• Title/Summary/Keyword: Competition Status

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Comparison of Competition Indices by Silvicultural Systems Before and After Treatments for Natural Deciduous Forests in Pyeongchang (평창지역 천연 활엽수림의 산림작업별 시업전후의 경쟁지수 비교)

  • Choi, Hyun Kwon;Park, Byung Bae;Sung, Joo Han;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.4
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to estimate the changes of stand structure before and after applying the three different silvicultural treatments such as selection cutting system, two-storied system, and shelterwood system. This study has been conducted in the natural deciduous forests in Pyeongchang of Gangwon Province, Korea. Nine permanent sampling plots of 0.09 ha were established in the forests and each of the three silvicultural treatments was applied to three sampling points. Some tree variables were measured in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments were applied. With these data, stand attributes were estimated in each stand before and after applying the silvicultural treatments. In this study, a competition index was used to analyze the differences among structures of stands managed by three different silvicultural treatments. Hegyi's distance-dependent competition index was estimated and compared to analyze the differences of stand structures among the stands before and after silvicultural treatments. A method using a height angle $50^{\circ}$ from the base of the subject tree was adopted as the selection method of competitor trees. Duncan's multiple range test and t-test were then employed to statistically analyze the difference of stand structure among the stands. The results revealed that competition status among trees in the stand seems to be improved after applying the silvicultural treatments. There are significant differences in the competition index between before and after silvicultural treatments for each stand. According to the evaluation of competition index, it was confirmed that spatial structure of the stands was improved by applying the silvicultural treatments.

A Study on the Problems and Improvement Plan of Korean defense market (방산시장의 문제점과 개선방안에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Se Hoon;Lee, Seunghoon;Jung, Yongseok
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the methodology for measuring the structure of the Korean defense market and the competition status, and the characteristics of the Korean defense industry and the market are examined. To analyze the structure of the Korean defense market and the competition status, the market share, concentration ratio, and the Herfindal-Hirschman index are employed based on the annual sales of major Korean defense companies. On a basis of the result of the analysis, the suggestions for the Korean defense market to escape from the monopolistic market to be a competitive geographical market are presented. To present the suggestions, markets that have a similarity with the dense market are analyzed. The government's support policy, the selection of the companies led by the government, and the cost of the military are suggested for the defense market on a basis of analyzing similar markets. With the suggestions, when the government pursues the policies, the defense market sticking to principles and fairness is created and the efficiency of the companies operation is achieved, by enhancing the structure of the market fundamentally and the development of the policies in the industry's perspective.

An Environment Analysis and Competition Improvement Strategy of the Cleaning Robot Market under Korea-US FTA (한-미 FTA 체제하에서 로봇 청소기 시장의 환경 분석 및 경쟁력 향상 전략)

  • Jeon, Hangoo;Seo, Kwang-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims at examining the Korean export competitiveness of clean robot industry and presenting the strategy to improve capability of clean robot industry under Korea-US FTA. For this purpose, the current status and environment of Korea-US clean robot industry and the core points of Korea-US FTA are analyzed. In addition, using SWOT analysis of Korean clean robot field, we analyzed the characteristics of Korean cleaning robot industry and proposed the strategy for export expansion and strength of export competitiveness. Through above analyzation and strategies, we found out that Korean clean robot industry have some advantage to go into the US market and get the opportunity to improve the export capability though Korea-US FTA. In conclusion, to improve current status and to get the competitiveness, government and companies should recognize and utilize Korea-US FTA effect significantly.

Seasonal Variation in Physiological Fitness of a Semi-Professional K3 League Soccer Team (K3 리그 축구선수의 시즌별 운동기술체력에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Heon;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.357-368
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated soccer-specific fitness early and late season to check the conditioning status of K3 league soccer players. Evaluation factors included body composition, agility, quickness, endurance and isokinetic limb muscle strength. As a result, the factors that showed improvement in the late season were skeletal muscle mass, agility and quickness, and body composition, endurance and isokinetic limb muscle strength were not different from each other. The factors that showed improvement in the second half of the season are thought to be due to the learning effect of repetitive training, competition participation during the season. Lastly, endurance and lower extremity strength did not show improvement in the second half of the season due to the fact that no specific training was performed during the season. Taken together, it is necessary to periodically check the fitness status of athletes to develop and apply a fitness training program suitable for competition, transition and preparation period.

The Status of Production and Processing of Fruits and New Processing Technology (과실류의 생산 및 가공현황과 신가공기술)

  • 윤광섭;김순동
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.521-529
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    • 1999
  • The high influx of imported fruits into Korea is threatening to price and quality competition of domestic fruits. This investigation was conducted to raise price and quality competition of domestic fruits and to develop new products. The scale of production and processing, amount of processing and new processing technology were discussed. The area of cultivation land as well as the rate of processing is decreasing annually, an item of processing is limited to several kinds. Accordingly in this study, the status of production and manufacturing of some fruits and the new processing technologies such as high voltage pulsed electric fields, high hydrostatic pressure, ohmic heating, membrane separation and microwave treatment have investigated to fruit processing. Consequently, the minimal processing technology has to take advantage of various agricultural products in the food industry.

