• Title/Summary/Keyword: Communication Space

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A Study on the Impact of Volunteering Experience in a Small Library Within an Apartment Complex on the Sense of Community: A Case of Apartment Small Libraries in D Metropolitan City (아파트 단지 내 작은도서관 자원봉사 경험이 지역공동체 의식형성에 미치는 영향: D 광역시 아파트 작은도서관 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ayoung Lee;Seongsin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.53-71
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of volunteering experience at a small library in an apartment complex on the formation of a sense of community through a qualitative method. To achieve the study purpose, thirty-three volunteers from five small libraries in an apartment complex in DS-gu at D Metropolitan City were interviewed. According to the study results, they started volunteering at the libraries as a main user of the libraries. Through the volunteering experience, they had positive feelings about the libraries and were aware of the problems with the libraries. Furthermore, the volunteering experience facilitated communication among the residents of the apartment and they recognized the libraries as a shared community space. Finally, through the above processes, the volunteering experience contributes to formimg a sense of community.

Examining the Influence of TBM Chamber Condition and Transmission Distance on the Received Strength of Bluetooth Low Energy Signals: A Laboratory Simulation Experiment (TBM 챔버 상태와 전송 거리에 따른 저전력 블루투스 신호의 수신 강도 분석: 실험실 모사 실험)

  • Yosoon Choi;Hoyoung Jeong;Jeongju Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2023
  • To measure the wear amount of the TBM disk cutter in real time, it is important not only to automate the measurement using sensors, but also to stably transmit the measured data to the information processing system. In this study, we investigated the viability of utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to wirelessly transmit sensor data from the TBM cutter head to a receiver located at the chamber's rear. Through laboratory experiments, we analyzed the Received Signal Strength Index (RSSI) of the receiver considering various signal strength of the transmitter, separation distances between the transmitter and receiver and chamber fill materials. Our results demonstrate that wireless data transmission is feasible across all tested conditions when the transmitter signal strength is 0 dBm or higher.

A Study on Word-of-Mouth of an Electric Automobile using YouTube: A Focus on Statistical Network Analysis (유튜브를 활용한 전기 자동차 결함에 대한 구전 확산 연구: 네트워크 통계분석을 중심으로)

  • EuiBeom Jeong;Keontaek Oh
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2024
  • With recent advances in information and communication technology, YouTube has become a powerful online space for users to create and share content about their interests and experiences, creating new cultural phenomena. In particular, there needs to be more research on social media in the manufacturing sector because, unlike distribution and retail, there has been relatively little direct contact with consumers. YouTube can positively affect firms' performance by promoting products and brands. On the other hand, it can also cause risks, such as production disruption due to rumors or misinformation. Thus, it is necessary for firms to examine how information about an electric automobile defects spreads on YouTube according to the number of subscribers and views through statistical network analysis.

Social Networks As A Tool Of Marketing Communications

  • Nataliia Liashuk
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2023
  • The relevance of the research topic lies in the necessity to use social networks as innovative tools of marketing communications. A wide audience and the ability to segment the market for a specific consumer determine the construction of a corporate strategy, which will be based on using the social networking approach. The spread of the global coronavirus pandemic has led to the rapid development of remote communication channels between the company and the customer. The issue of using marketing tools in social networks acquires the most urgent importance in the modern world of the introduction and implementation of the company's marketing strategies. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the use of social networks as features of implementing the marketing campaign. Social networks are the result of the development of digital technologies and the processes of creating an information society involved in the digital space. The objectives of the research are to analyse the opportunity of using social networks as a tool for marketing communications and their implementation at the level of its widespread use by enterprises and establishments. It is significant to create an advertising campaign by defining the target audience and outlining the key aspects, on which the company is focused. The research methodology consists in determining the theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence of introducing social networks and their practical importance in the implementation of marketing activities of companies. The obtained results can significantly improve the quality of functioning of modern enterprises and organizations that plan to master a new market segment or gain competitive advantages in the existing one. The academic paper examines the essence of social networks as a tool of marketing communications. The key principles of the development of digital social platforms were revealed. The quality of implementing the advertising campaign in the social network was studied, and further prospects for the development of using social networks as a component of the marketing strategy were outlined. Therefore, the academic paper analyses the problems of using social networks as a marketing tool.

