• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cognitive Programs

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A Review of Domestic Research for the Brain-science Based Learning According to Age and Comparison and Consideration of Learning Methodology of Korean Medicine According to Age (뇌과학에 기반한 연령별 학습법과 연령별 한의학적 학습방법론 비교고찰)

  • Cho, A-Ram;Park, So-Im;Kang, Da-Hyun;Sue, Joo-Hee
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.333-350
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to research learning based on brain science and the learning methodology of Korean Medicine according to disparity of age. Through this, the study aimed to provide a guideline to related Korean Medicine treatments as well as the common nurturing/educational institutions. Methods: All journals and dissertations on brain science based learning methods studied in Korea to date that could be found in the National Assembly Library and the RISS were implemented in the analysis. The terminology used for search was as follows: 1st search, 'Brain'; 2nd search, 'Learning', 'Education'; 3rd search, 'Baby, 'Infant', 'Child'. For the learning methodology of Korean Medicine according to disparity of age, the related contents were extracted from Donguibogam and Liuyi, Sasang constitutional medicine. Results: A total of 30 studies, were collected as data. In the baby stage, the development and myelination of brain neurons are accelerated by experience and learning, highly influenced by social, cognitive and emotional movement. In infancy, the frontal lobe actively develops, so education for development of the prefrontal cortex is suggested. The brain of the infant at this stage can be developed by arts and physical education. In the child stage, the parietal and temporal lobe develop actively. Thus, programs to stimulate brain activity including brain respiration would be helpful in enhancing learning ability, concentration, etc. As evidence for learning and nurturing methodology according to disparity of age from Korean Medicine prospective, the following are listed: Location and time for sexual intercourse before pregnancy, stabilization during pregnancy, baby nurturing methods for nurturing from Donguibogam. Also Liuyi and Sasanag constitutional medicine can be the learning methodology according to disparity of age. And there are acupuncture points on each head section according to age in Donguibogam. Conclusions: Studies on 'brain-science based learning' are continuously being conducted. Based on these studies, diverse new brain-science based learning will be developed in the future. There is also a need to develop the learning methodology of Korean Medicine according to disparity of age in a more systematic and diverse way.

A Study on the Clinical Effects of Group Therapy for Panic Disorder Patients Based on Mindfulness & Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi Therapy (마음챙김 명상과 이정변기요법을 이용한 공황장애 그룹치료 효과에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee, Seong-Yong;Lyu, So-Jung;Choi, Sung-Youl;Lyu, Yeoung-Su;Kang, Hyung-Won
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.319-332
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical effects of group therapy for Panic disorder patients based on Mindfulness & Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi therapy. Methods: The FFMQ, BDI, STAI, STAXI, Panic attack, Anticipatory anxiety and subjective improvement of three Panic disorder patients were compared pre- and post-treatment when given Mindfulness & Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi therapy. Results: 1) After the patient in case 1 underwent 5 weeks of group therapy for Panic disorder, the Mindfulness meditation score was slightly improved, anxiety and depression were significantly decreased, and expression of anger was also improved. In addition, the Panic attack and Anticipatory anxiety became more stable in the objective evaluation, while 'Extreme improvement' was shown in the subjective evaluation. 2) After the patients in case 2 and 3 underwent 5 weeks of group therapy for Panic disorder, Mindfulness meditation scores were slightly improved, anxiety and depression were significantly decreased, and expression of anger was also improved. In addition, the Panic attack and Anticipatory anxiety became more stable in the objective evaluation, while 'Moderate improvements' were shown in the subjective evaluation. Conclusions: As per the results in these cases, it was shown that group therapy for Panic disorder utilizing Mindfulness & Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi therapy was effective to maintain meditation and control the emotions of anxiety, depression, anger and so on. Therefore, it was considered that expansion of clinical utilization through the standardization of a group therapy program for Panic disorder is needed. Furthermore, it was also considered that a comparative study of the effects of previous cognitive programs for Panic disorder according to the objectified and standardized manual is needed in the future.

Development of STEAM Program Based on Gamification for Students of Elementary School (게이미피케이션을 적용한 초등학생 융합인재교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발)

  • Kwak, Sojung;Kwon, Jieun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2018
  • As the age that importance of convergence is bigger develops, there is growing different tries and changes in the education sector to train talents necessary for the future age. This paper is aimed at applying gamification factors that can attract elementary school students to participate in classes and cause interests as well as developing a STEAM program for elementary school students. Also, the purpose of this article is to propose educational values and possibility of the STEAM program which gamification factors applied to, and effective methods. For doing this, first, we conducted a study in relationship between the theological background and education on gamification factors based on literature surveys. Second, the STEAM program for elementary school students applying gamification factors and a program called 'My Little Building Forest' were developed. We made three-step contents for classes and activities and textbooks and kits and others with a theme, "principles of the cognitive science on depth perception". Third, developed programs apply to real classes as demonstrating them. We analyzed results through surveys on levels of satisfaction and interviews for teachers and others. Fourth, we discuss possibilities and values and limitations and others on the STEAM program applying gamification factors as we are based on results of analysis. We hope that we maximize impacts of the STEAM education through this education and contribute to train talents to lead age of the convergence.

