• Title/Summary/Keyword: Common map

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Impact of Quarrying Activities on the Surrounding Vegetation in Ogun State, Nigeria

  • Isiaka Adio, Hassan
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.263-274
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    • 2022
  • Quarrying of rock for construction purposes is a significant industry in any economy but has its negative impact. This study examined the impact of quarry activities on surrounding vegetation in Ogun State. Geographic Information System approach was used to map the various quarry locations present in different Local Government Areas in Ogun State; of which eight sites were selected namely Isara, Idode, Iwaye, Ogbere, Ilagbe, Adelokun Baaki Ake and Igodo. Vegetation composition analyses were carried out on the eight sites using Haga Ultimeter and chlorophyll content analysis. Data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics using SAS package (9.4 version). Sixty quarries were identified with Odeda Local Government Area (38.3%) having the highest percentage of quarry. The vegetative compositions analyses showed that Albizia zygia had the highest frequency (7) among identified plants in the quarries. The chlorophyll content of Albizia zygia in the wet season (492.2 mg Chl/m2) was significantly higher than dry season (464.4 mg Chl/m2) in all locations. However, Baaki Ake (Albizia zygia) chlorophyll content was highest among other locations in both seasons. In conclusion Albizia zygia showed highest resistance to quarry activities, hence common among other plants identified around the quarries.

prEN 1991-1-4:2021: the draft Second Generation Eurocode on wind actions on structures - A personal view

  • Francesco Ricciardelli
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 2023
  • This paper traces the drafting of the new EN 1991-1-4 Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions within Mandate M/515 of the European Commission to CEN, for the evolution of structural Eurocodes towards their Second Generation. Work of the Project Team started in August 2017 and ended in April 2020, with delivery of a final draft for public enquiry. The revised document contains several modifications with respect to the existing 2005 version, and new sections were added, covering aspect not dealt with in the previous version. It has a renovated structure, with a main text limited in size and containing only fundamental material; all the remaining information, either normative or informative is arranged into thirteen annexes. Common to other Eurocode Parts, general requests from CEN were those of reducing the number of Nationally Determined Parameters and of enhancing the ease of use. More specific requests were those of (a) the drafting of a European design wind map, (b) improving wind models, (c) reviewing force and pressure coefficients, (d) reviewing the procedures for evaluation of the dynamic response, as well as (e) making editorial improvements aimed at a more user friendly document. The author had the privilege to serve as Project Team member for the drafting of the new document, and this paper brings his personal view concerning some general aspects of wind code writing, and some more specific aspects about the particular document.

Prediction of karst sinkhole collapse using a decision-tree (DT) classifier

  • Boo Hyun Nam;Kyungwon Park;Yong Je Kim
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.441-453
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    • 2024
  • Sinkhole subsidence and collapse is a common geohazard often formed in karst areas such as the state of Florida, United States of America. To predict the sinkhole occurrence, we need to understand the formation mechanism of sinkhole and its karst hydrogeology. For this purpose, investigating the factors affecting sinkholes is an essential and important step. The main objectives of the presenting study are (1) the development of a machine learning (ML)-based model, namely C5.0 decision tree (C5.0 DT), for the prediction of sinkhole susceptibility, which accounts for sinkhole/subsidence inventory and sinkhole contributing factors (e.g., geological/hydrogeological) and (2) the construction of a regional-scale sinkhole susceptibility map. The study area is east central Florida (ECF) where a cover-collapse type is commonly reported. The C5.0 DT algorithm was used to account for twelve (12) identified hydrogeological factors. In this study, a total of 1,113 sinkholes in ECF were identified and the dataset was then randomly divided into 70% and 30% subsets for training and testing, respectively. The performance of the sinkhole susceptibility model was evaluated using a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, particularly the area under the curve (AUC). The C5.0 model showed a high prediction accuracy of 83.52%. It is concluded that a decision tree is a promising tool and classifier for spatial prediction of karst sinkholes and subsidence in the ECF area.

Telehealth implementation for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a scoping review

  • Dian Susmarini;Hyewon Shin;Sunyeob Choi
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.227-244
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    • 2024
  • The objective of this research was to examine current telehealth practices in managing children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to map existing implementations using the American Medical Association's Virtual Care Value Framework. A scoping review was conducted following the Arksey and O'Malley framework. The databases, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and PubMed, were searched with specific keywords related to telehealth and ADHD. The screening process followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Inclusion criteria were restricted to articles published in English between January 2000 and July 2024, focusing on children with ADHD, their parents, caregivers, family members, teachers, healthcare professionals, and articles implementing telehealth interventions. As a result, out of 389 initially identified articles, 22 met the inclusion criteria. The studies were predominantly conducted in the United States. The most common telehealth methods included videoconferencing and telephone-based communications. Key areas of focus in these studies included clinical outcomes, access to care, patient and family experience, caregiver experience, clinician experience, and financial and operational impact. However, none of the studies addressed health equity. In conclusion, telehealth has shown effectiveness in improving ADHD assessment, treatment adherence, and parental education, leading to positive patient outcomes and experiences. However, the financial impact of telehealth remains uncertain. Further research is needed, particularly outside the United States, to explore emerging telehealth technologies and areas overlooked by the Virtual Care Value Framework, such as health equity.

