• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coastal Disaster Prevention

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Trends of the Storm Wave Appearance on the East Coast Analyzed by using Long-term Wave Observation Data (장기실측 파랑자료 분석을 통한 동해안 폭풍파 출현 추세)

  • Jeong, Weon Mu;Ryu, Kyong-Ho;Oh, Sang-Ho;Baek, Won-dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2016
  • The trend in appearance of storm waves on the east coast of Korea was investigated based on long-term wave data observed at six different stations. At the four wave stations of KIOST (Sokcho, Mukho, Hupo, and Jinha), no notable trend was found during the observation period with respect to the annual average and maximum values of the significant wave height. In addition, the annual number of the appearance of storm waves showed decreasing trend at the three stations except Jinha, where slightly increasing trend of the quantity was recognized. In contrast, at Donghea ocean data buoy of KMA, abruptly increasing trend was found for the annual average and maximum of the significant wave height and for the annual number of the appearance of storm waves as well, demonstrating lack of consistency in the observation data from Donghea buoy of KMA.

Decision-Making Model Research for the Calculation of the National Disaster Management System's Standard Disaster Prevention Workforce Quota : Based on Local Authorities

  • Lee, Sung-Su;Lee, Young-Jai
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.163-189
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a decision-making model for the calculation of the National Disaster Management System's standard prevention workforce quota. The final purpose of such model is to support in arranging a rationally sized prevention workforce for local authorities by providing information about its calculation in order to support an effective and efficient disaster management administration. In other words, it is to establish and develop a model that calculates the standard disaster prevention workforce quota for basic local governments in order to arrange realistically required prevention workforce. In calculating Korea's prevention workforce, it was found that the prevention investment expenses, number of prevention facilities, frequency of flood damage, number of disaster victims, prevention density, and national disaster recovery costs have positive influence on the dependent variable when the standard prevention workforce was set as the dependent variable. The model based on the regression analysis-which consists of dependent and independent variables-was classified into inland mountainous region, East coast region, Southwest coastal plain region to reflect regional characteristics for the calculation of the prevention workforce. We anticipate that the decision-making model for the standard prevention workforce quota will aid in arranging an objective and essential prevention workforce for Korea's basic local authorities.

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  • Yamashita, Takao;Bekku, Isao
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1995
  • Storm surges are defined as abnormal changes of sea surface elevation whose periods range from several hours to days. The generation mechanism is separated into two. One is sea water suction due to atmospheric depression and the other is wind-driven sea water circulation. The former is a forced long-wave motion which is accompanied by a typhoon. (omitted)

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Research on improvement measures of Harbor tranquility in Geumjin Fishing Port Excited by Incident Short Random Waves (단주기 불규칙파에 의한 금진항 정온도 개선대책 연구)

  • Chang, Sung-Yeol;Moon, Yong-Ho;Park, Won-Kyung
    • Journal of Coastal Disaster Prevention
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2017
  • Most of the short period waves are blocked by the breakwaters when the short period irregular waves propagate into the ports. However, nonlinear irregular wave numerical experiments show that the long waves generated by the nonlinear interaction is predominant in the port. Seiches phenomenon in Geumjin Fishing Port is very similar to 60 and 300 second harbor oscillations. By arranging the inner breakwater of the proper length in the inside of the port, it is possible to effectively reduce seiches, as well as the short-period wave, and significantly improve the harbor tranquility. In the case of rectangular basin type such as the Geumjin Fishing Port, the multi-directional irregular wave numerical model should be used for the investigation and countermeasures for the harbor tranquility.

