• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conservation science exhibition

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Scientific Conservation Treatment of the Celadon Jar with the Inscription of 'the Fourth Sunhwa Year'(National Treasure No.326) (국보 제326호 청자 '순화4년'명 항아리의 과학적 보존처리)

  • Lee, Sun Myung;Kwon, Oh Young;Park, Jongseo;Han, Woo Rim
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.453-469
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    • 2019
  • The celadon jar with inscription of 'the Fourth Sunhwa Year' is an important chronology that shows the conditions of production of the early celadon due to the inscription on the bottom including its purpose, application, and the producer. This celadon jar has been restored several times in the past. However, concerns over the structural stability, such as the separation and level differences in the joined cracks, have risen because of the aging of the repair materials, which were subjected to various environmental changes over a long time. By examining the conditions of preservation, the major damage was identified as the '入' shaped crack on the front, the 'V' shaped restored part and the crack on its left side, and the 'J' shaped crack on the back side. In the past, the cracks were found to be joined using a refined lacquer containing camphor, drying oil, rosin, etc. mixed with soil powder. The joint line was repainted with the refined lacquer and covered with gold powder. The missing parts were restored with gypsum and colored with acrylic color. After that, the repair materials were aged and emergency treatment was performed at the National Museum of Korea in 1981. At that time, Cemedine C or Cemedine C mixed with microballoons was used for reinforcing the cracks. Conservation treatment focused on removing the past repair materials and reinforcing the physically fragile parts by joining and restoring them based on the examination of the preservation condition. in addition, the area around the restored part was colored for future exhibition.

Analysis and Conservation of Wooden Standing Bodhisattva in Song Dynasty (중국 송대 목제보살입상의 분석과 보존)

  • Park, suzin;Jung, daun;Yi, Yonghee
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.16
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    • pp.138-153
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    • 2015
  • Wooden standing Bodhisattva in the collection of the National Museum of Korea (Bon 8239) was purchased as part of the museum's Central Asian collection during the Museum of Japanese Goverment General of Korea. The wooden statue exhibiting classical characteristics of Song Dynasty Buddhist sculptures is colored on the whone. The result of condition check for exhibition in 2014, it has severely damaged, with discoloring and exfoliation in color pigment and crack of wood observed in various areas. The object was therefore treated for conservation. A series of analysis were performed also at this time to determine the production technique and the materials, including testing of the X-ray penetration depth, X-ray fluorescence analysis and wood species analysis. This revealed that the statue was made by joining several separate pieces of wood. As for color pigments, the white pigment was either chalk (CaCO3) or gypsum(CaSO4·2H2O), and the green pigment was emerald green (Cu(C2H3O2)2·3Cu(AsO2)2). The red pigment appeared to be lead red(Pb3O4) and the blue pigment was ultramarine blue (3Na2O·3Al2O3·6SiO2·2Na2S). All the pigments were repainted in later eras. The analysis, indicated that the wood was derived from a tree of the genus Populus, family Salicaceae. The wooden standing Bodhisattva was repaired and reinforced with natural materials and was brought to a stable condition necessary for display.

A Study on Conservation and Manufacturing Techniques of a Seated Avalokiteshvara with a Thousand Hands of Goryeo Dynasty (고려시대 금동제십일면천수관음보살좌상의 보존처리 및 제작기술 연구)

  • Gwak, Hong In;Kwon, Mi Hye
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2019
  • The gilt bronze statue, Seated Avalokiteshvara with a Thousand Hands, of the Goryeo dynasty, is the only one in Korea of its kind that has undergone a conservation process for the special exhibition entitled GORYEO: The Glory of Korea. For the conservation treatment, first, a component analysis (XRF) was conducted, and a manufacturing technique (CT) was analyzed. The results of the investigation revealed that the statue was alloyed with Cu, Sn, and Pb ternary bronze. Its surface, except for the detached plating layers, was originally plated using the mercury amalgam method. This statue was assembled after separately casting each part of the body, such as the left and right arms and the wrists, including the hands, with objects. In particular, each wrist was cast and fitted with a metal nail to express each object in the hands more precisely. Inside the statue, there were five iron cores: two for the head, one for the left elbow, one for the right flank, and one for the right waist. For the preservative treatment, natural adhesive agents, including vegetable gelatin and glue (20%), were mixed with alcohol to protect the base metal and adhere to the plating layers. Using synthetic resin (CDK 520+SN-sheet) for the damaged parts, the restored parts could be attached and detached to/from the statue. Eventually, the compositional analysis and conservation treatment left the statue in a stable condition and ready for exhibitions and future studies.

