• 제목/요약/키워드: Condensation prevention

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이슬 결로점 기반 수배전반 결로 방지 장치 제작 (System Implementation for Dew Condensation Prevention of Distributing Boards based on the Dew Point)

  • 김태명;지석근;김영완
    • 전기전자학회논문지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.645-650
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 옥내 외에 설치 운영되는 수배전반의 결로 현상을 방지하는 IT 기반 자동 온습도 제어기를 설계하고 제작하였다. 이슬 결로점 온도가 실내공간의 습도와 온도로부터 산출되고, 이슬 결로점 온도와 결로 부위의 온도를 비교하여 수배전반의 결로 현상을 방지할 수 있는 시설이 순차적으로 제어 동작되도록 구현하였다. 아울러 원격지의 수배전반의 결로 기반 제어기 동작 상태를 모니터링 할 수 있는 원격 모니터링 장치를 LoRa 무선통신 방식을 사용하여 구현하였다. 제어기와 원격 모니터링 장치를 설치 운영하여 전송되는 데이터의 정확성과 결로 기반 제어기 동작상태의 안정성을 확인하였다. 본 제어 장치는 수배전반 이외에 결로가 발생되는 장비에 설치되어 결로를 방지할 수 있는 장치로 용이하게 활용될 수 있다.

Condensation Prevention Performance Assessment Taking Into Account Thermal Insulation Performance Degradation Due to Aging for Apartment Housing

  • Choi, Doo-Sung;Lee, Myung-Eun
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The current study analyzed trends in thermal insulation performance with aging, and condensation characteristics caused by the former. Method: Thermal insulation and condensation prevention performance of an architecture were assessed using Temperature Difference Ration Inside, or TDRi. Subjects of this quantitative analysis in thermal insulation performance change due to aging included recently constructed apartments and aged apartments older than 40 years. Time series comparison and analysis were conducted to observed changes in the thermal insulation performance and condensation characteristics. Result: Analysis showed that wall insulation performance degraded with aging regardless of fortified insulating material usage or insulating material type, which caused increased danger of condensation. In addition, when fortified insulating material was installed on the connection between the walls, insulation performance degradation was lower compared to cases in which fortified materials were not used. In all cases from 1 to 10, the rate of thermal insulation performance degradation increased after 20 years of aging.

TDR을 이용한 중앙집중형 하이브리드 환기시스템의 결로방지 성능 평가 (Evaluation of Condensation Prevention for Centralized Hybrid Ventilation System Using TDR)

  • 김유민;이종은;최경석;이용준;강재식
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Condensation in the apartment housing is one of the most significant defects and complaints for condensation are rapidly increasing according to the growing interest in residential environment. Korea government established a regulation for reducing condensation in the apartment housing and TDR is adapted as a standard. However prevention of condensation depend on improving the performance of building envelop has limitation because of the increase of the cost. Centralized Hybrid ventilation system is suggested to prevent condensation. Method: Field measurement was conducted to verify the ventilation rate of the ventilation system. Based on the measurement, air network and CFD simulation was conducted to analyze ventilation rate for each room. Surface temperature was calculated by regulated TDR according to the regions and surfaces. The performance of condensation prevention was evaluated by the ventilation rate and surface temperature. Result: In the results, it was found that condensation was prevented in more than 90% of households by the centralized hybrid ventilation system which provided 0.19 ~ 0.81ACH for each room.

실내수영장 공조관리 요인이 시설물 결로원인과 예방에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of HVAC Management on Condensation Cause and Prevention in Indoor Swimming Pools)

  • 성하동
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2018
  • This study is empirically intended to look into the effects of HVAC management on condensation cause and prevention in indoor swimming pools. The findings are summarized as follows. First, the experience of condensation in indoor swimming pools showed that 132 out of 142 people in total experienced the condensation in indoor swimming pools, which they had a high experience rate of 92.3%. For the location of condensation, the wall joints were 46.8% and the windows were 34.5%, which a total of 72.3% occurred in the wall joints and windows. Second, the effect of construction design, HVAC management and building construction on the cause of condensation in indoor swimming pools showed that building construction had an effect on the cause and location of condensation depending on the seasonal time, partially adopting hypothesis 1. Third, the effect of condensation-causing factors on condensation-preventing factors in indoor swimming pools showed that condensation had a close relationship with air and temperature conditions depending on the time and location of condensation, adopting hypothesis 2. As for the above-stated findings, the HVAC management in indoor swimming pools is an important concern factor that continues to cause condensation despite the development of advanced construction materials. Especially, building construction is a main factor that has a direct effect on condensation in the HVAC management of facilities. This implies that the window management is important in maintaining the wall joints - which can suppress the selective use and defect occurrence of construction materials - or confined spaces for a long time.

공동구 내 결로 예방을 위한 경고 알고리즘 및 모니터링 시스템 개발 (Development of a warning algorithm and monitoring system for preventing condensation in utility tunnels)

  • 최상일;김정훈;공석민;변요셉;이성원
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.551-561
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    • 2024
  • 지하 공동구는 전력, 통신, 상하수도 등 다양한 인프라 시설이 밀집해 있는 공간으로, 내부 환경 관리가 매우 중요하다. 공동구에서 발생한 사고 사례 및 현장 요구를 조사한 결과, 가장 많이 발생하는 사고 형태는 화재 및 침수였지만, 실제 공동구에서 근무하는 현장 관리자들의 의견에 따르면 실시간 결로 예방 및 대응에 대한 요구가 빈번한 것으로 확인되었다. 결로 현상은 공동구 내부 습도와 내부 및 외부의 온도 차이로 인해 발생하며, 빈번하게 발생하거나 장시간 지속될 경우 금속 관로 부식, 전기적 고장, 장비 수명 단축 등의 문제를 야기할 수 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 지하 공동구 내 결로 생성을 방지하기 위한 경고 알고리즘 및 모니터링 시스템을 개발하였다. 제안된 경고 알고리즘은 실시간으로 측정되는 온도와 습도를 바탕으로 결로 발생 가능성을 추정하고, 각 단계에 따른 관리자의 대응 방식을 제안한다. 마지막으로, 개발된 알고리즘을 바탕으로 실제 구동 가능한 결로 예방 모니터링 시스템을 구축하여, 해당 기술의 현장 적용 가능성과 활용성을 검증하였다.

