• 제목/요약/키워드: Components Arrangement

검색결과 183건 처리시간 0.02초

휴대방송에서 나타난 방송자막 디자인 개선 방향 (Improving Subtitle Design of Mobile Broadcast)

  • 차현희;윤승금;이광직;최성진;이선희;박구만
    • 한국ITS학회 논문지
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 현재 지상파 DMB의 방송자막에 대한 사용자들의 인식을 파악하여, 향후 방송자막 디자인 개선 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 먼저 방송자막에 대한 기존 연구들을 고찰하였다. 그 결과 프로그램 시청 시 방송자막이 중요한 역할을 하며, 글자 수의 최소화, 명료성을 높이는 글자체와 색상의 배열, 구성 요소의 재배치가 방송자막의 가독성을 높이는 주요 요소로 파악되었다. 그러나 실제 지상파 DMB 사용자들을 대상으로 설문 조사를 한 결과 화질, 화면 구성, 색상 및 명암 등에서 긍정적인 평가가 낮았다. 또한 방송자막의 가독성, 정보의 전달, 자막 구성, 글자체, 글자 수 및 글자 크기 등의 평가에서는 더욱 부정적인 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 방송자막 형태 및 구성, 정보량의 제한, 글자의 선명성 및 크기, 색상 배치 및 선명성 등에서 지상파 DMB 화면에 적합하고, 사용자의 편이성을 고려한 자막 디자인의 개발이 절실히 요청된다.

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Mechanical performances of concrete beams with hybrid usage of steel and FRP tension reinforcement

  • Bui, Linh V.H.;Stitmannaithum, Boonchai;Ueda, Tamon
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.391-407
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    • 2017
  • Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bars have been recently used to reinforce concrete members in flexure due to their high tensile strength and especially in corrosive environments to improve the durability of concrete structures. However, FRPs have a low modulus of elasticity and a linear elastic behavior up to rupture, thus reinforced concrete (RC) components with such materials would exhibit a less ductility in comparison with steel reinforcement at the similar members. There were several studies showed the behavior of concrete beams with the hybrid combination of steel and FRP longitudinal reinforcement by adopting the experimental and numerical programs. The current study presents a numerical and analytical investigation based on the data of previous researches. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) models of beams by using ANSYS are built and investigated. In addition, this study also discusses on the design methods for hybrid FRP-steel beams in terms of ultimate moment capacity, load-deflection response, crack width, and ductility. The effects of the reinforcement ratio, concrete compressive strength, arrangement of reinforcement, and the length of FRP bars on the mechanical performance of hybrid beams are considered as a parametric study by means of FE method. The results obtained from this study are compared and verified with the experimental and numerical data of the literature. This study provides insight into the mechanical performances of hybrid FRP-steel RC beams, builds the reliable FE models which can be used to predict the structural behavior of hybrid RC beams, offers a rational design method together with an useful database to evaluate the ductility for concrete beams with the combination of FRP and steel reinforcement, and motivates the further development in the future research by applying parametric study.

Anamorphic 프리즘을 위한 계산 평가 프로그램 개발 (Development of the Program Used in Calculating and Estimating Anamorphic Prisms)

  • 이동희
    • 한국안광학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2008
  • 목적: anamorphoser를 구성하는데 사용되는 anamorphic 프리즘을 계산, 평가할 수 있는 프로그램의 개발. 방법: anamorphic 프리즘 매질의 굴절률과 빔의 확대 비율에 의해 결정되는 프리즘의 정각과 프리즘의 볼륨을 확인해 줄 수 있는 프로그램이 있으면 anamorphic 프리즘 제작이 상당히 정확하게 진행될 수 있으며, anamorphic 프리즘이 사용되는 전체 광학계의 설계와 제작에 편리한 수단을 제공할 수가 있다. 이러한 프로그램을 개발하기 위해 우리는 먼저 프리즘 매질의 굴절률, 빔의 확대 비율이 주어졌을 때 anamorphic 프리즘의 정각 및 배치각을 결정할 수 있는 식을 유도하였고, 다음은 이것을 가시화하여 쉽게 확인 할 수 있도록 하기 위해 델파이 6.0 언어를 사용하여 프로그래밍하였다. 결과: anamorphoser를 구성하는데 사용될 수 있는 anamorphic 프리즘을 계산, 평가할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하였다. 결론: 개발된 프로그램을 실제 업무에 적용하여 사용 해 본 결과로 볼 때, 이 프로그램은 생산자에게 많은 정확성과 신속성을 제공할 수 있기에 anamorphoser의 구성 부품으로 사용되는 anamorphic 프리즘의 계산과 생산에 유용한 것으로 판단된다.

