• Title/Summary/Keyword: Communication skill

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A Study on the Cut Detection System of Video Data using MSE (MSE를 이용한 동영상데이터의 컷 검출시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Dan-Hwan;Joung Ki-Bong;Oh Moo-Song
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1399-1404
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    • 2004
  • The development of computer technology and the advancement of the technology of information and communications spread the technology of multimedia and increased the use of multimedia data with large capacity. Users can grasp the overall video data and they are able to play wanted video back. To grasp the overall video data it is necessary to offer the list of summarized video data information. In order to search video efficiently an index process of video data is essential and it is also indispensable skill. Therefore, this thesis suggested the effective method about the cut detection of frames which will become a basis of an index based on contents of video image data. This suggested method was detected as the unchanging pixel rotor intelligence value, classified into diagonal direction. Pixel value of color detected in each frame of video data is stored as A(i, i) matrix - i is the number of frames, i is an image height of frame. By using the stored pixel value as the method of UE(Mean Square Error) I calculated a specified value difference between frames and detected cut quickly and exactly in case it is bigger than threshold value set in advance. To carry out an experiment on the cut detection of lames comprehensively, 1 experimented on many kinds of video, analyzing and comparing efficiency of the cut detection system.

Comparison of liberal arts curricula between three year and four year dental hygiene departments in Korea (국내 치위생(학)과의 교양교육과정 비교)

  • Won, Bok-Yeon;Jang, Gye-Won;Hwang, Mi-Yeong;Jang, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the liberal arts curricula of domestic 3 year and 4 year dental hygiene departments and to obtain the basic data for the development of a standardized dental hygiene curriculum. Methods: The liberal arts curricula of fifteen 3 year and 4 year dental hygiene departments in Korea and other countries were analyzed. A survey was conducted on 801 selected dental hygiene majors from December 8 to 12, 2014. A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 750 dental hygiene students and 150 dental hygiene professors. The questionnaire consisted of 5 questions of general characteristics and 13 questions including curricula change, usability of curricula, awareness of the suitability of dental hygiene curricula, and validity of curricula. Cronbach'a alpha was 0.71 in this study. Results: The grade point average in the liberal arts courses in Korean 4 year dental hygiene departments were 29, which was higher than that in 3 year dental hygiene departments of 13.2. There were large disparities among the colleges in the credits of these courses. The most common liberal arts courses in 4 year dental hygiene departments were foreign languages, man, society and communication, and natural science. In 3 year dental hygiene departments, English and foreign languages were the most common courses, followed by computer, man and society, philosophy and ethics. Foreign languages were considered to be the liberal arts course that should be most strengthened according to the job environment change of dental hygienist in globalizing society, followed by social psychology and pedagogy. Conclusions: Liberal arts courses were offered in the 4 year dental hygiene departments than in the 3 year dental hygiene departments in Korea, but there were a great deal of differences between colleges. The preparation of standardized guidelines on liberal arts courses are necessary. Liberal arts courses should support the performance skill and knowledge of the dental hygienists.

Effects of the synectics conception on the illustration education (시넥틱스(synectics)적 발상이 일러스트레이션 교육에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Cheol
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.16
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 1996
  • Illustration has been used as a means of human communication since the primitive age. And now it has become a way to express impliedly either the fragmentary or the psychological side of our life. Like it has been said in peter knock's Illustration magazine, an artist said "it was the best article ever read." Illustrator's task is to abstract and practically describe not our daily life, but every moment of the perception an object, whether it is define or indefine. It can inspire stronger perception than any other elegant language. Addition to that the practical use of illustration is increasing ever day. The target has now become various such as man, nature, art, science and so on. Therefore, at this point what illustration requires is creation, new and striking idea. It is because in order to get in to the general's living in the complicate and various society, it must show unique images and appearance. Therefore, now the illustration should induce the work which is based on synetics thoughts, not simple improving skill. Now we must restrain futional and diagrammatic illustration education and be able to thik of free and abundant characteristics. It will eventually help students to feel the value of human life and free themselves from the reality of present education which is getting machinized and instrumentalized.entalized.

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Hospice volunteer's Attitude Toward Care of the Dying (호스피스 자원 봉사자들의 말기 환자 돌봄에 대한 태도)