진공복층 유리와 3중 유리의 결로 위험성 평가 (The Condensation Risk Assessment of Vacuum Multi-Layer Glass and Triple Glass using the Temperature Difference Ratio)

  • 원종서;남중우
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제25권11호
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    • pp.573-577
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    • 2013
  • An external window directly affects the energy performance of its building. In modern well-insulated buildings, U-values for walls of 0.36 $W/m^2K$ or even lower can be realized. In such buildings, glazing with typical U-value of 2.1 $W/m^2K$ or higher creates thermal weak spots on the facade. The performance of the existing triple glass window has been limited to energy savings and condensation prevention. In this study, the performance of condensation prevention of a vacuum multi-layer glass was analyzed. The final conclusion through mock-up experiments is as follows. The surface temperature of the vacuum multi-layer glass was $2^{\circ}C$ higher, and the temperature difference ratio (TDR) was 0.07 lower, than the corresponding values of the triple glass.

커튼월의 단열 향상 및 결로 방지를 위한 통기구조 적용방안 연구 (Application of Ventilated Cavity for Enhancing Insulation and Preventing Condensation of Curtain-wall System)

  • 이선우
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2017
  • Curtain-wall systems have been widely applied to buildings because of their lightweight and constructability characteristics. However, as curtain-wall systems include many building materials, vapor barriers can become damaged and condensation can occur. Due to the material properties of stone curtain-walls, the external appearance and structure of a building could be damaged and the insulating performance of the curtain-wall could be worse. Natural ventilation using an air cavity in a curtain-wall is expected to be effective for the prevention of condensation in inner walls and for the reduction of building cooling energy use in the summer. The purpose of this experimental study is to analyze the influence of a ventilated cavity on the insulating performance of a curtain-wall and the ventilated cavity depth and ratio of top opening needed to prevent condensation in a curtain-wall.

Mock-up 실험을 통한 통기성 커튼월의 단열 및 결로방지 성능평가 (An Experimental Study on Insulation and Preventing Condensation Performance of Ventilated Curtain Wall)

  • 이미진;이선우;여명석;김광우
    • 대한설비공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한설비공학회 2006년도 하계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.1081-1086
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    • 2006
  • Curtainwall systems has been applied to buildings widely for constructability. However, as cutainwall system include many building materials, they become to damaged vapor barrier and incur condensation. Natural ventilation of an air cavity in a curtainwall is expected to be an prevention of condensation in inner wall and reduce cooling energy in summer. The objective of this experimental study is to evaluating the insulation and condensation Performance of ventilated curtainwall with ventilated cavity depth and ratio of opening area.

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겨울철 공동주택에서 붙박이장 내 보조난방장치를 활용한 결로 저감 효과 평가 (Assessment of Utilization of Auxiliary Heating Device for Prevention of Condensation in Built-in Furniture in Winter)

  • 이현화;임재한;송승영
    • 대한건축학회논문집:구조계
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    • 제33권12호
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the condensation and mold problems of apartment buildings has been growing due to high insulation and high air-tightness performance for energy saving. Most of all, occupants in residential buildings has suffered from property damages due to the condensation and mold of built-in furniture. Condensation at built-in furniture were generally found in winter at the of furniture's back panels, adjacent surfaces of wall, floor and ceiling. The aim of paper is to analyze the characteristics of adjacent area around built-in furniture's condensation problem and the thermal environment around the built-in furniture in winter through the field measurements at apartment buildings. In this research, the thermal conditions and surface temperature around the built-in furniture were measured during winter season. In this research, we analyzed thermal conditions for built-in furniture which were applied and not applied auxiliary heating device. In results, it is important to consider increasing surface temperature for using heater and decreasing absolute humidity due to the occupants' behavior around built-in furniture for preventing condensation.

기존 공동주택 붙박이장에서 겨울철 결로 방지를 위한 보조난방장치 운전 성능 평가 (Operation Performance Evaluation on Auxiliary Heating Device to Prevent Condensation adjacent to Built-in Furniture of Apartment Units in Winter)

  • 이채린;이현화;임재한;송승영
    • 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.567-578
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate condensation prevention for condensation vulnerable areas around built-in furniture of apartment buildings by applying auxiliary heating device. Recently, the condensation and mold problems of apartment buildings has been growing due to high insulation and high air-tightness performance for energy saving. Condensation at built-in furniture were generally found in winter at the of furniture's back panels, adjacent surfaces of wall, floor and ceiling. These problems are related to the weather conditions and indoor room conditions in winter. To solve these problems, auxiliary heating device was developed and could be installed. The aim of paper is to analyze the thermal environment around the built-in furniture which were applied and not applied auxiliary heating device in winter. In results, it was possible to increase the surface temperature of vulnerable areas around built-in furniture by applying auxiliary heating device, and to minimize condensation problems by using the minimum device.