• 제목/요약/키워드: Community Health Nursing

검색결과 3,432건 처리시간 0.024초

서울시 보건소 방문간호 수요.공급 추계 (An Estimation on the Need and Supply for Visiting Nursing Services of Health Center in Seoul)

  • 명재일;황라일;유호신
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.587-597
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to estimate the demand and supply of visiting nursing services provided by health centers in urban area, aiming at strengthening infrastructure, which may improved the quality of life and health status of vulnerable population in the community. Methods: This study was conducted through nominal group discussion, focus group study. The demand and supply of visiting nursing were estimated by health economists based on the secondary analysis data from 25 health centers in Seoul. Result: Primary targets for the visiting nursing must be people who are homebound in the community. They can be classified into: a group of Level I: chronic patients who need visiting nursing care at least once a week: and a group of Level II: vulnerable families that need management periodically e. g. twice a month. Based on the estimation of demand for visiting nursing services in the community, the estimated supply required was $651{\sim}770$ visiting nurses including home health nurses in visiting nursing programs based on health centers in Seoul. Conclusions: The estimated demand and supply of visiting nursing are expected to provide basic data for establishing alternative policies on visiting nursing infrastructure that might be accomplished through demand-based visiting nursing programs by districts.

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국내 노인간호 연구동향 분석 - 지역사회 간호관련 학회지 중심으로 - (Analysis of Trend in Gerontological Nursing Researches in Korea -Focused on community nursing journals)

  • 왕명자;이명희;장경화;이경재;전상희;이종율;유경희;정태옥;박영미
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study attempted to see the trend of researches in nursing old people. Method: We analyzed a total of 105 articles that were published in The Journal of Korean Community Nursing, J. Korean Community Health Nursing Academic Society. The J. of Korea Acad. Soc. of Home Care Nursing from 1987 to June 2003. Result: 1. It was found that researches on old people nursing had increased every year since 1995 and most largely in 1995$\sim$1999. 2. It was known that the majority of researches were designed to be non-experimental and their subjects were old people over 65 living at home. 3. Nursing interventions used in experimental studies were music therapy and various health promotion programs. 4. Major research concepts are physical activities, mental health, physical health, medical management, social health, quality of life and family health. Conclusion: The number of studies has increased in community nursing journals, but there have been not many studies about polices and management for old people living in community society and suggestions of practical alternatives. Thus it is necessary to carry out more community nursing studies about management and education for old people.

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일개 도시 지역사회 간호센터 모형개발을 위한 요구조사 (A Study on Model Development for Urban Community Nursing Center)

  • 윤순녕
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.260-271
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    • 2002
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify basic health needs of adult clients to develop a community nursing center model in Seoul. Methods: Data were collected using a questionnaire survey from 894 adults registered at a public health center who were health management members, and visiting 4 community nursing centers, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee during the period from July 1999 to January 2000. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentile, t-test, and ANOVA. Results: 1) The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee School of Nursing has a long tradition of developing 4 community nursing centers with innovative health care programs. CNCs integrate the ability to implement and test effective intervention strategies with education, research, and practices of nursing students and faculty. They were designed to enhance the health status and quality of life for urban communities through the development of productive, outcome focused, collaborative partnerships among UWM-Nursing faculties and staff, other health and human service providers, consumers, and policy makers. It links the financial resources between UWM and 9 voluntary agencies and 12 public funding organizations including federal. state, and local governments. 2) Of the total health management members, 37.4% were reported to have at least one type of chronic disease such as hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis. Ten percent of them reported having obesity, and 44.2% reported lack of exercise. The health status of the subjects was within normal range in laboratory tests. However, female subjects showed more significant differences in obesity and cholesterol levels than male subjects. The subjects, who were in their 50s, showed more significant differences in obesity, SGOT, SGPT, and cholesterol levels than the subjects in other age groups. Conclusion: A community nursing center needs to be developed, that has a link between the nursing college and the public health center, with partnerships and a multidisciplinary approach. Based on the study results, exercise programs for middle aged adults are considered necessary. In particular, specific exercise programs for pre-menopausal women needs to be implemented in the future to prevent them from developing osteoporosis.