Development of Computer Program for the Arrangement of the Forest-road Network to Maximize the Investment Effect on the Forest-road Construction (임도개설(林道開設)에 있어서 투자효과(投資效果)를 최대(最大)로 하는 임도배치(林道配置)프로그램 개발(開發))

  • Park, Sang-Jun;Son, Doo-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2001
  • The object of this study is to develop a computer program for the arrangement of the forest-road network maximizing the investment effect in forest-road construction with factors such as terrains, forest physiognomy, management plan, logging system, cost of forest-road construction, capacity of inputted labour, capacity of timber production and so on. The operating system developed by this study is Korean Windows 95/98 and Microsoft Visual Basic ver. 5.0. User interface was designed as systematic structure, it is presented as a kind of GUI(graphic user interface). The developed program has result of the most suitable forest-road arrangement, has suitable forest-road density calculated with cost of logging, cost of forest-road construction, diversion ratio of forest-road, cost of walking in forest. And the most suitable forest-road arrangement was designed for forest-road arrangement network which maximized investment effect through minimizing the sum of cost of logging and cost of forest-road construction. Input data were divided into map data and control data. Digital terrain model, division of forest-road layout plan, division of forest function and the existing road network are obtained from map data. on the other hand, cost of logging related terrain division, diversion ratio of forest-road and working road, cost of forest-road construction, cost of walking, cost of labor, walking speed, capacity of inputted labor, capacity of timber production and total distance of forest-road are inputted from control data. And map data was designed to be inputted by mesh method for common matrix. This program can be used to construct a new forest-road or vice forest-road which compensate already existing forest-road for the functional forestry.

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Analysis of the Effect of the Revised Ground Amplification Factor on the Macro Liquefaction Assessment Method (개정된 지반증폭계수의 Macro적 액상화 평가에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Baek, Woo-Hyun;Choi, Jae-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2020
  • The liquefaction phenomenon that occurred during the Pohang earthquake (ML=5.4) brought new awareness to the people about the risk of liquefaction caused by the earthquake. Liquefaction hazard maps with 2 km grid made in 2014 used more than 100,000 borehole data for the whole country, and regions without soil investigation data were produced using interpolation. In the mapping of macro liquefaction hazard for the whole country, the site amplification effect and the ground water level 0 m were considered. Recently, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (2018) published a new site classification method and amplification coefficient of the common standard for seismic design. Therefore, it is necessary to rewrite the liquefaction hazard map reflecting the revised amplification coefficient. In this study, the results of site classification according to the average shear wave velocity in soils before and after revision were compared in the whole country. Also, liquefaction assessment results were compared in Gangseo-gu, Busan. At this time, two ground accelerations corresponding to the 500 and 1,000 years of return period and two ground water table, 5 m for the average condition and 0 m the extreme condition were applied. In the drawing of liquefaction hazard map, a 500 m grid was applied to secure a resolution higher than the previous 2 km grid. As a result, the ground conditions that were classified as SC and SD grounds based on the existing site classification standard were reclassified as S2, S3, and S4 through the revised site classification standard. Also, the result of the Liquefaction assessments with a return period of 500 years and 1,000 years resulted in a relatively overestimation of the LPI applied with the ground amplification factor before revision. And the results of this study have a great influence on the liquefaction assessment, which is the basis of the creation of the regional liquefaction hazard map using the amplification factor.

QTL analysis of agronomic traits in recombinant inbred lines of sunflower under partial irrigation