A Phenomenological Study on the Science Anxiety Experience of Science-Gifted Middle School Students (중학교 과학영재학생의 과학불안 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구)

  • Kang, Jihoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.283-295
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    • 2021
  • This study attempts to explore the nature of science anxiety experienced by science-gifted middle school students based on Giorgi's phenomenological research method. Among the first-year middle school students selected by the University-affiliated Science Education Institute for the Gifted, six science-gifted students with high levels of science trait anxiety and science state anxiety experience were selected. Two interviews related to experience of science anxiety were conducted with participants. As a result of the analysis, science anxiety experienced by science-gifted students was caused by setting the ideal self-concept, lack of confidence, past experiences, difficulty in contents, and something valuable. Students complained of physical·physiological, cognitive, emotional·psychological discomfort when they felt science anxiety, and recognized it as an opportunity for growth. In addition, science-gifted students were shown to cope with various ways such as confronting uneasy situations directly or refining their minds to overcome various uncomfortable symptoms that arise when science anxiety is triggered. Some students thought that no special efforts were required to lower their level of anxiety because anxiety was relieved over time. The students had both negative and positive meanings for science anxiety. The results of this study will help teachers in-depth understanding of middle school science-gifted students who experience science anxiety and provide a theoretical basis for what kind of educational environment should be created and educational programs should be provided in relation to science anxiety.

Influence of University Students' Reflective Learning on Career Preparation Behavior and the Mediating Effect of Grit (대학생의 성찰학습이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향과 그릿의 매개효과)

  • Hong, Ah-Jeong;Hwang, Eunhee;Jo, Yun-seong;Kim, YongJu;Choi, Miok
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the cognitive and psychological precedence factors of career preparation behaviors of university students and to clarify the structural relationships between the variables. First, the effects of reflective learning on university students' career preparation behaviors were examined and the mediating effect of grit between reflective learning and career preparation behavior was verified. The research analyzed 307 university students in the 3rd and 4th year. The results of the study have shown that the reflective learning had a significant positive relationship with all variables of grit and career preparation behavior, but non-reflective learning have an insignificance relationship with all the main variables. In addition, reflective learning has a direct positive effect on career preparation behavior, and grit has a mediating effect on the relationship between reflective learning and career preparation behavior. The results of this study indicate that the more original variables are further identified and extended to improve career preparation behaviors of university students. It is significant that they are provided with the basic data for the development of career and job preparation education programs that can be applied in the university education field. In addition, it has been confirmed that it is important for university students to improve their ability to critically reflect on themselves, their surroundings and circumstances in order to keep them engaged and to maintain their interests. Moreover, higher education institutions should provide fundamental and extensible method of practice and educational environment.

Violent Experiences, Responses and Coping of Nurses in Long-Term Care Hospitals in J Province (J도 소재 요양병원 간호사의 폭력피해경험, 반응 및 대처양상 분석)

  • Park, Jinhee;Yoo, Kwang Soo;Kong, Eun Suk;Chang, Soo Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.869-881
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of violent experiences, the types of responses to violent experiences, the coping methods among nurses working in long-term care hospitals. Data were collected using structured questionnaires from 226 nurses in 12 long-term care hospitals in J province. Data collection was performed between April 15, 2016 and April 29, 2016. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and ${\chi}2-test$. Of all the respondents, 55.8% had experienced violence in the past 1 year. Of the perpetrators of the violence, 54.6% and 60.0%, were aged 65 and over and had cognitive functional decline, respectively. The most frequent type of violence was verbal abuse(90.5%). Following the violent experiences, emotional responses had the highest score($2.8{\pm}0.8$). The major coping behavior was "told their peers(84.1%)", followed by "disregarded it and worked although it felt bad(75.4%)". These results indicate the need to establish systems for violence prevention and coping, as well as applicable educational programs, tailored to the circumstances of long-term care hospitals and the characteristics of their patients.

A Study on the Stages of Exercise Behaviors in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (류마티스 관절염 환자의 운동행동 변화단계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji Hyun;Son, Jung Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2020
  • This study examined factors affecting the stages of exercise behavior among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The analysis was based on data collected from 238 patients who enrolled at the medical center of D university. The participants showed 5 stages of exercise behavior: pre-contemplation 23.9%, contemplation 23.0%, preparation 33.2%, action 5.0%, and maintenance 29.0%. There were statistically significant differences in perceived barriers of exercise, exercise self-efficacy, and perceived health status according to the stage of exercise behavior of the subjects. It was found that among the barriers to exercise, physical and cognitive psychological factors significantly influenced the stages of exercise behavior. Also, exercise self-efficacy significantly affected the stages of exercise behavior. Thus, for rheumatoid arthritis patients to practice and maintain proper exercise behavior, the nursing staff should continue to assess and reduce the barriers to exercise. Exercise programs should enhance self-efficacy to achieve long-term exercise behavior.

