• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex Images

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Wavelet transform-based hierarchical active shape model for object tracking (객체추적을 위한 웨이블릿 기반 계층적 능동형태 모델)

  • Kim Hyunjong;Shin Jeongho;Lee Seong-won;Paik Joonki
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.11C
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    • pp.1551-1563
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a hierarchical approach to shape model ASM using wavelet transform. Local structure model fitting in the ASM plays an important role in model-based pose and shape analysis. The proposed algorithm can robustly find good solutions in complex images by using wavelet decomposition. we also proposed effective method that estimates and corrects object's movement by using Wavelet transform-based hierarchical motion estimation scheme for ASM-based, real-time video tracking. The proposed algorithm has been tested for various sequences containing human motion to demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed object tracking.

Selective Volume Rendering Using Global Shape Information (전역적 형태정보를 이용한 선택적 볼륨렌더링)

  • Hong, Helen;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.3280-3289
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    • 2000
  • In this paper,we propose a novel technoque of improving volume rendering quality and speed by integrating volume data and global shape information together. The selective volume rendering method is to generate distance transformed volume using a distance transform to determine the minimum distance to the neaest intercsting part and then render it. The shape information prevents from object occlusions come from similar intensity of each object. Thus it provides effective visual results that enable to get a clear understanding of complex structures. We show the results of selective volume rendering method for left ventricle and right ventricle ans well as the results of selective sampling methods depending on the interpolation from EBCT cardiac images. Our method offers an accelerated technique to accurately visuahze the surfaces of devined objects segmented from the volume.

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Study of the Microstructural Evolution of Tempered Martensite Ferritic Steel T91 upon Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification

  • He, Yinsheng;Yang, Cheol-Woong;Lee, Je-Hyun;Shin, Keesam
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2015
  • In this work, various electron microscopy and analysis techniques were used to investigate the microstructural evolution of a 9% Cr tempered martensite ferritic (TMF) steel T91 upon ultrasonic nanocrystalline surface modification (UNSM) treatment. The micro-dimpled surface was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics of plastic deformation and gradient microstructure of the UNSM treated specimens were clearly revealed by crystal orientation mapping of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), with flexible use of the inverse pole figure, image quality, and grain boundary misorientation images. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation of the specimens at different depths showed the formation of dislocations, dense dislocation walls, subgrains, and grains in the lower, middle, upper, and top layers of the treated specimens. Refinement of the $M_{23}C_6$ precipitates was also observed, the size and the number density of which were found to decrease as depth from the top surface decreased. The complex microstructure and microstructural evolution of the TMF steel samples upon the UNSM treatment were well-characterized by combined use of EBSD and TEM techniques.

Multiview Stereo Matching on Mobile Devices Using Parallel Processing on Embedded GPU (임베디드 GPU에서의 병렬처리를 이용한 모바일 기기에서의 다중뷰 스테레오 정합)

  • Jeon, Yun Bae;Park, In Kyu
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1064-1071
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    • 2019
  • Multiview stereo matching algorithm is used to reconstruct 3D shape from a set of 2D images. Conventional multiview stereo algorithms have been implemented on high-performance hardware due to the heavy complexity that contains a large number of calculations in each step. However, as the performance of mobile graphics processors has recently increased rapidly, complex computer vision algorithms can now be implemented on mobile devices like a smartphone and an embedded board. In this paper we parallelize an multiview stereo algorithm using OpenCL on mobile GPU and provide various optimization techniques on the embedded hardware with limited resource.

Off-line Handwritten Digit Recognition by Combining Direction Codes of Strokes (획의 방향 코드 조합에 의한 오프라인 필기체 숫자 인식)

  • Lee Chan-Hee;Jung Soon-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1581-1590
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    • 2004
  • We present a robust off-line method recognizing handwritten digits by only using stroke direction codes as a feature of handwritten digits. This method makes general 8-direction codes for an input digit and then has the multi-layered neural networks learn them and recognize each digit. The 8-direction codes are made of the thinned results of each digit through SOG*(Improved Self-Organizing Graph). And the usage of these codes simplifies the complex steps processing at least two features of the existing methods. The experimental result shows that the recognition rates of this method are constantly better than 98.85% for any images in all digit databases.

FFT Based Information Concealing Method for Video Copyright Protection (동영상 저작권보호를 위한 FFT 기반 정보 은닉 기법)

  • Choi, Il-Mok;Hwang, Seon-Cheol
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.204-209
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    • 2013
  • FFT based fingerprinting to conceal more information has developed for video copyright protection. More complex information of video is necessary to prove an ownership and legal distributions in invisible form. This paper describes a method to insert more information and to detect them. $3{\times}3$ points structure is used to present information. The possible ways to show are 8bit, $2^8$ = 256 where one point of 9 is always turn on. The points are marked in frequency domain that both real and imaginary party numbers are modified. The five successive frames of same scenes are used to mark because the same scene has very similar shape in FFT result. However, the detail values of coefficients are totally different each other to recognize the marked points. This paper also describes a method to detect the marked points by averaging and correlation algorithm. The PSNRs of marked images by our method had 51.138[dB] to 51.143[dB]. And we could get the correlation values from 0.79 to 0.87.