Development and Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Wear Measurement System of TBM Disc Cutter (TBM 디스크 커터 실시간 마모계측 시스템 개발 및 성능검증)

  • Min-Seok Ju;Min-Sung Park;Jung-Joo Kim;Seung Woo Song;Seung Chul Do;Hoyoung Jeong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.154-168
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    • 2024
  • The Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) disc cutter is subjected to wear and damage during the rock excavation process, and the worn disc cutter should be replaced on time. The manual inspection by workers is generally required to determine the disc cutter replacement. In this case, the workers are exposed to dangerous environments, and the measurements are sometimes inaccurate. In this study, we developed a technology that measures the disc cutter wear in real time. From a series of laboratory tests, a magnetic sensor was selected as the wear sensor, and the real-time disc cutter measurement system was developed integrating wireless communication modules, power supply and data processing board. In addition, the measurement system was verified in actual TBM excavation circumstances. As a result, it was confirmed that the accuracy and stability of the system.

A Design and Implementation of Online Exhibition Application for Disabled Artists

  • Seung Gyeom Kim;Ha Ram Kang;Tae Hun Kim;Jun Hyeok Lee;Won Joo Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we design and implement an online exhibition application based on an Android platform that can showcase the artistic works of disabled artists. This application considers user convenience for disabled artists, particularly providing STT(Speech-to-Text) and TTS(Text-to-Speech) features for visually and hearing impaired individuals. Additionally, for the exhibition of works by disabled artists, the application implements disability certification during registration using disability certificates and registration numbers, ensuring that only authenticated disabled artists can exhibit their works. The database storing personal information of disabled artists and information about art pieces is implemented using MySQL. The server module utilizes RestAPI to transmit data in Json format. To address the large data size of art piece information, it is stored using Firebase Storage, eliminating data size limitations on the server. This application can alleviate issues such as a lack of exhibition space for disabled artists and a lack of communication with the general public.

Analysis of Metaverse Technology Trends and Case Studies of Utilization in the Jewelry Industry in the Post-COVID (포스트 코로나의 메타버스 기술 동향과 주얼리 산업의 활용 사례 분석)

  • Hye-Rim Kang
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.675-680
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the trends in Metaverse technology following the Post-COVID era and analyze the use cases in the jewelry industry. With the endemic, the business environment for companies has shifted from online to offline, leading to a reduced public interest in the Metaverse. However, examining the global jewelry brand trends in metaverse technology reveals advancements in AR/VR technologies that enhance realism and evolve the metaverse into a space without the uncanny gap between virtual and reality. The Metaverse exhibits three main characteristics in the Post-COVID era. First, there is a transformation in the business domain, starting with digital twins. Second, it is integrating with various information and communication technologies. Third, setting a direction for Metaverse operation as an omni-channel is being emphasized. Utilizing assets learned during the COVID-19 period and continuing to learn about digital and online technologies is essential for securing market competitiveness. This paper discusses how to enhance the competitiveness of jewelry industry entities based on the trends of Metaverse technology in the Post-COVID era.

Persuasive Impact of Eco-friendly Consumption Messages in Virtual Reality Fashion Stores -The Role of Store Ambiance and Visit Motivation- (가상 패션 매장에서 친환경 소비 메시지의 설득 효과 -매장 분위기와 방문 동기의 영향-)

  • Yujeong Won;Seyoon Jang;Youngho Sim;Yuri Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.1211-1225
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the impact of informational messaging and eco-conscious ambiances in online virtual reality (VR) fashion stores on consumers' intentions for eco-friendly consumption. By focusing on three dimensions of message informativity and the persuasive power of eco-friendly consumption messages, we investigate how immersive VR environments can foster eco-friendly consumption. Using a three-dimensional VR store simulation with eco-friendly and modern designs, the study assessed the effects on consumers' perceptions and intention through the elaboration likelihood model and cue consistency theory. Participants experienced the VR store under two primary visit motivation typess-browsing versus purchasing-and two store ambiance types-eco-friendly versus modern-and then completed online surveys. Results The results indicated that the eco-friendly VR ambiance significantly increased the perceived informativity and persuasiveness of eco-conscious consumption messages, particularly among exploratory shoppers. Reliability emerged as the most influential factor in boosting message persuasiveness and eco-friendly consumption participation intentions. These findings suggest that VR technology can effectively promote sustainable fashion by creating reliable, immersive experiences. Given that current VR store visits are often motivated by interest-based browsing rather than by specific purchase intent, this study contributes to the understanding of the eco-conscious consumption messaging and communication strategies in the new fashion retail space.