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지역사회간호학 실험연구의 동향분석 - 지역사회간호학회지 창간호~2012년 게재논문을 중심으로 - (Trend Analysis of Experimental Research Papers on Community Health Nursing - Based on Researches Published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing, 1989~2012 -)

  • 김춘미;임승주
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The objective of this study is to analyze systematically the trends of experimental researches in the area of community health nursing. Methods: This is a study based on literature review, which analyzed 137 experimental research papers in the Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing, from the first issue in 1989 to those in 2012. Results: 1) The proportion of experimental researches in the total published papers was 14.9%. 2) The mainly used research method was quasi-experiment, which was 60.6% of them, and there was no RCT. 3) Convenient sampling was used in 95.6% of the researches. 4) Only 5.1% were reviewed for keeping the ethical standards for the study objects by the IRB. 5 When classified by the Omaha Classification System, psycho-social researches were most frequent, which were followed by physiological, health-related behavioral, and environmental ones in order of frequency. Conclusion: This study found that the proportion of experimental research papers was increasing in the 2000s and ethical standards were required more rigorously. However, it was suggested that the research design be more elaborated and sampling methods be manifested to reduce research bias and errors.

미국 보건간호사 핵심역량과 일 지역사회의 지역사회간호학 실습교육내용 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study between American Public Health Nurse Core Competency and Community Health Nursing Practicum in a Province)

  • 이한주;최정현;현사생;김춘미;진영란
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.334-346
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study attempts to examine the extent to which competencies were identified in a Korean community nursing practice based on the 11 core competencies required by US health nurses. Methods: This was a descriptive research study, and the subjects of this study were 11 students who were in a four-year nursing course. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire from October 19 to November 22, 2016. Results: Core competencies in total were practiced in 60.0% to 98.5% of schools in Korea. Among these, competencies corresponding to the practice level of 'high' were identified as 'communicating effectively with community nursing subjects and colleagues, and accepting various personal characteristics without criticism or prejudice'. On the other hand, competencies corresponding to the practice level of 'low' were identified as 'to comply with social justice, public good, public health principles, and leadership in a community nursing practice'. Conclusion: This study can be used as a resource to categorize the competence of nursing students expected in the field of community nursing. Based on a careful review of core competencies with low practice, it is necessary to seek specific practical strategies to strengthen these competencies in the future.

일 보건진료소장의 수필에 나타난 지역사회간호사의 역할 (The Role of Community Health Nurse in Assay Written by a Nurse Practitioner of Primary Health Care Post)

  • 진영란;김현
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.300-310
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the role of community health nurse through a nurse practitioner of primary health care post. Methods: An assay, 'Even if we were allowed to look at', written by a nurse practitioner of primary health care post was analyzed with the contents analysis method. Results: In the assay, we checked the following roles: client-oriented, delivery-oriented, and population-oriented roles described and classified by Clark. In particular, direct care such as in-patient care, home visiting nursing care, and drug prescription was frequently performed. Moreover, community health nurse has been listening, counselling, expressing sympathy, and advocating vulnerable elderly people economically and psychologically. Conclusion: The assay gave us a better understanding of the role of community health nurse, and we need more assays delineating the role of community health nurse in others setting as well primary health care post.

지역사회 건강증진 간호활동의 프로그램 개발 (The Program Development of Nursing Activities for Community Health Promotion)

