• Title/Summary/Keyword: Connection Between

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  • Sema Kazan
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.471-490
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    • 2023
  • In this present paper, we study QSM-connection (quarter-symmetric metric connection) on Sasakian statistical manifolds. Firstly, we express the relation between the QSM-connection ${\tilde{\nabla}}$ and the torsion-free connection ∇ and obtain the relation between the curvature tensors ${\tilde{R}}$ of ${\tilde{\nabla}}$ and R of ∇. After then we obtain these relations for ${\tilde{\nabla}}$ and the dual connection ∇* of ∇. Also, we give the relations between the curvature tensor ${\tilde{R}}$ of QSM-connection ${\tilde{\nabla}}$ and the curvature tensors R and R* of the connections ∇ and ∇* on Sasakian statistical manifolds. We obtain the relations between the Ricci tensor of QSM-connection ${\tilde{\nabla}}$ and the Ricci tensors of the connections ∇ and ∇*. After these, we construct an example of a 3-dimensional Sasakian manifold admitting the QSM-connection in order to verify our results. Finally, we study the submanifolds with the induced connection with respect to QSM-connection of statistical manifolds.

The Study on Compressive Behavior of Connection Member between Steel Pipe Pile and Concrete Footing (강관말뚝 기초 두부 연결부의 압축거동에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, IL-Ro;Hong, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2006
  • Generally, application of steel pile as deep foundation member needs specials requirement for the connection method between steel pipe and concrete footing. To investigate real compressive behavior of connection member between steel pipe pile and concrete footing, three specimens were tested with carefully designed experimental system. Main test variable is the connection method between steel pipe pile and concrete footing. The bolted bonding method and hook bonding method was considered as the connection method in this study. From the test results gained from experiment, it was conformed that two types of connection method have the almost same compressive resistance capacity. Therefore, we can conclude that these two connection methods can be used as the strengthening method to verify the compressive composite action of concrete and steel pipe pile.

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Preliminary study on the ground behavior at shore connection of submerged floating tunnel using numerical analysis

  • Kang, Seok-Jun;Kim, Jung-Tae;Cho, Gye-Chun
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2020
  • Submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is a type of tunnel which causes the tunnel segments to float in the water. When the SFTs are connected to the ground, the connection between the SFT and the subsea bored tunnel is fragile due to the difference in behavioral characteristics between the two types of tunnels. Therefore, special design and construction methods are needed to ensure the stability of the area around the connection. However, since previous research on the stability of the connection site has not been undertaken enough, the basic step necessitates the evaluation of ground behavior at the shore connection. In this study, the numerical analysis targeting the shore connection between the subsea bored tunnel and the SFT was simulated. The strain concentration at the shore connection was analyzed by numerical simulation and the effects of several factors were examined. The results showed the instability in the ground close to the shore connection due to the imbalance in the behavior of the two types of tunnels; the location of the strain concentration varies with different environmental and structural conditions. It is expected that the results from this study can be utilized in future studies to determine weak points in the shore connection between the submerged floating tunnel and the subsea bored tunnel, and devise methods to mitigate the risks.

Analogical Transfer: Sequence and Connection

  • LIM, Mi-Ra
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2008
  • The issue of connection between entities has a lengthy history in educational research, especially since it provides the necessary bridge between base and target in analogical transfer. Recently, the connection has been viewed through the application of technology to bridge between sequences in order to be cognitively useful. This study reports the effect of sequence type (AT vs. TA) and connection type (fading vs. popping) on the achievement and analogical transfer in a multimedia application. In the current research, 10th -grade and 11th -grade biology students in Korea were randomly assigned to five groups to test the effects of presentation sequence and entity connection type on analogical transfer. Consistent with previous studies, sequence type has a significant effect: analogical transfer performance was better when base representations were presented first followed by target representations rather than the reverse order. This is probably because presenting a familiar base first helps in understanding a less familiar target. However, no fully significant differences were found with the entity connection types (fading vs. popping) in analogical transfer. According to the Markman and Gentner's (2005) spatial model, analogy in a space is influenced only by the differences between concepts, not by distance in space. Thus connection types fail on the basis of this spatial model in analogical transfer test. The findings and their implications for sequence and connection research and practice are discussed. Leveraging on the analogical learning process, specific implications for scaffolding learning processes and the development of adaptive expertise are drawn.

An Experimental Study on Connection Strength between Tie-bar and Facing block composing Reinforced Earth (보강토옹벽을 구성하는 타이바와 전면블록의 연결강도에 관한 실험연구)

  • Lee Seung-Hyun;Kim Byoung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.404-408
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, connection strength between facing block and tie-bar was investigated through experimental study with varying in-fill material such as concrete, soil and crushed stone. Also, connection strength between anchor block and tie-bar was investigated with varying in-fill material. According to the experimental results, in case of using in-fill concrete, connection strength between facing block and tie-bar was larger than allowable tension load of tie-bar. Whereas in case of using in-fill soil or crushed stone, connection strength between facing block and tie-bar was less or similiar to allowable tension load of tie-bar. Connection strength between anchor block and tie-bar for which crushed stone was used as in-fill material, was larger than allowable tension load of tie-bar.