Existent, but Non-existent Spaces for Others Focusing on Discourse-spaces of a Korean Movie (2016) (존재하지만 존재 않는 타자들의 공간 영화 <죽여주는 여자>의 담론 공간을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Eun Mi;Han, Hee Jeong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.84
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2017
  • We analyzed the movie (2016/ directed by J-yong E), which is entangled in politics of gender, age, class, or sexuality, naming as "spaces of Others", using the concepts of heterotopia of Foucault. Foucault addressed three types of spaces: the realistic space where we currently live, the unrealistic and non-existent utopia, and heterotopia, which functions antithetically to reality. Thus, Foucault's heterotopia can be considered to indicate "heterogeneous spaces" in reality. The Bacchus Lady revolves a 65-year old prostitute So-Young, sells her body to old men at the parks in downtown of Seoul. Old prostitute on streets are often referred as "Bacchus Ladies", because suggest the popular energy drink a bottle of Bacchus while selling sex. The movie represents some minorities such as transgender, Tina and madam of the club, G-spot, migrant women like Camila and Aindu, and a amputee, Dohoon. Through these people's bodies, the problems such as imperials, nations, ethnics, gender, age, class are entangled in the movie. The politics of these points work and construct heterotopias in four spaces of Others. First, the spaces which ageing and death are intersected. Second, the spaces of So-Young for prostitutes, Third, the spaces of So-Young's mothering: she adopted her baby to American when he was a infant, so she have felt guilty. Fourth, the spaces for So-young's quasi-family with Minho, a Kopian boy who was abandoned by Korean father, Dohoon, who is a poor amputee, and Tina, who is a transgender singer. Fifth, the spaces of speech of So-Young as the subaltern: the subaltern does not have the language to express its own experiences. In order to listen to the words of subaltern, we must do the task of measuring the silence. This cinematic representation of So-young as the subaltern makes her speak about her situation. Finally, the spaces constructed by the movie can be connected 'heterotopia of crisis', 'heterotopia of deviation' and 'heterotopia of fantasy'. The spaces of the movie represents lives of Others, nevertheless, So-Young's Otherness through spaces of heterotopia was transformed to an absolute Other by patriarchal traits of cinematic narrative.

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Some Observations on the Intercellular Junctions between the Hepatocytes in Fasting States as Revealed by Freeze Fracture Replica (기아가 간세포막결합장치에 미치는 영향에 관한 Freeze Fracture Replica법에 의한 관찰)

  • Ahn, Tae-Soon;Shin, Young-Chul
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 1995
  • This study was designed to investigate the morphological alterations of zonula occludens, macula adherences and gap junctions between the hepatocytes in the fasting conditions. Animals (Sprague Dawley, $250{\sim}280g$) were divided into two groups: normal and fasting. The latter were fasted for eight days prior to sampling. Liver tissues were sectioned and replicated after freeze fracturing for the transmission electron microscopy. In the normal rat liver, the interhepatocellular space at the area of some zonula occludens appeared to be widened in thin sections. On the freeze fracture replicas., the zonula occludens appeared as an anastomosing network of $2{\sim}4$ strands or grooves on P or E faces. Free ends and fragments of the strands were observed. In the rat fasted for eight days, the hepatocytes were diminished in size and the organelles were decreased in number and size. The intercellular space was wide at many areas of zonula occludens in thin section. On the freeze fracture replicas, the zonula occludens showed diminution or disappearence of anastomosing network of strands or grooves. Free ends and small fragments of the strands or grooves were frequently encountered. The macula adherens was markedly increased in number in thin sections, although they could not be found on the freeze fracture replicas. The gap junctions were increased in number in thin sections. Small aggregations of the intramembranous particles appeared with larger ones on the freeze fracture replica. The evidences may suggest the followings: (1) The disassembly of zonula occludens in the fasting states is led from the diminished mechanical stress on the luminal surface of bile canaliculus with the impaired secretion of bile components from the hepatocytes. (2) The increase of macula adherens is necessary to maintain the liver parenchyma integrity in the fasting state which leads the hepatocyte to be diminished and finally the intercellular space to be separated. (3) The rise in both number and size of gap junctions is owing to the need of increasing intercellular communication between the hepatocytes during the fasting. (4) The alteration of zonula occludens is easily led by the physiological condition of hepatocytes even in the normal ones.

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