• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coastal zoning

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A Study on the Improvement of Legislation on Management of Compound Coastal Disasters (해안가 복합재해 관리를 위한 법률 현황 및 개선방향)

  • Jang, Ahreum;Kim, Sunhwa;Lee, Moonsuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.845-857
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    • 2020
  • Compound coastal disasters are a type of natural disaster featuring both internal and external flooding due to rises in sea-level, torrential rains, typhoons, and tsunamis. The, incidence and scale of damage from such disasters is increasing. This aim of this study was to review the current laws and systems managing the phenomenon of the coastal complex disaster, and to derive recommendations for improvements to manage and prevent them. In this study, the Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety, the Countermeasures against Natural Disasters Act, the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, the Coast Management Act, the River Act, and the Sewerage Act were reviewed, with focus on the district-zoning system designated by ministries for the management of natural disasters along the coast. Through a comparison of the purpose and nature of the laws, spatial scope, and management resources, it was judged that it would be desirable to comprehensively manage compound coastal disasters based on the Countermeasures Against Natural Disasters Act. In order to overcome the limitations of the current system and to derive specific measures to improve laws and systems, a questionnaire survey on detailed factors was conducted targeting experts in natural disaster management. The results indicated that it is necessary to improve the current system or introduce a new system for the management of coastal complex disasters, with integrated management of land and sea areas through the installation and operation of integrated decision-making governance by related ministries such as MOIS, MOLIT, MOF, and ME.

Construction of the Fishing Grounds Information Management System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 양식어장 정보관리 시스템 구축)

  • Park, Sung-Eun;Choi, Woo-Jeung;Lee, Won-Chan;Koo, Jun-Ho;Jung, Rae-Hong;Park, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2004
  • This paper illustrates some practical geographic information system (GIS) applications for aiding fishery managers and coastal area planners in analysing the likely control scheme of coastal farming areas, and in providing a flexible framework for decision making on fishery development and zoning issues. The effective management of marine farming operation is vitally important since it can greatly influence economic availability by determining capital outlay and by affecting running costs, rates of productions and mortality factors. GIS has been widely adopted elsewhere as a potent management tool in both the private and public sectors. GIS is now being extensively adopted in marine-associated activities. Here, we have used GeoMania v2.5 GIS software and its 3D Analyst extension module to visualize marine farming areas data that were collected around the Jinhae bay.

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Diagnosis of Conflict Problem between the Marine Environmental Conservation and Development, and Policy Implication for Marine Spatial Planning (해양환경보전과 이용·개발의 상충 분석과 해양공간계획에 대한 시사점)

  • Lee, Dae In;Tac, Dae Ho;Kim, Gui Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2016
  • This paper emphasized the necessity of the marine spatial planning (MSP) through the analysis of the major developmental projects which could make a contradiction based on the adequacy of the site selection and environmental impacts. The conflicting affairs between space utilization and management plan happen in the following ways: marine renewable energy development, sand mining, reclamation, construction of golf course in coastal area, thermal effluent and waste heat, erosion causing port development. The conflict of stakeholder continues caused by the accumulated environmental impact. For the reasons mentioned above, we found two things. First, it is necessary to comprehend the fact of developmental planning and MSP. Second, it is still unsatisfactory to connect the relevance of laws related to the spatial planning. For the reinforcement of marine environmental policy management, it is necessary to consolidate the property of site selection and assessment of developmental scale. Especially, while the strategic environmental assessment is in progress based on site selection and property of scale, consistent diagnosis is needed in the following concerns: the fact of the marine spatial planning, the relevance between national developmental plan and regional developmental plan, fisheries regulation, marine protected animals. For the environmentally sound and sustainable development (ESSD), MSP should have to be prepared based in a way of top-down including coastal and EEZ plan, relevance of ocean-use zoning and sector planning, 3-D spatial information. And also integrated information system have to be prepared through high-tech marine spatial information. In conclusion, consistent and relevant strategy for MSP should have to include the whole information related to the maritime affairs such as harbor, fishing port, fishing ground, coastal management, marine ecosystem generally.