  • 박정희
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.291-306
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    • 1999
  • Health promotion has come to the fore through new concept approach in consequence of the increase of chronic diseases. increase of medical cost and social trend of putting more emphasis on the individual responsibility for health. Studies of health promotion can be classified into two types: one is micro intervention method which is mainly focused on modifying individual life style and the other. macro intervention method in which they put another emphasis on the environment the individual is surrounded. in addition to modifying individual life style. This study belongs to the later. This study aims to develop nursing activities and program it for the purpose of community health promotion. The process of the study can be briefed as follows: to draw out nursing contents to intervene for community health promotion: to promote community health to develop nursing action indicators; to develop nursing action indicators for the development of main nursing activities. And those developed nursing activities are programmed systematically. The community health promotion program is composed of a hierarchical structure with nursing process that the nurses are supposed to apply to perform professional nursing. the level of nursing perform. the main items of nursing process. health promotion nursing indicators. health promotion nursing activities. The conclusion of this study according to objectives are as follows. First. community health promotion contents at individual and community level are remained revised and complemented and those at organizational level are developed. The developed main contents of community health promotion nursing are as follows. 1) Revised individual level nursing contents: 35 items. 2) Developed organizational level nursing contents: 24 items. 3) Revised community level nursing contents: 36 items. Second. for the development of the health promotion nursing action indicators. principles were set up and applied as follows. 1. Developed indicators should be provided with such qualities as comprehensiveness. diversity. developability, availability. practicability. 2. Developed indicators should be provided with functional abilities to measure the conditions and changes in any phenomena or state. inspect the development of the states. control the implementing program. evaluate the result of program and grasp what nurses should do. 3. Developed indicators should be provided with relevance and sequence. 4. Developed indicators should be undergo inspections from the expert. The developed community health promotion action indicators developed in this study. observing above mentioned principles. are total 330 indicators of 95 items. Third. when the main nursing activities were developed for each nursing action indicator. five priciples were set up in accordance with each nursing action indicators to decide main nursing activities. Main nursing activities developed observing those principles. are total 1273. Forth. for the programming of the developed nursing activities. three principles were set up. 1. The nursing activities are systematized in line with (nursing process) (nursing client) (key items of nursing process) (nursing action indicators for health promotion) (nursing activities). 2. The program is constructed in downward and hierarchical order. 3. The program is constructed not in relation to same level activities but in relation to high and low level activities. The process step of programming of developed main health promotion nursing activities are; Step 1. The Developed nursing action indicators are classified into nursing process. Step 2. The main nursing activities are allocated per each nursing action indicators. Step 3. The statement of main nursing activities are inspected. Step 4. The items of main nursing activities allocated by a certain nursing action indicators are sequenced. taking into consideration the elaborateness of activity. the sequency of activity. familiarity of activity. the difficulty of activity. the interest of activity. the frequency of activity. Step 5. The whole developed program should undergo comprehensive and critical inspections.

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간호대학생의 지역사회간호학실습경험 (Learning Experience of Nursing Students on Community Health Nursing Clinical Placements)

  • 진영란;송연이;김영미
    • 한국농촌간호학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: In this study undergraduate nursing students' experiences of learning in community health nursing clinical placements was explored on order to develop a more effective practice teaching method. Methods: Focus group interviews (FGI) were held with 11 nursing students in junior or senior year. The interviews were audio-taped semi-structured interviews and were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Nursing students felt that the education system for practice was incomplete in considering the nursing that was needed for their on-site practice. Also they were aware of the totality of the community and voluntarily tried to provide for the expansion of knowledge. Conclusion: Findings indicate a need to establish a cooperative plan between nursing schools and practice agencies and collaborative development in the community health nursing practice guidelines.

지역의 건강결정요인 취약성 유형화 및 유형별 건강수준의 차이 (Typology of Community Health Vulnerabilities and Their Effects on Health Status by Type-Using Community Health Survey)

  • 박보현;이경희;최숙자;서수경;최선임
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study examined health determinants at a community level and put forward to a typology of five different forms of community health vulnerabilities. We also investigated the differences in the prevalence of chronic diseases, self-rated health, and quality of life (EQ-5D) among the five types. Methods: Latent class analysis was applied to material, social capital, and health behavior vulnerability variables across 255 regions of South Korea. The data came from 2017 & 2019 Community Health Survey. Results: We found five types of community health vulnerabilities: Type 1 group had the highest material vulnerabilities compared to Type 5. The typology was found to be significant in all the regression analysis on the prevalence of chronic diseases (hypertension and diabetes), self-rated health status, and quality of life. In the regions with high material vulnerabilities, the material vulnerability appeared the most effective to the health status of individual's. In the other regions with less material vulnerabilities, the social capital and health behavior resources were found to be effective. Conclusion: A comprehensive measure of vulnerability can be helpful to understand community health. Policy makers need to consider the level of material vulnerability when planning for a health promotion project.

취약계층 주민을 위한 도시형 지역사회중심 간호센터 평가 (Evaluation of Community Health Center for Vulnerable Population in Urban Areas)

  • 박경민;김정남;고효정;박영숙;박정숙
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.266-275
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate achievements of a community health center for vulnerable population in urban areas and to find out its strength and weakness. Method: This evaluative study employed system theories and analytic techniques. Results: The purpose of improving vulnerable population's health-related self-care abilities adequately met the operation of programs. This center maintained close connection to a nursing college as a information resource. The subjects' satisfaction was high because team members who visited them were faithful and there were face-to-face contact, sufficient time set, closeness and resourcefulness. There were needs for regular meetings to discuss overall matters in organizing the program and to improve management skills. The mean score of health promotion lifestyle was 2.23 on a 4 point scale. This score indicates what in higher than vulnerable people in other communities. Conclusions: Community-based nursing centers for vulnerable population in urban areas should be developed as support organizations and community network.

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