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형상문법(Shape Grammar)을 활용한 패션디자인 연구 (A Study on Fashion Design Using Shape Grammar)

  • 고수경;최철용
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2023
  • The term 'module' is an architectural term. It refers to the components or systems that make up a finished product. As industries develop, modules have become one of the methods that can create diverse and creative designs. Traditional modular fashion design mainly focused on structural methods, such as the combination, assembly, overlap, and arrangement of modules, as well as the tessellation of geometric shapes. However, in this paper, significance lies in exploring the application of shape grammar, a design method in architecture, to fashion design. It aims to search for ways to express three-dimensional designs, derive designs that can be worn and produced, and propose fashion design by applying the rules of shape grammar to the design process. Through this analysis, the paper aims to examine the methods and characteristics of shape grammar. The research method of this paper is as follows. First, by utilizing optimized programs for implementing the modules of shape grammar, it was possible to propose a method for producing modules of shape grammar and suggest module designs. Additionally, effective methods of representation using the Clo 3D program were explored in the design development process. Second, by applying shape grammar to the fashion design process, five-dimensional modular fashion designs were proposed, including a bolero, dress 1, dress 2, setup, and coat. The proposed modular fashion design using shape grammar in this paper provides a rational design process that differentiates itself from traditional modular fashion design. By formalizing the shapes between modules and creating rules, it overcomes the limitations of design that rely on the designer's intuition or sensibility and enables the development of more diverse modular fashion designs. This application of shape grammar in fashion design can provide an important direction in exploring a sustainable fashion industry.

웨딩 드레스의 디자인 요소에 따른 웨딩 네일아트 개발 -문양과 장식적 디테일을 중심으로- (Development of Wedding Nail Art Based on the Design Elements of Wedding Dress -Focused on patterns and decorative details-)

  • 양송희;김지영
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the design components of wedding dresses and develop wedding nail art based on this for total wedding styling that reflects the changing needs of consumers. As a research method, 750 dress photos posted on the wedding platform Wedding Friends were analyzed for patterns, decorative details, and images of the wedding dress, and nail art designs were developed based on the results. As a result of the analysis, there were many natural patterns of flowers and plants, no patterns, and geometric patterns, and the arrangement of patterns was the most common. Looking at the decorative details, there were many wrinkle details, slits, and cutouts such as flounce, frill, and ruffle, and there were many lace, sequins, and spangles in trimming. The application area of the decorative detail was concentrated on the entire dress or neckline. Based on the analysis results, five wedding nail art pieces suitable for total wedding styling were developed. Three works of the concept of "Elegant Bride" used the patterns and sparkling trimming of the wedding dress, and two works of the concept of "romantic moment" used voluminous embosses to express romantic sensibilities in 2D and 3D forms. Through this study, we were able to confirm the importance and value of nail art in total wedding styling and are expected to contribute to the development of creative nail art.

The application study of preventive maintenance during normal operation for APR1400 nuclear power plants considering risk