  • Lee, Mi-Ra;Lee, Won-Hee
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to identify attitudes of hospice volunteers toward care of for terminally ill patients. Method : This was a descriptive study with a sample of 84 adults who were registered for a hospice volunteer education program at Severence Hospice Center. The Frommelt (FATCOD) scale on attitudes toward the care of the dying (Cronbach alpha=.778) and an open ended questions on "what if you only have 6 months to live" were used to collect the data. The data was analyzed using SPSS/W and content analysis. Results : 1) The hospice volunteers were mostly female, with an average age of 45 years, half of them were college graduates and their religious preference was Protestant. 2) The participants of this study demonstrated positive attitudes to care for the dying which is in coherence with hospice philosophy and principles. However they indicated difficulties in maintaining close relationships with people who are dying, and in communicating and sharing, and encouraging those who are dying to express their feelings. In the open ended questions, they identified that their most important issues would be guilt feelings toward their children, family concerns, and the burden of unfinished business in their lives. They also identified the fear of pain in the dying process and fear of the afterlife. The care they would like to receive was to have peace of mind, have a good listener, spiritual counselling, and pain relief and to be respected as a human being. The source of strength would be faith in God and they would like to overcome their of dying. The FATCOD scale has limitation in describing and identifying the need and attitude toward the care of the dying revisions were made. Conclusion : We all are the potential clients for the hospice rare. In a hospice volunteer education program, communication and interpersonal skill are essential. The fear of dying, afterlife, concerns about family with children, and human dignity are major concerns in hospice and palliative care.

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Modeling the Conception of Giftedness in Invention Based on Inventor's Three Main Aptitudes (3대 핵심역량을 중심으로 한 미래지향적 발명영재상 정립에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Park, Kyungbin;Jin, Sukun;Ryu, Jiyoung;Ahn, Seonghun;Jin, Byung wook
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.435-452
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate a useful model of giftedness in invention. Lee, et al.(2012a) with many other specialists in education for the gifted in invention had proposed a model which looked promising as the theoretical foundation for the field of gifted education in invention, which has been absent for a decade after gifted education in the area of invention started in Korea. Results from two delphi studies and specialists numerous discussions by resulted in a more refined model of giftedness in invention. The new model is based on the inventor's three main aptitudes, which are Knowledge-Skill aptitude, Synthesis-Creativity aptitude, and Character aptitude. These three aptitudes are integrated with 12 factors and 40 behaviors. Through the outcome of this study, we can expect the following : The field of gifted education in invention can have the theorical foundation that practitioners and researchers can share for further practical and academical communication. The new model of giftedness in invention can be used as the basis for identifying promising students who are gifted in invention. Programs and Intervention for gifted students in invention can be designed or evaluated based on the new model.

Performance Ability after CPR Education of the ground workers in an airport (공항 지상 근무자의 심폐소생술 수행능력)

  • Shin, Ji-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2009
  • Objective : This study is an experimental study which is designed to examine the differences between knowledge and self-confidence before and after theory education(CPR PPT material) based on guidelines of CPR and emergency cardiac treatment of American Heart Association(AHA, 2005) and video self-instruction program for the general public by Korean Association of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(KACPR), trace CPR performance ability after CPR and AED education and investigate the accuracy of artificial respiration and chest compression, and know the difference in CPR performance abilities including AED. Methods : Subjects of this study include ground crews and staffs at M airport in G province equipped with emergency equipments for CPR according to Art. 47, Sec. 2 of Emergency Medical Law, airport police, rent-a-cops, security guard, quarantine officer, custom officer, and communication, electricity, civil engineering, facility management staff, airport fire fighting staff, air mechanic, traffic controller, and airport management team among airport facility management staffs. They were given explanation of necessity of research and 147 of 220 subjects who gave consent to this research but 73 who were absent from survey were excluded were used as subjects of this study. of 147 subjects, there were 102 men and 45 women. Results : 1) Knowledge score of CPR was $6.18{\pm}0.87$ before instruction and it was increased to $15.12{\pm}1.78$ after instruction, and there was statistically significant difference. 2) Self-confidence score in CPR was $3.16{\pm}0.96$ before instruction and it was increased to $7.05{\pm}0.75$ after instruction, and there was statistically significant difference. 3) Total average score in CPR performance ability after instruction was 7.46 out of 9, performance ability was highest in confirmation of response as 144(97.95%), follwed by request of help as 140(95.25%) and confirmation of respiration as 135(91.83%), and lowest in performing artificial respiration twice(gross elevation of chest) as 97(65.98%). Accuracy of artificial respiration(%) was $28.60{\pm}16.88$ and that of chest compression(%) was $73.10{\pm}22.16$. 4) Performance ability of AED after instruction showed proper performance in power on by 141(95.91%) and attaching pad by 135(91.83%), hand-off for analyzing rhythm showed 'accuracy' in 115(78.23%) and 'non-performance' in 32(21.77%), delivery of shock and hand-off confirmation showed 'accuracy' in 109(74.14%) and 'inaccuracy' in 38(25.86%), and beginning chest compression immediately after AED was done by 105(71.42%).