The Effects of Humidity Control Capability and Removal Toxic Gases of Activated Carbon to the Display Environment of Cultural Properties (문화재 전시 공간에 대한 활성탄의 습도 제어 및 유해가스 제거 효과 연구)

  • Kang, Sae Rom;Choi, Yu Ri;Kang, Dai Ill
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we are trying to verify humidity control capability of the exhibition environment of cultural property by measuring adsorption and desorption performance, the control ability of harmful substances by the adsorption experiments of harmful gases. In the experiment of adsorption and desorption performance, in the low humidity area, Artsorb desorbed overwhelmingly more than activated carbon whereas activated carbon absorbed more. Adsorption speed was faster slightly in Artsorb absorption speed was similar in both. In the middle humidity area, absorption by artsorb was slightly more and desorption was similar in both so characteristic of Artsorb didn't appear. Also, Adsorption speed was faster in activated carbon but in the process of desorption, the speed of Artsorb was faster. In adsorption experiment of harmful substances, the concentration in the environment with activated carbon was lower than one with Artsorb, but the difference appeared small. And as a result of observation of the difference in concentration due to adsorption of harmful gas by the change in the metal specimen, the most change was shown in lead specimen and the color difference between the lead specimens of the activated carbon and Artsorb appeared greatly.

A Survey for Distribution of Airborne Microorganisms in Storage of Movable Cultural Properties (동산문화재 다량 보관처의 공기 중 부유 미생물 분포 조사)

  • Hong, Jin-Young;Seo, Min-Seok;Kim, Soo-Ji;Kim, Young-Hee;Jo, Chang-Wook;Lee, Jeung-Min
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.36
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2015
  • The temple and family or private owner have managed the storage space of movable cultural properties. Thus they lack the ability to manage professionally and systematically, movable cultural properties are in a poor environment and have been damaged by abundant dust and airborne fungi in the storage. In this study, we investigated microbes distribution in 10 storage or exhibition hall housing the movable cultural properties. As a results, concentration of collected microorganisms exhibited a large difference according to a storage and the D Relic Museum in Yeongam is the most contaminant storage, in which detected $2,000m^3$ or more. More than $166m^3$ of the fungi were detected in most storages of the other. We identified so many varieties of fungi such as Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Alternaria sp. and Cladosporium sp. existing commonly in 10 storages including wood rot fungi such as Ceriporia lacerata, Ganoderma carnosum, Myrothecium gramineum and Bjerkandera sp.. This airborne fungi may damage cultural heritages. The Guideline on a concentration of airborne fungi should be estimated and management system to the preservation environment must be provided.

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Conservation Treatment of Leather Socks Housed in the National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 소장 가죽버선의 보존처리)

  • Lee, Hyelin;Park, Seungwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.27
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this project was to improve the stability of a pair of leather socks for use on snowy days in the collection of the National Museum of Korea (Namsan1567) by conducting conservation treatment and restoring the socks to their original form for use in research and exhibition. Leather socks are referred to in ancient documents with names combining the word "mal" for socks with a term indicating their material (e.g., pimal, meaning leather socks; nokpimal, meaning deer leather socks; jangpimal, meaning roe deer leather socks, or lipimal, meaning racoon dog leather socks) and are mentioned mostly in connection with Jeju Island. Related documents include the Seungjeongwon ilgi (Daily Record of the Grand Secretariat), Injaeilnok (Diary of Injae Jo Geukseon), and Hamel's Journal and a Description of the Kingdom of Joseon. Extant examples of ancient leather socks display the same form as beoseon (traditional Korean socks) and are made of either leather or a combination of leather and fabric. It is likely that such leather socks were worn on Jeju Island to protect the feet from the cold. A condition survey of the leather socks was first conducted to establish a plan for their conservation treatment. Since the socks were in rather poor condition, it was decided to identify their original form through an investigation of relics and pertinent previous studies. The socks were cleaned in consideration of results of the condition survey, and the missing parts around the necks of the socks were reinforced in a reversible manner using counting stitches with cloth dyed to match the original color. Since the bottoms of the socks had lost much of their original form due to deterioration and disintegration in the leather, supports were made and inserted inside the socks to help retain their shape. Through these processes, the structure and characteristics of the socks and the techniques used in their production could be analyzed, their condition was stabilized, and their original form was recovered.

Study of Consolidation of Excavated Fabric with Golden Thread (출토 금직물의 강화처리에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Moon-Kyung;Bae, Soon-Wha;Lee, Mee-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1315-1324
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    • 2009
  • This study is on the consolidation process of the conservation process of fabric with golden thread found in relics. Gold film was glued to pieces of Korean paper and satin using hide glue, which is a natural adhesive and resin Paraloid B-72, which is a liquid type adhesive. This study examines the types and concentration of the adhesives that are appropriate for consolidating gold film on fabric. The advantage of hide glue is that it is harmless to humans and has a high stability. This glue is also believed to be the closest to the adhesive that was used when the relic was originally made. Its weakness is that it is stiff and weaker than chemical glues, but after being washed with water the adhesion level increases. Therefore, hide glue is appropriate in the following instances: a) when washing after consolidation b) when the substrate of gold threads are significantly damaged, and c) when treating greater sized relics that take a longer time to work on. However, Paraloid B-72 has a better adhesion and flexibility than hide glue, but tends to spread out into a greater area, and the area where it is applied tends to absorb less water than before the application. In addition, it is noxious and can be harmful in long-term exposure. Therefore, Paraloid-72 is appropriate in the following instances: a) when consolidating the fabric after washing, and b) when working on smaller relics and consolidating smaller parts of a relic. The necessary concentration levels for consolidants for gold film are 30% for liquid type hide glue and at least 10% for Paraloid B-72 in order for the gold film to stay intact on the fabric during washing, consolidation, exhibition, and conservation.

