• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex Images

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Implications of Wearing "Hanbok" in Korea: Comparative Study of Asian Ethnic Dresses(Part III) (현대 한국인의 한복 착용: 아시아 전통문화 양식의 전개과정에 관한 비교문화 연구(제3보))

  • 이주현;유혜경;김찬주;홍나영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the influential factors to wear or not to wear \"Hanbok\" in Korean society. Twenty six individuals who wear Hanbok relatively often, and twenty seven individuals who dont were purposively sampled and interviewed for the study by structured depth-interview method. A domain analysis, a method of qualitative study, was employed to find out the influential factors from the results of the depth-intervews. From the analysis, fifteen encouraging or discouraging factors to wear Hanbok emerged and were categorized into five domains, which included \"interpersonal relationship\", \"life-style\", \"image\", \"practicality\" and \"decorative function\". The personal involvement in traditional culture, tradition-oriented family background, good images related to Hanbok, and affordable life-style appeared to be encouraging factors to wear Hanbok. Meanwhile, social norm and role-expectation adjusted to westernized criteria, unaffordable life-style, ill practicality of Hanbok and negative cues associated with Hanbok were the factors influencing people to turn away from Hanbok. The study also revealed complex interactions between these factors explaining individuals choice of wearing or not wearing Hanbok in industrialized modern society of Korea. Some suggestions to promote wearing Hanbok were made based oh the results of this study.wearing Hanbok were made based oh the results of this study.

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A Study on the Expression Style of the Sci-Fi Movie Set Design (SF 영화 세트 디자인의 표현 유형에 관한 연구)

  • 김태은;김주연
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2002
  • In the Sci-Fi movie, with future scene in its setting, how images are shown in the film is very important. Sci-Fi movie is supposed to be expressed In different way of its set design. This study suggests various types of expression in Sci-Fi movies. Sci-Fi movies construct the narrative upon the binary opposition of nature vs. culture, human vs. nonhuman. Sci-Fi movie is a contested terrain where conservative, liberal and radical ideologies are competing. While liberal Sci-Fi movies consider the opposition compatible, conservative texts show the paranoid towards science and nonhumans. And, Sci-Fi movies are expressed as utopian and dystopian. Utopian and dystopian elements are found in the history of architecture. Utopian element is often found in the religious architecture, and those buildings are geometric, orderly, and gorgeous. Dystopian element is often found in modern architecture, and those are asymmetric, distorted, and incompleted. Conservative movie, which developing of science is expressed negatively, retains both utopian and dystopian elements evenly. Liberal movie, such as Space Opera which science is expressed positively, is changed from futurist and mechanical type into more simple, geometric and orderly shrine type. Radical movie, which the boundary of human and science is expressed darkly, retains dark, complex, and incomplete dystopian expression elements.

A Study on the Clothing Culture for New Generation of Korea and Japan (2002 한.일 국민교류년 기념' 한국과 일본의 신세대의 복식업화에 대한 연구 - Street Fashion을 중심으로 -)

  • 백샘이;간호섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2003
  • The Purpose of this research is to examine and contrast the cultural characteristics of the street fashion in new generations of Korea and Japan. We also intended to help clothing companies understand the current trend in this new generation. As the method for street fashion analysis. various literature, internet information and new media materials were utilized. Key observations obtained are as following First, they pursue a complex image. New generations seem to admix images from different areas to create a synthetic image, rather than adopting a single image; Second, practicality is an important factor. They Pursue a sense of their own unique trend: Third, distinction. The difference in society values between Koreans and Japanese is incorporated. The Korean new generation considers the traditional moral principles as important social values. In contrast the Japanese new generation is greatly influenced by the open sexuality culture ; Fourth. public ownership and sharing of the culture. There is a gradual deviation from a dominating unidirectional influence from one country on another. Now the two countries are influencing each other ; Fifth, sense. There are numerous fashion items and generalized total coordination. New generations express more active and creative fashion sense in those fashion items.

