• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coastal Topography

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The Spatial Distribution of Snowfall and its Development Mechanism over the Honam Area (호남 지방의 국지적 강설 분포와 그 차이의 원인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Seung-Ho;Lee Kyoung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.457-469
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to understand the characteristics of spatial distribution of snowfall and to analyze its development mechanism in Honam province in Korea. The areas of snowfall in Honan area can be divided into the seven sub-area by snowfall pattern. In the west coastal area of heavy snowfall and the southwest coastal area of heavy snowfall, snowfall develops over reason of ocean by Siberian High while in the northern inland area of heavy snowfall and the southern inland area of heavy snowfall, it develops when a strong Siberian High affects to inland. Then, much snowfall is by a forced ascending due to topography in Namwon, Imsil and Gwangju of the northwestward of the Noryung and Sobaek mountain ranges while it is weak in Jeonju and Suncheon of the low plains and the southeastward. In the mountainous area of heavy snowfall and the south coastal area of light snowfall, cyclone is also one of causes of snowfall. In the southwest coastal area, snowfall is meager than the southwest coastal area of heavy snowfall because this area is far from the west coast. It is confirmed that the snowfall difference of the coast, inland and mountainous area appears by temperature difference of sea surface and 850hPa temperature, wind speed of Siberian High.

Survey of coastal topography using images from a single UAV (단일 UAV를 이용한 해안 지형 측량)

  • Noh, Hyoseob;Kim, Byunguk;Lee, Minjae;Park, Yong Sung;Bang, Ki Young;Yoo, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.spc1
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    • pp.1027-1036
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    • 2023
  • Coastal topographic information is crucial in coastal management, but point measurment based approeaches, which are labor intensive, are generally applied to land and underwater, separately. This study introduces an efficient method enabling land and undetwater surveys using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This method involves applying two different algorithms to measure the topography on land and water depth, respectively, using UAV imagery and merge them to reconstruct whole coastal digital elevation model. Acquisition of the landside terrain is achieved using the Structure-from-Motion Multi-View Stereo technique with spatial scan imagery. Independently, underwater bathymetry is retrieved by employing a depth inversion technique with a drone-acquired wave field video. After merging the two digital elevation models into a local coordinate, interpolation is performed for areas where terrain measurement is not feasible, ultimately obtaining a continuous nearshore terrain. We applied the proposed survey technique to Jangsa Beach, South Korea, and verified that detailed terrain characteristics, such as berm, can be measured. The proposed UAV-based survey method has significant efficiency in terms of time, cost, and safety compared to existing methods.

Assessment of Blocking Effect of Natural and Artificial Topography on Sunshine Duration Using GIS Data and Sunshine Model (GIS 자료와 일조모델을 이용한 자연적 및 인공적 지형에 의한 일조차단 평가)

  • Kim, Do Yong;Kim, Jae Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2016
  • The present study evaluated the blocking effect of natural and artificial topography on sunshine duration in the southern coastal area of Haui-do. The geospatial data for the target area was constructed by geographic information system(GIS) data. Three-dimensional modeling based on solar azimuth and altitude angles was conducted for the assessment of sunshine environment. The sunshine area was evaluated over 80~90% of the target area in the daytime, especially in summer. The blocking effect of mountainous terrain on sunshine duration was presented at the northern residential area in the late afternoon. There was also the effect of artificial topography by construction of fill-up bank on sunshine environment at the southern residential area early in the morning and the south-western part of salt field in the late afternoon.

Application of FIT Model to Near Mokpo Harbor (음해조석모형의 목포항 인근해역에의 적용)

  • 강주환
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 1995
  • The FIT(fully implicit tidal) model which adopts PCGCS (preconditioned conjugate gradient squared) method is developed and is applied to near Mokpo Harbor. Comparing computational results with observed velocities and elevations for the M$_2$ tidal constituent, agreeable correspondence is detected. The validity of the model is also proven by applying it to such areas which have narrow width (therefore showing rapid velocity), irregular topography and complex geometry. Tidal amplification phenomenon according to the constructions of seadike and sea-walls is considered by analyzing the 'filter effect' of Mokpo-ku using the model.

