting at the east and west side of the granite mass. Igneous activities of the the Bulgugsa acidic igneous rocks in Busan area was taken place as. follows, formation of the magma reservoir, eruption and intrusion of felsite, consolidation of vents. and increasing vapor pressure in magma reservoir, eruption of pyroclastic flows, caldera collapse, intrusion of granite porphyry, and intrusion of granitic rocks at the latest stage.

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저소성 실트의 비배수 전단거동 특성과 예측 (The Characteristic for Undrainded Shear Behavior of in Low-Plastic Silt and its Prediction)

  • 김대만
    • 한국지반환경공학회 논문집
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 저소성 실트의 비배수 전단거동특성을 파악하기 위해서 낙동강 중류에서 채취한 저소성 실트를 이용하여 비배수 삼축압축시험을 수행하였다. 시험 결과 축차응력은 항복응력에 도달한 후 사질토의 거동인 경화현상이 나타났으며, 간극수압은 최대값 이후 감소하여 한계상태에 도달하였다. 유효응력경로에서는 압밀응력이나 과압밀비에 상관없이 사질토와 같이 한계상태선(CSL)과 상태전이선(PTL)이 존재하였다. 저소성 실트 거동에 대해 Modified Cam-Clay(MCC) 모델과 동적인공신경망 모델인 Jordan과 Elman-Jordan 모델을 적용하여 예측을 실시하였다. 예측결과, MCC model은 저소성 실트의 전반적인 거동을 예측할 수 없었으나, Jordan과 Elman-Jordan 모델은 모두 저소성 실트의 거동을 비교적 잘 예측하였다.

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