Text Region Extraction Using Pattern Histogram of Character-Edge Map in Natural Images (문자-에지 맵의 패턴 히스토그램을 이용한 자연이미지에세 텍스트 영역 추출)

  • Park, Jong-Cheon;Hwang, Dong-Guk;Lee, Woo-Ram;Jun, Byoung-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1167-1174
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    • 2006
  • Text region detection from a natural scene is useful in many applications such as vehicle license plate recognition. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a text region extraction method using pattern histogram of character-edge maps. We create 16 kinds of edge maps from the extracted edges and then, we create the 8 kinds of edge maps which compound 16 kinds of edge maps, and have a character feature. We extract a candidate of text regions using the 8 kinds of character-edge maps. The verification about candidate of text region used pattern histogram of character-edge maps and structural features of text region. Experimental results show that the proposed method extracts a text regions composed of complex background, various font sizes and font colors effectively.

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Development of 3-D Stereo PIV (3차원 스테레오 PIV 개발)

  • Kim Mi-Young;Choi Jang-Woon;Nam Koo-Man;Lee Young-Ho
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2002
  • A process of 3-D particle image velocimetry, called here, as '3-D stereo PIV' was developed for the measurement of a section field of 3-D complex flows. The present method includes modeling of camera by a calibrator based on the homogeneous coordinate system, transfromation of oblique-angled image to transformed image, identification of 2-D velocity vectors by 2-D cross-correlation equation, stereo matching of 2-D velocity vectors of two cameras, accurate calculation of 3-D velocity vectors by homogeneous coordinate system and finally 3-D animation as the post processing. In principle, as two frame images only are necessary for the single instantaneous analysis of a section field of 3-D flow, more effective vectors are obtainable contrary to the previous multi-frame vector algorithm. An experimental system was also used for the application of the proposed method. Three analog CCD cameras and an Argon-Ion Laser(300mW) for illumination were adopted to capture the wake flow behind a bluff obstacle.

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Enhancing the Image Transmission over Wireless Networks through a Novel Interleaver

  • El-Bendary, Mohsen A.M.;Abou-El-Azm, A.E.;El-Fishawy, N.A.;Shawki, F.;El-Tokhy, M.;Abd El-Samie, F.E.;Kazemian, H.B.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.5 no.9
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    • pp.1528-1543
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    • 2011
  • With increasing the using of wireless technologies in essential fields such as the medical application, this paper proposes different scenarios for the transmission of images over wireless networks. The paper uses the IEEE ZigBee 802.15.4 for applying the proposed schemes. It is a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). This paper presents a novel chaotic interleaving scheme against error bursts. Also, the paper studies the proposed interleaver with the convolutional code with different constraint lengths (K). A comparison study between the standard scheme and proposed schemes for image transmission over a correlated fading channel is presented. The simulation results show the superiority of the proposed chaotic interleaving scheme over the traditional schemes. Also, the chaotic interleaver packet-by-packet basis gives a high quality image with (K=3) and reduces the need for the complex encoder with K=7.

Development of Sustainable Releasing Micro Formulation System using γ-Irradiation Technique to Control Phytophthora Blight Disease

  • Park, Hae-Jun;Kim, Hwa-Jung;Kim, Dong Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 2011
  • We introduced a novel sustainable slow-releasing agrochemical formulation, a biopolymer bound to silica, for controlling plant diseases. The formulation was obtained through the following process. Curdlan, sodium silicate ($Na_2SiO_3$) and isopropyl alcohol were dissolved in DDW (Deionized-distilled water). The resultant solution was then irradiated using a $^{60}Co$ ${\gamma}$-irradiator (150 TBq of capacity; ACEL, Canada) at KAERI. The resultant solution was treated with phosphorous acid ($H_3PO_3$). Finally, we obtained a novel biopolymer-silica microsized formulation containing phosphorous acid ($H_3PO_3$) from the solution. The morphology of the complex was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). SEM and TEM images revealed that the curdlan-silica formulation has a particle size ranging from 1 to $3{\mu}m$ with high stability. We also detected that $H_3PO_3$ was distributed within the formulation through energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. $H_3PO_3$ was sustain-released from the formulation in water. Based on our results, it seems effectively that one or two applications of the formulation during a cropping season will assist in controlling various plant diseases.