Organic matrix-free imaging mass spectrometry

  • Kim, Eunjin;Kim, Jisu;Choi, Inseong;Lee, Jeongwook;Yeo, Woon-Seok
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2020
  • Mass spectrometry (MS) is an ideal tool for analyzing multiple types of (bio)molecular information simultaneously in complex biological systems. In addition, MS provides structural information on targets, and can easily discriminate between true analytes and background. Therefore, imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) enables not only visualization of tissues to give positional information on targets but also allows for molecular analysis of targets by affording the molecular weights. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) MS is particularly effective and is generally used for IMS. However, the requirement for an organic matrix raises several limitations that get in the way of accurate and reliable images and hampers imaging of small molecules such as drugs and their metabolites. To overcome these problems, various organic matrix-free LDI IMS systems have been developed, mostly utilizing nanostructured surfaces and inorganic nanoparticles as an alternative to the organic matrix. This minireview highlights and focuses on the progress in organic matrix-free LDI IMS and briefly discusses the use of other IMS techniques such as desorption electrospray ionization, laser ablation electrospray ionization, and secondary ion mass spectrometry.

A Study on Gender Identity Expressed in Fashion in Music Video

  • Jeong, Ha-Na;Choy, Hyon-Sook
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.28-42
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    • 2006
  • In present modern society, media contributes more to the constructing of personal identities than any other medium. Music video, a postmodernism branch among a variety of media, offers a complex experience of sounds combined with visual images. In particular. fashion in music video helps conveying contexts effectively and functions as a medium of immediate communication by visual effect. Considering the socio-cultural effects of music video. gender identity represented in fashion in it can be of great importance. Therefore, this study is geared to the reconsidering of gender identity represented through costumes in music video by analyzing fashions in it. Gender identity in socio-cultural category is classified as masculinity, femininity, and the third sex. By examining fashions based on the classification. this study will help to create new design concepts and to understand gender identity in fashion. The results of this study are as follows: First. masculinity in music video fashion was categorized into stereotyped masculinity, sexual masculinity. and metro sexual masculinity. Second, femininity in music video fashion was categorized into stereotyped femininity. sexual femininity, and contra sexual femininity. Third, the third sex in music video fashion was categorized into transvestism, masculinization of female, and feminization of male. This phenomenon is presented into music videos through females in male attire and males in female attire. Through this research, gender identity represented in fashion of music video was demonstrated, and the importance of the relationship between representation of identity through fashion and socio-cultural environment was reconfirmed.

Estimation of Moving Information for Tracking of Moving Objects

  • Park, Jong-An;Kang, Sung-Kwan;Jeong, Sang-Hwa
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2001
  • Tracking of moving objects within video streams is a complex and time-consuming process. Large number of moving objects increases the time for computation of tracking the moving objects. Because of large computations, there are real-time processing problems in tracking of moving objects. Also, the change of environment causes errors in estimation of tracking information. In this paper, we present a new method for tracking of moving objects using optical flow motion analysis. Optical flow represents an important family of visual information processing techniques in computer vision. Segmenting an optical flow field into coherent motion groups and estimating each underlying motion are very challenging tasks when the optical flow field is projected from a scene of several moving objects independently. The problem is further complicated if the optical flow data are noisy and partially incorrect. Optical flow estimation based on regulation method is an iterative method, which is very sensitive to the noisy data. So we used the Combinatorial Hough Transform (CHT) and Voting Accumulation for finding the optimal constraint lines. To decrease the operation time, we used logical operations. Optical flow vectors of moving objects are extracted, and the moving information of objects is computed from the extracted optical flow vectors. The simulation results on the noisy test images show that the proposed method finds better flow vectors and more correctly estimates the moving information of objects in the real time video streams.