Succession and Stand Dimension Attributes of Pinus thunbergii Coastal Forests after Damage from Diplodia Tip Blight around the Sakurajima Volcano, Southern Kyushu, Japan

  • Teramoto, Yukiyoshi;Shimokawa, Etsuro;Ezaki, Tsugio;Jang, Su-Jin;Kim, Suk-Woo;Lee, Youn-Tae;Chun, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.481-489
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the succession and stand dimension attributes related to the disaster prevention function of Pinus thunbergii coastal forests were examined after damage from Diplodia tip blight. In 2015, 101 years after the Taisho eruption, field investigations were performed on the vegetation, soil thickness, and pH of surface soil of P. thunbergii coastal forests in western Sakurajima (Hakamagoshi plot) and Taisho lava flows in southeastern Sakurajima (Seto plot). The Hakamagoshi plot had more woody plant species with larger basal areas than that in the Seto plot. The mean age and height, maximal age and height of plant species, and H/D ratio were all larger in the Hakamagoshi plot than in the Seto plot. These results may be explained by the relatively smaller effect of volcanic ash and gas on forests in the Hakamagoshi plot compared to the Seto plot, resulting in a more suitable environment for many plant species. Although P. thunbergii coastal forests in Sakurajima are currently recovering from damages owing to Diplodia tip blight, there has not yet been a sufficient recovery compared to the results from a 1997 study. Furthermore, the results of assessment based on the H/D ratio and abundance of trees in P. thunbergii forests indicate that both regions are not yet effective in disaster prevention. Thus, it is necessary to establish Pinus trees, which can adjust to harsh environments like coastal areas and are resistant to volcanic ash and gas, to enhance the disaster prevention function of P. thunbergii coastal forests in volcanic regions. It may also be helpful to establish coastal forests with ectotrophic mycorrhizal fungi and organic matter coverage. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure the continuous maintenance of stand density and soil quality, and further develop efforts to prevent Diplodia tip blight and promote forest recovery.

Sensitivity Analysis in the Prediction of Coastal Erosion due to Storm Events: case study-Ilsan beach (태풍 기인 연안침식 예측의 불확실성 분석: 사례연구-일산해변)

  • Son, Donghwi;Yoo, Jeseon;Shin, Hyunhwa
    • Journal of Coastal Disaster Prevention
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2019
  • In coastal morphological modelling, there are a number of input factors: wave height, water depth, sand particle size, bed friction coefficients, coastal structures and so forth. Measurements or estimates of these input data may include uncertainties due to errors by the measurement or hind-casting methods. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the uncertainty of each input data and the range of the uncertainty during the evaluation of numerical results. In this study, three uncertainty factors are considered with regard to the prediction of coastal erosion in Ilsan beach located in Ilsan-dong, Ulsan metropolitan city. Those are wave diffraction effect of XBeach model, wave input scenario and the specification of the coastal structure. For this purpose, the values of mean wave direction, significant wave height and the height of the submerged breakwater were adjusted respectively and the followed numerical results of morphological changes are analyzed. There were erosion dominant patterns as the wave direction is perpendicular to Ilsan beach, the higher significant wave height, and the lower height of the submerged breakwater. Furthermore, the rate of uncertainty impacts among mean wave direction, significant wave height and the height of the submerged breakwater are compared. In the study area, the uncertainty influence by the wave input scenario was the largest, followed by the height of the submerged breakwater and the mean wave direction.

Analysis of Seasonal Morphodynamic Patterns using Delft3D in Anmok Coast (수치모델링을 통한 안목해안에서 계절에 따른 지형변동 패턴 분석)

  • Kim, Mujong;Son, Donghwi;Yoo, Jeseon
    • Journal of Coastal Disaster Prevention
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, coastal areas have been suffering from coastal erosion, such as destruction of coastal roads and military facilities. In this study, the Delft3D model was used to analyze the sediment transport pattern due to seasonal characteristics of summer and winter waves in Anmok beach of the East coast. Typhoon and high waves are mainly are coming from ENE direction in the summer season and the flows occur in the northward. In winter, high waves are incident from NE and the flows occur in the southward. These seasonal patterns were simulated by using Delft3D model. As for model input, reanalysis wave data of the past 38 years were used, and the seasonal patterns were analyzed by dividing the whole year into summer and winter season. The grid point of the 38 year reanalysis data is far from the Anmok beach, so the three model grid systems (wide grid -> intermediate grid -> detailed grid) are constructed. Most of the flows in the NW direction occurred in summer, but erosion and deposition was alternated along the coastline. In winter, sediment was deposited near Gangnung Port due to the southern flow and the southern port. Strong winter waves compared to summer tend to cause deposition around Gangnung Port throughout the year.