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Analysis on Actual Condition of Chemistry Teachers' Scientific Competency Assessment Based on Inquiry Report (탐구보고서에 기반한 화학교사의 과학 역량 평가 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Hyunjung;Kim, Sungki
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the condition of chemistry teacher's student competency assessment based on the inquiry report. To this end, an inquiry report was collected for chemistry teachers who took the training at two universities that conducted the 2020 first-class chemistry teacher training. The science subject competencies presented in NAEA analysis framework was used to analyze what kind of competencies teachers assess students through inquiry reports. A total of 63 chemistry teachers submitted inquiry reports, which were analyzed by competency, sub-element of each competency, and detail element to analyze the actual situation. As a result of the study, most chemistry teachers reflected their 'scientific inquiry and problem-solving ability' in their evaluation through inquiry reports. 'Ability to understand and apply scientific principles', which is mainly evaluated through paper-based evaluation, was partially used as confirmation of prerequisite learning at the beginning of the inquiry and the weight of evaluating 'scientific communication skill' was not large. In 'scientific inquiry and problem-solving ability' through inquiry report, 'design and conduct explorations', 'data analysis and interpretation' and 'drawing conclusion and suggesting solution' were mainly assessed. However, 'discover and recognize problems' and 'development and use of model' were hardly assessed.

A Case Study of Problem-Based Learning Application Using Google Classroom: Focused on Learning Korean (온라인상에서 구글 클래스룸을 활용한 문제중심학습 적용 사례 연구: 한국어 학습을 중심으로)

  • Bayarmaa, Natsagdorj;Lee, Keunsoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.573-578
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    • 2019
  • This paper applied to the Korean Lesson using PBL(Problem-Based Learning) based on Google Classroom for Mongolians. Recently, Mongolians trying to learn Korean because of Korean wave. This study aims to develop the online problem-based learning model as a way to develop the creative problem-solving ability of Mongolians who want to learn Korean. We applied 3 problems for 9 weeks. This study shows that the participants experienced the effectiveness of Google Classroom and PBL in many ways, 93% of the participants reported that Google Classroom and PBL helped them to learn Korean easily and interesting distance learning model, 90% of the participants prefer to explore Googlish programs and online learning, 85% of them said that increased interaction others in online environment easily. 100% of them said that thankful for learning Korean with Online tutor anytime on Google Classroom. Truly, 86% of them said PBL was hard to generate and understand it because very new instruction for them and working with team in online learning environment. The study showed that members of Korean Lesson experienced various effects such as understanding of learning contents, understanding of cooperative learning, practical experience, creative problem solving ability, presentation skill, communication ability, self - directed learning ability, self - confidence through Google Classroom based PBL.

Development of Survey Tool for the Scientific Character of Elementary Student (초등학생을 위한 과학인성 검사 도구 개발)

  • Nam, Ilkyun;Im, Sungmin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.825-838
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a survey tool of scientific character for elementary student which connects science education and character education effectively by figuring out traits of elementary students' character being presented in teaching and learning context of elementary school science. For this, we adapted the theocratical model from the previous research which defined scientific character as the competencies being able to practice in concrete teaching and learning context of science. Based on this model, we developed the survey tool as 'Scientific Character Inventory for Elementary Student' to assess elementary students' scientific character as the competences to practice the virtues being pursued in the context of elementary school science and verified its reliability and validity. As a result of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, we confirmed all the items could be summarized into 28 items and eight constructs such as scientific problem-solving, self-management, self-reflection, communication, interpersonal skill, community participation, global citizenship, and environmental ethics awareness. We found that minimum reliability coefficient of constructs was over than 0.5 and reliability coefficient of the total items was 0.878. And also, there was modest relationship between each construct and the total score of scientific character. These results show that the developed survey tool can be useful in evaluating the effectiveness of science character education. This study is meaningful in that it systematically reveals constructs of scientific character which can be raised in concrete context of science teaching and learning so as to suggest the survey tool to assess this.

The development and evaluation of curriculum for developing physician's competencies in public health (한국 공공보건의료 의사역량 개발을 위한 교육과정 개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Sang Hyun;Park, Jeong Hun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.194-207
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the curriculum, that was the continuing professional development program, for cultivating physician's competencies in public health. Methods: This study was conducted through in-depth interview and survey in the frame of ADDIE, from 2 May to 30 June in 2019. Participants were 7 physicians by in-depth interview and Respondents were 46 physicians worked in public health by survey. Results: The results were analyzed and described in the frame of ADDIE model. In the stage of Analysis, physician's core competencies in public health was presented to practical education, management of organization and labor force, communication with community, and director' role of public health center in the community as core competencies by in-depth interview. The skill - knowledge-attitude competencies were highest in order in the survey for placing priority (by Borich score) of 29 core competencies. In design stage, the educational objective of curriculum was established, that is to develop the competencies of knowledge, skills, and attitude needed for physician of public health in 21th century. In development and implementation stage, it is important to decide to lecturer, to get in advance educational materials to do the maintenance and management of curriculum. In the stage of evaluation, the educational satisfaction was high on the whole and educational effect was statistically significant. Conclusions: This study was an initial study of Korean doctors, and it aims to pursue competency-based education as a continuing professional development (CPD) beyond continuing medical education (CME) including knowledge, skills, and attitudes.