Exploring the Perception of Elementary and Secondary Pre-service Teachers about 'Novelty Space' in Learning in Geological Field Trip (야외지질학습에서 '생소한 경험 공간(Novelty Space)'에 대한 초등 예비교사와 중등 지구과학 예비교사들의 인식 탐색)

  • Choi, Yoon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of novelty space among pre-service elementary and secondary earth science teachers. We conducted a survey to explore the perceptions of 38 pre-service elementary school teachers at the National University of Education and 31 pre-service secondary earth science teachers at the Department of Earth Science Education at B University. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 participants, including three pre-service elementary teachers and nine pre-service secondary science teachers. In addition to the elements of novelty space, prior knowledge (cognition), prior outdoor learning experience (psychology), familiarity (geography) with outdoor field learning, and social and technical elements were added. When classified based on elementary and secondary levels, there were statistically significant differences in cognitive, psychological, geographic, and social areas for the elements of novelty space. Statistical differences indicated that the experience or capital related to outdoor learning may have resulted from more pre-service secondary earth science teachers than pre-service elementary teachers. In additional interviews, both elementary and secondary pre-service teachers reported that competencies in the technical domain would be emphasized in the future owing to the necessity and the technical development of virtual-reality-based outdoor field learning programs. This study emphasizes the academic significance of novelty space that should be considered to conduct geological field learning for elementary and secondary earth science pre-service teachers while considering the current post-pandemic educational context.

Structural Components Of The Digital Competence Of The Master Of Production Training Of The Agricultural Profile

  • Kovalchuk, Vasyl;Zaika, Artem;Hriadushcha, Vira;Kucherak, Iryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2022
  • With the rapid development and introduction of digital technologies, both everyday human life and technological processes of any production are changing, which stimulates the transformation of the economy and education. Digital technologies are not only a tool, but also a living environment of modern human, which opens up new opportunities: learning at any convenient time, continuing education, the ability to form individual educational learning trajectories and more. However, the digital environment requires teachers to take a modern approach to the organization of the educational process, the formation of new skills and abilities to work in the digital educational environment. As a result of the study, it was found that the system of vocational education should provide training for masters of industrial training who have a high level of digital competence. The purpose of the article is to single out, theoretically substantiate and determine the level of formation of structural components of digital competence of future masters of agricultural training. The structure of digital competence of agricultural master was analyzed on the basis of domestic and foreign scientists researches. Systematized research results indicate that digital competence consists of four components: motivational-value (combination of internal and external motives for the use of digital technologies in future professional activities), cognitive (a set of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of future master of industrial training to effectively build educational process with the use of digital technologies), activity-professional (expansion and deepening of knowledge, skills, necessary skills for effective implementation of digital technologies in the educational process) and evaluative-reflexive (ability to analyze and self-analyze own activities and its results taking into account professional characteristics, self-realization in professional activities through the use of digital technologies). These components are comparable with the indicators that describe the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by the future master of industrial training to organize the modern educational process. A questionnaire was conducted to determine the levels of this competence formation, which allows us to conclude that it is necessary to increase the level of formation of all components of digital competence of future masters of industrial training in agriculture. The results of the study can be used as a basis for the development of disciplines that form the special competencies of masters of industrial training in agriculture and programs of advanced training of teachers.

Experiences of Ageism and "Self-Ageism" (노인차별 경험과 자기연령주의(self-ageism))

  • Kim, Juhyun;Oh, Hyein;Ju, Kyonghee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.659-689
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    • 2020
  • This study focuses on the process of internalizing the perception of negative discrimination among elderly people who have experienced age discrimination. The grounded theory method was used to identify the age discrimination experienced by the elderly in their daily lives and to explore the consequences of such discrimination through self-ageism. According to the analysis results, the elderly respond not only to explicit discrimination but also to implicit discrimination. In this process, the stronger the pain of old age (poverty, disease, ignorance, and solitude) and the stronger the memory of failing to respond to discrimination, the higher the level of self-ageism. "Self-ageism" has internalized the negative image of the elderly, who have been discriminated against by age, resulting in disadvantages in terms of quality of life through various reject/separate/suspension actions in reality. In the presence of supportive resources such as health, institutional support, and caregivers, the elderly have room to overcome self-ageism through more active ways. However elderly people who cannot motivate themselves and they lack these resources, elderly are trapped in negative reflux caused by self-ageism and sustained a depressed and shrinking life. In this state, it is not easy to motivate themselves and make physical, cognitive, emotional and social responses. Therefore, in this analysis, we specifically noted two aspects, contextual conditions and interventional conditions, and proposed programs for synchronizing senior citizens and improving resiliency from a microscopic point of view, and argued for the need to develop systems such as supplementing welfare and health service systems related to the entire life cycle, expanding accessibility and 'age-integration' through 'Community Care', awareness improvement and anti-discrimination laws.