Landscape Planning for Shiwha Migratory Birds Habitat

  • Joo Shin-Ha;Ahn Se-Hyon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2004
  • Shiwha Lake is an excellent example of a body of water restored from a state of heavy pollution to a cleaner and more ecological state. This paper will explore techniques and methods available to landscape planning for the creation of new migratory birds habitats in Shiwha Lake. Because Shiwha lake is located adjacent to a new industrial site on reclaimed land, any planning effort aimed at restoring bird habitats must carefully consider the existing context. This plan had 3 goals; (1) to restore the coastal environment, (2) to create a habitat for migratory birds, and (3) to administer environmental education programs. To achieve these goals, several objectives were determined and planning criteria were proposed for topology, water environment(fresh, brackish and salt water swamps), zoning(for experts and general visitors), circulations, planting and mounding. The flora and fauna of the site was surveyed, and 5 alternatives were suggested and compared in several aspects. Planting species were carefully selected considering target birds and habitat requirements. In order to increase bio-diversity of the site, the plan proposed multi-staired mounds and extensive drainage systems. Bird watching facilities with natural materials, and the remote observing system using CCTV and the internet were some of the ecological techniques recommended by the plan. The bird watching trails are divided into two different zones for experts and general visitors.

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Applicability of plate tectonics to the post-late Cretaceous igneous activities and mineralization in the southern part of South Korea( I ) (한국남부(韓國南部)의 백악기말(白堊紀末) 이후(以後)의 화성활동(火成活動)과 광화작용(鑛化作用)에 대(對)한 판구조론(板構造論)의 적용성(適用性) 연구(硏究)( I ))

  • Min, Kyung Duck;Kim, Ok Joon;Yun, Suckew;Lee, Dai Sung;Joo, Sung Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.123-154
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    • 1982
  • Petrochemical, K-Ar dating, Sand Rb/Sr isotopes, metallogenic zoning, paleomagnetic and geotectonic studies of the Gyongsang basin were carried out to examine applicability of plate tectonics to the post-late Cretaceous igneous activity and metallogeny in the southeastern part of Korean Peninsula. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Bulgugsa granitic rocks range from granite to adamellite, whose Q-Ab-Or triangular diagram indicates that the depth and pressure at which the magma consolidated increase from coast to inland varying from 6 km, 0.5-3.3 kb in the coastal area to 17 km, 0.5-10 kb in the inland area. 2. The volcanic rocks in Gyongsang basin range from andesitic to basaltic rocks, and the basaltic rocks are generally tholeiitic in the coastal area and alkali basalt in the inland area. 3. The volcanic rocks of the area have the initial ratio of Sr^{87}/Sr^{86} varying from 0.706 to 0.707 which suggests a continental origin; the ratio of Rb/Sr changing from 0.079-0.157 in the coastal area to 0.021-0.034 in the inland area suggests that the volcanism is getting younger toward coastal side, which may indicate a retreat in stage of differentiation if they were derived from a same magma. The K_2O/SiO_2 (60%) increases from about 1.0 in the coastal area to about 3.0 in the inland area, which may suggest an increase indepth of the Benioff zone, if existed, toward inland side. 4. The K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks were measured to be 79.4 m.y. near Daegu, and 61.7 m.y. near Busan indicating a southeastward decrease in age. The ages of plutonic rocks also decrease toward the same direction with 73 m.y. near Daegu, and 58 m.y. near Busan, so that the volcanism predated the plutonism by 6 m.y. in the continental interior and 4 m.y. along the coast. Such igneous activities provide a positive evidence for an applicability of plate tectonics to this area. 5. Sulfur isotope analyses of sulfide minerals from 8 mines revealed that these deposits were genetically connected with the spacially associated ingeous rocks showing relatively narrow range of ${\delta}^{34}S$ values (-0.9‰ to +7.5‰ except for +13.3 from Mulgum Mine). A sequence of metallogenic zones from the coast to the inland is delineated to be in the order of Fe-Cu zone, Cu-Pb-Zn zone, and W-Mo zone. A few porphyry type copper deposits are found in the Fe-Cu zone. These two facts enable the sequence to be comparable with that of Andean type in South America. 6. The VGP's of Cretaceous and post Cretaceous rocks from Korea are located near the ones($71^{\circ}N$, $180^{\circ}E$ and $90^{\circ}N$, $110^{\circ}E$) obtained from continents of northern hemisphere. This suggests that the Korean peninsula has been stable tectonically since Cretaceous, belonging to the Eurasian continent. 7. Different polar wandering path between Korean peninsula and Japanese islands delineates that there has been some relative movement between them. 8. The variational feature of declination of NRM toward northwestern inland side from southeastern extremity of Korean peninsula suggests that the age of rocks becomes older toward inland side. 9. The geological structure(mainly faults) and trends of lineaments interpreted from the Landsat imagery reveal that NNE-, NWW- and NEE-trends are predominant in the decreasing order of intensity. 10. The NNE-trending structures were originated by tensional and/or compressional forces, the directions of which were parallel and perpendicular respectively to the subduction boundary of the Kula plate during about 90 m.y. B.P. The NWW-trending structures were originated as shear fractures by the same compressional forces. The NEE-trending structures are considered to be priginated as tension fractures parallel to the subduction boundary of the Kula plate during about 70 m.y. B.P. when Japanese islands had drifted toward southeast leaving the Sea of Japan behind. It was clearly demonstrated by many authors that the drifting of Japanese islands was accompanied with a rotational movement of a clock-wise direction, so that it is inferred that subduction boundary had changed from NNE- to NEE-direction. A number of facts and features mentioned above provide a suite of positive evidences enabling application of plate tectonics to the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary igneous activity and metallogeny in the area. Synthesizing these facts, an arc-trench system of continental margin-type is adopted by reconstructing paleogeographic models for the evolution of Korean peninsula and Japan islands. The models involve an extention mechanism behind the are(proto-Japan), by which proto-Japan as of northeastern continuation of Gyongsang zone has been drifted rotationally toward southeast. The zone of igneous activity has also been migrated from the inland in late-Cretaceous to the peninsula margin and southwestern Japan in Tertiary.