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A Study on Improving the Reality of the Vehicle Simulator Based on the Virtual Reality (가상현실 기반의 차량 시뮬레이터의 현실감 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Young-Il;Kwon Seong-Jin;Jang Suk;Kim Kyu-Hee;Cho Ki-Yong;Suh Myung-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.28 no.8 s.227
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    • pp.1116-1124
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    • 2004
  • In these days, a vehicle simulator has been developed with a VR(Virtual Reality) system. A VR system must provide a vehicle simulator with natural interaction, sufficient immersion and realistic images. In addition, a VR system must present a driver with the realistic driving situation. To achieve these, it is important to obtain a fast and uniform rendering performance regardless of the complexity of virtual worlds. In this paper, the factors to improve the reality for the VR based vehicle simulator have been investigated. For the purpose, the modeling and the rendering methods which offer an improved performance for complex VR applications as the 3D road model have been implemented and verified. Then, we experiment on the influence of graphic and sound factors to the driver, and analyze each result for improving the reality such as the driver's viewport, the form of texture, the lateral distance of the side object, and the sound effect. These factors are evaluated on the driving system which is constructed for qualitative analysis. The research results could be used for improving the reality of the VR based vehicle simulator.

Development of 3-D Volume PIV (3차원 Volume PIV의 개발)

  • Choi, Jang-Woon;Nam, Koo-Man;Lee, Young-Ho;Kim, Mi-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.726-735
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    • 2003
  • A Process of 3-D Particle image velocimetry, called here, as '3-D volume PIV' was developed for the full-field measurement of 3-D complex flows. The present method includes the coordinate transformation from image to camera, calibration of camera by a calibrator based on the collinear equation, stereo matching of particles by the approximation of the epipolar lines, accurate calculation of 3-D particle positions, identification of velocity vectors by 3-D cross-correlation equation, removal of error vectors by a statistical method followed by a continuity equation criterior, and finally 3-D animation as the post processing. In principle, as two frame images only are necessary for the single instantaneous analysis 3-D flow field, more effective vectors are obtainable contrary to the previous multi-frame vector algorithm. An Experimental system was also used for the application of the proposed method. Three analog CCD camera and a Halogen lamp illumination were adopted to capture the wake flow behind a bluff obstacle. Among 200 effective particle s in two consecutive frames, 170 vectors were obtained averagely in the present study.

Investigation of Shoreline Change by Photogrammetric Method (항공사진측량에 의한 해안선 변화 조사)

  • Lee, Chang-Kyung;Kim, Baeck-Oon;Kim, Nam-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a shoreline change analysis on a reclaimed land, using a pair of aerial photographs taken before and after the reclamation. Shorelines that are defined by a tide datum, i.e. Approximately Highest High Water Level, were mapped by both analytical and digital photogrammetric methods. The past shorelines were overlapped with digital cadastral map from which areas of retracted and protruded lands were computed. Magnitude of shoreline changes was estimated by calculating areas between the past and present shorelines. Comparisons in terms of areas showed a fairly good agreement between the two methods. However, particularly in the estuary of complex morphology, shoreline mapping by digital photogrammetric method requires images to be scanned at a resolution higher than 1200 dpi.

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Single Image Based HDR Algorithm Using Statistical Differencing and Histogram Manipulation (통계적 편차와 히스토그램 변형을 이용한 단일영상기반 고품질 영상 생성기법)

  • Song, Jin-Sun;Han, Kyu-Phil;Park, Yang-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.764-771
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a high-quality image acquisition algorithm using only a single image, which the high-quality image is normally referred as HDR ones. In order to acquire the HDR image, conventional methods need many images having different exposure values at the same scene and should delicately adjust the color values for a bit-expansion or an exposure fusion. Thus, they require considerable calculations and complex structures. Therefore, the proposed algorithm suggests a completely new approach using one image for the high-quality image acquisition by applying statistical difference and histogram manipulation, or histogram specification, techniques. The techniques could control the pixel's statistical distribution of the input image into the desired one through the local and the global modifications, respectively. As the result, the quality of the proposed algorithm is better than those of conventional methods implemented in commercial image editing softwares.