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  • Kim Yong-Ho;Kim Yung-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 1991
  • Tho osseointegrated dental prosthetic treatment has develped for the edentulous patient with severely resorbed alveolar ridge, and has given us a successful clinical results to date. Nowadays the partially edentulism is included among the indications of the osseointegrated prosthetic treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the stress distribution at supporting bone according to the types of connection modality between implant and tooth in the superstructure. Two dimensional finite element stress analysis was applied for this study. FEM models were created using software Super SAP for MBM 16bit personal computer. Three modalities of connection were modeled and analyzed under load condition. The results were as follws: 1. The stress develped at tooth and implant in the cancellous bone was lower in the case of rigid connection than in the case of norigid connection, but higher between the two implants in the case of rigid connection than in the case of nonrigid connection. 2. The stress developed at the cortical bone and at the supporting bone interface was lower in the case of rigid connection than in the case of nonrigid connection 3. The stress developed at the supporting tissue interface of the implant nearby the tooth, was lower in the case of rigid connection than in the case of nonrigid connection. 4. The stress developed at the supporting tissue interface of posteriormost implant, was same between the cases of rigid and nonrigid connection. 5. The stress distribution related to the freestanding case was generally similar to the stress distribution pattern of nonrigid connection case. 6. The magnitude of applied load which produces deformation within elastic limit, had influence on the absolute value of stress, but had no influence on the pattern of stress distribution of the same case.

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Transformation from XML DTD to ORDB Schema using Object Model (객체모델을 이용한, XML DTD의 ORDB 스키마로의 변환)

  • 이상태;주경수
    • The Journal of Information Technology and Database
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2001
  • XML is a standard markup language for exchange and storage of formed or well-formed information in World Wide Web. Because the source data of XML message for exchange of information in World Wide Web is stored in legacy database, it is necessary for the easy connection between XML application and database system. In Oracle8i, 9i, Informix and SQL2000, DBMS vendors make upgrade to DBMS for using XML. This method of upgrade between XML application and database system is Platform-dependent and DBMS-dependent. Also It is necessary for the method of the platform- and DBMS-independent connection between XML application and database system. The methods for the connection between XML DTD and RDB schema are studied for the easy connection between XML application and database system. But the study for the easy connection between XML DTD and ORDB schema is a little. For multimedia application, we use the extended DBMS from RDBMS. It is necessary for the study to the transformation from XML DTD to ORDB schema. In this paper, for easier connection between XML application and database system, we propose the method of the transformation from XML DTD to ORDB schema using Object Model.

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A connection caching technique using host grouping (호스트 그루핑을 이용하는 연결 캐슁 기법)

  • 양수미;조유근
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.2373-2384
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    • 1996
  • Connection caching technique is widely used to reduce the overhead incurred by frequency connection establishment in distributed computing environment using connection oriented protocol. We present an efficient connection caching scheme where we divide the system into several host groups and connection between the hosts in the same group is kept prior to others. In other words it makes the connection kept longer by sharing the connection use information between hosts in the same group. Every host group consists of hosts which have heavy intercommunication. And we present performance evaluation of the effect of host grouping upon connection caching and performance comparison of various grouping in several aspects includingmeanservice request interarrival time, mean service time, group size, grouping and type of group. Simulation results show that host grouping is effective in evrey performance criterion and proper grouping of hosts enhances the performance. We also present analysis results for Markov process model of our scheme which are consistent with the simulation results.

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Characteristics of Hybrid-Type SFCL according to the Parallel Connection of Secondary Windings (2차권선의 병렬연결에 따른 하이브리드형 초전도 한류기의 특성)

  • Hwang, Jong-Sun;Cho, Yong-Sun;Choi, Hyo-Sang
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.10b
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    • pp.208-211
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    • 2006
  • We have analyzed operating characteristics of hybrid-type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) according to the parallel connection of secondary windings with $YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7}$ (YBCO) films. The turn ratio between the primary and secondary windings of each reactor was 63:21. Hybrid-type SFCL using a transformer with parallel reactors could reduce the unbalanced quench caused by differences of the critical current density between YBCO films. We found that hybrid-type SFCL having parallel connection induced simultaneous quench between the superconducting elements. The quench-starting point at this time was almost same. When the applied voltage was 200V, the limiting current in the hybrid-type SFCL with a serial connection was lowered to 34 percent than that in the SFCL with a parallel connection. In the meantime, when the voltage generated in the superconducting elements was the same, the current value in the parallel connection was 60 percent less than in the serial connection. The voltage generated in the primary winding also showed the similar behavior. In conclusion, we found that the fault current was limited more effectively in the SFCL with the serial connection but the power burden of the superconducting elements was reduced in the parallel connection.

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The Bearing Strength of Connections Between Steel Coupling Beam and Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls

  • Yun, Hyun Do;Park, Wan Shin;Han, Min Ki;Kim, Sun Woo;Kim, Yong Chul;Hwang, Sun Kyung
    • Architectural research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2005
  • No specific guidelines are available for computing the bearing strength of connection between steel coupling beam and reinforced concrete shear wall in a hybrid wall system. There were carried out analytical and experimental studies on connection between steel coupling beam and concrete shear wall in a hybrid wall system. The bearing stress at failure in the concrete below the embedded steel coupling beam section is related to the concrete compressive strength and the ratio of the width of the embedded steel coupling beam section to the thickness of the shear walls. Experiments were carried out to determine the factors influencing the bearing strength of the connection between steel coupling beam and reinforced concrete shear wall. The test variables included the reinforcement details that confer a ductile behavior in connection between steel coupling beam and shear wall, i.e., the auxiliary stud bolts attached to the steel beam flanges and the transverse ties at the top and the bottom steel beam flanges. In addition, additional test were conducted to verify the strength equations of the connection between steel coupling beam and reinforced concrete shear wall. The proposed equations in this study were in good agreement with both our test results and other test data from the literature.