  • Jung-Wun Kim;YoungJu Lee;Weon Gyu Shin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권10호
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    • pp.4327-4334
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    • 2024
  • Preventive Maintenance(PM) for safety component during power operation at nuclear power plants, On-Line Maintenance(OLM) refers to intentionally entering the Limited Condition of Operation(LCO) specified in the Technical Specification(TS) for safety-related systems and components in order to perform preventive maintenance within the Allowed Outage Time (AOT). This study assessed the feasibility of conducting OLM at the domestic APR1400 nuclear power plant. It focused on preventive maintenance duration and risk perspectives. A total of 78 FEGs were developed for 4450 facilities, considering system functions and preventive maintenance scope during output operation for eight safety-related systems. Additionally, maintenance items included in FEGs were selected, designated as targets for OLM, and their maintenance durations were evaluated and compared with AOT for each maintenance item. As a result, the Auxiliary Feedwater and Essential Chilled Water systems were identified as systems allowing OLM. Furthermore, utilizing the Risk Monitoring System (RIMS), the increased risk value due to the unavailability of target equipment during preventive maintenance was analyzed to determine whether it falls within the acceptable range. Regarding the temporary risk increase caused by OLM, it was observed that in all systems, it falls within Zone III according to NUMARC93-01 standards, allowing for normal equipment arrangement for OLM. However, according to the risk increase standards rate in domestic nuclear power plants, when maintaining the A-train in four systems including Component Cooling Water, they are all evaluated as 'Orange,' indicating that measures for risk mitigation are necessary for OLM to be feasible. When considering extending AOT up to 1.6 times the maintenance time, the risk increase falls within Zone III according to permissible change in risk standards, indicating that AOT extension might be feasible based solely on risk changes. To apply OLM within the permissible risk management scope in domestic nuclear power plants, regulatory policies need to allow voluntary LCO entry for preventive maintenance, necessitating clear determination by regulatory agencies using risk-informed policies. While OLM seems viable concerning maintenance duration and quantitative risk aspects, for inducing regulatory policy changes, comprehensive OLM guidelines are necessary, including risk management strategies.

치위생(학)과 임상실습 표준화 방안 (Study of Clinical Practice Standardization in Dental Hygiene)

  • 신선정;김미정;양진영;유지수;정아연;신명숙
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • 전국 82개의 치위생(학)과의 임상실습 교과목은 필수 교과목으로 운영되고 있으며, 임상실습 기관은 대학병원부터 개인 치과의원까지 범위가 넓고, 실습시간별 교육환경이 달라 임상실습 내용과 평가방법이 다양하게 이루어지고 있으며, 치위생학 교육과정과 실무와의 연계 및 전문성 제고를 위한 임상실습 표준화에 대한 요구도가 높아지고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 치과위생사 2차 직무기술서와 선행연구에서 파악한 임상실습 항목을 목록화 하여 총 156개 항목 중 74개(47.4%)의 임상실습 내용을 추출하였으며 각 임상실습 내용에 대해 필수 및 선택실습 여부, 실습시기, 활동방법을 구체적으로 제시하였다. 실습일정은 전반부(1주차), 중반부(2~3주차), 후반부(4주차)로 구분하고, 활동방법을 관찰, 준비, 수행, 교육으로 구분하여 임상실습 기관에서 학생들에게 임상실습을 지도할 수 있도록 시범운영을 진행하였다. 각 대학별 교과과정을 기반한 임상실습 내용 배치를 위해서는 임상실습 선수교과목으로 이수한 임상치의학 교과목을 중심으로 임상실습 내용을 구성하도록 하여 단계별로 임상실습 내용을 모두 달성할 수 있도록 해야 하며, 이를 위해서는 교육기관과 임상실습 기관의 유기적인 협력관계뿐 아니라 표준화된 임상실습 프로토콜이 제시되어야 할 필요성이 있겠다.

조망거리에 따른 농촌경관의 농촌다움 평가에 관한 연구 (A Study on Evaluation of the Rurality by the Distance of View)