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Analysis of the hydrogen energy policy and R&D program of foreign countries (해외 수소에너지 정책 및 연구개발 프로그램 분석)

  • Kang, Seok-Hun;Kim, Jong-Wook;Hong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2005
  • Hydrogen is getting more attention owing to the seriousness of air pollution and dependance on oil import, UNCCC(United Nations Convention on Climate Change) for reducing the emission of $CO_2$. This fact is not confined in a certain country but global recognition and several countries initiated R&D competition for commercializing the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Within 20${\sim}$30 years cost effective hydrogen production can be possible using fossil fuels because so much research is carried out up to now. But it is so far to produce the most of the hydrogen using renewable resources considering the present status of R&D and cost effectiveness. Several automobile companies planed for mass production of hydrogen vehicle by 2010 but changed or canceled the plan owing to the difficulty of R&D and the low status of infrastructure penetration. This paper surveyed the hydrogen energy policy, R&D program and commercialization strategy of advanced country, international agency, automobile and energy company to analyze the global status of R&D and policy. And the survey of R&D program is focused on the part of hydrogen production, storage, delivery and fuel cell.

A Study on the Economic Status and Trade Enhancement of Korea and Mongolia (한국·몽고 경제분야 무역촉진에 대한 상관연구)

  • Bae, Sang-Mok;Park, Yoo-Soon
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we aim to build a consensus that the Korea-Mongolian economic cooperation and trade growth will bring economic benefits to both countries and, in addition, the FTA between the two countries will bring economic benefits to the overall economy through the economic status and mutual trade status of Korea and Mongolia. Currently, countries around the world are accelerating their market battle with fierce competition, pushing for the opening of their markets through free trade agreements of multilateralism and regionalism centered on the WTO as a rapid change in the global economic environment. Amid such an international economic environment, Korea is developing diverse economic cooperation and FTA strategies, and under the principle that it is based on comprehensive and national consensus, it will sign simultaneous FTAs with major countries, but will diversify its trade partners' efforts to increase trade volume through market advantage, secure energy resources, and so on to secure more resources in overseas markets.

Analytical Study of the Current Status of the Construction Industry Using a Survey for Statistical Data (통계자료 조사를 통한 건설산업 현황 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoon-Tai
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.257-260
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    • 2009
  • With the current global financial crisis, Korea's economic situation involves a great deal of uncertainty. As the construction industry in Korea has traditionally been one of the country's strongest engines of economic development, it is crucial to understand its current status when establishing government policy or corporate goals. Utilizing a variety of statistical data related to construction that has been published in Korea, this study analyzes the current status and performance of the industry in terms of technological development. Although it was found that the construction industry in Korea is currently unstable due to the influence of the global financial crisis, it is now expected to recover quickly thanks to the increase in the number of construction contracts in foreign countries. In addition, when the performance of national research and development is realized, it is expected that new construction technologies will contribute to the recovery of the Korean construction industry. Despite the benefits of construction contracts in foreign countries, there are harmful practices in the industry that need to be addressed, including the excessively fierce competition among domestic construction companies.

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- A Study on the Reliability and Activation Plan for Internet Electronic Commerce of Crafts - - With Centering Around Artshop - (인터넷상 공예품 상거래의 신뢰성과 활성화 방안 연구 - 아트샵을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Hyung Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2004
  • As an information-oriented era arrives, an environmental change of Internet marketing is going with high speed and such open door around the countries is providing worldwide companies with a new business opportunity. Now, Internet is a new communication tool for global network and is emerging as a new e-commerce market. Also, this trend is having an effect upon online site that sell crafts. Hence, this study aims to select artshop, which simultaneously operate off line and online while sell crafts, to research the present status, and analyze the problems to suggest the activation plans for effective Internet commerce. Accordingly, this study suggested six models for the settlement of these problem s and the activation plans as following: offer of the various works and the contents, security of price competition, reinforcement of marketing, establishment of brand recognition, management of customers and settlement of payment ways etc. The commerce of crafts in the artshop is only early stage today, but it is expected to grow into an universal connection way of information and buying which transcend space and to be briskly used for securing the competition of crafts in 21century.

Analysis of Backoff Algorithm for Performance Improvement in WLAN (무선랜에서 성능 향상을 위한 Backoff 알고리즘 분석)

  • Lim, seog-ku
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.564-568
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, MAC(Medium Access Control) algorithm for the IEEE 802.11 DCF(Distributed Coordination Function) improving the performance is proposed and analyzed mathematically. The MAC of IEEE 802.11 WLAN to control data transmission uses two control methods called DCF and PCF(Point Coordination Function). The DCF controls the transmission based on CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). The DCF shows excellent performance relatively in situation that competition station is less but has a problem that performance is fallen from throughput and delay viewpoint in situation that competition station is increased. This paper proposes an enhanced DCF algorithm that increases the CW to maximal CW after collision and decreases the CW smoothly after successful transmission in order to reduce the collision probability by utilizing the current status information of WLAN. To prove efficiency of proposed algorithm, a lots of simulations are conducted and analyzed.

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