Compressive Strength of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood after PEG Treatment with Concentration and Solvent (PEG 처리 수침고목재의 농도 및 용매에 따른 압축강도 변화)

  • Kim, Soo-Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2012
  • The compressive strength of PEG along processing concentration and solvent is willing to be measured and proper processing condition for exhibition and storage is also willing to be measured by comparing with dimensional stability. In the advanced research of setting PEG-preprocessing concentration & solvent for freeze drying of waterlogged archaeological wood of high water content, vacuum freeze drying showed the highest dimension stability after 40% PEG-preprocessing of aqueous solution. In this study, the compressive strength increased in proportion of processing concentration and water showed the relatively-higher compressive strength than t-butanol regarding solvent. Especially, it showed that there is no big strength difference between PEG 40% and PEG 50% in aqueous solution by 6.6%(16kgf/$cm^2$). According to the above results, it was recognized that it is most effective to implement freeze drying after 40% PEG-preprocessing when want to dimensional stability and compressive strength simultaneously.

Conservation treatment and characteristics of the belt with rhinoceros-horn ornaments at the National Hangeul Museum (국립한글박물관 소장 덕온공주 집안 서대(犀帶)의 보존처리 및 특징)

  • Hwang, Jinyoung
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.25
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2021
  • The Belt with Rhinoceros-Horn Ornaments(known as a seodae in Korean) from the family of Princess Deokon's descendants housed in the National Hangeul Museum underwent emergency treatment for a special exhibition in 2019 upon the request of the National Hangeul Museum. Priority was given to the restoration of the original form of the severely damaged belt and the repair of its detached horn ornaments. Prior to the conservation treatment, researchers conducted a theoretical study of the belt with rhinoceros-horn adornments to learn the names of its structural components and the changes in form that the type experienced by period, thereby establishing a plan for conservation treatment and setting a direction. Among the belts worn by officials from the Joseon dynasty, rhinoceros-horn ornaments were attached to those of officials of the first rank and were considered the most precious behind the king's belt with its jade ornaments. The rhinoceros horn adorning the belt is classified into three categories according to quality. This belt has horn adornments of the highest quality, falling under the "grape design" category with dark brown dots concentrated in the center. The belt has a rectangular shape and lacks a buckle, reflecting a popular form from the nineteenth century. The structure of the belt was identified over the process of conservation treatment, offering information about its method of production. In addition, comparison of the relic with belts with rhinoceros-horn ornaments depicted in Joseon-period portraits of officials allowed the identification of changes in formal features and the detailed structures of belts with rhinoceros-horn ornaments by period. It confirmed that the belt subject to conservation treatment shows the features of belts with rhinoceros-horn ornaments produced in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Studies on the Restoration of Ancient Bridge Setakarahashi -Conservation and Display for Large Size Waterlogged Wood- (고대 세다당교의 보존처리 - 대형출토목재의 보존과 전시 -)

  • NAKAGAWA, Masato
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 1996
  • This paper deals with the restoration of ancient wooden bridge foundation which excavated in Seta river Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Shiga Archeological Research started a marine archeological investigation of the bridge foundation in 1987. The bridge foundation stricture excavated and have since then recovered about a lots of woods and another materials. The bridge foundation structure constructed log, timbers and stones. The species of those waterlogged wood were identified as two types, hardwood and softwood. Hardwood(log : Cyclobalanopsis) was used for below foundation and softwood (timber' Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl. Cupreessaceae) was used for base structure. One of those timber sample dated by dendrochronology, we asked Dr. Misutani*. The softwood gave a felling date of 567 A.D. In result, the ancient Seta bridge foundation structure had constructed between Asuka and Nara period. We healed the news that ancient bridge foundation excavated at Woljyongyo site in Kyongju, Korea 1987. The bridge foundation Setakarahashi is similar in plane and structure to Woljyongyo structures. The Woljyongyo site report had be of value for reference. We had planning to restore those woods. Hardwood log was got serious damage. The water content varies from 400 to $600\%$. The other timbers water content varies about $200\%$. In the Shiga Center for Archaeological Operations and the Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum, we set up the PEG impregnation tank. Those wooden objects treated by PEG method. PEG with a molecular weight of 4000. The treatment results may be considered satisfactory. The ancient wooden Seta bridge was reconstructed in Biwako Museum which established in Oct. 1996. We must take care of indoor exhibition environments. (*Nara National Cultual Properties Research Institute).

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