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SST Effect upon Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Dispersion (대기확산의 수치모의에서 SST 효과)

  • 이화운;원경미;조인숙
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.767-777
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    • 1999
  • In the coastal region air flow changes due to the abrupt change of surface temperature between land and sea. So a numerical simulation for atmospheric flow fields must be considered the correct fields of sea surface temperature(SST). In this study, we used variables such as latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, short and long wave radiation of ocean and atmosphere which exchanged across the sea surface between atmosphere and ocean model. We found that this consideration simulated the more precise SST fields by comparing with those of the observated results. Simulated horizontal SST differences in season were 2.5~4$^{\circ}C$. Therefore we simulated the more precise atmospheric flow fields and the movement and dispersion of the pollutants with the Lagrangian particle dispersion model. In the daytime dispersion pattern of the pollutants emitted from ship sources moved toward inland, in the night time moved toward sea by land/sea breeze criculation. But air pollutants dispersion can be affected by inland topography, especially Yangsan and coastal area because of nocturnal wind speed decrease.

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Transformation of Long Waves with Vertical Acceleration (연식방향의 가속도를 고려한 장파의 변형해석)

  • 여운광
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.112-117
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    • 1990
  • Boussinesq-type equations should be employed in which the water surface profile is considerably steep or the bottom topography is abruptly changed. The primary reason is that the pressure deviates significantly from the hydrostatic pressure distribution due to the large curvature of the stream lines. It is shown that such a Boussinesq type equation can be also derived by making use of the concept of the averaged flow description for specifying the turbulence effects. In addition, a numerical scheme is developed to solve the equations and the effects of the Boussinesq term is briefly investigated.

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The Change Detection of SST of Saemangeum Coastal Area using Landsat and MODIS (Landsat TM과 MODIS 영상을 이용한 새만금해역 표층수온 변화 탐지)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2011
  • The Saemangeum embankment construction have changed the flowing on the topography of the coastal marine environment. However, the variety of ecological factors are changing from outside of Saemangeum embankment area. The ecosystem of various marine organisms have led to changes by sea surface temperature. The aim of this study is to monitoring of sea surface temperature(SST) changes were measured by using thermal infrared satellite imagery, MODIS and Landsat. The MODIS data have the high temporal resolution and Landsat satellite data with high spatial resolution was used for time series monitoring. The extracted informations from sea surface temperature changes were compared with the dyke to allow them inside and outside of Saemangeum embankment. The spatial extent of the spread of sea water were analyzed by SST using MODIS and Landsat thermal channel data. The difference of sea surface temperature between inland and offshore waters of Saemangeum embankment have changed by seasonal flow and residence time of sea water in dyke.

A Finite Element Model for Impact Assessment of Dike Construction (방파제 축조 영향해석에서의 유한요소모형)

  • 서승원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 1994
  • Studied was impact assessment of sea dike construction in Saemankeum. To represent complexity of the geometry and topography of the region a flexible finite grid system are adopted. Combined fine and coarse meshes based on automatic mesh generator were applied in pre-processing. A nonlinear periodic finite element model. TEANL, was implied in this analysis, which gave good results compared to the observed data. It was predicted that the front region of dike connecting Shinsi-Karyeok-Daehang-Pyunsan will behave as a closed rectangular bay with wide width, which may affect significantly to the circulation and dispersion mechanism in the region.

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Estimation of Coastal Terrain Differences Using the Chart (해도를 이용한 해안 지형의 변화량 산정)

  • 양인태;한성만;최승필
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2002
  • Development of the shore in western sea is decreasing of silt and is threatening sea ecosystem. Large size land-reclamation work by industralization have caused weather changes and sea changes, and have generated much changes topography of sea bottom and coastline. Also, It is influencing to route of ship. In this research, line for 0 m, 2 m, and coastline of land portion is digitalized. It is divided in four block, and is analyzed severally to know the degree of coastal changes by new airport construction, new town construction, and tide embankment construction.