  • 신민지;신지훈
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2015
  • Improve the rural views of the Government and the municipalities with the intention of rural landscape planning. However, rural scenery evaluation of landscape types and element categories, landscape scenes, such as the valuation of resources selected, form a coherent system and ecological point of view is not only a Visual perspective of evaluation, or evaluation is made. This study evaluates the rural landscape through the rural landscape for rurality is implemented can explain the image. Rural amenity 100 represented the rural landscape in rurality with photos of photos, and scenes, photos, location-based rural Vista rurality landscapes drawn components. Selected landscape photography scenic landscapes in the u.s. survey and image vocabularies through surveys is representative of the landscape in rurality of each Vista location-specific photos and images began extracted factors. As a result, the Distant view is a town and village in the rolling hills of the surrounding environment is an image behind the Vista Skyline, Farmland Rural village forests, Behind the hills, Individual housing roof, Housing arrangement, The number of household includes landscape components. Factor analysis 'openness', 'intimacy', 'activity', 'complexity', 'safety' was down to five factors, such as a description of the overall factors that force was 66.45 percent. Middle distance view is close to being out of town houses and village environment, an image in the skyline hills Vista, farmlands, village forests, rolling hills, behind the scenes of the housing component of the neck, the sperm will honor an individual factor analysis results are 'intimacy', 'safety', 'openness', 'specificity', 'complexity' five factors the whole description of the capacity factors compared to 67.24 percent. Close-range view is mainly in Vista village embraced the individual elements and an image of a harmonious location in the surroundings of the sperm, individual houses, fences, gates, courtyard, Garden, garage, agricultural facilities, including, but not limited to, factors assay but an 'intimacy', 'complexity', 'safety', 'activity', 'openness' five factors, such as a description of the overall factors that force was 65.29%. This research seeks to determine the extent to which rurality of rural landscape Vista by location attributes and elements and representative officer in photo selection and rurality to extract the image. To date, followed by a comprehensive study, which was presented through the readjustment could not overlook the Visual elements. The future rural development officer for the evaluation of rural landscape classification and quantitative and objective assessment will have to come up with ways to do.

심자도용 접선성분자장 측정방식 스퀴드 센서열 설계 (Design of a SQUID Sensor Array Measuring the Tangential Field Components in Magnetocardiogram)

  • 김기웅;이용호;권혁찬;김진목;김인선;박용기;이규원
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2004
  • We consider design factors for a SQUID sensor array to construct a 52-channel magnetocardiogram (MCG) system that can be used to measure tangential components of the cardiac magnetic fields. Nowadays, full-size multichannel MCG systems, which cover the whole signal area of a heart, are developed to improve the clinical analysis with high accuracy and to provide patients with comfort in the course of measurement. To design the full-size MCG system, we have to make a compromise between cost and performance. The cost is involved with the number of sensors, the number of the electronics, the size of a cooling dewar, the consumption of refrigerants for maintenance, and etc. The performance is the capability of covering the whole heart volume at once and of localizing current sources with a small error. In this study, we design the cost-effective arrangement of sensors for MCG by considering an adequate sensor interval and the confidence region of a tolerable localization error, which covers the heart. In order to fit the detector array on the cylindrical dewar economically, we removed the detectors that were located at the corners of the array square. Through simulations using the confidence region method, we verified that our design of the detector array was good enough to obtain whole information from the heart at a time. A result of the simulation also suggested that tangential-component MCG measurement could localize deeper current dipoles than normal-component MCG measurement with the same confidence volume; therefore, we conclude that measurement of the tangential component is more suitable to an MCG system than measurement of the normal component.

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버섯 학술 용어 해설 (Explanation of mushroom academic terminology)

  • 이재성;성재모;김양섭;채정기;유영복;유승헌;차재순;이현숙;이재동;이종수;박원철;구창덕;석순자;김용갑;차병진;장현유
    • 한국버섯학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.144-213
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    • 2006
  • The mushroom production reached to 1000 billion won in monetary value in Korea. We, however, do not have systematic terminology dictionary published yet. Recently new varieties of medicinal mushrooms in addition to culinary mushrooms are being introduced steadily through out the world. This makes the necessity of coordinated and consistent arrangement of terms involved in culture, cultivation and physiological aspects of mushrooms. Various components in relation to the medicinal and physiological functionality also poses ambiguity in terminology along with the terms used in breeding and genetic researches. Moreover, some of the scientific terms are being used erroneously. In order to help mushroom cultivators, students, and mushroom business personnel in understanding the terms on mushroom science and technology we intended to collect and organize all the terms related to mushroom morphology and cultivation, poison and medicinal functionality, processing and utilization, and so on. Thirteen professionals from each field participated in this project. The fields included here are : 1) Genetics and breeding of mushrooms, 2) Cultivation and physiology of mushrooms, 3) Taxonomy and ecology of mushrooms, 4) Processing and functional components, 5) Blight and insects of mushrooms.

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