  • Haddadi, P.;Yazdi-Samadi, B.;Naghavi, M.R.;Kalantari, A.;Maury, P.;Sarrafi, A.
    • Plant Biotechnology Reports
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2011
  • The objective of the present research was to map QTLs associated with agronomic traits such as days from sowing to flowering, plant height, yield and leaf-related traits in a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Two field experiments were conducted with well-irrigated and partially irrigated conditions in randomized complete block design with three replications. A map with 304 AFLP and 191 SSR markers with a mean density of 1 marker per 3.7 cM was used to identify QTLs related to the studied traits. The difference among RILs was significant for all studied traits in both conditions. Three to seven QTLs were found for each studied trait in both conditions. The percentage of phenotypic variance ($R^2$) explained by QTLs ranged from 4 to 49%. Three to six QTLs were found for each yield-related trait in both conditions. The most important QTL for grain yield per plant on linkage group 13 (GYP-P-13-1) under partial-irrigated condition controls 49% of phenotypic variance ($R^2$). The most important QTL for 1,000-grain weight (TGW-P-11-1) was identified on linkage group 11. Favorable alleles for this QTL come from RHA266. The major QTL for days from sowing to flowering (DSF-P-14-1) were observed on linkage group 14 and explained 38% of the phenotypic variance. The positive alleles for this QTL come from RHA266. The major QTL for HD (HD-P-13-1) was also identified on linkage group 13 and explained 37% of the phenotypic variance. Both parents (PAC2 and RHA266) contributed to QTLs controlling leaf-related traits in both conditions. Common QTL for leaf area at flowering (LAF-P-12-1, LAF-W-12-1) was detected in linkage group 12. The results emphasise the importance of the role of linkage groups 2, 10 and 13 for studied traits. Genomic regions on the linkage groups 9 and 12 are specific for QTLs of leaf-related traits in sunflower.

A Development of Generalized Coupled Markov Chain Model for Stochastic Prediction on Two-Dimensional Space (수정 연쇄 말콥체인을 이용한 2차원 공간의 추계론적 예측기법의 개발)

  • Park Eun-Gyu
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2005
  • The conceptual model of under-sampled study area will include a great amount of uncertainty. In this study, we investigate the applicability of Markov chain model in a spatial domain as a tool for minimizing the uncertainty arose from the lack of data. A new formulation is developed to generalize the previous two-dimensional coupled Markov chain model, which has more versatility to fit any computational sequence. Furthermore, the computational algorithm is improved to utilize more conditioning information and reduce the artifacts, such as the artificial parcel inclination, caused by sequential computation. A generalized 20 coupled Markov chain (GCMC) is tested through applying a hypothetical soil map to evaluate the appropriateness as a substituting model for conventional geostatistical models. Comparing to sequential indicator model (SIS), the simulation results from GCMC shows lower entropy at the boundaries of indicators which is closer to real soil maps. For under-sampled indicators, however, GCMC under-estimates the presence of the indicators, which is a common aspect of all other geostatistical models. To improve this under-estimation, further study on data fusion (or assimilation) inclusion in the GCMC is required.

Slope Stability by Variation of Rainfall Characteristic for Long Period (장기간 강우특성 변화에 따른 국내 사면의 안정성)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ju;Kim, Jae-Hong;Hwang, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2014
  • Shallow landslides and debris flows are a common form of soil slope instability in South Korea. These events may be generally initiated as a result of intense rainfall or lengthening rainfall duration because of the effects of climate change. This paper presents the evaluation of rainfall-induced natural soil slope stability and reinforced soil slope instability under vertical load (railway or highway load) throughout South Korea based on quantitative analysis obtained from 58 sites rainfall observatories for 38 years. The slope stability was performed for infinite and geogrid-reinforced soil slopes by taking an average of maximum rainfall every ten years from 1973 to 2010. Seepage analysis is carried out on unsaturated soil slope using the maximum rainfall at each site, and then the factor of safety was calculated by coupled analysis using saturated and unsaturated strength parameters. The contour map of South Korea shows four stages in 10-year-time for the degree of landslide hazard. The safety factor map based on long term observational data will help prevent rainfall-induced soil slope instability for appropriate design of geotechnical structures regarding disaster protection.

Consortium Configuration of Local Governments for Disaster Joint Response Plan (재난 공동 대응을 위한 지자체 컨소시엄 구성 방안)

  • Jung, Woo Young;Lee, Chang Hee;Kim, Gi Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2013
  • Recently frequencies and scales in natural disasters have been significantly increased and enlarged and that leads to increase interests on preventing disasters. As natural disasters occur, it is difficult to fulfill the scale of natural disasters using ordinary stocks in a local government. Thus, it is necessary to establish a system that commonly uses protection resources according to regional characteristics in order to rapidly implement labor mobilization and equipment distribution based on the damage of natural disasters. In this study, regional characteristics in Korea provinces are analyzed and 'a way of composing a local government consortium for common disaster responses' is proposed. First, a disaster map that represents the amount of damage for each local government published in the disaster yearbook from 2002 to 2011 is produced using GIS. Then, the whole land is divided into five different sections according to administrative regions and that are divided into 12 clusters again based on the geographical and humanistic characteristics and the analysis of the scale of damage in typhoons and heavy rainfalls. Finally, disaster protection base stations for each region are selected. The data of analyzing disaster damages may be used as a reference material for establishing disaster prevention plans.