The Necessity and Method of Stand Density Control Considering the Shape Ratio of Pinus thunbergii Coastal Disaster Prevention Forests in South Korea (곰솔 해안방재림의 형상비를 고려한 밀도 관리의 필요성과 방안)

  • Kim, Suk-Woo;Chun, Kun-Woo;Park, Ki-Hyung;Lim, Young-Hyup;Yun, Ju-Ung;Kwon, Se-Myoung;Youn, Ho-Joong;Lee, Jin-Ho;Teramoto, Yukiyoshi;Ezaki, Tsugio
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.3
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2015
  • This study examined methods for stand density control by using shape ratio (tree height/DBH) and its application for effective management of Pinus thunbergii coastal disaster prevention forests. We analyzed the present conditions (height, DBH, and density) of P. thunbergii coastal disaster prevention forests at 123 study sites on Jeju Island and west, south, and east coasts of South Korea and compared them with results from previous studies. The average shape ratio for P. thunbergii showed positive correlations with stand density and was significantly higher on the west coast (66.32) than on the south (49.57) and east (48.19) coasts and Jeju Island (48.29). Stands with shape ratio higher than 70 accounted for 50% of the total study sites on the west coast, indicating a decrease in their disaster prevention function compared to that of other previous studies. The stand density in most coastal areas, except the east coast, was significantly higher than the standards recommended by the Korea Forest Service and the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute of Japan, indicating the need for stand density control. According to the growth estimation equation for P. thunbergii in the coastal area of South Korea, density control is required for young stands less than 14 years old, which show drastic increase in the shape ratio, to conserve their disaster prevention function. Particularly, the first thinning of P. thunbergii forests should be implemented before the stand age of 8 years that a shape ratio exceeds 70. For disaster-prone young stands (${\leq}20cm$ DBH) of P. thunbergii, the stand density was higher in the standard of Japan considering shape ratio than in that of Korea aiming timber production. Hence, the standard guidelines employed in Japan, which assign higher importance to disaster prevention function based on field surveys, can be applied effectively for controlling the stand density of P. thunbergii coastal forests in South Korea, to improve their disaster prevention function.


  • Yamashita, Takao
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.3-6
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    • 1996
  • On July 12, 1993, a large earthquake (M=7.8) occurred off the south-west of Hokkaido, Japan. The tsunami generated by this earthquake caused a disaster which took a heavy toll of lives, more than 200 persons dead, by the flooding of tsunami in the area of Aonae district in Okushiri island. Investigation after the disaster made clear that southern lowland was flooded by the tsunami coming from west about 5 min after the shock and the second tsunami from the east attacked eastern lowland of the Aonae District about 10 min after the shock. (omitted)

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Sonar System Application for detection of underwater work space boundary using seabed type underwater equipments (착저형 수중장비를 이용한 수중작업 시 작업경계면 인식을 위한 소나시스템 활용법)

  • Shin, Changjoo;Jang, In-Sung;Won, Deokhee;Seo, Jung-min;Baek, Won-Dae;Kim, Kihun;KIM, JONG HOON
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.678-684
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    • 2016
  • The detection of an underwater work space boundary is very important when an underwater construction is carried out using seabed type underwater equipment, such as underwater machines for rubble mound leveling, because it can induce industrial disasters. Therefore, divers are needed to mark the underwater work space boundary. A nylon rope is used to improve the convenience during an underwater diver's work. The results showed that the work space boundary can be detected using a sonar system. Using these results, an efficient method to detect the underwater work space boundary can be obtained when an underwater construction is carried out using seabed type underwater equipment.