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Regional Distribution of Duration of Sunshine and Percentage of Sunshine by Jordan Type Sunshine Recorder and Bimetal Type Sunshine Recorder (Jordan 일조계(日照計)와 Bimetal 일조계(日照計)로 관측(觀測)된 일조시간(日照時間) 및 일조율(日照率)의 지역분포(地域分布) 비교(比較) 분석(分析))

  • Lee, Jeong-Taek;Yun, Seong-Ho;Park, Moo-Eon;Kim, Byung-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 1994
  • Two types of sunshine recorders, Jordan and bimetal, were used for measuring the duration of sunshine and percentage of sunshine in Weather Forecast Offices(WFO) and Weather Observation Stations(WOS) in Korea, respectively.These two gauges showed different values in each element observation. To evaluate the solar energy resources by duration and percentage of sunshine, relevant parameter should be adapted to use the two kinds of data for zoning of agricultural climatic area and comparison of regional solar energy distributions. In this respect, the correlation and distribution pattern were found by analyzing data from the two types of sunshine recorders. The results were as follows. The monthly duration of sunshine by the Jordan type was $50{\sim}60$ hours lower than the bimetal type and its value in May was the highest in a year. The percentage of sunshine by the Jordan type was $5{\sim}10%$ lower than the bimetal type. The seasonal difference of sunshine hour data by two types of sunshine recorder became small in winter but large in summer. Standard deviation of monthly duration of sunshine of WFO and WOS was $11{\sim}32$ and $17{\sim}25$ hours and percentage of sunshine was $3{\sim}11$ and $4{\sim}9$ % respectively. The range of deviation in WOS data was smaller than WFO. The highest distribution of duration and percentage of sunshine was in the Southern Coastal Area, whereas the lowest in the Central North Western Area.

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